May Scrapbooking Challenge--Spring on in and join!!!

I finished one more page last night, I tried paper tearing and made a pocket in one night, I think I'm getting the hang of this:thumbsup2 .
I did more last night and not sure how many I posted here yesterday, so... I'm at 11 for the month so far. :) :thumbsup2
I was able to do 3 pages today.... would have liked to have done more, but that's life :)
Well my big plans for National Scrapbooking Day was a bust - just 2 pages for me today. I'm hoping to steal some time tomorrow.
Updated to here!

Jan--welcome!!! We're glad to have you!!

We're doing great for May! My NSD plans yesterday did not go well. In fact, they didn't go at all! ;) My brother called yesterday morning and couldn't get his internet to work in his new house, so off we went to do that. While we were out, we decided to go ahead and get Mother's Day gifts. Long story short, that took a lot longer than I had anticipated! I'm hoping to get some done today!!
I was very motivated to get something done on NSD, so I scrapped late into the night...I got 18 pages done, which is a nice start for the month for me. Unfortunetly it may stay there, as this is a crazy month for concerts and the school year finishing up. I'm also (now) teaching the summer orchestra program, so that's going to eat into my time. Still, I'm determined to at least make the first smilie for this month. Go smilies! :banana:
I only shopped for NSD but I did complete 3 pages and have 3 more ready to finish tonight or tomorrow.

I got 4 done this morning and finished mine and Mom's SDV books. I gave one to her for her birthday today.

Now I am working on organizing my ribbon.
NSD was a bust for me.. I shopped and watched the kids games..
So far today, I have completed 7 more pages... I need to do some major work tomorrow on Mother's Day albums and get those finished to be mailed by Wed. DH is out of town tomorrow night.. so I can scrap late into the night after I get the kiddies off to bed...
I got 22 done today--I still haven't managed to get the October '05 album laid out. I may work on that tomorrow afternoon!

I've got us updated!! Welcome, ariel & eric!!

Y'all are doing great!! We're not even a third of a way through the month, and you all are rocking along!!

B&MB--Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!

PN96--you got your smilie! Way to go!! We have several more people who are "thisclose" to the first smilie!! Keep it up!!
5 pages for me today.

I used my Cricut for all those pages so there was lots of experimenting to see what lettering I wanted to use. I love that machine! It's buzzing away right now for some pages I'll finish tomorrow.
Well, I accomplished ZIP on NSD, but got 10 pages done today. And it's only 1:00 AM. The night is young. :rotfl2:

Nighty Night!
Good morning, everyone. . .or good night, plgrn!! ;)

I've got us updated to here! Great job this weekend!! :cool1:
I did 3 yesterday. Can someone remind me if double page layouts count as one or two as I'm hoping to finish one today?


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