March Scrapbooking Challenge... Who's in this month

Count me in for this month... hopefully I will find time to be productive, as swim season is winding down and basketball season is over!......P
I'm in of course.. and I have 2 pages done.. and about 12 more ready to go for later today while the kids are still in school!!!
Sign me up for this challenge, please. I won't be posting a huge number this month, but knowing I'll have a big goose egg next to my name if I don't do something will be my motivation. The kids are out a week for spring break, and DH has another trip out of state for a week, so I'm not expecting much.

Happy scrappin' everyone!
I'm on the board with one page today. I got a start on our 2007 family album.
I have completed 9 more pages this month for a total of 30 and finished my birthday album. I am getting my pictures ready to start on my epcot album. I have spring break this month and I am not going anywhere- although I have thought about a day trip up to Disney so I hope to get a bit into the epcot album and get my mother's grandmother album ready for mother's day.
I got 5 more done tonight, for a month total of 30 so far. I am determined to do a little each night, so that I can get this June 2006 book done! (Not to mention the Oct. '05 one I still lack!!). My goal is to get June done before we leave for WDW next week. . .that's my goal, not sure if it'll happen!! ;)
Is it to late to hop in here. I haven't done any pages yet this month but I plan to. So far I've done more scrapbooking this year then I did total last year. Last month I did 5 pages. If I join here I'll feel the pressure to do more and maybe finally get my disney album done by the end of the year (which I would love). If you don't mind I would like to join in and share my pages. Please keep in mind I'm not an expert and pages are excellent. I'm getting better with each page.

I did 4 pages today.

I only have 1.5 days left in my first WDW vacation book, so my goal is to get them scrapped before the end of the week. It would be nice if I could say the book was finished, but it's only the first part of the trip. We also went on a Caribbean cruise so I have those pictures to scrap too.
I got one more page done. I have started my Epcot album. I also sorted all the swap items and pictures into pages so i can pull each set out and complete the pages in less time than having to get everything together. At least I hope it works that way.

I didn't think I would get anymore done today with TV to watch, but I managed to get 3 more done!
Is it to late to hop in here. I haven't done any pages yet this month but I plan to. So far I've done more scrapbooking this year then I did total last year. Last month I did 5 pages. If I join here I'll feel the pressure to do more and maybe finally get my disney album done by the end of the year (which I would love). If you don't mind I would like to join in and share my pages. Please keep in mind I'm not an expert and pages are excellent. I'm getting better with each page.


Welcome aboard!! I am just like you--these challenges keep me motivated! :)

I got one more page done. I have started my Epcot album. I also sorted all the swap items and pictures into pages so i can pull each set out and complete the pages in less time than having to get everything together. At least I hope it works that way.


That's what I do before I work on an album, and for me, it makes it go much faster! I hope it works that way for you!! :thumbsup2
2 more for me for yesterday!

NOw I really need to start our 2006 trip...I finished my dd's 2006 I have either Christmas (2006), Family vacation to cape cod, or Disney:rotfl: I was trying to hold out for that darn Cricut cartridge....argh Maybe I can just start and work slowly.....hahahah like I need to remind myself to work slowly....
Nothing like a little accountability to get things done, huh?

Lets see - so far this month I've completed 46 pages. Here's to at least 46 more!
I havne't done any yet but count me in for this month. I have to do some from last Friday at least and hopefully some more too. LOL I'm actually home for the next couple of weekends so things will get back to normal.
:cool1: I got 6 more pages done this afternoon. My swaps are finally paying off. It is so easy to just put everything together. The hardest part is deciding what not to use either because the colors from 2 different swaps are really off or I just don't have enough room on the page.

Another 5 done for me tonight. I've started putting "x number of pages" on my things to do list and making myself do some scrapping before I sit down on the couch! ;) We'll see if I can keep that up! That puts me at 35 for the month.

scrappinmom--I'm like you, I was going to hold out for the Disney cricut cartridge, but if it's not coming until the end of the month, I've got to get moving! :cool1:


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