Marathon Weekend 2024

SAFD: Dopey for me, Goofy if it sells out. We won't go if I don't get in for one of the challenges.
DS asked to do a 10k the next time. He's 10, so of the minimum age, so I might try if it doesn't sell out after I've registered myself. I'd be taking it easy anyway. So MAYBE the 5k or the 10k for J.

My strategy is to register using Chrome, Edge and Firefox. I do it at work since the WiFi is so much stronger than at home. My coworkers have been warned to not disturb me from 9:45 on the 11th :P
SAFD: I am registering for Dopey. I have Club runDisney and can register Tuesday. I am also doing everything at Disneyland so I’m making a little 71 mile challenge out of it (“little” lol). I’m sure I’ll write more about this in my training journal once I finally finish my PW report.

Dopey for me
SAFD: my DW wants the Dopey+DL5k+Dumbo mega super combo, so that's the focus of registration day. Our DD and I would like to do the 5k, but if we don't get in, we'll live.

I'm going to be using 8 windows, 2 from Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. One regular, one incognito. My gift card will be in notepad, ready to copy-paste. And once I'm past the waiting room, don't no body bother me!
SAFD: I'm going for Dopey. For registration, I simply use a couple different browsers and devices (and cross my fingers and toes).

I'm [currently] hoping to register for Dopey (me) and the 5/10/half (DH) which may turn into 2 Dopeys or 2 Goofys, depending on how quickly stuff sells out and what DH ultimately decides he is willing to say yes to.

#40forDopey 8-)
SAFD: Registering for Dopey! Going to train my butt off to run that and the Dumbo the next week. I already get up that early for work so this isn't too much of a change for me.

I'm not revealing my registration secrets! I definitely don't just open 30-40 incognito tabs on a few laptops...
Thanks for the setup @DopeyBadger -- no pressure! I think the half will go faster than normal due to C2C folks, so...

5K: 47 minutes
10k: 35 minutes
HM: 48 minutes
M: 125 minutes
Goofy: 200 minutes
Dopey: 95 minutes

I've decided to still just spectate the marathon, so I'll register for the 10K and half with my Club rD access and then join you all to try and grab the 5K. I usually do three or four browsers on my laptop and one on my phone, and at least one of each will be opened after 10am.

Good luck everyone!
I'm hoping for goofy.

I'm the librarian in our small town, and I usually go in early to work to register as it has faster internet there. I have briefly thought about using all the library computers to get in the queue, but since they are connected using cables it would be hard to run around and keep an eye on all of them. I use my work desktop, laptop and my phone.
SAFD: Hoping for Goofy again and HM for my oldest DD (will be her first). No real tips other than what's been shared other than to say (mostly to myself) relax and try not to let the various poasts on social media or the boards that morning get you too worked up. Nothing we can do to change the results and while I will be disappointed if I cannot get the registrations I want, I know there are other chances down the road.

As for sellout predictions:

5K: 28 minutes
10: 56 minutes
Half: 49 minutes
Full: 128 minutes
Goofy: 96 minutes
Dopey: 34 minutes
SAFD: Hoping to get in for my 7th Dopey. If not, I'll try for Goofy and then the marathon and look to snag an upgrade as the year goes along. Hopefully some of the craziness will have worn off for this year's registration in the absence of an anniversary and social media furor about the theming. I'm very glad they showed the theming to put to bed any speculation about tie-ins to special themes and medals related to Disney100. The biggest wild card in my mind is how much the limited edition C2C medal for the MW/DLH combo. I guess we'll know in a week and a half or so.
SAFD: My plans have changed somewhat since I was able to snag a DL HM registration this week and I want a C2C medal. Plan A is the half. If I don’t get the half and the full is still open, that’ll be a game time decision - I really don’t want to do a full in 24. (Saving that for Dopey #3 in 25). I’ll probably just wait and try for Princess or Springtime Surprise as I’ve never done either of those weekends before.

Registration advice - I can’t add much that hasn’t been said. Be ready, be patient. Also, if you have long wait times on all browsers, don’t hesitate to try another one after registration has opened - some people were able to get right in for W&D while those of us who were there before opening were still waiting.
SAFD: I am in for Dumbo so Dopey is my first priority. If that doesn’t work out I’d probably go for Goofy and possibly also the 10k because it’s my favorite course. As long as I can get the marathon in some form I will be okay, it’s on my birthday in 2024 so I can’t miss it! I just have tons of windows open and hope for some low queue times. Really hoping there is no delay this year. I’m putting out of office on my calendar as for my last few registrations blocking time hasn’t been enough as I still got pulled into calls while I was actively registering.


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