Manchester CKC Classes are up

I think the 2 I’m pretty sure about right now are “Bling It On” (LOVE My Minds Eye) and “Material Girl. “ I exclusively do double-page layouts in my albums, so my class choices are often derivative of that factor. And I have a girl so my taste seems to trend towards more modern-feminine stuff.
I scrapped in my room last year on thurs night and fri night we had a room party Pinball Family and I were right across from each other. so we hung out there.

I will at least have 1 shirt from last year with me if Danica doesn't have time to redo.

We did have such a great time, didn't we? party:

We'll have to see if Danica can crank up her creative brain and help us with shirts again - it really does make it easier to find each other!

If she and I do two Sat. classes, lunch or dinner or snackies with y'all, and vendor floor spendy time, that should make for a super-fun day. And maybe we'll invite ourselves up for an evening's "Radisson Room Crop Party: Year Two" if someone else is hosting this year...! :drinking1:wave2:
I'm not going to be there on sat night to host but I'll host a friday night room party!
last year on thurs night mom and I enjoyed a quiet night and had dinner just the two of us it was nice cause she and I NEVER get to do that type of stuff together and I scraped my heart out with noone wanting my attention.

we had an awesome party last year.

I can't believe it's full it was last year at this time I called and got the ressie. glad I called months ago!!

this years classes had lots of boys, kid and family history right up my alley so chosing is SOOOOOOO hard. As it sits I have 4 on fri and 1 on sat am. I think that might be a bit much so I've put aside till bedtime and revisit the whole thing.
No, No Lisa- 1 seat is hopefully occupied already!!!!!I got the email today too.

maybe hitch a ride with Lisa to visit with my peeps.

Buffy I'm sure lisa has room in the van.

LTM, I hope she did not sell our seats. I hope we are going with her. :scared1::laughing::lmao: I think she needs to bump her number down by at least 2 :rotfl:

I have the option of auctioning off seats?!! Nah, I wouldn't do that. I look forward to doing this each year with my buds.

Of course there is a seat with your name, Caroline! Your name has been on a seat since last years trip. :) We now have a full van if Buffy can come. :) We'll meet at our usual place at the dawn's early light for a day of terrific fun!!
well that vehicle filled up quickly!!

Can't wait to see you all!

of to study the lists in bed course it seems to have the opposite effect I need to go to sleep instead I'm wide awake
Phew - thought I might have lost my space - but I could have jumped in the back of the van!! Look forward to seeing all of you - hey dlb, you are way too quiet!!
I'd be very upset If you lost your seat!!

the time seems so far away but I know it will be here before I know it.
Looks like they still have some rooms avail just no more with the convention rate. course I'd imagine that things come up and people cancel especially as it gets closer.

who else is in?

well off to drool over the classes again
I'm heading up with a couple of friends again this year. The Disney autograph book class looks like fun. Maybe the misting class, since somehow I've never gotten into misting. I'm a little afraid of ending up with a room that looks like I spray painted it. Some of the Boy classes look fun too.

I'll be there Friday and Saturday, staying over at the Hilton.
I am not missing it this year. I even have a room. I can't wait!!!!! :banana:

I'm thinking about the misting class and definitely some of my favorite Technique Tuesday classes.
I HATE DECISIONS!!!!!! 7 or 8 more days til classes open and i stiil don't know.
Will Linda be home before then Caroline or Lisa??
Since we're leaving for vacation soon, I had to decide on my classes ASAP.

Here's what I have:

12:30-1:30 Sophisticated Style (SEI)
1:50-2:50 Perspectives (TT)

8:30-9:30 Scrap Your Vacation (Paper Loft)
11:10-12:10 Nothing is worth more... (QQ)
12:30-1:30 Stretched Family Canvas (QQ)

And I will also be taking either the Friday or Saturday Technique Tuesday border card class at 4:30 - just haven't finalized the day yet.
I HATE DECISIONS!!!!!! 7 or 8 more days til classes open and i stiil don't know.
Will Linda be home before then Caroline or Lisa??

Linda won't be home for another week and a half. The cruise ends Friday but she is going to stop at a few stops along the way for visits. I believe she is flying home the 29th.
Hey Lisa- doesn't Linda have her laptop with her? If so, once she hits Los Angeles or one of her other stops, bet she'll register for classes.
she does have her laptop with her. Today she was in Cabo. Aren't we green with envy? I am!!
Z2H and I may just show up (if we can) to meet up with some of you for lunch or dinner or whatever at CKC (probably for Saturday?). I don't think we're going to do any classes (still have unused cards and layouts from classes from the past two years! :scared1:) and since we truly, honestly, absolutely don't need anything from the vendor floor...well, we'll have to see about buying that ticket. It is fun, but boy, we're sitting on piles of stuff we've previously bought there and haven't gotten to touch yet!

Think TB and Shamrock are planning to still come...

We'll figure it out better as the event draws closer - anyway, the best part for us is getting to spend time with our scrappy peeps!

Can't wait to hear the PC cruise details from the gals - what an incredible trip they must have had!!!
Classes are registered for mom and I!!!

I'm taking:
fri 8:30 Totally Awesome Layouts
9:50 Family History and Record Keeping
11:10 Boys will be Boys
12:30 Sophis Style

fri 9:50 Unbelievable Cards
11:10 Boys will be boys
12:30 Sophis Style
3:10 Legacy of Family life

I'm keeping saturday open to visit and shop with all the day trippers (and of course check out in the am)
Only how many more days?
Pam your scrapping buddy is back so I bet that you can put a good dent in what needs to be used!!! Mom was just asking if the two of you were coming up. I was telling her of the ones that we'd met that have said they were coming and that there are some new ones coming this year that have chimed in! Hope that you at least come up for the day!
A great big THANK YOU to Joyah and the Dis. Our entire group thought that registration didn't open until tomorrow. Our e-mails said that and the website said that... I'm very grateful I got a notification that you posted on here you registered so we were all able to get the classes we wanted. I wonder why they opened it early... what made you try? Did you see todays date posted somewhere?


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