Inconsiderate Cruisers

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We also had the experience of staying at a Marriott Residence but unfortunately it was for 10 months. Our home had burned down and it took a long time to rebuild it but we also ate each morning. We always brought our plates and the dining room people would always tell us to "just leave them at the table" which we just could not do. They explained that it was their job to do it but appreciated our efforts. We also try to clean up after ourselves in Cabanas and when we bring our plates and cups up the cast members thank us and appreciate it always. We are certainly people watchers and sometimes cannot believe how people act however it does not really impact our vacation or our enjoyment of our cruise.

I remember reading on this board about your house fire. Such a sad thing. Glad that is behind you!

@mmouse37 that is so very cool! I hope when the netflix show comes out you will be able to let us know at that point ;-)

As for the topic at hand, it never occurred to us NOT to put the towels in the bin, NOT to stack our plates and cups neatly and try and find a home for them.....ick. Like really, it takes two seconds to clean up your area.
So what should you do with your plates?
I agree that it looks gross, but what option do you have?

You will not order room service because you dont know what to do with the plates, seems a little extreme to me.....

I take my tray up to the pool deck and put it on the bus station outside Cabanas. And room service isnt that great so we'd rather take a couple flights of stairs and get something from the quick serve.

Their wings are really good though so we always get those from room service :)
We noticed a lot of trash on tables especially on the deck by the pools. We do take our trays over to the trash bins, but at the same time it annoyed us that disney wasn't doing a great job cleaning up. If they do not plan on picking it up, they should have signs on every table that says to bus your own table.
Honest question, what are you supposed to do with your room service dishes, if not put them in the hall? I haven't ordered room service in a good, long while, but I thought I recall there being instructions, at least in some hotels, to do exactly that. Perhaps along with a call to room service to come retrieve them?

Of course you put them in the hall - as in almost any hotel, if you call, they will tell you to put them in the hall. Ideally you call and tell them when you are putting them out so they know they are there but I've forgotten to call once or twice and honestly haven't seen much difference in pickup times whether you call or not. They get them quickly. It's not like the hallways are littered with dishes. Disney ships are very clean - some of it is because people clean up after themselves and some of it is because Disney hires people to take care of it when people have a lapse in judgment.
Thank you for this post. We are about to go on our first cruise, and I will be sure to emphasize the need to pick up after ourselves, despite what others around us are doing. If everyone just did a little, it would be better for all of us!
I take my tray up to the pool deck and put it on the bus station outside Cabanas. And room service isnt that great so we'd rather take a couple flights of stairs and get something from the quick serve.

Their wings are really good though so we always get those from room service :)

I dislike old food in the hallways as much as the next person (and I'm a bit flighty on vacation so have tripped over plenty of "hall dishes"), but I think that's a bit much. If that's what you want to do, fine, but I wouldn't label others as rude because they don't bus their room service plates to the buffet. Not to mention that means somebody from the buffet area has to come fetch the covers for the plates. I can't recall with Disney but many lines use different plates for the buffet and room service making it even more confusing for them.

Room service is offered (I hate buffets so if the dining room isn't open I opt for room service) I'm not going to forgo that amenity because I don't like their cleanup policy. I always call and regardless of cruise line or hotel am 99.9% of the time told to leave it in the hall, so that's what I do.

Some people are just rude no doubt about it (part of the reason I hate buffets is the amount of finger licking before touching the serving utensils or just full on sticking a hand in the trays I have seen). I also think it can be confusing. The few times I've been to the buffet, I've seen staff bussing plates but no station of bins to bus yourself. I tend to leave plates on the table rather than carry stacks around a crowded space wandering in hopes of finding where to go. I'm sure some on this thread think I'm rude.

Places where you bus your own food tend to have signage and clear stations with bins for trays, plates, silverware, etc. I'm always a little muddy on ships as I never see bussing stations.

I gather up my towels at the pool because there a huge bins for wet towels in various places on the pool deck so it's pretty obvious. If I saw staff picking them up but no place to put them or saw staff pushing bins for towels and gathering them up, I might leave them.

While I don't subscribe to leaving crud everywhere because people are paid to clean it up, I also don't subscribe to the whole notion that you're rude if you don't completely pick up after yourself everywhere you go.

I'm not going to leave piles of food that's dropped on the floor, but I'm not going to dig under the table for bits of crumbs when the cleanup staff have a vacuum.
I dislike old food in the hallways as much as the next person (and I'm a bit flighty on vacation so have tripped over plenty of "hall dishes"), but I think that's a bit much. If that's what you want to do, fine, but I wouldn't label others as rude because they don't bus their room service plates to the buffet. Not to mention that means somebody from the buffet area has to come fetch the covers for the plates. I can't recall with Disney but many lines use different plates for the buffet and room service making it even more confusing for them.

Room service is offered (I hate buffets so if the dining room isn't open I opt for room service) I'm not going to forgo that amenity because I don't like their cleanup policy. I always call and regardless of cruise line or hotel am 99.9% of the time told to leave it in the hall, so that's what I do.

Some people are just rude no doubt about it (part of the reason I hate buffets is the amount of finger licking before touching the serving utensils or just full on sticking a hand in the trays I have seen). I also think it can be confusing. The few times I've been to the buffet, I've seen staff bussing plates but no station of bins to bus yourself. I tend to leave plates on the table rather than carry stacks around a crowded space wandering in hopes of finding where to go. I'm sure some on this thread think I'm rude.

Places where you bus your own food tend to have signage and clear stations with bins for trays, plates, silverware, etc. I'm always a little muddy on ships as I never see bussing stations.

I gather up my towels at the pool because there a huge bins for wet towels in various places on the pool deck so it's pretty obvious. If I saw staff picking them up but no place to put them or saw staff pushing bins for towels and gathering them up, I might leave them.

While I don't subscribe to leaving crud everywhere because people are paid to clean it up, I also don't subscribe to the whole notion that you're rude if you don't completely pick up after yourself everywhere you go.

I'm not going to leave piles of food that's dropped on the floor, but I'm not going to dig under the table for bits of crumbs when the cleanup staff have a vacuum.

In Cabanas it is customary to leave your plates on the table for the CM's to bus There is no place to put dirty plates in Cabanas. The CM's contantly come and clean the tables off. I was referring more to the fast food areas. Those I clear off myself because if left the wind would make a mess of everything.

In Cabanas it is customary to leave your plates on the table for the CM's to bus There is no place to put dirty plates in Cabanas. The CM's contantly come and clean the tables off. I was referring more to the fast food areas. Those I clear off myself because if left the wind would make a mess of everything.


Agreed! You are not expected to bus your tables at Cabanas any more than in the main dining rooms.

On deck however, there are places to leave your dishes so they can be collected. Not that hard. It always surprises me to see plates and glasses just left around the ship, even in the restrooms.
In Cabanas it is customary to leave your plates on the table for the CM's to bus There is no place to put dirty plates in Cabanas. The CM's contantly come and clean the tables off. I was referring more to the fast food areas. Those I clear off myself because if left the wind would make a mess of everything.


Agreed! You are not expected to bus your tables at Cabanas any more than in the main dining rooms.

On deck however, there are places to leave your dishes so they can be collected. Not that hard. It always surprises me to see plates and glasses just left around the ship, even in the restrooms.
I work in the travel industry too. I agree with the poster who says it isn't just cruises. It is everywhere. Look around your airplane on your next flight. People dressed like they just rolled out of bed, feet on bulkheads or the seat in front of them - oftentimes wearing wife beaters and sandals. I've seen people clipping toenails, changing a baby's diaper on the tray table where the unknowing next passenger might eat. Parents let children draw on the walls and grind Cheerios into the floor. They shove trash into the seat pocket until it overflows onto the floor. After landing they race up the aisle rather than waiting their turn. (school bus rules apply!)

It is an entitlement culture of people who feel that what they want to do right now is more important than anyone else's wants/needs.

I feel bad for the CMs who have to try and quickly remedy the situation so as to keep the ship "magical" for the next guest who walks by.
I'm curious about this too. We didn't have room service last time but plan to this trip.

Call room service and they'll come collect them, OR just leave in your cabin and it will be cleaned up the next time your room steward passes through.
Don't have anything new to add, except that it drives me crazy also. When we see there are stations around to dispose of our waste and dishes we always pick up our trays and take care of everything. I'm in the same camp as those that believe it is because too people believe they are paying good money for this vacation, I'm not going to do it when there are plenty of Cast Members to take care of it for me. And we too push in our chairs before we walk away from the table to make it easier for people to maneuver around the room. Some people have no clue what the meaning of common courtesy is. It isn't just for the CM's benefit to pick things up but for the people that are looking for a place to sit.
I will still use a table that is a little messy if the restaurant is very busy and the CM's can't immediately clean it. But that is impossible when there are still trays and dishes covering them.
changing a baby's diaper on the tray table where the unknowing next passenger might eat. Parents let children draw on the walls and grind Cheerios into the floor. They shove trash into the seat pocket until it overflows onto the floor. After landing they race up the aisle rather than waiting their turn. (school bus rules apply!)

Flying with a baby is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Flying with a baby on my way to my brother's funeral felt like climbing Mt Everest. Dirty diaper but sitting on the tarmac unable to get up. My choice was to change my child on my lap (unpleasant for everyone close to me) or let her keep screaming (unpleasant for even more people.)

A year later: My toddler was always a good kid, but she couldn't be counted on to get 100% of her cereal in her mouth each time. Turbulence comes up and there is no in-flight service to give the attendants trash or a way to change that next diaper in the bathroom.

I also always wipe down the trays because diaper changes, sneezing, etc. etc. makes me a bit skeeved out by touching that surface or letting my daughter touch it.

I agree with 99% of this post about people being rude, but, after being a mom traveling with a small child, I have much more sympathy for when things just do not go according to plan. Rudeness is not ok. We all need to look out for each other. But, sometimes what we see as inconsiderate can really just be people trying to make it through their day as best they can.
there are also a small percent of people on any given day that are just not paying attention or are distracted to where they leave things behind, etc. I know I've done s few of these things but realize later "oops, I meant to... Or did I....?" But I don't think that explains a lot of what is being discussed.

Room service dishes are gross when left in any hallways, and are especially challenging in the narrow halls of the cruise ship. However, it is where they are to be left. there isn't really room in the cabin to leave the RS tray, unless you are traveling alone or as two, maybe. Personally, I hate leaving trays of food in my room because often it makes the whole room smell and takes up space.
Flying with a baby is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Flying with a baby on my way to my brother's funeral felt like climbing Mt Everest. Dirty diaper but sitting on the tarmac unable to get up. My choice was to change my child on my lap (unpleasant for everyone close to me) or let her keep screaming (unpleasant for even more people.)

A year later: My toddler was always a good kid, but she couldn't be counted on to get 100% of her cereal in her mouth each time. Turbulence comes up and there is no in-flight service to give the attendants trash or a way to change that next diaper in the bathroom.

I also always wipe down the trays because diaper changes, sneezing, etc. etc. makes me a bit skeeved out by touching that surface or letting my daughter touch it.

I agree with 99% of this post about people being rude, but, after being a mom traveling with a small child, I have much more sympathy for when things just do not go according to plan. Rudeness is not ok. We all need to look out for each other. But, sometimes what we see as inconsiderate can really just be people trying to make it through their day as best they can.

Traveling with little kids is a challenge at times. And, honestly, what percentage of major diaper blow-outs happen in the well stocked comfort of your own home? My guess: 1% or less. So glad that stage is over!
I don't think I've seen widespread messes. I do think some people have different expectations and it's a matter of degrees.

Dishes left on table in Cabanas-I think this is what you're suppose to do, however some people posted they carry their dishes to a CM. so they probably think the rest of us are rude for not stacking them or organizing them.

Room service trays in the hall-I think this is fine since it's what you're told to do. Others think it's messy and rude. I don't think leaving it for your stateroom host is right either but I'm not going to argue with someone who prefers that over the hall.

Towels left in a ball on the bathroom floor-Hotels say if you need your towels replaced to leave them on the floor. I feel horrible doing this though and find myself trying to put them in a pretty little pile. The maids probably think I'm insane.

Last sail away our family got several Pom Pom things from CMs. We didn't want them after the sail away so we left them on a table for someone else who might like them. Some people might see this as leaving trash since we didn't directly offer them to anyone, but we thought we were being nice.

There are clear norms and expectations that some people just ignore but with some of this I think people have different opinions on what is right and I try not to get worked up over it. (I have the same attitude towards everyone who thinks I'm cutting in line at Cabannas)
Haven't been on a cruise (yet), but when comparing courtesies from day-to-day life here on land, it's amazing to see people who don't pick up after their selves, push in chairs or say excuse me. Visiting the beach - there is so much trash left over after a huge holiday weekend, it's sad to see how people can't pick up after themselves.

I think for when we do/if we do order room service, we would keep the dishes in the room unless told otherwise. I've ordered room service in hotel rooms before and only ever left dishes in the room. :)
Messes, Messes everywhere. There are enough people that are slobs and just don't care. :sad2: They are the "only ones" that paid a lot for their cruise:lmao:, so they can do as they please.

I have seen many a passenger equate Steward and Server to mean "Personal Slave".
I've seen people berate their server at dinner, the manager and the chef. Did I mention this was at Palo!!! :scared1: totally amazing!!

Up on the pool decks people leave the messes behind. There's gotta be a better way to get rid of your room service dirty dishes than the hallway. But some of the biggest messes I've seen onboard are in the Walt Disney Theater after shows. Popcorn everywhere, empty glasses / cups everywhere.
Pixie Dust and Streamers pixiedust: too. :rolleyes1
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