Digital Scrappers - Post pages here!!!

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Thanks Fran and Renysmom for all of your help.

So here goes...another shot at the Epcot page. This time I did it in 12x12. I did change some elements...I have downloaded some cool things since I worked on the page yesterday, lol.

The paper is from Seebee's Freebies Dream Trip collection. The tag is from Kathy Smith's Color My World Collection.


I realized after I was all done that I never added the "Epcot" title...Paul (my fiancee) says that we should know it's Epcot cause of Spaceship Earth. LOL :rotfl2:

Thanks again for all the wonderful help and tips...I have learned so much these past few days. I am excited to move on to some different pictures.

Have a great weekend.
Another thing I do is if I see a kit that I know would be perfect for a Dis layout I put it into a folder labled "dis scrapping". Now I am so crazy that inside this folder I have folders for each park, characters, resorts, christmas, etc. Then I drag the kit I found into the right subfolder so I can find them easier. I also have a folder for layout ideas and when I see a layout I want to try to recreate I save the copy and put that in the idea folder.

I often find myself with no new pics to scrap and in the mood to scrap, when that happens I visit these folders and make some "quick pages" which I use when I return from my visits. Pre-scrapping the pages helps me get them done so much quicker. Those that I don't use I save for my next trip :rotfl:
Hello...just wanted to share the next page I put together. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.


I love the picture of Spaceship Earth and its reflection. Great job on the page.

Ladies, I am so impressed with all of your work. I made it a sticky so it will stay on top.:)
Another thing I do is if I see a kit that I know would be perfect for a Dis layout I put it into a folder labled "dis scrapping". Now I am so crazy that inside this folder I have folders for each park, characters, resorts, christmas, etc. Then I drag the kit I found into the right subfolder so I can find them easier. I also have a folder for layout ideas and when I see a layout I want to try to recreate I save the copy and put that in the idea folder.

I often find myself with no new pics to scrap and in the mood to scrap, when that happens I visit these folders and make some "quick pages" which I use when I return from my visits. Pre-scrapping the pages helps me get them done so much quicker. Those that I don't use I save for my next trip :rotfl:

Thanks for the tips...I have definitely already downloaded so much and trying to keep it all organized is challenging. Remembering what I have when I am putting pages together is impossible. LOL. I like the saving layouts idea...

Since I just learned how to do this, I don't think I will run out of photos anytime soon. LOL. I have thousands of digital pictures just from the past two years. I was going to try to traditional scrapbook the bigger events and I bought a lot of stuff to do it with but I never got around to it. I have scrapped (traditionally) a few pages for special projects and digital is way easier and less messy!

I really like the changes you made to the first Epcot page, it really pops now! Great improvements. You don't really need to say Epcot, SSE does that for you! :) The 2nd page looks great too!
Could you do me a favor.. I did a castle layout tonight that I am just not sure I am happy with. Would you please look at it and give me your comments. Link is in my signature.


Could you do me a favor.. I did a castle layout tonight that I am just not sure I am happy with. Would you please look at it and give me your comments. Link is in my signature.



Your puppy LOs are adorable! For the nighttime castle LO, I might suggest cropping in closer to the castle on some of the pics, maybe use other angle pics if you have them. I know you are showcasing on the effects at night, but you might try a daytime photo in the center to kind of balance it out, see how that works. Also, in the 2 left pics, the castle isn't straight, so you may want to straighten it out, not sure what program you use, but I use PSPX and it has a straighten feature which is very easy to use. The LO looks nice, but maybe some contrast would help it out a bit. Another contrast to try is a fireworks photo over the castle if you have one of those too. I'd dabble with a couple different things and see what you like best.
Just back from vacation, still trying to catch up from the holidays LOL


Hey suzann!! How was vacation?? Missed ya around here! LOL
Vacation was FUN!!!!! (Went to Vegas for a MINI COOPER convention WOO HOO) I can't WAIT to scrap those pages!!! (but still trying to catch up..)

Here's another one for today

It's not Disney related but here's one from our bluebonnet shoot last night. (Bluebonnet pics abound in TX this time of year. :)) Just figured I'd get everyone in a spring mood!

I have really enjoyed looking at everyone's digital pages so I decided to add my own contribution to the thread. Here goes...


I would welcome any CC or feedback. Thanks!

The kit was Shabby Princess Dinner Party ( and mickey brads are by Jenna Robertson (
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