January Scrapping Challenge- Get Your New Year Off on the Right Foot

I would like a little motivation too!

My goal for this month is 10 pages...I'm starting off with small amount in hopes that it will grow! I am working on pages from our Georgia Aquarium and Washington DC trip this summer. And I got 3 pages done today!!!:woohoo:
I got 6 more pages done. I went to a crop tonight and started a few pages that need some journaling and titles to be done!!
Hey all! I'm up to January 15th! I mean, I've done 15 pages. :banana: And I used a number of swap items! :banana:
Updated once again!!! We have many of you just a page or 2 from moving up a category and an amazing number of us already have a smilie- Great Job so far this month. We are averaging 49 pages per day!! Keep up the good work.

Updated once again. keep doing those pages and adding to our tally.

I did one more this afternoon. I hope I have the energy to do more this evening.
I completed two more pages today and finished my Georgia Aquarium trip! :woohoo:
I updated once again since I was adding in my totals. Sorry about the mistake plgrn- I was updating you this monring when I lost your original number and I didn't actually check back through the postings to get the right number, I put down what I thought it was planning on going back and checking but hadn't had a chance yet.

Ok, I am officially on the board with TWO!

Woo Hoo

I figure that's probably two more than I did last year!
I got one more done tonight. I am going to have to order pictures to finish some layouts.
I did 2 more pages last night for a total of 5 so far this month. That is about 1 a day so far :)


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