DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Sorry for ignoring you guys but I am a bit under the weather. Trying to get a doctor's appointment. Nothin serious, I hope.

Get well soon.

OK boys, thats it. I'm calling it. Work week out over. Everyone out. As its a long weekend (Friday for me, Monday for you'se guys) I think its worth hitting the Kiosks around Epcot for a drink around the world. Last one in Mexico has to take Giselle home. And let me tell ya, she can give me "True Loves Kiss" anywhere she likes.

That's not specific enough to Giselle. Try again. I'm still gone though.

Happy anniversary and stay safe as it looks like some of the last round of Harvey may hit your neck of the woods.

Yes, it has been overcast all day and we are expecting rain. Stay safe yourself.
Happy Friday. Skipped the gym to hit both offices as DW and I are both taking tomorrow off for our 17th wedding anniversary.

Happy Anniversary!

Sorry for ignoring you guys but I am a bit under the weather. Trying to get a doctor's appointment. Nothin serious, I hope.

But guess what? COLLEGE FOOTBALL STARTS! UF vs UM. So pissed those knuckle heads got suspended.

Take care Cj, hope you are feeling better soon.

Well Harvey is coming into our neck of the woods though nothing to complain about considering what this storm did to others. Looks like the tornado level of weather is gonna stay west of us as Memphis is getting some real scary stuff. 2-3 inches of rain with heavy t-storms for us but nerve wracking part is DS is heading home tonight so watching the radar and weather kinda close - don;t want him driving through this stuff if it get hairy.

Stay safe my friend.
'Morning all...
Working Sunday and on call Monday, so no plans for me.
Hope the rest of ya' can enjoy the time off.

May good times be here for every one.
Y'all take care.

At this point, I'll take any football I can get!

22 for me. I definitely am institutionalized. Hope we can make it like Red.

Always appreciated when someone gets my references. And happy anniversary!

'Morning all...
Working Sunday and on call Monday, so no plans for me.
Hope the rest of ya' can enjoy the time off.

May good times be here for every one.
Y'all take care.

Smoking a pork shoulder on Monday if you can make it up here in time.
We have those here as well but we don't hunt them.
Gotcha, there are very few things here we wont hunt as long as you can eat it. For us its really an excuse to drink alot and carry around loaded weapons. (Its a Texas thing) But we usually bag enough of them to have 1 good meal worth for the family during the weekend. The season is fairly short, its a little over 2 months while they are migrating. Once they roost for the winter you have to stop hunting.
Happy Friday. It's 60 degrees, and it has been raining all night and day.

Happy Anniversary!





'Morning all...
Working Sunday and on call Monday, so no plans for me.
Hope the rest of ya' can enjoy the time

I'll work a few hours Sunday.

Always appreciated when someone gets my references. And happy


Gotcha, there are very few things here we wont hunt as long as you can eat it. For us its really an excuse to drink alot and carry around loaded weapons. (Its a Texas thing) But we usually bag enough of them to have 1 good meal worth for the family during the weekend. The season is fairly short, its a little over 2 months while they are migrating. Once they roost for the winter you have to stop hunting.

Guns and alcohol. Sounds like a lot of fun. Have a good weekend.
Have a good weekend all (well if you're not on call).
Sorry you are Rob. Hope you don't get called and you can at least relax a little.
Happy anniversary Norm.
That's not specific enough to Giselle. Try again. I'm still gone though.
Let me tell ya, if you give her "true love's kiss", you can make her pip squeak. That's all I've got. Happy anniversary mate.
Alright boys, I am heading for the door soon and there is no cell service or internet where I'm going so I will catch up Tuesday.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Enjoy it yourself, I'll let the doves know you're coming, maybe they will camouflage up to make it more interesting.
'Morning all...
Working Sunday and on call Monday, so no plans for me.
Sorry mate, that's a bit sucky.

Have a great evening chaps, enjoy your long weekend. Remember, no wearing white on Tuesday. Mark, I'm on my way for some shoulder. Just a little bit of coleslaw on the side for me thanks. After all that talk of Sanaa, we had a cheeky curry tonight. Shashlik, Naan and Sag Aloo.
Happy long weekend gents. Hope you all can enjoy. I'm expecting a weekend without surprise calls from work. Heading out to hide at my inlaws for a night regardless, work can't find me there. They live in a small fishing village with no cell phone reception.

Let me tell ya, if you give her "true love's kiss", you can make her pip squeak. That's all I've got.
Nice one. I was drawing a blank.

Shashlik, Naan and Sag Aloo.
Do you cook yourself? I tried making Indian once but it turned out horribly.
Do you cook yourself? I tried making Indian once but it turned out horribly.
Nah mate, the pickup is a 3 minute walk from our house. No brainer. We can feed all 4 of us for about 7 quid each. I can cook curry, but, its a bit like making your own pasta, its just too much effort for the return.
Heading out to hide at my inlaws for a night regardless, work can't find me there. They live in a small fishing village with no cell phone reception.
Do you have Labour day as well?

Morning boys, from Sunny London. My dad came round for his 6 monthly visit today, so that was fun. Outdoor cinema tonight in the garden with the kids, so probably dogs on the menu. Got some Pizza dough fermenting up in the warm room, firing up the Garden oven in the morning.
Enjoy your saturday fellas.
Happy Labour Day Weekend Gents.

Seems like Fall has found us; it's a pretty cool morning up here today. Hoping for a quiet day, not much on the agenda.


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