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To jpmom 97, I can only say that many people have apologized because we
REALLY DID NOT KNOW about your mom's condition. It is up to you to decide
if you wants to accept our sincere apologies or not! I also have had to deal with family members that required oxygen and had medical problem; so I know this is not funny nor did anyone else responding!

To Jean Joe ,you have taking responsibilty and apologized numerous times! I
don't think you can do anything else!

Patti, I hope you have a wonderful trip to Walt Disney World.I wish you the best.
wtpclc said:
NO offense to the OP, as I'm the worst typist in the world and have beeged for spellcheck on these boards many times, but I'm dying to know what "hanname" was supposed to be. Yes, I should really get a life.

This is where the search for hanname really began in full an dit is my post. I'm a very curious person adn was confused. I also posted several times that I hoped the OP was not offended.

Diane PM'd jpmom '97 and we were hoping for a reply for 2 reasons:
1. To find out what hanname meant, but also, more importantly,
2. To make sure that we were not offending anyone.

Re-reading some of the inital posts, I can see where implications that the poster was drinking could have been highly offensive. I was not thrilled with those posts when I read them myself. You'll see from my quote (and likely this post) that I have less than perfect typing myself.

However, if you look at the bulk of the posts, especially after the "mystery" was solved, they are good-natured fun. We laughed at ourselves for making such a big deal out of it. The word created, similar to Ohana, was such a great word, though, that we wanted to keep it. It meant only good things.

Pat - I'm glad that you can lugh with us. We truly never meant any harm. Welcome to our family.

jpmom97- I am very sorry that you were hurt by this. I can understand wanting to protect your mom. I hope that you can keep in mind that most of us came here to help answer her question. Those of us with overly inquisitive minds needed to find out what hanname meant. It was never intended as malicious.

Thank you both for posting here and letting us know what you think. I hope you can accept this heartfelt Welcome Home and know that most of us would never intentionally hurt anyone! :wizard:
I was thinking about this all day at work today, and was going to post when I got home. But you said everything I wanted to say wtpclc, and you said it so well, thanks for the very well written post. I couldn't agree more, and I surely couldn't have said it any better.
hi guys i wasnt offended im glad i could make you laugh,i just wanted to ask you guys a question whar did you think hanname meant i didnt think it was a mystery but then i knew lol when i saw 74 pages. im like queen of the dvc board i should beim 57 lol
but really i took it in great fun.
excet the person who said i wqas drunk for the record i cant drink
hope to read your sends
hurrucane patti
What a lucky lady, Patti, to be able to sign your posts "the original hanname" :goodvibes :sunny: I just love that and it is wonderful to see your picture. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy this very special word again :love:

Live long and hanname :grouphug:
Patti your post and the picture of you put a HUGE smile on my face! I am so glad you took our insane thread in the positive spirit in which it was intended. I, and a lot of other people here, would have felt terrible otherwise.

To answer your question: There were actually many theories on what Hannamae was. I googled it, and there is a Japanese Flower Festival called "Hanname", so I thought maybe the person posting was Japanese, and it was a reference to the festival!

There was a theory that it was a typo, and you meant to write "Help Me", but for some reason it came out Hanna me. There were other theories, but I'd have to re-read the thread to remember them. It's been going on a long time, LOL!

We were pretty sure that you were asking about mugs at saratoga springs, but the Hanname part was a mystery for quite a while. We were hoping for the longest time that you would return to the boards and so we could meet you and you could see how Hanname has grown and become a synonym for happiness here on the DIS boards. You've inspired a really fun thread. Every few posts someone would say "I wonder where the original poster was, I'd love for her to come back and tell us what she meant." And now here you are, it's come full circle.

It's so cool you are here and you've become part of the DIS Board/DVC/Hanname Gang. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say WELCOME HOME, we're all very happy you are here with us!

<TABLE borderColor=#ffffff cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=95 bgColor=#ffffff borderColorLight=#000000 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap align=middle>Welcome Home Patti!</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I also love the Oringal Hanname! I thought it was Harbrea the village in Animal Kingdom, but couldnt tie a village in AK to mugs at SSR.

And please remember 'most of us' were not laughing at the misspellings, but at our own lack of life. We truely wanted to answer your questions and while waiting and checking the thread a million times a day we got silly about it. All waiting for you to come back and see if we answered your question.

Glad your offically here. Make sure you dont forget this password, and Welcome Home to the DIS DVC. Where Hanname abounds. ((((Hugs)))))
jpmom97 said:
If this is not cruel, I don't know what is. My past posts were analyzed for spelling? You are going to add hanname to your sigs? This is not making fun of someone? I was on my mom's computer and signed in and never signed out. My mom just came on to get a few questions answered and this is what happens. If she had signed in under her name you would see her family picture w/ her oxygen tank and wheelchair, maybe then this wouldn't be so funny. My mom has a great sense of humor and thinks this is all ok but the more I read into this thread the more it upsets me.

I think you make a very good point, regardless of how good a sport your mom is.

IMO, as I sign of respect, I think it is time to let this thread and word fade away without further posts.

HurricanePatti said:
hi guys i wasnt offended im glad i could make you laugh,i just wanted to ask you guys a question whar did you think hanname meant i didnt think it was a mystery but then i knew lol when i saw 74 pages. im like queen of the dvc board i should beim 57 lol
but really i took it in great fun.
excet the person who said i wqas drunk for the record i cant drink
hope to read your sends
hurrucane patti

Thanks for sharing your picture with us! I speak only for my self but to me hanname was a word substituted for another word that made us smile, laugh
and just enjoy a bit of humor/silliness. I'm glad we didn't offend you! Have a great time on your trip!

So as not to further offend you, I have removed the "Hanname" greeting from my signature.

For what it's worth, it's a shame that you don't share the same outlook as your Mom, who has every right to be bitter and hateful. Instead, she saw the humor and goodwill in this long, and now infamous thread.

For me, the spirit of what "Hanname" is dead because instead of seeing the comaraderie and joy your mother created, you chose to imply it was some sort of attack. I don't remember seeing a single post that was intentionally malicious or hurtful.

This will be the last time I refer to "Hanname," and is one less person you have to worry about using it in their signature. I apologize for upsetting you.
rayelias said:

So as not to further offend you, I have removed the "Hanname" greeting from my signature.

For what it's worth, it's a shame that you don't share the same outlook as your Mom, who has every right to be bitter and hateful. Instead, she saw the humor and goodwill in this long, and now infamous thread.

For me, the spirit of what "Hanname" is dead because instead of seeing the comaraderie and joy your mother created, you chose to imply it was some sort of attack. I don't remember seeing a single post that was intentionally malicious or hurtful.

This will be the last time I refer to "Hanname," and is one less person you have to worry about using it in their signature. I apologize for upsetting you.

I'm with you Ray...her post certainly diminished the spirit and this thread probably won't make it to the 100 page mark now :sad2:
If HurricanePatti likes to be known as the original hanname thats good enough for me. I think Patti's daughter has looked more at our thread and can see the spirit in which it was intended :goodvibes
WithDisneySpirit said:
If HurricanePatti likes to be known as the original hanname thats good enough for me. I think Patti's daughter has looked more at our thread and can see the spirit in which it was intended :goodvibes

I certainly hope so! Thanks Patti for all the joy you've brought to all of us! :love2:
HurricanePatti said:
hi guys i wasnt offended im glad i could make you laugh,i just wanted to ask you guys a question whar did you think hanname meant...
hope to read your sends
hurrucane patti


There is a connection I feel to many of the posters at the DVC Community Board. Like them, I love the magic of Disney and DVC. This is a way for me to come "home", even if it's just for a few minutes in the middle of a work day. I love seeing pictures of happy families at WDW like the ones you shared with us. My guess is you love WDW as much as I do. You are something of a legend here, and it warms my heart to read your post.

To me, hanname describes all of the things I tried to express just now. And you are the original hanname! I hope your December trip is filled with magic.


PS... If you have any pull with the other "hurricanes", could you have a talk with Emily? We've already had two close calls here in the last week, and my inlaws in Ft Walton Beach certainly don't need any more storms!
Eric - :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: I hope that Emily will stay away!

Patti - Great pictures! Looks like you've had some WONDERFUL visits to the world! BTW - You have the coolest signature in the world!
Well I don't know about you guys, but I think this calls for a song (and perhaps a poem, hint hint Tooneric!)

To the tune of This Old Man:

This Old Thread
Once was new
Now it's come full circle--WHOO!

With our nifty Patti here
Hanname still lives,
And so does that feel-ing it gives!

<TABLE borderColor=#ffffff cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=95 bgColor=#ffffff borderColorLight=#000000 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap align=middle>HANNAME!</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
The bad poet is getting some serious competition!!!

He better stop working so hard and get to writing or he is in danger of losing his title :earseek:
lllovell said:
The bad poet is getting some serious competition!!!

He better stop working so hard and get to writing or he is in danger of losing his title :earseek:

In the self serving interest of keeping my title, I think that idratherbeinwdw deserves her own title. Henceforth, she will be known as The Bad Lyricist. In the meantime, I'd better come up with some more bad poetry. The competition is steep around here!
rayelias said:

For what it's worth, it's a shame that you don't share the same outlook as your Mom, who has every right to be bitter and hateful. Instead, she saw the humor and goodwill in this long, and now infamous thread.
Well, let's see...mom is ill, DH deployed to Iraq, expecting a baby any day: I think jpmom97 has a right to feel anyway she wants and statements like this aren't going to make it any better. The fact of the matter is, that she felt hurt by what was posted, let's not make it any worse. Sorry if I'm being a bit of a stinker, but that's just how I feel about it.
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