How do you picture this virus finally ending

I can imagine taking out one of my masks and showing it to my soon-to-be 2 Godson when he's in high school and has to interview an old-timer about the Coronavirus Pandemic, and telling him about how I was sick with it but survived when many didn't. Right now, in the present, he doesn't even bat an eye at all the strangers around him wearing masks when we take him out- it's not even remotely frightening to him because it's all he knows.
When people say ending do you all mean ending ending?

So in one sense there are no more episodes of The Office so it's over... or when saying over is there an acknowledgement of a possibility there may be reruns? So like some sort of Obi-Wan Star Wars soft logic...
Someone will give me lab results on a person who was suspected to be suffering from the Next Big Pandemic, but they're positive for COVID-19, and everyone will say, "Wow. We haven't had THAT around here for a while. I thought that virus was gone."
Someone will give me lab results on a person who was suspected to be suffering from the Next Big Pandemic, but they're positive for COVID-19, and everyone will say, "Wow. We haven't had THAT around here for a while. I thought that virus was gone."
Like Measles. Remember when there were a 1/2 dozen or so cases of Measles that were traced back to a family that visited DL? I never thought I'd see that happen - but it did.
I know weve had the spanish flu polio hong kong flu but I dont remember any of those shutting the world down like this is doing--and to think how far technogies medicine and science have come since those
all I remember of the polio vaccine was eating a sugar cube with the vaccine in it

with polio there were school closings, public park/pool closings...while smaller in magnitude than the more famous 1918–1919 spanish flu, the polio epidemic started in new york city and new jersey, but then spread across the usa, resulting in mass quarantines and prolonged school closures at the start of the 1916–1917 academic school year. from 1937-1953 there were terrible annual epidemics of polio that caused states to move to close schools, parks and swimming pools. picnics and parties were discouraged.

one of the key differences between the polio epidemics and covid is age of victims/timing of recurring outbreaks-because most of polio’s victims were young public health officials didn’t advocate total quarantine of all nonessential businesses, polio was also a very seasonal disease striking in the warm summer months. it was a known threat that parents planned annually for-i heard stories of how day to day life for my older siblings changed as kids once the weather turned warmer (no more playing out in groups with neighborhood kids, no more going to the parks, much more 'keep to yourself'), early summer birthdays were celebrated with kid's parties either in early spring or fall.

polio was considered a kid's disease so it was largely kid's that saw their lifestyle changed (but given it took decades to come up with an effective vaccine there were/are generations born during that time that grew up knowing no different than spring signaling an overall shutdown on their activities.
(I have coworkers who are vaccinated that still refuse to leave the house).

That is truly bizarre!! Hard to imagine.

And its not just one, its multiple? "Coworkers" with a S!!

We have a huge circle of friends/co-workers/hundreds of contacts and literally everyone we know is planning to return to normal life as soon as they get the vaccine.

Oh and I am guessing that since they work with you, they do actually leave the house?
I agree with others that the virus will never end, but I think by Fall things will largely be back to normal.

People like my family, who have been cautious and followed all of the CDC guidelines, will be back to traveling, dining out, flying etc. two weeks after we are fully vaccinated.
I know weve had the spanish flu polio hong kong flu but I dont remember any of those shutting the world down like this is doing--and to think how far technogies medicine and science have come since those
all I remember of the polio vaccine was eating a sugar cube with the vaccine in it

The 1918 flu definitely shut things down. Last summer, a local newspaper in NH published long ago articles from 1918. Churches, Halls, etc. were closed. Shops and banks had reduced hours.

But there is no comparison from 100 years ago and today. Back then people rarely if ever traveled. Farming was huge with families working on their family farms. They were already in their "bubble" without even trying.

So many places that shut down in 2020, didnt even exist in 1918!
Brazil is at about 1% people vaccinated and it's going slow. I really hope we get to 10% in a few months so we can maybe dodge this varient as best we can.

"Since vaccine distribution began in the U.S. on Dec. 14, more than 72 million doses have been administered, reaching 14.6% of the total U.S. population, according to federal data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The U.S. is currently administering over 1.6 million shots a day."
Same. We don’t talk about it in my day to day life. I do work at a hospital and get a daily covid dashboard update but that’s it. I don’t watch the news so I don’t hear it there. I have vacations planned. Today is my sons bday and we’re going to a local pub and having some drinks and dinner with friends (there is reduced capacity and we can’t sit at the bar) but we’re going on with life. My life hasn’t changed much (well we did lock down from March-May) except we can’t go to things that are closed (clubs, sporting events, etc) and we wear masks where required. I still have brunch with my friends, I still visit family, I still attend bday parties and grad parties and all that. When I’m out I never think “I might catch covid if I do this.” It doesn’t cross my mind.
Im so envious. I wish I could do that, but I am WAY too scared of killing someone by giving them the virus. I couldn’t live with that. So I wait for my turn with the vaccine. I wiil not kill someone just to have my freedom
That is truly bizarre!! Hard to imagine.

And its not just one, its multiple? "Coworkers" with a S!!

We have a huge circle of friends/co-workers/hundreds of contacts and literally everyone we know is planning to return to normal life as soon as they get the vaccine.

Oh and I am guessing that since they work with you, they do actually leave the house?
I only know one who still won't go anywhere. She lost a sibling to COVID and has a child who is immunocompromised. She is a nurse and is fully informed but I can understand her apprehension.
It is possible that you will need a new vaccination every year, like the flu vaccine. Not sure if the COVID-19 vaccine can be added to the flu vaccine to make it one shot, or if you will need two.
Same. We don’t talk about it in my day to day life. I do work at a hospital and get a daily covid dashboard update but that’s it. I don’t watch the news so I don’t hear it there. I have vacations planned. Today is my sons bday and we’re going to a local pub and having some drinks and dinner with friends (there is reduced capacity and we can’t sit at the bar) but we’re going on with life. My life hasn’t changed much (well we did lock down from March-May) except we can’t go to things that are closed (clubs, sporting events, etc) and we wear masks where required. I still have brunch with my friends, I still visit family, I still attend bday parties and grad parties and all that. When I’m out I never think “I might catch covid if I do this.” It doesn’t cross my mind.

Must be nice! No birthday or grad parties here.
We’re still in lockdown.
my husband’s work is still closed due to the pandemic.
I think of it daily. All day,
Yep...I was 3 months pregnant with my daughter on 9/11 and she is a freshman in college this year
My oldest was obsessed a couple years ago watching documentaries because she was 11 months old on 9/11. She obviously wouldn't remember it, but she's watched just about every documentary there is.
Just wondering what are your thoughts on how this virus is all going to end when we can finally get ours lives back I know things will have to go slowly but just how slow. Also how will they ones in charge start lifting restrictions. Just wondering what everything thinks this will finally end.
I’m booked for January 2022. I picture it ending with me going to Disney World!

I think it will slowly phase out over the summer. People are going to slowly start peeling their masks off and taking bigger steps to be “out there” and trying to get back to living. And by July I think most of us will be living normal lives. I’m not saying we will be out of the water, but I think most of us will be living our lives as if we all are.


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