January page challenge ~ Winner PN96!!!!!

Cheryl, SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! She'll come out of the woodwork to get me!!!! LOL
She's still talkin' trash to me via text!!!
play nice Nan and Buffy :lmao::lmao::lmao: you two are really getting pages done this month :rotfl2:

I got another 4 completed...slow and steady I guess.
OOhhh, where's the popcorn?! I cant wait to see how this plays out between those two!:rotfl:
In the mean time plaese add another 2 for tonight. 3 more and Norway will be done! Tomorrow!
Woohoo BAMB!!!!! I have your total as 76???? I'll re-check my math in the morning.
I took today off because DS15's games got messed up because the host school had a leak on the aux gym floor so we were down to 1 gym for the games... I plan on scrapping away the day tomorrow because the boys are fixing DS15's ceiling tomorrow. They took out the false ceiling!

Congrats Buffy!!!! :) Keep up the good work!!! I've got 2 days to catch up... so please feel free to take the next 2 days off to relax! :lmao:
After working all day Jan 1 & 2- I completed 14 pages. After 2 1/2 days at a scrapbook getaway with no distractions beside conversation- I completed 29 pages. For a total of 43 total layouts. I figure I invested about 60 hours to scrapping this month so far so I am in awe of you who can complete these huge #'s, even on a regular basis :worship: Great job ladies!!!!
I did some more pages last night- 11 more finished which puts me at 62 for the month.

Sorry I haven't checked in since Friday. We had a rough weekend here. I'll go add your amazing numbers to the totals then I'll post our top 5 scrappers for the month so far :)

5 more for me


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