POP Century 9/29-10/6 VOTE for the MEET DATE!

Which of these dates works for you?

  • September 29

  • September 30

  • October 1

  • October 3

Results are only viewable after voting.
9/29 930pm
9/30 930pm
10/1 930pm
10/3 9pm

ALL meets will take place by the Hippy Dippy Pool which is the main
pool! :hyper2:

FOR the 10/1 meet, DH and i will not be able to attend this one,
so please carry on without us!!! and i hope someone else can step
up to the plate as there is a lot of interest for this date!!
we may stop by late, but our schedule has arised a conflict :(
ScrappinMOM is your new hostess :worship:!!! :yay:
CDoobee said:
DS21 and I might be able to make the meet on 10/1. We are possibly going to MNSSHP on 9/29, have a Fantasmic dinner package on 9/30, and a late dinner on 10/3, but 10/1 looks open!

Me and NiteOwl71 will be at Dumbo at 10PM on the 29th!!! feel free to stop by!!!
DisneyMommyMichelle said:
we have a late dinner on 10/3 too at Concourse and then we will be just strolling around, but the meet is late, so keep an eye :magnify: out for us when you get back! we may still be there!!! and if you see anyone passed out, wake htem out and introduce yourselves as it's most likely a luandry DISser! hahaha!!1 :rotfl:

psssttt !!! whatcha doing ?? me am on dinner break !!! thank god for AC :blush:
Hi All,
Just checking in.... I will be joining the meets on 9/30 and 10/3....... I can't wait....
:banana: I am now in the 40's :banana: 49 days :banana:
DH and I will be at the 9/30 meet. We arrive early that afternoon, we plan on having something to eat and a quick nap, and heading out for--well, we haven't decided what we'll do, but we will be back at POP by 9:30 and will stop by before we old folks head off for bed!

We'll see you all there!
I will definitely being doing laundry all the time so count me in for the laundry meet. And also I think I'll be doing the 30th meet also.
This is are very first trip to WDW. I think this will be a really unique experience to meet all of you. party:
so let's see only 40 people have voted in the poll and there's what about 100 of us staying at the POP...so what gives????? DO you guys want to lurk around & NOT meet your fellow dis'ers or what??????

I think I'll be there for all except the 9/30 one! & if you're still there at 11 I'll see you !!
11! PHWWWWW of course we will still be there :yay: :rotfl: hahah i hope! :teeth:

Alrighty-o let's see...

we need everyone to come out of lurkerdom!!!
SOOOOOO...word has gotten out!! hahaah!!!! our party is being crashed by DISers from other RESORTS!!! ::yes:: the Ocotber 3rd Laundry meet is going to be a good one it seems!! so be sure to bring your plastic cup of your poison and don't forget to old school it and put your name on it!! :rotfl: this is going to be good!!!!!!!
hi guys!
the meetings are going to be by the pool those nights?

(i'm one of those crashing from another resort :teeth: - but not the laundry
Michelle- how do manage to all these threads?

i can barely do two :rotfl2:
9/29 930pm
9/30 930pm
10/1 930pm
10/3 9pm THE BIG LAUNDRY MEET! bring your dirty clothes and
have a dirty martini or any drink ;)

ALL meets will take place by the Hippy Dippy Pool which is the main
pool! :hyper2:

FOR the 10/1 meet, DH and i will not be able to attend this one,
so please carry on without us!!! and i hope someone else can step
up to the plate as there is a lot of interest for this date!!
we may stop by late, but our schedule has arised a conflict :(
ScrappinMOM is your new hostess :worship:!!! :yay:

For the Meets, i will have ALIEN GREEN mickey heads, a hole punch
and some yarn if you wish to make a little mickey head necklace
with your DIS name on it :) so we can all get to know who is who
a bit quicker!!!

RAIN INFO--> in case we are rained out, there is a bar in CLASSIC HALL
that we can all still meet at!!! :)
:chat: :hyper: Muffy, i have about 8 threads i have to manage and it's hard!! that's why i am barely in the hen house!!! as soon as the trip is over i should be able to be around more! hahah!!! that is until i get threads going for NEXT YEARS TRIP!!!! hahaha!!!
DisneyMommyMichelle said:
yes all meets are by the pool!

:flower: the HIPPY DIPPY!! :flower:

Which meet are you crashing???

may be the 9/30 or 10/1.
I'm not staying at Pop (CSR for my honeymoon), but I'll come crash on the 1st if it's all right by you guys. I'm actually free that night, resting up for the big week of crazy fun.

I guess I'll have to meet DisneyMommyMichelle at MNNSHP on the 5th, since she won't be there on the 1st.

I don't know if they sell lime green mickey heads in Canada... Maybe I'll wear green face paint. :P


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