Layout Challenge #15: Winner is Calanniebu!!!!


Scrapbook Mom
Dec 28, 2005
We haven't seen PrincessKell around as of late..Here is hoping that she is just busy and not sick (nor the family)... So, I decided to go ahead and start a new challenge...

The idea for this challenge is to use as much of this template as you can.. You can tweak it how you see fit...utilize another size photo..but this time I'd like you to stick to just one good size photo!!! This can be disney or non-disney!! Whatever motivates you!!! :)

ETA: This will run from March 16 - March 31st. One of my little ones will pick a name after dinner on the 31st!

Here is the sketch from PageMaps again... This one is found in the February 2009 listing...


Here are my templates: (My journaling will be later w/ hidden tags more than likely)

DS12's LO

DS8's LO

I took the photos that will be printed for them tonight too!!! My photos are all 5x7. The green ban across the clovers/flowes says "I AM IRISH"...

I am in (I hope) - it is such a busy time of year for us, but these challenges keep me motivated!!

I am going to have to do Mickey Heads instead of the hearts though - LOL!!


PS Went to a crop this weekend and completed 18 pages!! Yes, 18!! 9 of them were pages I had started, got stuck on and set aside. It was my goal to complete those. But, I was aon such a roll, I ended up with 18 pages!! Maybe this Disney book will be done before our next trip after all.
Hi, can't click onthe link it is cutting it short. But when I get home and can see I'm usual.:thumbsup2
Hi, can't click onthe link it is cutting it short. But when I get home and can see I'm usual.:thumbsup2

I'll figure it out.. it opened each time I tried it in the preview..but it's not opening for me either...

Added the dates in the original post too!
I am in (I hope) - it is such a busy time of year for us, but these challenges keep me motivated!!

I am going to have to do Mickey Heads instead of the hearts though - LOL!!


PS Went to a crop this weekend and completed 18 pages!! Yes, 18!! 9 of them were pages I had started, got stuck on and set aside. It was my goal to complete those. But, I was aon such a roll, I ended up with 18 pages!! Maybe this Disney book will be done before our next trip after all.

Great job!!! Yes, this time of year gets really busy.. we only have 11 weeks of school left..and one of those weeks is spring break! :faint:

Hi, can't click onthe link it is cutting it short. But when I get home and can see I'm usual.:thumbsup2

Got the link fixed now... something w/ the ( ) and the was working a moment ago!!!
The templates are my favorite challenges. I'd do better if I made myself use them more often.
I'll try to get in on this. I wasn't feeling really inspired by the last two challenge, but I like sketches. This will be a change for me. I rarely (as in almost never) do one page layouts, so I will probably come up with a second page to go with this. I did just get some photos that I ordered with some enlargements, so I have something to work with................P
I am in. Thanks for hosting PN96! I am in the process of moving and these challenges are keeping me sane! :rotfl2:
I'll try to get in on this. I wasn't feeling really inspired by the last two challenge, but I like sketches. This will be a change for me. I rarely (as in almost never) do one page layouts, so I will probably come up with a second page to go with this. I did just get some photos that I ordered with some enlargements, so I have something to work with................P

If you hit the link and search their archives they have a lot of 2 page spreads.. I bet you could tweak one of them and make it work with this page.. this was a solo page...

I've got to find one for my DD's race... I have sequential (sp) photos of her running in her race last night...and I have an awesome set of shots of her running hurdles last year...from before the hurdle, the ease of the hurdle jump, and the landing after the hurdle... I won't let her run hurdles this year because she doesn't have the best form and they have no coach that specializes to teach proper form..and the risk of energy is too high...
I love that sketch, and Nancy, your layouts are terrific.

I am going to give this challenge a try. :thumbsup2
Thanks!!! I'm happy w/ them and the fact that they kids smiled when they saw them... it was most rewarding...but than again my kids love to see my creative side come out for their scrapbooks!!!
Awww, that is what is it all about and certainly the biggest reward. Kudos to the kids for making you feel good. :thumbsup2
Thanks!!! I really like it when my boys come down and voice their opinions!!
I did their recent Basketball photos (team/individual) this weekend.... and I used my Sports Mania cart of the boy dribbling... and on the uniform I put their number....they thought it was so cool... (I'll pm you a photo of that).. I even did one for DD...


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