Layout Challenge #1~Winner is~nicurn

For snail gifts, check out For some reason, my daughter loves slugs so that's where I went to get her a slug t-shirt. Yes I typed that right- a Slug T-shirt! don't ask me where that came from! But anyway, they have all kinds of unusual gifts, animal stuff, and I know they have snails also! My daughter would LOVE that for a mascot!
I'll try to get my layout done this weekend!

No, I had no time to work on anything yesterday.. I decided to help DD get that banner done for homecoming.. it's now back at school...and my stress level is back to "0"... (gosh, lets keep it that way!)....I also cleaned 1/2 of my scrap room yesterday I have to do the other half today and than I'll scrap this weekend..
Which reminds me.. I need to have DH take DD's camera to a college tour this weekend.. I want to scrap the tours for our eldest.

Awesome LO nicurn! Love the snails!
Great LO N4D.. that is cute!
omg, 266 pages??? wow! that's awesome! very cute layout too. :)

thank you
Yup, I just did 3 more so only 7 to go to hit my yearly goal. 266 is how many pages I made last year (my goal for 2008 was 208). I figured if I can do 266 for 08 I can do it for 09. My "dream" goal is 365 but that's just a dream LOL
N4D, congratulations on getting so many pages done! I've probably made that many swap pieces this year, but pages for myself is most likely single digits! I need to follow your lead!:goodvibes

Thank you. I am totally with you about the swaps.
in 2007 I joined 47 swaps a total of 177 spots PLUS I made 26 kits. I got 206 pages done
in 2008 I joined 17 swaps a total of 87 spots and I got 266 pages done.

One year was in over 250 spots and got ZERO done in my books :(
The beginning of this year I PUNISHED myself. I said self you can't swap OR scrap Disney trips till you are caught up on ALL your holiday layouts. My son is 8 and I didn't have any of those done (bad mommy I know LOL)

So in January I printed out all the holiday photos and anything else I wanted to do. I did a total of 76 holiday layouts LOL When I got overwhelmed with just Holiday layouts I did sneak in some Disney but it wasn't DIsney trips related. For insists I used a Dumbo swap I had for my Dumbo tattoo layout. I used another Dumbo swap for a Halloween DUmbo costume layout (my son DID NOT want to dress up as anything for Halloween LOL). I also used Disney swaps for Disney themed Birthday's (mickey, Buzz etc)
Check them out


thanks for the comments on my challenge layout
rofl, that dumbo layout titled "flight cancelled" is tooo cute! I haven't done a swap in a long time... still have a box of swap stuff to use up. :) I'm just glad the sketch was posted before I got out all the halloween stuff today... seriously there is more stuff than I know what to do with. :) (and I shudder to think about christmas...)
Hey, now that I printed photos (all 600+ of them...) I should be able to do this! Maybe I'll scrap my birthday from last year for this (yeah, I'm a year behind), since the challenge ends on my birthday!

wow that is a lot of pictures!!! :) I'm impressed that you are only a year behind... I am sooooo far behind it's kind of funny at this point. :) still have half of 8th grade to deal with, summer vacation, irish dance performances... I could go on... :)
rofl, that dumbo layout titled "flight cancelled" is tooo cute! I haven't done a swap in a long time... still have a box of swap stuff to use up. :) I'm just glad the sketch was posted before I got out all the halloween stuff today... seriously there is more stuff than I know what to do with. :) (and I shudder to think about christmas...)

thank you. He was Mickey for his 1st Halloween and I wanted him to be Dumbo for his 2nd (my favorite character). As you can see he was not having it LOL ALthough it's mean watching your kid cry but come on that face that adorable little face was just to cute not to snap photos of LOL I actually enjoyed that tantrum :rotfl: It was his frist one so I had to document it :lmao: You can probably tell he is my only child just from that statement alone LOL

Just before I go on vacation I don't clean clean the house. Oh yes, I do the everyday chores like cleaning dishes, vaccuming etc. 2 or 3 days before I leave I clean the house from top to bottom, I mean I clean everything (I even take out all the lightbulbs and make sure they are dust free LOL let's not forget dusting all the ceiling fans too.

Anyway, this is my plan for the next 4 days: do 7 more pages, clean house top to bottom, finishing packing, decorate house for Halloween and leave for Disney on Wednesday. I want to have everything done before Tuesday this way my son and I can spend all day on the school work his teacher should be giving him for vacation plus Wednesday morning we have till 12.
Here's my first stab at a LO using PSE. Thansk for the challenge! Good motivation to learn to use my PSE!


Antique Gold Mini Kit by Valeri Brumfield
Nuts4disney....that is a classic...flight it!
Nuts4disney....that is a classic...flight it!

thanks. It's one of my favorites. I wanted to do a layout with those pictures for years but couldn't come up with a title but it came to me in a dream a couple months ago. LOL Do you believe that?
My sample is up. I played on it loosely, because I didn't think this needed torn paper, or too many layers. Can't wait to see more!


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