Lost Season 4 thread - **Spoilers**


<font color=red>I like the Steelers <b>almost</b>
Aug 8, 2006
We are now about three days away from the season premiere of Lost! :woohoo: Personally, I am 16 episodes into season 3 at the moment, so I won't be caught up by the time season 4 premieres, but I've been getting so excited by the current storyline that I just thought I should make a thread for everyone who IS caught up. You all can put spoilers here if you want, but please warn that you're posting a spoiler (at least for the first few posts) so that I know to stop reading this thread :)
Couple more hours... I should be caught up before episode 4.02 premieres, so I should be able to chime in soon.
Just a few things that I'm eager to discover after tonight's season premiere ... (whited out just in case you haven't caught up with last season's season finale) ...

1. Does Charlie survive?!? Does he really have to die as Desmond predicted?
2. Did Locke really see Walt? What's the significance of Walt being a Jesus-figure telling him to get up and walk?
3. Does Sun's pregnancy go well?
4. Who are those people on the boat?
5. And of course ... I want to know the whole story of Jack and Kate apparently getting off the island!!!

The bad part of this is that you KNOW that they're not going to reveal that much in just one episode (even if it is two hours long). It takes forever to learn new things and when you do, new things come up. I like looking forward to the show and all the surprises, but I'm also curious to know how the entire series is going to end.
Yay!! Can't wait. I have watched LOST from the beginning.

It's been a long wait for the show to return ... But I'm ready!
I knew I lilked you mint! You have great taste in TV shows!!

I have also watched Lost from the beginning and I absolutely love it. The premiere was great and I can't wait for more!
Okay, so tonight's the night. I didn't get caught up like I had expected, but I just need to watch the season 3 finale (which I can do tonight) then I'll watch the other two episodes online, then I can say my conspiracy theories. (I already have plenty of them, but I'm afraid to say because they may have already been refuted in the two episodes I haven't seen yet).
woot I am so glad they moved this to Thursday nights ! Survivor then lost... perfect :)
Okay, I'm finally caught up. So there are two main questions I'm wondeing about right now.

First of all, how did a Dharma polar bear wind up in the deserts of Tunisia???

Second, are these people that are after Ben somehow affiliated with Dharma and they want to get even with him for helping wipe them all out? IAnd something that sort of ties in with all that, what exactly was the guy who was the "boss" of all of the people in the helicopter, the one that was talking to Naomi in the last flashback, trying to do to Hurley when he visited the mental institution? That guy's creepy).
Random thoughts ...

- Does the Dharma initiative use the polar bears as some sort of protection? Or they're experimenting on them?
- I'm curious as to why there were gas masks in that trunk that Jack and Kate saw! Because Ben and his followers had to use them when killing all the other Dharma people ...
- That creepy boss guy talking to Naomi ... OMG ... he freaks me out ... as much as I want to know who he is, I really have to make sure I watch the epis online when it's bright out and there are people at home! Haha.
- I thought the scene with Miles at the lady's murdered grandson ghost thing was freaky.
- How harmful or successful will those 4 people be if Naomi is dead? I want to know why they were chosen. I mean, Daniel was so upset when he was watching the news that said the plane was found. Did he know that he would have to go on that mission?
I am always clueless with where they are going. but I am also always entertained by it :)
I'm not liking these stupid flash forwards. I'd rather them stick with flashbacks and show what goes on when they get off the island in "real time".
Pretty good episode yesterday and interesting ending... but I hate to be talking to myself about it :rotfl:
I am rather enjoying it, I did like the ending, which was a flash forward. It totally threw me ROFL
I'm not liking these stupid flash forwards. I'd rather them stick with flashbacks and show what goes on when they get off the island in "real time".

How do you know that they AREN't in the here and now and the entire show is a flashback?
Just adding more confusion to an already confusing show Can't stop watching though I LOVE IT!popcorn::
How do you know that they AREN't in the here and now and the entire show is a flashback?
Just adding more confusion to an already confusing show Can't stop watching though I LOVE IT!popcorn::

:rotfl: Yeah, my fiance suggested that, too. It's possible. It makes my head hurt, though, to think that in seasons 1-3 they flashed back from a flashback.

So, who do you think the last two members of the "Oceanic 6" are? The episode preview for next week said that they would reveal another member, but it looked like it would be a Kate episode and we already know she's one of them from the end of season 3.
:rotfl: Yeah, my fiance suggested that, too. It's possible. It makes my head hurt, though, to think that in seasons 1-3 they flashed back from a flashback.

So, who do you think the last two members of the "Oceanic 6" are? The episode preview for next week said that they would reveal another member, but it looked like it would be a Kate episode and we already know she's one of them from the end of season 3.

I think Sawyer maybe one, even tho he doesnt seem to want to go back. Need that love triangle thing to keep things interesting :rotfl:
You might be right. I found out that it definitely is a Kate episode next week. We could possibly see her relationship with Sawyer off the island next week? Maybe they're both on the lam together, since they're both criminals :confused3
:woohoo: Tonight's the night! I'm going to have to miss the last 30 minutes of it, but I'll catch it online tomorrow or this weekend.
Okay, I now have extremely strong doubts about Sawyer making it off that island. I have even stronger doubts about Claire making it off the island (for obvious reasons, though there could be some bit of info they haven't told us yet).
i thought we were going to learn the 5th member of the oceanic 6? @_@


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