Marathon Weekend 2021

Realizing I'm really cranky about getting shut out - (but in my defense, a whole lot of sucky things have happened this week, so I'm admittedly hypersensitive at this point) - but it would be awfully nice if rD would have mentioned that they're cutting race caps to the point where only a tiny percentage of people will be able to register, if that is indeed the case. Manage expectations so you don't lose future customers. Radio silence is not your friend during a pandemic when nobody knows what the future holds.

I'm sorry you've had a bad week :( I can relate hardcore. This week is just mean.
I don't have any kind of membership for advanced registration so I'm going to try my luck on Tuesday using the above tips! My first-ever Half was supposed to be the Star Wars race in April which as we all know got cancelled - I wish they had allowed participants of that race first crack at registering for a future race, I'm really looking forward to the experience!
Wow...shocked at how fast everything sold out this morning and at how so many had so much trouble getting on to register! Hopefully they just severely limited the number of bibs they were offering for early registration, and we can all register next week with no issues!
Wow...shocked at how fast everything sold out this morning and at how so many had so much trouble getting on to register! Hopefully they just severely limited the number of bibs they were offering for early registration, and we can all register next week with no issues!
Yeah, I’m still kind of in shock that I’m not registered yet. I guess if I can’t get into Dopey next week, hopefully the marathon will still be available.😬
Yeah, I’m still kind of in shock that I’m not registered yet. I guess if I can’t get into Dopey next week, hopefully the marathon will still be available.😬

I have a feeling there may be a lot of factors at play. Given the cancelled Star Wars weekend, the parks being closed, as well as a lot of fall marathons being cancelled already, I think this might be a hard year to get into. Nevertheless, I was still shocked that almost everything sold out this quickly. I expected the 5k and 10K, but definitely not Dopey. Fingers crossed about getting in next week!
Is anyone surprised that after everything sold out within ~ 20 minutes, the marathon is still available 6 hours later?
I was anticipating it being somewhat of a madhouse but this is disconcerting. I lost my Perfect Dopey last year but my sister is still perfect and this makes me wonder whether luck is going to play a roll in getting her registered. I’d also like a chance at redemption after last year but I’ll be fine registering for the Marathon if I can’t get Dopey.
Is anyone surprised that after everything sold out within ~ 20 minutes, the marathon is still available 6 hours later?
Yes! I'm very confused. I mean, the marathon historically takes forever to sell out, if it ever does, but it's odd for it to be on its own this quickly. IDK what to read into that.

I think next week, if Dopey and Goofy sell out crazy fast, I would be surprised if the Marathon didn’t sell out much quicker than usual.
I'm thinking the same. And I'm very close to just registering for the marathon now, while I can, and letting Dopey 2021 go.
So what are all the tricks everyone is using to make sure they get the race booked?

Here is what I am seeing so far:
  • Get on your computer before the registration time begins.
  • Make sure you are logged into your Disney account before the registration opens.
  • Have multiple Tabs/Web browsers/ Computers/Phones open to try.
  • Be on the page
  • Have your CC info ready to paste in the form.
  • Skip the PoT for now and go back after registration is confirmed.
Any other tricks/hacks/efficiency improvements you want to share? :D
So what are all the tricks everyone is using to make sure they get the race booked?

Here is what I am seeing so far:
  • Get on your computer before the registration time begins.
  • Make sure you are logged into your Disney account before the registration opens.
  • Have multiple Tabs/Web browsers/ Computers/Phones open to try.
  • Be on the page
  • Have your CC info ready to paste in the form.
  • Skip the PoT for now and go back after registration is confirmed.
Any other tricks/hacks/efficiency improvements you want to share? :D

If you’re not a local and plan to or are willing to stay on site, you’re missing the biggest efficiency option: Book a bib package with a travel agent. I‘m not sure which race(s) you’re looking for, but last I heard, all races except Dopey were still available to the TAs. Even if you’re looking for Dopey, reach out to a TA, as RunDisney often allocates them additional bibs if their allotment is depleted.

I’m SO glad I went the TA route and avoided the insanity today.
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I was anticipating it being somewhat of a madhouse but this is disconcerting. I lost my Perfect Dopey last year but my sister is still perfect and this makes me wonder whether luck is going to play a roll in getting her registered. I’d also like a chance at redemption after last year but I’ll be fine registering for the Marathon if I can’t get Dopey.

I also lost Perfect Dopey (and Perfectly Goofy) this past January, but I am still in some of the legacy runner facebook groups. Perfect runners are getting links in their email today for guaranteed registration. Since I am no longer "Perfect" I have no guaranteed entry so Tuesday is going to be extra stressful.
I also lost Perfect Dopey (and Perfectly Goofy) this past January, but I am still in some of the legacy runner facebook groups. Perfect runners are getting links in their email today for guaranteed registration. Since I am no longer "Perfect" I have no guaranteed entry so Tuesday is going to be extra stressful.

Thanks for that info. Possible she hasn’t seen it yet as she’s been at work all day. Hopefully she gets the offer and it takes luck out of the equation.
SOOO glad I booked via TA last week. I was nervous they would limit spots and I wanted guaranteed entry. Good luck to everyone on Tuesday!
So, if I were to register for the marathon, and then try to upgrade on Tuesday...would I lose my marathon slot, or just face not being able to get Goofy?
If you’re not a local and plan to or are willing to stay on site, you’re missing the biggest efficiency option: Book a bib package with a travel agent. I‘m not sure which race(s) you’re looking for, but last I heard, all races except Dopey were still available to the TAs. Even if you’re looking for Dopey, reach out to a TA, as RunDisney often allocates them additional bibs if their allotment is depleted.

I’m SO glad I went the TA route and avoided the insanity today.
Thank you for the helpful information. I will be trying for Dopey. I would like to try to go the solo route on Tuesday. I want to put my clicking skills to work. I miss trying to grab that Boarding Group for RotR. :tongue: I got pretty good at getting one!

If I am not able to get one, I would be willing to link up with a TA. Any favorites you may suggest for a person who will be trying to travel from Western Canada?
Thank you for the helpful information. I will be trying for Dopey. I would like to try to go the solo route on Tuesday. I want to put my clicking skills to work. I miss trying to grab that Boarding Group for RotR. :tongue: I got pretty good at getting one!

If I am not able to get one, I would be willing to link up with a TA. Any favorites you may suggest for a person who will be trying to travel from Western Canada?

I’ll send you a message with the TAs I’ve worked with, but if you want to go that route, I’d contact them now. It’s extremely unlikely that they’ll have Dopey available after general registration, especially after today’s eye opening events. It’s still not a sure thing, though, being dependent on rD releasing more Dopey bibs to the TA allocation in the next day or so. I think there’s a reasonable possibility that will happen, as Disney prefers bibs to go with a resort package. Wine & Dine sold out of its TA allotment and was replenished a couple of times prior to general registration.
Not that it'll do any good, but I sent a note to Disney about this debacle. If Ticketmaster can guarantee your spot while you fill out a form, then Disney should be able to as well. Try again Tuesday.

I sent them a note about this very thing after W&D. Clearly nothing has changed.

This stresses me out for Dopey registration on Tuesday o_O

Yep. Same.

I don't even need a room but have checked with TAs and no Dopey availability there as of now.

I called Monday to add the 5K for my 3 kids because I had issues with the 5K W&D weekend and was able to easily add that and a client added the 5&10K for their fiance. However, on Monday there were no Dopey bibs. (I was like this is so easy let me add those too...). After people reported getting TA bibs this afternoon after registration I tried calling again with no success. The inconsistency of runDisney drives me nuts!
I'm dialing back my intention to the Marathon after the events of today. I've experienced Dopey and although I want to do it again and redeem myself for last year I think it can wait. With the limited spots and increased interest I think I'll leave my spot to someone who is experiencing it for the first time or needs it to stay perfect. I'm confident I have more Dopey Challenges ahead of me, it just won't be in 2021.

This will be the first time outside of my initial Marathon in 2013 that I will be running without the three Dopey races (and early wake ups) in front of it. I'm getting kind of psyched about seeing what I can do with my focus on a single race.


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