Join Us For A Hagarific Meet!

For those of you counting down the days...obviously I'm not :rolleyes:

63 more days!

ALSO, can I just say that I can't believe Bon went to the world and didn't take me with her! :mad:
Also, one more thing - Rella - I need to talk to you! MSN me or PM me!
Hello Ladies:

FYI - Disney has changed some park times and schedules due to the fact that they have scheduled some Pirates & Princess Parties. For our visit the only nights we can see SpectroMagic are Thursday night and Friday night.

We currently have MGM and then Raglan Road scheduled for Thursday night and EPCOT scheduled for Friday night. I could suggest that those wanting to see Spectro take the monorail and go to MK for Spectro and then return to EPCOT to finish the EMH - if they want. Anyone else have any suggestions?
Can't wait for Raglan Road...I popped in there yesterday when we were at Downtown Disney. The place looks just grand! :yay:

Can someone please post the new schedule on this thread? That would be lovely! Gracias.
Hello Ladies:

FYI - Disney has changed some park times and schedules due to the fact that they have scheduled some Pirates & Princess Parties. For our visit the only nights we can see SpectroMagic are Thursday night and Friday night.

We currently have MGM and then Raglan Road scheduled for Thursday night and EPCOT scheduled for Friday night. I could suggest that those wanting to see Spectro take the monorail and go to MK for Spectro and then return to EPCOT to finish the EMH - if they want. Anyone else have any suggestions?

YES!!! Do this trip in '09 instead!!!!! :sad1:
How many days left? My ticker only speaks in terms of months, weeks and days. That ain't as helpful, KWIM? :flower3:
Can't wait for Raglan Road...I popped in there yesterday when we were at Downtown Disney. The place looks just grand! :yay:

Can someone please post the new schedule on this thread? That would be lovely! Gracias.

Wednesday: MK and Jiko dinner
Thursday: Boma Breakfast than to AK
Leave AK mid-day and head to MGM
4:15 dinner at 50's Prime Time and stay at MGM
After closing head to DTD and browse
10:00 drinks, dinner, dessert, whatever at Raglan Road
Friday: EPCOT and LeCellier at 1:30 for Lunch - EMH night at EPCOT
Saturday: Magic Kingdom!
2:00 Tea at Grand Floridian
5:00 Dinner at O'hana or Tony's
7:00 Pirates and Princess Party
Sunday 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Safari and Breakfast
Animal Kingdom after until people leave to go home :sad1:

YES!!! Do this trip in '09 instead!!!!! :sad1:

I am all for doing this trip AGAIN in 09. Are you going to come this time hoser?

How many days left? My ticker only speaks in terms of months, weeks and days. That ain't as helpful, KWIM? :flower3:

Current countdown:
For those arriving on Monday (me): 54 days
For those arriving on Tuesday (Rella): 55 days
For those arriving on Wednesday: 56 days

I will definitely be Hagarific by 2009!!!!!!!! (Just need a little time to build up my alcohol tolerance--- gotta show Squiddy a thing or two!)

And that concludes my drive-by post...
What? A 2009 meet is already in the works? Wooo hoooo! I take it this is not the Hawaii meet that Squid had mentioned a while back. Cause the Hawaii DVC won't be ready for a couple more years, right?

Where we stayin' next time? And I see no reason we can't start putting a few ideas out there for 2009. At least there can be a few planning festivities for those who can't make the Feb. meet! Cause planning is a treat, I tell you! :cutie:
Wednesday: MK and Jiko dinner
Thursday: Boma Breakfast than to AK
Leave AK mid-day and head to MGM
4:15 dinner at 50's Prime Time and stay at MGM
After closing head to DTD and browse
10:00 drinks, dinner, dessert, whatever at Raglan Road
Friday: EPCOT and LeCellier at 1:30 for Lunch - EMH night at EPCOT
Saturday: Magic Kingdom!
2:00 Tea at Grand Floridian
5:00 Dinner at O'hana or Tony's
7:00 Pirates and Princess Party
Sunday 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Safari and Breakfast
Animal Kingdom after until people leave to go home :sad1:

I am all for doing this trip AGAIN in 09. Are you going to come this time hoser?

Current countdown:
For those arriving on Monday (me): 54 days
For those arriving on Tuesday (Rella): 55 days
For those arriving on Wednesday: 56 days


Wait! Squid....not sure if you noticed....but according to this schedule, T and I will only have like half a day at MK and that's it. And that half day is on Saturday...the busiest day of the week. I know we have the P&P party, but I have heard those can get pretty crowded and not enough ride time. And if we do ride rides at the party we have to miss some of the the other festivities. KWIM? It's no secret that I have never been too keen on the P&P party, and if that is the majority of my MK time, I'll be kinda sad.

Will anyone be offended if I attend some things and don't attend others?
:teeth: I know I won't be able to handle all the hopping around on Thurs and Sat. Not only will it drive me batty, it will wear me out. And I'm really worried my heel spurs will still be hurting. So I may end up spending some time alone, so as not to hinder the group, which is totally fine. Just telling everyone up front cause I don't want to offend anyone. :dance3:

Love you freaks! :flower3: know that I would hang with you in MK, right? :rolleyes1



I'm soooo sad! :sad1:

Let's talk HAGFEST '09!!!!!!! :cheer2:
BTW, I would like to publicly announce that my hag is Queen of Hearts. I know I had to temporarily use Malificent for August, but truly, my heart belongs to Queenie. She's fat and yells a lot...totally me! :love:
Hey hags and hagettes,

Can someone post the latest 08 schedule for mwaaaa.
I was bummed to have to check out of our discussion this morning...
and now I'm really curious about what if anything you decided.


LBelle... will you REALLY COME with us in 09?? And Shannon too???
Cuz it would be truly awesome if you did!
Rella - I will post the updated schedule in a few minutes. First of all though, if we are going to do shirts chicks we need to order them soon. I just wanted to know what you guys thought of this. Please give me your ideas, wants, likes, dislikes, etc. I want to do these with the disney design group so that they are completely screen printed. I did not like the transfers we did for August.

We have to have a light colored shirt since they don't do dark. Also, wasn't sure if the tea party theme would still work and we could do that theme in 09 when more people come if you want. But, if you want to keep the theme, I'm fine with that too.

Let me know!




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