Oops I did it again! WHY MUST I YOYO!!!


You are doing a great job. Getting on the treaddie is half the battle. WTG on planning ahead for lunch today. Have fun today. I'm sure you'll be exhausted tonight.
Mary, welcome to the WISH Journal board!! Glad you've decided to join us!

It looks like you're doing GREAT so far - good for you!! Exercise, eating less sugar & refined carbs (stuff made with white flour), and drinking more water can go a long way toward helping you get healthier!!

Your trip to DC sounds like so much fun! Great idea to pack lunch!

Isn't Sparks close to the PA-MD line? I grew up in Glen Rock PA and my DH lived in Stewartstown PA & Fawn Grove PA for quite a while!

You asked about the Disney half-marathon. A bunch of us WISHers have signed up for the half-marathon in January 2005. We're going to meet each other in person at WDW! We figure it's a good way to get motivated to exercise ::yes:: and to finally meet face to face.

Hope your Wednesday in DC is a good one!! :sunny:
Hi DoeWDW- yes- we are not far from SouthCentral PA- Shrewsbury is about 20 minutes due north of Sparks.

Ok- yesterday was not great- but not terrible either- We went to DC and had a great time at the museums- but we got a late start so we were only down in Washington for about 3 hours. I didn't feel like I got much excersise at all. We ate our lunch in the car because we were running late- I had fat free ham on wheat and Baked Lays with diet Coke.
We got home around 6:30 and I gave the family their dinner and I popped a lean cuisine in the micro. I scarfed it down like a maniac and then (here comes the bad part) I ate a single serve apple sauce and 5 oatmeal cookies- followed by a fudgcicle.
It wasn't worth it- well the fudgecicle was worth it- but not the cookies.
That was it- I didn't snack the rest of the day.
The good thing is I got rid of all the really bad stuff in my house so when I had this setback normally I would have cheated with Ben&Jerry but instead I cheated with a Fudgcicle (2.5 gfat, 110 calories)
1 more thing- I know everyone advocates eating breakfast everyday but I can't do it- I am not hungry in the am- it is the only time of the day when it is easy for me to resist temptation.
Once I eat something for some reason I am hungry an hour later and then the whole day is a struggle.
I have no trouble getting to lunch just drinking water and (I know this is another no-no) coffee.
Hi Mary,

You son is cute. Evenings are tough. Do you have any SF jello at home. I get the jello cups. They are more expensive, but the serving size is laid out for you. Top with a little whipped cream, and my cravings are under cintrol. I would also suggest that you eat a salad with your lean cuisine. They just aren't very big or filling. What about a shake for breakfast. It is a liquid, so it might not start your am cravings. Just some things to consider.

Have a good day.
Mary, your son is so adorable!!

You talked about skipping breakfast because once you started eating, you'd be hungry again an hour later. Boy, did this bring back memories for me!! I used to try to eat what I thought was healthy - like a plain bagel or some Special K cereal or a low-fat muffin for breakfast. Then I'd get ravenously hungry in an hour.

I started doing what you do - just skipping breakfast - hey, if I don't eat, then I don't get hungry AFTER I eat. It turns out that eating a breakfast (or ANY meal) of mainly carbs, with little or no fat or protein, set off a reaction in my body that caused me to crave MORE carbs an hour later. That's how I gained all my weight! :rolleyes:

If you find you're still hungry after a particular meal, look at what you ate. If you ate very little protein or fat, then a small snack containing protein and/or fat will stop those cravings - maybe a little cheese or 1 oz of nuts. Better yet, include some protein in your meal and I think you'll find that you don't get those cravings / hunger pains an hour after you eat.

Hope this all makes sense. If not, let me know and I'll try to explain it better - sometimes I'm not good at getting my point across. :D

Have a great Thursday!! :sunny:
Thanks Doreen- today I had a glass of V8 and 1 slice of deli- ham rolled up mid morning because I knew I would be eating lunch late. I felt pretty good. Held me off until I had my lunch (at 3:00)
What do you normally eat for breakfast?
Just checking in and posting about today because I won't have time tomorrow.

I had a very good day- like I said I had V8 and 1 slice of deli ham for "breakfast"
lunch:Greek salad with Just 2 Good dressing and 1/2 oz feta cheese
dinner: lots of asparagus and chicken with mushrooms cooked with no oil or butter
dessert: frozen fudge bar
Today I bought Crystal light orange burst drink- delicious and kept my sweet cravings away

I ice skated for (over) 1 hour. (I didn't rally get my heart rate up though- oh well- that is my excersise for the day)

Gotta go watch Survivor- Thanks Everybody who has taken the time to read this stuff- YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!!!
I'm eating low-carb so my breakfasts probably have more fat in them than you usually like to eat - I noticed you tend to eat a diet lower in fat. But since you asked, these days breakfast is often an apple with peanut butter and a string cheese.

You'd probably do well on more of a South Beach type breakfast so you may want to look at Lisa's (Zeraspride) journal or Jody's (wovenwonder) journal for some great breakfast ideas that are lower in fat but still contain a balance of carbs and protein.

You'll find what works for you but sometimes it takes some experimentation.
Mary, thanks for the pm. I wanted to pop over to your journal and see how it's going. Looking good so far!

I think it's easier to follow a healthy eating plan that a strict diet. I'm following a diabetic plan, which basically counts carbs, but doesn't eliminate them. In general, I tend to be a low fat type of person, so I haven't thrown that out in my diet.

My breakfasts now are 2 eggs and a slice of toast (15g of carbs). I fry the eggs in pam, so there's no fat there, and no butter on the toast. Pre-WISH I was the queen of cereal. The hardest thing for me to adjust to was that dropping carbs (mostly cereals, rice, etc, but also fruit which was a big part of my normal eating) took out most of the fiber in my diet. Can't lose pounds when everything you eat stays in you! I've added the sugar free Citrucel to my morning ritual, and things are much better.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the Smithsonian. My kids like it too. Their favorite is the Natural History Museum. You really do get a lot of exercise in walking around the mall. Now that the weather is starting to break, maybe you can get in the exercise outdoors. I'm sure the baby would like a stroller ride. I've been taking my walks outdoors for the last week or so, and it really has helped with motivation. Luckily, I have a nice 2 mile round trip walk down to the St. Mary's River, so it's a scenic view to incentivize me.

Take care, and I'll try to check in regularly. Lisa
I ate so much yesterday:(
It was carbohydrate city around here. (I am not on low carb but I am trying to eat fewer calories so in that respect the carbs were bad) I ate way too many calories.
lunch: cheerios (1+1/2 cups with 1% milk) with a spoon of sugar
and a banana
snack: bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal for a snack -
dinner: low fat chicken honey bourbon sub on wheat from Quiznos (no chips or sides)
several other snacks: applesauce, 1 roll of smarties (which I found in my purse), 6 hard candies, very small amt. of really good cheese
So much sugar yesterday- I still managed to eat relatively low fat.
I was exhausted yesterday because the baby kept me up in the night- I have such a hard time battling my cravings when I am tired.
Easter is going to be hard, all that candy...(have you noticed candy is a big weakness of mine)
Next Sunday is going to be hard too- We are going to Hershey Park- can you imagine a worse place for a dieter- a chocolate worshiping fantasy park?
Oh BTW- Who is this evil TOM guy? If he is the monthly visitor- than I have him to deal with right now also.

No sleep
Giant chocolate bunnies
MY Mom's excellent leg of lamb Easter dinner

I have a lot of obstacles this weekend- WISH me strength
Weighed myself this am and the scale said 148. And that is after a very indulgent Easter. I just decided to forget about the diet yesterday. Everything was delicious and now the fun is over and I am back to business. (not going to list everything I ate as I am sure there is a limit to how much bandwidth I can use here - haha)
:wave2: ,

Congratulations on losing those 3 pounds!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: All of your hard work is really paying off. Keep up the great work.
BTW already did 2.15 miles on the treadie this am- burned 260
I needed to send my body the msg that the Easter binge is over.;)
I feel great- I was hoping to lose 5 this week but I am thinking 1 or 2 of those pounds are superficial from yesterday and I will see a decent loss by next week.
Did over 2 miles 1st thing in the morning yesterday-
I wasn't feeling well (probably from all the junk food Sunday) not much appetite-
had lean cuisine for lunch- BIG bowl of cereal for dinner- (Thank goodness I am not on low carb.) no snacks all day.
Getting ready to jump on the treadie now- hope the baby will let me get 2 miles in (he watches Sesame Street in his playpen while I walk on the TM.)
Will check back in tomorrow.
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc 3 POUNDS GONE!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

YAY for you!!! Always nice to see the scale moving in the right direction!

If you eat lots of carbs with little or no protein (like that bowl of cereal) and you find you're hungry in an hour, you should try to eat a little more protein with those carbs or have a protein snack handy for when you get hungry, like an ounce or 2 of cheese, an ounce of nuts, a slice of ham or turkey, etc.

Your exercise should really be helping! You're putting that treadmill to good use these days - it's been so rainy and ugly here that walking outside hasn't been an option. I hear we may see the sun again on Thursday! :rolleyes:

Hope you have a great Tuesday!! :sunny:


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