Oops I did it again! WHY MUST I YOYO!!!

Hi there,
EVM is Doe's Evil Vending Machine at work. There is also an Evil stepper on Sharon's journal. .

Have a fabulous night.
That EVM (Evil Vending Machine) really IS evil! I hear it CALLING me! Especially the Peanut M&Ms - they can call my name REALLY LOUDLY at times.....:p

Beth usually suggests that I kick it when no one is looking. ;) Someone else (Julie, I think?) suggested I talk BACK to it when no one is around. I generally just stick my tongue out at it when I'm feeling strong! :p

You had no idea how :crazy: we can get on this WISH Journal board, did you?? ;) Oh well, it's all in good fun and it helps me laugh about my chocolate cravings. :teeth:

I hope you have a great Wednesday! Today should be the last of our grey days for a while - tomorrow promises some :sunny: and the weekend is supposed to be beautiful!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Hee Hee- if you do decide to start talking to large inanimate objects at work make sure there are no surveillence cameras around first.

Had a busy day yesterday- did 1.7 miles in the am, had lean cuisine for lunch, plain carrots for snack, tuna salad pita for dinner.
Also had 6 tootsie roll midgets after diiner:rolleyes:
I wish the kids would finish their Easter candy already.

I keep checking myself on the scale and it is not budging- I know I should just weigh myself once each week. I am not going to be discouraged until Monday when I weigh in for the week. If I haven't lost I am going to go ballistic. (Goal for today- adjust that attitude- after all- this really is about getting healthy- NOT getting skinny)
Yesterday had ww entre for lunch
Banana and cantaloupe
ww entre for dinner
4 hershey kisses and glass of skim milk
excersise- none

My stomach has not felt right for days and today is no different.
I am looking seriously into weight watchers points programs. It looks like a sensible approach.
I am still nursing DS (15 mos) twice daily so I am trying to eat about 23-24 points daily and planning on using EVERY flex point. He should be weaned by the end of the month and then I can get more strict with a program.
Hi there,

I hope our stomach is feeling better. There is a nasty flu going around. Here's some healing:wizard: for you, just in case. Keep up the good work.
Have a great weekend,
Ok I am fine- still have small appetite.
We had a crazy night last night-
On Thursday I took our cat to the vet, she is a stray that adopted us a few months ago, she is just a kitten (about 8 mos)
Well, they couldn't do the spaying or shots because....you guessed it.... she's preggers.
Friday she had 4 kittens, 2 survived. But the kitty is rejecting them- actually, she wants to kill them.
The vet said that can happen when a kitten has kittens- they have no maternal instinct.
I am so sad. I am hand feeding them kitten formula with a tiny bottle and I actually have to help them poop and pee, and we are keeping them warm with a heating pad. I actually have to get up in the night with them to feed them.
I am afraid they won't survive.
Wish us luck
I have had the most awful weekend I can remember.
The last kitten slipped away last night. It is so sad.
Here is a link about the kitties http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=550823&perpage=10&pagenumber=1
Besides that I got dreadful news on Saturday. The guy who just moved in across the street is on the Maryland Sex Offender Registry for child sexual abuse. I have felt physically sick since I found out. I haven't thought about my health/diet program at all since Friday (when the kittens were born) I haven't slept more than 3 hours at a stretch since Thurday night because I was bottle feeding the runts every 3 hours.
The good news is that I lost 3 more pounds this week but even that isn't lifting my spirits.
:hug: ,

I'm so sorry to hear about all the strss you've been under. The poor kitties, I'm sorry. I'm also sorry to hear about your neighbor. Keep an eye out, and be honest with your kids. You don't know this guy and you are not comfortable with his past. They are not to become involved with him. You are a great mom, and you are forwarned. You will keep your kids safe.

Sometimes, life is too stressful to worry about being OP. I know that you will be on track when things ssttle down.
Thanks Beth- we already talked to the kids (they are 7 and 8) and we simply said that they are not to talk to him at all because he has been in trouble for hurting a child. I also let them know that they are very safe here at home but we need that rule to help stay safe. We are going to speak to the guy and tell him that we saw his registration and please do not approach or speak to the children for any reason. We just haven't seen him since we found out.
The guy is about 50 and very scrawny and lonely and we invited him in for a plate of food on Easter because we felt sorry for him so the kids know the guy. I am walking a tightrope here between making my kids understand how serious this is without scaring the crap out of them. DD 8 had nightmares last night- came into bed with us- very rare for her.
I'm so sad to hear about the kitties. You truly did all you could, though. Are you going to keep the momma?

Having a convicted sex offender as a neighbor has got to be scary. At least you know about it and can be extra watchful with your children.

When you're ready to get back on plan, you'll know it. With everything else going on, sometimes you have to step back for a few days.

I hope things settle down soon for you. :sunny:
Yes- the momma is here to stay- we are taking her for her spaying as soon as her milk dries up. She showed up on our doorstep a couple of months ago. Sweet and affectionate, we all love her. I was afraid the kids might be mad at her for turning on her babies but they have handled this amazingly. They are very sad. (Yes we had 4 funerals:( , with lots of tears...) But they seem to understand a little of the 'survival of the fittest' theory.
Wow! You have really been going through some trumatic stuff, Im so sorry. I hope this week gets better. Im sorry to hear that this guy has moved into your neighborhood, it seems a shame they can live in a neighborhood with kids. I know I had free reign of my neighborhood growing up- Mom just knew we were "around" and that was enough.

Please take really good care of yourself, try not to turn to food, exercise can raise "happy endorphins" and make you feel better- congrats on the extra 3 lbs loss!!
I feel much better today. I was so low yesterday I can't even describe. The sex offender is a renter and we spoke to the landlord and he said that he is going to ask him to leave. They don't have a contract or a lease so apparently the landlord can ask him to leave with 60 days notice and he does not even have to give the guy a reason. It is such a sad situation, there is some relief that he is going but I can't feel happy- I just think- well this is going to be someone else's problem. It's depressing.

My heartache over the kitties is less today also. I was glad to go to work yesterday to take my mind off of them. Still when I think about them I get a pang of sadness.

It must sound like we live in a terrible place- feral cats running around everywhere, renter sex offenders,... but it is a really nice place to live.

I am getting back on the treadmill today. I really didn't go crazy with eating over the weekend but I just ate what was handy and I didn't excersise. So I should get back on track pretty easily. Thanks for all the support.
I don't think your neighborhood sounds bad at all. It is a fact of life in this country that sex offenders can live anywhere. Unfortunately there are so many abandoned kitties in the country that they too can be everywhere. I'm glad to hear that the landlord was so receptive to your concerns. That is a load off your mind. 2 months, and he will be away from your children. I am so proud of you for getting back on that treaddie. WTG!

Have a good one.
I am pretty happy today because I stepped on the scale just to see what was going on and so far I have lost 8 pounds total. My actual weigh in day is Monday.
I am loosely following the weight watcher's for nursing moms program. It is working well. Love those flex points- I flexed the hell out my points last night at Baja Fresh. It was goooooood.
Congrats on 8 pounds lost!
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I love Baja Fresh. I do the side by side. I'm doing lc though.

Have a good one.
I have scale issues- my scale is out of whack- it says that so far I have lost 10 pounds total but I think it is less than that- I have to get over to my SIL's house- she has an accurate scale and I will report after I visit her. But regardless- I can tell that things are going well- I feel good- the cravings are WAY down. I have been excersing every other day (1.5-2.0 miles on the treadmill) I am not tempted to quit this program.
I have been watching my points (WW) and the other night I counted up my points and I was at 16. I wasn't hungry but every one says you have to eat your points or you wont lose. So I "forced" myself to eat a peice of chocolate cake and some mango slices. This WW seems too easy. I really like it.
I went to a function at the kids school and 3 people told me I looked great. I don't know if they were just being nice- I can't see a difference in myself. We are opening our pool in 2 weeks so that will keep me motivated.
DH and I are co-conspiritors in a fun plan- We are surprising the kids with a 5 night trip to WDW on the last day of school. DH has a convention so his airfare and park passes are free, Our lodging for 3 days is covered (Hilton at Downtown Disney), and we got RT air for DD, DS, and myself for $98 RT. We reserved POFQ for the last 3 days. We have unused passes to Typhoon lagoon and 1 day of Park hoppers from another trip.
I am going to pick the kids up from school on the last day and drive them straight to the airport where we will reveal the surprise.
I am so glad to be able to treat them- they are great kids and they have a hard time because they are both ADHD. They have tried so hard this year and really excelled.
We have a big land/sea planned for December (our 10th anniversary) and we would never go to WDW 2x in a year (We usually go every 4 years or so) but we can do this so cheap I couldn't resist!
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Lands sake.........you must be excited!! Your kids are going to go ballistic!! :teeth:

I am just getting caught up on your journal. WOW! Such sadness and everything going on............you must have been off the stress scale. You poor thing. Four funerals. And then the neighbor. Well, let's hope that situation is ended soon. But you're right.......then it will just be someone else's problem. You don't want to know what I think we should do to a man that has hurt a child in that way............let's just say it would be like your cat..........well, it would take care of it. His desire would be gone and the neighbors wouldn't have to worry and he could live a "normal" life. These are the kind of things that probably keep me from being picked for jury duty. :rolleyes: :D

Sounds like things are getting back to normal though. That's good. And 8 to 10 pounds!!!! YeeeeeHaaaaa!! You are going to town, girlfriend. Wow! Keep up the great work. :sunny:
I had a nightmare last night- I couldn't find my daughter anywhere- the neigbor wasn't in the dream- he did't cross my mind in the dream- but I am sure that is what caused me to dream this. I can't live like this.
The landlord said that he would ask him to move out but on Sunday the guy was moving more furniture IN to the house- so my guess is that he hasn't been asked to leave yet. I am wondering if the landlord really intends on asking him to leave? He has been the perfect tenant, very neat, quiet... Pamela- It is weird- I know exactly what you are saying about these creeps but something inside of me can't help feeling compassion for the guy. I am not a liberal... I just can't explain it.
A neighbor of ours requested the court documents regarding this guys conviction so pretty soon we will know the story. I am scared to hear the details. My compassion factor will probably be reduced to zero after I hear the story.
ANYWAY... today I have to excersise and drink lots of water. Didn't drink enough yesterday. Also I ate alot of sugar (5 rolls of PEZ) My points totalled 28 so that isn't terrible. (Considering I am supposed to do about 20 each day and then I can add 2 points for each time I nurse DS, which was 3 times yesterday)


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