Sleep Apnea

Just a heads up - a few weeks ago we were flying out of MSP and my DH's bag with the CPAP inside got flagged to be screened separately, which has happened a few times, but mostly it has just gone through. The TSA agent then told us that there has been a recent change and that CPAPs should never go through without being flagged at this point, unless we take them out of the bag (like a laptop) and run it through in one of the bins, which we can do, of course. We just didn't know! Has anyone else experienced this in the last month?

I thought some of you other CPAP bearing air travelers might appreciate the forewarning and the opportunity to expedite your trip through security.

I travel quite a bit with my job (anywhere from 1 to 3 times a week) - for the past several months, TSA has been pulling my CPAP out to check it. This has been happening at both large and small airports. It wasn't as frequent a happening prior to that.
Apparently TSA is under "orders" to check CPAP machines. I travel a lot and my CPAP gets checked more than anything I've ever seen. I *always* carry it on - I would never dream of checking it. Ever.

There is a ton of good information in this thread - I've had Obstructive Sleep Apnea for years now, and a lot of information here (from making sure the mask has a good fit and how to properly clean it) is wonderful. Remember that the mask that works for you may be a disaster for the next person.

Good luck to everybody - this is a treatable condition. CPAP therapy works - if people comply and use their equipment properly!
Apparently TSA is under "orders" to check CPAP machines. I travel a lot and my CPAP gets checked more than anything I've ever seen. I *always* carry it on - I would never dream of checking it. Ever.

There is a ton of good information in this thread - I've had Obstructive Sleep Apnea for years now, and a lot of information here (from making sure the mask has a good fit and how to properly clean it) is wonderful. Remember that the mask that works for you may be a disaster for the next person.

Good luck to everybody - this is a treatable condition. CPAP therapy works - if people comply and use their equipment properly!

Hi NJBlackBerry!!! Welcome to the thread!

I'm so glad you have joined us! Being a new user, the information and encouragement I have gotten here has been tremendous! I have started to notice a difference...just a little, but a difference none the less.

I have a find the right mask for me. So far, my doc and my insurance company seem to be flexible and understanding. I'll know more in a few weeks, I guess.

I haven't traveled with my machine yet, but as someone mentioned earlier, it doesn't count as a regular carry on so I will be carrying it on with me! :laughing:

Please share any other tips you might have!
What do all of you do about the distilled water for the humidifier when you fly?

In the past, I took water in a Nalgene bottle for the humidier. The last time I flew was in April prior to the liquid ban. We are flying in Feb - any tips? Should I just buy it at our destination?

thanks in advance for any suggestions.
What do all of you do about the distilled water for the humidifier when you fly?

In the past, I took water in a Nalgene bottle for the humidier. The last time I flew was in April prior to the liquid ban. We are flying in Feb - any tips? Should I just buy it at our destination?

thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Wow!! Good question!!

Sorry I can't answer it for you!:rotfl: But I know someone will!
What do all of you do about the distilled water for the humidifier when you fly?

In the past, I took water in a Nalgene bottle for the humidier. The last time I flew was in April prior to the liquid ban. We are flying in Feb - any tips? Should I just buy it at our destination?

thanks in advance for any suggestions.

If I travel with my humidifier, I pick up water at my destination. I usually have a rental car so it's not a problem to stop somewhere between the airport and hotel. On a few occasions, I've used a cab to get to a store (asked about the store at the front desk or looked in a phonebook) to buy water. Just my preference but I've never wanted the hassle of dealing with water on a flight - it seemed easier for me to pick it up at wherever I was going.
Apparently TSA is under "orders" to check CPAP machines. I travel a lot and my CPAP gets checked more than anything I've ever seen. I *always* carry it on - I would never dream of checking it. Ever.

That's my feeling too. It wouldn't surprise me that if one day we are told to put our CPAP machines into their own separate bin much like the way we do now with computers and video cameras. Maybe we should invest in the companies that manufacture those bins!

To be honest though, I was always mildly surprised that the TSA didn't scrutinize CPAP machines more in the past. It just seemed odd to me that they were closely looking at my shoes while I cruised through security with an electronic medical device. Go figure ...............
If I travel with my humidifier, I pick up water at my destination. I usually have a rental car so it's not a problem to stop somewhere between the airport and hotel. On a few occasions, I've used a cab to get to a store (asked about the store at the front desk or looked in a phonebook) to buy water. Just my preference but I've never wanted the hassle of dealing with water on a flight - it seemed easier for me to pick it up at wherever I was going.

thanks - we will have a car this trip so I will do that.
Hey All! Just brought home a CPAP yesterday... I've got a headache, and my nostrils are pink... I didtched the amchine at 2:30.... Will it get better?
Hey All! Just brought home a CPAP yesterday... I've got a headache, and my nostrils are pink... I didtched the amchine at 2:30.... Will it get better?

Hi Michelle!

I do understand how you are feeling!! It's been about 45 days for me and I'm still struggling with the mask part.

YES it will get better!!

Does your CPAP have a humidifier? That might help the headache. It could also be that the headgear is too tight.

My nose hurts most mornings from the "nasal pillows" but even that is getting better. With two headgear/mask combinations I am able to switch things up for my comfort.

They say 4-5 hours a night is considered compliant. I'm able to wear mine all night most nights. Every now and then the mask gets to me and I end up flinging it off in the middle of the night.

Give this mask/headgear combination a couple of days. If you are still having problems, go back to your doc/provider and ask them if you can try some other mask/headgear. There are so many options available and you might have to do some trial and error to get the right one for you!!

Keep us posted on how you are doing, okay?
I've never been able to use a "pillows" style of mask - just not comfortable to me. I just tried this mask and it's one that I can use. I like that it doesn't block my vision at all.

Wow! This one looks interesting!

The mirage mask is very similar to this one (it also doesn't block vision) and I use it most every night

The part that goes into/under the nose is very similar to what I'm using now. I do have some irritation with them sometimes, but it's usually only after three to five days, then I switch to the other mask to get a break.
Wow! This one looks interesting!

The mirage mask is very similar to this one (it also doesn't block vision) and I use it most every night

The part that goes into/under the nose is very similar to what I'm using now. I do have some irritation with them sometimes, but it's usually only after three to five days, then I switch to the other mask to get a break.

This one is somewhat different in style from the ones that I have tried. It has a strap that goes under your chin to support the mask and keeps the pillows from getting smashed into your nares. It's very comfortable. I also found that I can lay on either side while I'm asleep and the seal doesn't break, i.e., no leaks!
I'm also new to using a CPAP. I've had mine for a little over a week. I've tried 3 different masks and I think I've finally found one that works. The good thing is the medical supply company lets you try the masks for 10 days before you are commited to it. I had the first one for 6 days, the second for just overnight and the current one for 2 nights now. I believe this one will work.
I slept very little when I went for my sleep study. And after they determined I had sleep apnea and put on the mask, I never slept again that night. So I have to go back in a couple weeks for another study to see if the pressure is right.
I do have a problem with getting back to sleep if I get up at night. But I guess it will take some getting used to.
I'm also new to using a CPAP. I've had mine for a little over a week. I've tried 3 different masks and I think I've finally found one that works. The good thing is the medical supply company lets you try the masks for 10 days before you are commited to it. I had the first one for 6 days, the second for just overnight and the current one for 2 nights now. I believe this one will work.
I slept very little when I went for my sleep study. And after they determined I had sleep apnea and put on the mask, I never slept again that night. So I have to go back in a couple weeks for another study to see if the pressure is right.
I do have a problem with getting back to sleep if I get up at night. But I guess it will take some getting used to.

I was originally prescribed a pressure of 11cmH2O but lost some weight. As a result, this pressure was too high and I changed from straight CPAP to an Auto-CPAP. With an auto, the physician will prescribe a high and low pressure - the machine will change the pressures during the night depending on what is happening with your airway. There are software algorithms in the auto to allow this to happen. As a result, my average pressure during the night runs from about 7.5 to 8.5 cmH2O, I don't have the problems that I was experiencing at 11cmH2O (air in the stomach), and my AHI is averaging about 2.5 to 3.0 - lower than when I was on straight CPAP. The nice thing is that an auto allows changes for variability during the night.

You might want to talk to your doctor about an auto if your CPAP pressure remains an issue. I do have to say that some doctors do not believe in autos (think that it may cause arousals) but it is becoming a more accepted treatment. My personal doctor didn't really believe in autos at first but I'm able to download compliance and pressure information from my CPAP (Encore software) - I showed him comparisons between my straight CPAP and the auto and now he doesn't have any trouble recommending an auto.

With regards to your having problems getting back to sleep when you get up, did the homecare company turn on the ramp feature of your CPAP (assuming that it has one)? You may want to change the time on the ramp if it is on to see if that allows you to fall asleep a little easier.

Hang in there with the CPAP - it does take some people a little bit of time to get used to it but the health benefits of using the machine are huge!
With regards to your having problems getting back to sleep when you get up, did the homecare company turn on the ramp feature of your CPAP (assuming that it has one)? You may want to change the time on the ramp if it is on to see if that allows you to fall asleep a little easier.
I do have the ramp on it and I can actually adjust that myself. But it is not the air pressure that keeps me awake. It is readjusting the mask and trying to get comfortable again.
Hi Bonnie!! Welcome to the thread!

I live in Virginia too...which part do you live in?

Unfortunately, my ramp up feature was already set to maximum (25 minutes) for a long time I felt that wasn't long I don't even use that feature. My pressure is set to 11cmH2O and I turn it on full blast and haven't had any problems getting to sleep.

But I do understand the issues with the masks. I felt like a real pain the first few weeks...I kept asking for different masks and the people at my providers office didn't seem to be all that accommodating. So...I've dealt with what I have for now and I see them for my first follow up (60 days) in a couple of weeks. I plan to discuss the mask issues with them.

I have a similar I move or change positions through the night, the mask loses it's seal and I've quickly found there is nothing more irritating than a bad seal!

Lately I've been getting headaches at night (and waking with them) I ramped up the humidity of my machine and that seemed to help.

You will get used to the mask...I was surprised at how quickly I adjusted to it.

Keep us posted on your progress!!!
Hi Bonnie!! Welcome to the thread!

I live in Virginia too...which part do you live in?

I live near Charlottesville, VA.

My pressure is set at 7. I guess that's low. That's why I'll have to have another sleep study to see if it's doing the job. I feel like it is but I guess I'm not the one to make that call. I have my ramp set for 10 minutes and I don't really need it set at all. I think I can breathe better when it gets to its full pressure. I do have the humidifier on it, so drying isn't a problem. The thing is having to clean everything daily. I feel like I'm wasting good distilled water cause there is still some left the next morning. I was told to rinse out the container with soap and water each day and do a weekly cleaning with vinegar. The nosepiece is no problem since it pops off and just needs to be swished out.
I live near Charlottesville, VA.

My pressure is set at 7. I guess that's low. That's why I'll have to have another sleep study to see if it's doing the job. I feel like it is but I guess I'm not the one to make that call. I have my ramp set for 10 minutes and I don't really need it set at all. I think I can breathe better when it gets to its full pressure. I do have the humidifier on it, so drying isn't a problem. The thing is having to clean everything daily. I feel like I'm wasting good distilled water cause there is still some left the next morning. I was told to rinse out the container with soap and water each day and do a weekly cleaning with vinegar. The nosepiece is no problem since it pops off and just needs to be swished out.

OH yeah!!! The cleaning gets to me too!! Every darn day!!! And I find that my hose needs to be cleaned about every 3 days. Mostly I just wash out the nose piece and the water container with anitbacterial soap every day (I don't worry about the vinegar cleaning). The hose gets cleaned out with the same soap and VERY hot water. I am considering looking into something that is more disinfectant but doesn't have a strong chemical smell.

I know what you mean about wasting the water...thank goodness it's fairly inexpensive.

Oh...and I'm at the other end of the Hampton!


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