SDV August 21-24 2008 WE'RE HOME!!!

have so much fun everyone!!!!!!! have a great breakfast together!!!!!
enjoy every second!!!!

If there is anything you need from MouseMemories let me know and I can pick it up for you. I hope to check out the website and make a list of my must haves. Otherwise I spend way to much time in that store, and too much time means too much money being spent.


Thanks so much for the offer Carol!!! How thoughtful of you! I think I am good - I'm sure I'll do enough damage with the vendors at SDV - best I not make it worse! :lmao:
I can't believe this time next week I will be waking up at the Yacht Club and getting ready to head over to the convention center to set up my space. I just hope I will be able to sleep the night before. This being my first SDV I really don't have any idea what to expect - except for a lot of fun.:dance3:

I'll dance with you guys. :dance3:

I'm going to SO need this weekend. We had Julia in the emergency room last night because her ear piercing got very badly infected. It was so bad they transferred her to the Children's hospital. We're home now, and it's a wait and see game but we're hoping she won't need surgery, we'll know more after the weekend once the antibiotics kick in. The poor kid is totally fine though (I could use a stiff drink!) but she keeps referring to the bad guy who stole her earring. :lmao:
Oh my goodness! The poor kid. I'll be hoping she doesn't need surgery. :hug:
Just a few more days and you can party with the ladies!!! :woohoo:
Diana Lyn, you must have been a wreck. Go have two strong drinks! :hug:

I hope everything heals quickly for her. The man who stole her earring must have been a pirate. pirate:
I'll dance with you guys. :dance3:

I'm going to SO need this weekend. We had Julia in the emergency room last night because her ear piercing got very badly infected. It was so bad they transferred her to the Children's hospital. We're home now, and it's a wait and see game but we're hoping she won't need surgery, we'll know more after the weekend once the antibiotics kick in. The poor kid is totally fine though (I could use a stiff drink!) but she keeps referring to the bad guy who stole her earring. :lmao:

oh diana! i'm so sorry to hear about your little ones ear. hugs and pixie dust that it heals quick!:flower3: :wizard: :hug:
Diana I will have a Margarita waiting for you!

Hugs to Julia, what a trooper. did you get her earring back?? Was she allergic to the metal?

Hey, are y'all bringing pics of your families?? I was thinking of bringing one of the kids to breakfast.
as long as they aren't my kids go for it!!! LOL although 16 girls chatting up a storm will drive the boys insane! :rotfl2: but how cool would it be to meet mommy's imaginary friends!
You have got to be kidding me by total coincidence I just noticed my vacation is over these same days grrrrr. To bad money is tighter than.....
Those who are going down early please be careful. The roads in Florida get really slick when it rains. I am anxiously awaiting to see when and what way this thing is going to turn. My preference would be that it just die out over Cuba, but I don't think that will happen. I won't be leaving till Thursday am and the storm (don't want to think hurricane) should be just north of me on Wednesday. Two of my roommates live on the west coast of Florida and I am concerned they may get some nasty weather. Stay safe Amy and Diana!!


:dance3: Keep on dancing and think positive.
Those who are going down early please be careful. The roads in Florida get really slick when it rains. I am anxiously awaiting to see when and what way this thing is going to turn. My preference would be that it just die out over Cuba, but I don't think that will happen. I won't be leaving till Thursday am and the storm (don't want to think hurricane) should be just north of me on Wednesday. Two of my roommates live on the west coast of Florida and I am concerned they may get some nasty weather. Stay safe Amy and Diana!!


:dance3: Keep on dancing and think positive.

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

I'm dancing, because we really need a break here. August has been a tough month for us. MIL passed away on the 3rd. BIL has been in ICU all week with complications from his diabetes, Julia has her ear thing going on and Emma starts Kindergarten on Monday---we really aren't equipped to handle a hurricane right now!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: I'm really oh so close to losing it.

We did just get home from Walmart to get some supplies, just in case and to beat the rush of all the people going the day of the hurricane. DH is trying to find the DVD on how to put up the hurricane shutters. I really really hope we don't need to break those suckers out but it's not going to hurt being prepared.

Sorry for the whining. I am actually almost completely packed and I'm so ready to go. Let's hope Fay decides to weaken.
I am watching things to see if we need to do anything about either of our houses here in Florida. At least the house in Labelle has hurricane shutters that someone in town with the keys could batten down in about 5 minutes (accordian shutters). I hope the whole thing just goes away. If it goes in over St Pete then it will be just North of us here.

On the other hand I am looking forward to some time away.

As long as Fay remains a tropical storm, it will be windy and rainy, but for a day in WDW, actually not to horrible. We were at WDW in 2000 when Gordon came through. The parks were DEAD. September is slow, but this was unreal. We were at MGM, and the stage shows were canceled, but the performers came out in their costumes and signed autographs, so it turned out to be really neat. Just make sure to have your Mickey poncho!


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