Marathon Weekend 2024

@DopeyBadger why did I think of you when I read this? 🤣

"Only 10$ more and you get twice the miles?!"


Umm, maybe because that's EXACTLY how I convinced myself that doing a marathon as my first adult race was a good idea...

@DopeyBadger Is there such a thing as a “reasonably safe” training plan for this?

My recommendation is to find a marathon training plan that best fits your fitness and availability to commit to. General marathon training plan recommendations:

Train slow to race fast: Why running more slowly and capping the long run at 2.5 hours may dramatically improve your performance
Why should your average training pace be much much slower than your goal half marathon pace?
Why am I doing this run? The question every runner should be asking themselves.
The Marathon is 99% Aerobic (and 95% for HM and so on): So how to train for it!
Advice for Newbies #1
Advice for Newbies #2
Advice for Newbies #3
Advice for Newbies #4
Advice for Newbies #5

As for the races themselves, taking the marathon "easier" will help with the recovery afterwards, but in most cases a marathon is always going to be tough on the body. Then, fully expect that you will be in "recovery mode" when DIsneyland occurs and you'll have a higher than normal chance for having an injury. So you'll want to take the DL races very slowly, relatively speaking, and be very careful. It's definitely do able though. But there is a lot of risk in that second weekend coming off a marathon the weekend prior.
I like that the DL races have returned if only for the inevitably incessant talk from the announcers about all the runners doing Dopey and then going to California to run the following weekend. Runners “just” doing Dopey will finally be able feel the unintentional (but, you know, kind of intentional) inferiority that is foisted upon everyone else. It’s the truest rD experience :rotfl:.
Of course this isn't the reason I signed up for Dumbo :rolleyes1
I like the artwork. I feel the "theme" for MW should always be the race mascots, at least for the half and longer, but like that they seem to have settled on a consistent 5K and 10K mascot. I didn't even mind what they did last year though it wasn't my favorite of the medals.

Truth be told I care way more about the medal design than the shirt design.
I really like all the artwork. Like REALLY like it. I'm a sucker for Pluto so now I'm rethinking my plan to just do the 10K and Half to add the 5K. I'm doing all three races at DL, so that would make sense right? Buuuttttttt then I have to sign up for three races and I only get two early with my Club rD membership. Maybe I should just sign up for Dopey after all and make it one registration?

I was going to spectate the full and leave that afternoon for a few days at home before DL. Buuuttttt I could just go right from WDW to DL and do ALL THE THINGS.

Crap. Crap crap crap.
If you can swing it logistically, physically & financially do all the things
I'd decided before to drop down to Goofy because our passes are blocked out the first couple of days of marathon weekend. Then I saw some speculation that the 10K could include MK and Epcot and got some serious FOMO, but I don't see how that is mathematically possible.
My DW is doing it all! Dopey+DL5k+Dumbo. I guess there's a few days of downtime after the marathon? But is that enough?
Having done marathons on consecutive weekends on multiple occasions, I'd say it's the training that matters most. Getting weekly volume at or above ~40mpw on a consistent basis will go a long way toward making Dopey+all the DL races a breeze, and injury free. It's all about getting the body used to volume.
If you can swing it logistically, physically & financially do all the things

It's the "physically" part that I'm worried about. But I've done Dopey twice, so I know I can do it. I didn't commit to the training like I should have last year, so recovery has been a struggle. My first Dopey was much easier in that respect because I took the training very seriously.

If I can stick to the training, I can definitely pull it off. The question right now is my work schedule, as my next big project is a question mark. I'm leaning toward going for it! GAHHH!
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Any other potential WDW Dopey / DL 5K+Dumbo Duo runners out there? Should we start a pre-emptive injury support group?

Not this year, but I already have plans for 2025 (assuming the races remain back to back). Personally, I'm spending the next year or so setting myself up for success by getting stronger, losing weight, and becoming a more seasoned (and faster) runner. You know, all of the things that are going to get lost in the actual training cycle.

On the injury front, I talked to my physical therapist about it and the idea had him shaking his head, but then again, all of the multiple days challenges do. He was blunt with me about the fact that I'm going to have to stay on top of things, doing the preventative strength work and catch any issues early. He said that it would be risky, but possible.

Is there such a thing as a “reasonably safe” training plan for this?

When I first thought about Dopey to Dumbo, I asked my running coach what he thought. As a ultra distance runner who trains a bunch of ultra distance runners, I knew that he was pretty qualified on what was possible and what it would take. His plan would be to essentially do the Dopey training, but do the DW races (particularly the marathon) no faster than long run pace. That should allow you to recover fast enough to safely attempt the DL races. Everything would be about going just fast enough to stay ahead of the balloon ladies since the challenge would be all about distance and not about speed.

Basically Dopey to Dumbo is like training for a 100K+ - just over multiple days rather than all at once.
Not this year, but I already have plans for 2025 (assuming the races remain back to back). Personally, I'm spending the next year or so setting myself up for success by getting stronger, losing weight, and becoming a more seasoned (and faster) runner. You know, all of the things that are going to get lost in the actual training cycle.

On the injury front, I talked to my physical therapist about it and the idea had him shaking his head, but then again, all of the multiple days challenges do. He was blunt with me about the fact that I'm going to have to stay on top of things, doing the preventative strength work and catch any issues early. He said that it would be risky, but possible.

When I first thought about Dopey to Dumbo, I asked my running coach what he thought. As a ultra distance runner who trains a bunch of ultra distance runners, I knew that he was pretty qualified on what was possible and what it would take. His plan would be to essentially do the Dopey training, but do the DW races (particularly the marathon) no faster than long run pace. That should allow you to recover fast enough to safely attempt the DL races. Everything would be about going just fast enough to stay ahead of the balloon ladies since the challenge would be all about distance and not about speed.

Basically Dopey to Dumbo is like training for a 100K+ - just over multiple days rather than all at once.
This is basically my plan. I’m pre-emptively doing PT and gait retraining to make sure I’m as injury free as possible.

I’m also willing to DNF the marathon to get c2c, stuff happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
His plan would be to essentially do the Dopey training, but do the DW races (particularly the marathon) no faster than long run pace. That should allow you to recover fast enough to safely attempt the DL races. Everything would be about going just fast enough to stay ahead of the balloon ladies since the challenge would be all about distance and not about speed.

Basically Dopey to Dumbo is like training for a 100K+ - just over multiple days rather than all at once.
That's really the key to doing a bunch of races close together like that - keeping the pace easy. It makes recovery a whole lot quicker.
Basically Dopey to Dumbo is like training for a 100K+ - just over multiple days rather than all at once.
Gotta disagree here. If you want to race all of it, maybe, but if you just want to complete the dual challenge then someone should be able to do it on the strength of marathon/Dopey training by taking the races easy. Spreading the distance across 11 days is FAR easier than running a standalone ultra of similar distance.
That's really the key to doing a bunch of races close together like that - keeping the pace easy. It makes recovery a whole lot quicker.
So true! I recovered SO FAST from my WDW marathon vs my October marathon prior that I raced. My moving pace for the WDW marathon was only 30sec/mile slower than my October marathon but then I had almost an hour of doing character photos and rides. I felt like I was hit by a truck in October but in January I was only a little sore like after a long run, no issues with going down stairs, no need to use the handrail next to the toilet :rotfl: I did take lots of hot baths which I think helped.
Spreading the distance across 11 days is FAR easier than running a standalone ultra of similar distance.

In some ways, I imagine this is true for the actual running itself. I've never done an ultra, but it does make sense.

But Dopey to Dumbo adds other hurdles that a one-time race of a similar distance just doesn't have. For example: 7 days of early wake-ups, a cross-country flight (plus the flight to Florida for those that aren't local), adapting to the time change(s), disruptions to routine (including nutrition, hydration and sleep) to name a few.

I know that a lot of people are planning it and I wish them all the best of luck. But I do hope that everyone is 100% aware of the size of the challenge (and not just in miles) and has a solid plan for making all of it work together so that they have an amazing experience. Maybe by saying "you are essentially doing a 100K+ ultra," people will take it as seriously as they need to.
In some ways, I imagine this is true for the actual running itself. I've never done an ultra, but it does make sense.

But Dopey to Dumbo adds other hurdles that a one-time race of a similar distance just doesn't have. For example: 7 days of early wake-ups, a cross-country flight (plus the flight to Florida for those that aren't local), adapting to the time change(s), disruptions to routine (including nutrition, hydration and sleep) to name a few.

I know that a lot of people are planning it and I wish them all the best of luck. But I do hope that everyone is 100% aware of the size of the challenge (and not just in miles) and has a solid plan for making all of it work together so that they have an amazing experience. Maybe by saying "you are essentially doing a 100K+ ultra," people will take it as seriously as they need to.
Plus any park time that people add in
MW Registration day just got more stressful for me as I managed to register for the DL Half when it briefly opened up today. I absolutely want the C2C medal so I'm really leaning towards trying for the Half when registration opens. I still don't know if I can handle 3 rD weekends (time & budget!) in 2 months since I registered for W&D when I couldn't get into DL. Worst case I could do one of the other weekends in 24.
2024 runDisney Marathon Weekend Weekend Sell-out Game


Those who read my training journal know I like to play games when my races come up to make them more interesting. So I thought, let's see if anyone's interested in a game revolving around the Marathon Weekend races and their sellouts. Anyone can play, there is no prize for winning, just for fun, and you don't have to play if you don't want to. We had a lot of fun with this in the 2023 Princess thread with @The Expert coming out as the grand champion. She really is The Expert!


-You must predict when the first DIS person will note that a race distance sells out, and it's confirmed by others. If the race reopens at random points at a later time, this doesn't change the initial sell out timing. The sell out time will be from when the race registration officially opens to when the race initially sells out. So if the registration is suppose to open at 10am ET, but actually opens at 11am ET, then the sell out timing will be calculated from 11am ET. I will use the moment of officially opening as defined by the first DIS person noting they have an estimated wait time listed in their queue.
-You must predict all six events (5k, 10k, HM, M, Goofy, and Dopey).
-I'll set the upper limit on the predictions at one week (168 hours). So if you think something is going to take 2 months to sell out, then you put ">168 hours" as your guess. You can put two months if you want, but for the purpose of scoring anyone over 168 hours will be counted as equal. I'm doing this so that the conclusion of the game will happen on 4/18/23 and we're not all waiting to see when exactly something sells out for someone to win. Ultimately we're more concerned with how quickly things are going to sell out then the longevity of the game.
-You must make your prediction by Monday, April 10th at 11:59pm ET.

-Players will be ranked by their guess away from the actual time. No price is right rules. So you can be over or under. A person that is 30 min under on time and 30 min over on time are equal in the ranking.

For example, five people individually guess 60 min, 100 min, 140 min, 150 min, and 48 hours for 5k sell out time. The actual time ends up being 120 min. Player B and C (100 min and 140 min) tie for 1st. Player D (150 min) is 30 min away and gets 3rd. Player A (60 min) is 60 min away and gets 4th. Player E (48 hours) is 46 hours away and gets 5th.

Your place in each of the five events is tallied up to create a final game score. The person with the lowest final game score wins. For example, Player C gets 1st in their 5k, 10th in the 10k, 6th in the HM, 5th in the Challenge, and 8th in Yoga. Their combined final score is 30 (1+10+6+5+8). If 30 is the lowest combined final game score of all players, then Player C wins.

Past Data

Historical Race Weekend Sell Out Timing (you can find all weekend data here if you want to see some recent sellouts)

Marathon Weekend


Start (link)
Delayed Registration Timing until 12:30pm ET (link)
5k sold out in 24 min (link)
10k sold out in 34 min (link)
No more queue after 34 min (link)
Dopey sold out in 38 min (link)
Goofy sold out in 43 min (link)
HM sold out in 55 min (link)
M sold out in 67 min (link)

Start (link)
Opening queues stating wait of 8 min to over an hour (link); Timing does not appear until exact time of registration opening
No more queue after 21 min (link)
5k sold out in 45 min (link)
HM sold out in 86 min (link)
10k sold out in 5 hours (link)
Goofy sold out in 2.5 days (link)
Dopey/M sold out on 10/12 (link)
*All races periodically reopened.

2021 (Presumed reduced availability)
Start (link)
Goofy sold out in 19 min (link)
Dopey sold out in 26 min (link)
5k sold out in 26 min (link)
10k sold out in 31 min (link)
HM sold out in 31 min (link)
M sold out in 89 min (link)

Start (link)
5k sold out in ~20 min (link)
10k sold out in 93 min (link)
Goofy sold out in Oct 2019 when registration was April 2019 (link)
HM sold out in Oct 2019 when registration was April 2019 (link)
Marathon sold out in Oct 2019 when registration was April 2019 (link) *Can't find a specific post for this one.
Dopey sold out in Nov 2019 when registration was April 2019 (link)
***A few of the races opened momentarily between April and October (like 5k in August). Likely because they were breaking up unsold challenge bibs.

Start (link)
5k sold out in 8 hours (link)
10k sold out in 21 hours (link)
HM, M, Goofy and Dopey were essentially open until the end.
***A few times the 5k and 10k reappeared as they were presumably breaking up unsold Goofy/Dopey bibs.

Start (Feb) (link)
5k sold out in 4.5 hrs (link)
10k sold out in 2.25 days (link)
Dopey sold out in 2.5 days (link)
HM sold out in May (link)
M sold out in November (link)
No information found on Goofy selling out

Start (April) (link)
5k sold out in 90 min (link)
10k sold out in 93 min (link)
HM sold out in 25 hrs (link)
Dopey sold out in August (link)
No information found on Goofy or M selling out


Again, this is for fun, and no one is obligated to play. Just kind of a way to gamify all of your anxiety about registration. If someone finds an error in the game rules, I reserve the right to change them.

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