Lost Season 4 thread - **Spoilers**

Yeah, false advertising. I think they meant the fourth, meaning Kate. Maybe they expected us to forget that she showed up in the flash forward at the end of the third season :confused3 . I figured they were going to do that.

Well, they narrowed down the possibilities of who the remaining two are, since they made it pretty obvious that Claire isn't one of them.
I watched Lost for the for 1st season and loved it...it was so cool..then watched it the 2nd season and then i was lost... couldn't firgure it out with all the new people so stopped watching it... then started watching it again this season and nnow can't stopped!! So Kate is one of them too? Didn't know that! Now that I found this posts..I can kind of figure things out with all your help. But this season is good again!! Love it. Thanks for all the info
Don't you mean Aaron? I count: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron.

And I am loving Lost. :worship:

I don't know. I wasn't counting him just because he technically wasn't a passenger. Maybe he does count.
Don't you mean Aaron? I count: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron.

And I am loving Lost. :worship:

Ok I think I missed something somewhere. Why is Claire not one of the 6 and when did Aaron show up off the island?!? I guess it's stuff like this that is the reason I make sure to record both episodes every thursday now since the previous week's has the pop-up trivia thing.
Ok I think I missed something somewhere. Why is Claire not one of the 6 and when did Aaron show up off the island?!? I guess it's stuff like this that is the reason I make sure to record both episodes every thursday now since the previous week's has the pop-up trivia thing.

So there is a pop-up trivia ? I didn't realize it.... Would that be on the frist Lost from the week before? I will have to look for that..I usually don't watch the the frist one casue i know its from last week..but of course watch and record the second one which is the new one.
Well, these are the 5 I get so far.. Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and BEN. We saw that Ben was off the island and looks like blackmailing Sayid to kill, he said something like "you want your friends to remain safe don't you?" Of course, Ben can't come back as Ben..how would they explain oh we found this guy on the island in the middle of nowhere? My guess is Ben takes on the identity of someone who actually was on flight 815, he has very detailed info. on everyone on the plane so it'd be easy for him to figure out who didn't have any ties in the "real world" and become that person. Since Jack lied on the stand for Kate, he said only 8 people survived the crash, etc. I believe when they actually do leave the island it is not because they want to return home but because a situation arises where they are forced to make the decision to leave, thinking they are saving everyone else on the island. So I think they are all willing to lie no matter what it takes, to keep everyone back on the island safe, so they would agree to lie about Ben's identity. My guess is when that time comes, Jack has to make a split second decision to take Aaron...maybe Claire is off somewhere at that moment and they are watching Aaron, and Jack makes the decison to take Aaron to save him, but taking him away from his mother in the process. I think this is why he can't bear to see Aaron in the flash forward, it is guilt from taking him away from his mother and now lying to everyone that he is Kate's son. I can't think of any reason why Ben would agree to leave the island, all I can come up with for them leaving is like I said, a split second decision to leave thinking they are saving everyone else on the island. Or maybe they flee..not trying to return home but get off the island, maybe to sail to the other side or something along those lines, and in that time someone turns the "protection" back on, and they can't find their way back to the island. I think Locke will remain on the island, of course, to take over Ben's "work," whatever that actually is.

Okay, so I could be way off base with all of this, just MY guess and how I think things could go, at the moment. Things change week to week though, lol. I need to go back and watch the finale episode from last season again now that we are seeing more of the flash fowards I want to go remind myself what it is Kate and Jack say at the very end when we realized it was a flash forward.

Waiting to see when Michael returns, what will be his story? Did he lose Walt again, did Walt leave the boat forcing him to return? I think Walt knows how important it is for him to be there. Or is it just that they could not actually leave, sailing away returns them to some other point on the island?

Always SO many questions!!!!
I dont think they are counting Ben or Aaron as part of the Oceanic 6.
I am pretty sure the last two will be Sun and Jin....

I am just uncertain of how Kate ends up with Aaron. Maybe something happens with Claire and Kate takes Aaron to raise...I think the reason Jack doesn't want anything to do with Aaron is maybe he has something to do with whatever happens to Claire or couldn't prevent it and he can't face Aaron. Or he finds out that Claire is his sister and he has resentment because of his father hiding this fact...idk
I would have to agree I think Ben has deep pockets if he wanted could leave at anytime.

Interesting about the scene from this week with the helicopter and the storm and taking the same path out as in or ???

And did you notice the others came in via sub under maybe the disturbance above?
Well, these are the 5 I get so far.. Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and BEN. We saw that Ben was off the island and looks like blackmailing Sayid to kill, he said something like "you want your friends to remain safe don't you?" Of course, Ben can't come back as Ben..how would they explain oh we found this guy on the island in the middle of nowhere? My guess is Ben takes on the identity of someone who actually was on flight 815, he has very detailed info. on everyone on the plane so it'd be easy for him to figure out who didn't have any ties in the "real world" and become that person. Since Jack lied on the stand for Kate, he said only 8 people survived the crash, etc. I believe when they actually do leave the island it is not because they want to return home but because a situation arises where they are forced to make the decision to leave, thinking they are saving everyone else on the island. So I think they are all willing to lie no matter what it takes, to keep everyone back on the island safe, so they would agree to lie about Ben's identity. My guess is when that time comes, Jack has to make a split second decision to take Aaron...maybe Claire is off somewhere at that moment and they are watching Aaron, and Jack makes the decison to take Aaron to save him, but taking him away from his mother in the process. I think this is why he can't bear to see Aaron in the flash forward, it is guilt from taking him away from his mother and now lying to everyone that he is Kate's son. I can't think of any reason why Ben would agree to leave the island, all I can come up with for them leaving is like I said, a split second decision to leave thinking they are saving everyone else on the island. Or maybe they flee..not trying to return home but get off the island, maybe to sail to the other side or something along those lines, and in that time someone turns the "protection" back on, and they can't find their way back to the island. I think Locke will remain on the island, of course, to take over Ben's "work," whatever that actually is.

Interesting and well thought out theory. It'll be interesting to see how much of that is true.

Waiting to see when Michael returns, what will be his story? Did he lose Walt again, did Walt leave the boat forcing him to return? I think Walt knows how important it is for him to be there. Or is it just that they could not actually leave, sailing away returns them to some other point on the island?

How do you know Michael is coming back? Did they show it on the episode preview for this week? Because I missed that, so that would explain my not knowing.
According to an article TV Guide put out just before this season started, they said the producers confirmed Michael would be returning to the show.
Sorry, maybe should have put a spoiler alert....but since it's been publicized I didn't think to do it, have to remind myself not everyone wants to know stuff like this beforehand, so if I ruined the "surprise" for you, I apoligize. :)

Something else I just realized from the flash forward, Jack said "only 8 of us surived the crash"....yet they keep saying the Oceanic 6, so who are the other two and what's the deal? Wondering why they are going to admit to two dying after the fact....
I am just uncertain of how Kate ends up with Aaron. Maybe something happens with Claire and Kate takes Aaron to raise...I think the reason Jack doesn't want anything to do with Aaron is maybe he has something to do with whatever happens to Claire or couldn't prevent it and he can't face Aaron. Or he finds out that Claire is his sister and he has resentment because of his father hiding this fact...idk

You know, I had forgotten that connection between Jack and Claire...good point!!
According to an article TV Guide put out just before this season started, they said the producers confirmed Michael would be returning to the show.
Sorry, maybe should have put a spoiler alert....but since it's been publicized I didn't think to do it, have to remind myself not everyone wants to know stuff like this beforehand, so if I ruined the "surprise" for you, I apoligize. :)

Nah, it's no big deal. It will be interesting to see how he comes into play. Actually, I was expecting him to return in season 3 because (correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe his real name is Harold Perrineau, right? Or is that someone else?) I kept seeing his name pop up on the opening credits and I never saw him on the show.

Something else I just realized from the flash forward, Jack said "only 8 of us surived the crash"....yet they keep saying the Oceanic 6, so who are the other two and what's the deal? Wondering why they are going to admit to two dying after the fact....

Very interesting point. I forgot all about that. Maybe he was referring to Michael and Walt as the other two that aren't part of the Oceanic 6. Maybe everyone knows that they were on the plane and that they returned home. :confused3
My head hurts... LOL

Aaron cant be part of the oceanic 6 can he? he wasnt on the plane :faint:
I just remembered something I've been meaning to get other people's opinions about. Do you think that possibly Ben is psychic like Walt? But maybe he doesn't realize it, himself. Maybe he is Jacob, but he thinks he actually sees someone in that cabin. He's psychic and psycho at the same time.
I just remembered something I've been meaning to get other people's opinions about. Do you think that possibly Ben is psychic like Walt? But maybe he doesn't realize it, himself. Maybe he is Jacob, but he thinks he actually sees someone in that cabin. He's psychic and psycho at the same time.



Okay, let me try to explain more clearly.

When Ben and Locke go to visit Jacob, we obviously never see Jacob. As Locke is leaving the cabin, we hear "Jacob" say "help me". When he says "help me", the camera is zomed in on Locke's face and we don't see Ben.

I'm thinking that maybe Ben said "help me" but didn't realize it (maybe like a split personality talking). And Ben was able to break the windows and throw Locke up against the wall and everything (again, without realizing it, thinking Jacob is doing it) because he is psychic, like Walt. Possible telekinesis? :confused3

Okay, let me try to explain more clearly.

When Ben and Locke go to visit Jacob, we obviously never see Jacob. As Locke is leaving the cabin, we hear "Jacob" say "help me". When he says "help me", the camera is zomed in on Locke's face and we don't see Ben.

I'm thinking that maybe Ben said "help me" but didn't realize it (maybe like a split personality talking). And Ben was able to break the windows and throw Locke up against the wall and everything (again, without realizing it, thinking Jacob is doing it) because he is psychic, like Walt. Possible telekinesis? :confused3

interesting, i will have to think that one over....
BTW I cant wait til the episode comes on tonight. :yay:
I am watching the "enhanced" version of last week's episode and noticed when they showed Kate in court, the pop up along the bottom gave her arraignement docket number #42231615. Wonder what that is all about. Why would we need to know that? :confused3


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