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rayelias said:

So as not to further offend you, I have removed the "Hanname" greeting from my signature.

For what it's worth, it's a shame that you don't share the same outlook as your Mom, who has every right to be bitter and hateful. Instead, she saw the humor and goodwill in this long, and now infamous thread.

For me, the spirit of what "Hanname" is dead because instead of seeing the comaraderie and joy your mother created, you chose to imply it was some sort of attack. I don't remember seeing a single post that was intentionally malicious or hurtful.

This will be the last time I refer to "Hanname," and is one less person you have to worry about using it in their signature. I apologize for upsetting you.

I told my mother I would let this go...but this post sucked me back in. It is a shame that when I read a post that is laughing and making jokes about "hanname" that I took offense. I don't see the humor in making fun of someone. I have read through most of the threads and I see some of them are good natured and I see some are not. If this was your mother being made fun of, whether you think it's all fun or not, you would be pissed off too. Have your fun w/ Hanname in your sig, it doesn't matter to me, it's my mother who has the choice to be offended by it or not. And by the way, while we were trying to register my mother under a new name since Admin wouldn't reset her password under her original, we tried "Hanname" but guess what? For such an unusal name, someone is already a member here w/ Hanname as the username.
rayelias said:
For what it's worth, it's a shame that you don't share the same outlook as your Mom, who has every right to be bitter and hateful.

Sorry, but this is uncalled for toward someone already letting us know they were offended given thier relationship to the person targeted. She has a right to feel how she feels. Telling someone else how they are suppose to feel is....er.....how about simply .... not healthy.

Can we please not take any more jabs at any of the members of this family?

Beach_Bound9 said:
Sorry, but this is uncalled for toward someone already letting us know they were offended given thier relationship to the person targeted. She has a right to feel how she feels. Telling someone else how they are suppose to feel is....er.....how about simply .... not healthy.

Can we please not take any more jabs at any of the members of this family?

I agree this is not the spirit!
Hi JPMom97....
First, :grouphug:
and those of us who have daughters really do appreciate your sticking up for your mom. (and those of us who have D like my kid, actually are jealous that you are so protective of your mom.)

Second, I sent you an IM...do you know how to read those? I didnt' when I first came here last year, but now I do..tho I still have trouble sending them.
On my screen, there is a blue box at the upper right corner that says
'welcome ColoradoBelle1' and underneath it says Private Messages: 0 , but if you have a message to you, then it gives the number 1. If you click on Private Messages, the message will come up. I know that early on in the Hanname thread, several people tried to IM you, so you may have quite a few!!! My recent IM was to try to explain the nature of the 'had to have been there' the first two days after your mom posted...to really understand the nature of those first (about 10 of us) people who were really trying to understand the question your mom asked so we could respond...All 10 of us are probably 'Fixer' type personalities...we want to fix things and have everyone be happy ...and unfortunately we all obsess over everylittle thing and drive our families crazy most of the time. Anyway, just want you to know that it is a warm and fuzzy post, so please don't be afraid of reading it when you have time.

The jist of what most everyone here has tried to say, but which only the 10 or so of us who posted in the initial pages KNOWS.....is that we initial people were making fun ONLY of ourselves for being so obsesses and 'without a life' that we would check back 10 times that day to see if the OP (your mom) had checked her messages. And as I tried to express in the IM I sent you...the spelling questions were only when we started being detectives and someone realized that wayyyyyy back there was a post from someone...who mentioned that she had trouble hitting the right keys on the keyboard due to her illness....When we realized that it wasn't actually misspelled words to be silly or funny...then we used that knowledge (someone even checked out the letters close by the ones used MIG vs Mug on the keyboard.) to try and figure out what exactly your mom was asking. And the drunk/hungover post was just someone saying that when HE was drunk/hungover that is how he typed....making a joke on himself and yes, your mom too....but not in any serious fashion as in: here was someone who posted to the board while drunk.
Nope, we all be serious misspellers and some of us do drink occassionally...like the HORSE, RASH!!!!! (and here i am poking the same kind of fun at someone else, so you have a little idea of the intent and I know the horse doesn't mind).

Honey...back then we really were just making fun of ourselves..I swear that to you. But I do understand why you find it hurtful and offensive now...and you have every right to believe that we were being disrespectful to someone you love. I think that ALL of us posters to the thread know however, that we were only poking fun at ourselves and we would like you to come to believe that someday. (And I think some people have less patience with that than others which is why one person recently posted that post about taking Hanname out of her sig.)

Which brings me to putting hanname on sigs and teeshirts and yes...I put it on my lime green visor to wear to WDW in October...that is really a badge of honor to the original Hanname. That a serendipitous 'magic' took place on that thread. You see, there is too much trolling and rudeness taking place on the Disboard...where someone posts something bad that happened at WDW and people FLAME that person for stating the negative experience. So Hanname was a thread where NO ONE posted anything rude or bad. It was all about family and laughter and good spirit and fun...and the word became the embodiment of all that is good about people and Disney and Love and kindness. And yep....your mom is the original HANNAME, the Queen of the Disboard, so famous that even GOOGLE has pages of her.

I think that is why some people are a little upset that you are still angry.
Forgive them, jp....they know that they had only GOOD in their hearts when they posted, so they are upset that you thought otherwise, ya know? Im keeping my hanname in my signature avatar....I think it says the power of obiwanhanname or something. I dont' think you will find anywhere in any post, that hanname was used in any way other than to express the warm-hearted goodness of the ohana of the Disboard. (I did try to post WHERE THE HANNAME IS GREENBAN? which I thought was kinda cute...but the mods took it off immediately.)

So....long post, but I want you to understand that even if your NOW reading the threads from weeks ago gives you the impression that we were making fun of your mom....and even tho I can understand that a cold reading without the timeliness and silliness of the moment could give you that impression...that there was not an iota of making fun of your mom in that thread. My sincerest hope is that you will someday, in your own time, come to feel the truth of that statement.

HANNAME means love, ohana, caring, good vibes, family, nuturing, kindness, joy. It is without a doubt the most endearing and loving tribute that could be bestowed upon anyone....and your mom is the creator, instigator, original of that, even tho she didn't know it for a long time. Please let yourself embrace all the warmth and love that hanname inspires.

Your mom is someone very special to you....but also to all of us.
So let those Russian fighter jets make you smile and not frown. And laugh when you see a HANNAME tee shirt when you visit WDW. Your mom is famous (as is her dog hanna mae)...and she will live on forever now that google has a hold of her. Finally, I think your mom intuitively understands that we were not having fun AT HER EXPENSE, but that her post made us recognize something in ourselves (yep, that we don't got a life :rotfl: ) and that her post allowed us to publicly admit it and to see how silly it all was and that we shared a common malady...and that, in the end, it was OK for us to not have a life, and to be silly, and to let ourselves be known, and to let others in instead of blocking them out....Not everybody 'gets' that, not even some of the most prolific posters to the Hanname thread. But Hanname is a funny thing...it creeps up on you. And when it does, it overwhelms you with the kindness of strangers, and the sense that we are all one family.
______Boy can I go on and on and on. Well, so it be. Peace to you, protective daughter of famous Queen of the Disboard Hurricane Patti.

:love1: :grouphug: :cloud9: :love: :grouphug:
Thanks CB. I am still so sad that something we saw as such a good and friendly thing has been viewed as malicious.
ColoradoBelle1 said:
Nope, we all be serious misspellers and some of us do drink occassionally...like the HORSE, RASH!!!!!
I am seriously offended by this. You are creating a highly inaccurate impression of me to others. I do NOT drink occasionally. I drink continuously. :drinking1
Laurabearz said:
Anyone else crying now???

Thanks CB... you nailed the spirit of Hanname perfectly.

Tearing up over here too.
Thanks ColoradoBelle, wonderfully put!
ColoradoBelle1 said:
your mom is the original HANNAME, the Queen of the Disboard, so famous that even GOOGLE has pages of her.

Try searching hanname with safe search off....Some lady down under calls herself hanname on a website advertising for a "date"..might have been before the DIS boards fame though and probably not inspired by this thread...Her bio was a bit interesting...not exactly what I expected to find when I googled hanname..
Rash said:
I drink continuously. :drinking1

Caught in the act!
Is your mom the original hannamaehound? Will that username still work for her?

I am with you jpmom97, I would not have wanted this happening to my mom's thread either. Hope you stick around though. Come back to the CB! :sunny:
lllovell said:
Rash....what big teeth you have :teeth: :earseek:
Thanks for noticing. I keep them brilliant-white with new Tarter Control Yuengling.
Its Me Hurricane Patti
There Is No Reason To Be Sad Im Not And Im The One Who Caused The Laughter My Daughter Is Very Emotional When It Comes To Me So Take It With A Grain Of Salt.
Kadorto said:
I'm with you Ray...her post certainly diminished the spirit and this thread probably won't make it to the 100 page mark now :sad2:

So sorry I ruined all your fun.... :rolleyes1 I can really feel your "hanname" love now....
jpmom97 said:
So sorry I ruined all your fun.... :rolleyes1 I can really feel your "hanname" love now....

Sadly, in public forums - we get all kinds. Mostly we run off the uglies, but sometimes you just have ignore them too.

I am very excited for you about your little one coming soon jpmom. I am still counting down BIG numbers. Hope it all goes well for you. :)
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