Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Whelp! You're not getting an
update tonight!

I was busy with other things
and haven't had a chance to
even look at it tonight!

But never fear! Much is done!
Shouldn't be too much longer.
Maybe tomorrow still.

And I can't wait to see
what you think of a certain photo.......

Suspense and intrigue!
Well at least I finished one so you don't have to get behind again on that one! I have one more to wrap up and then I can focus on the one.

And I'll get to them eventually.
I just need to get my update posted
before I have a mermaid riot.
Working on the update!
But I gotta run now.
Going to see the Harry Potter prequel.
Working on the update!
But I gotta run now.
Going to see the Harry Potter prequel.

Good news, bad news, good news.

1. Good news.
Pretty much finished the update.
(Pretty much. Editing to do still.)

I promised a shorter one and....

:lmao: It's so not short!
Only three sections long.

However, the reason for that
is due to the sheer number
of photos
(and maybe text)

2. Bad news
I keep a running copy
and keep adding to the
contest points as we go.
When I checked it tonight...
Over half the entries were gone.

3. Good news
When I write at work,
I save a copy and email
it to my home and vice versa.
I looked in my email and... nothing.
I looked in my deleted emails and ... nothing.
I tried to 'recover deleted email' and...


So, now that's done...
I have to figure out new questions,
edit it,
post it.

But first!
Fantastic Beasts?

I hate to do this.
When someone says:
"That's a great movie!"
You go in with the notion
that it'll be great,
it can't live up to your own
and your friend's hype
and... it sucks.

But dang that was a good movie.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have editing to do.
It's already 11pm
and I have to get up at 5am
so I'm sorry but I can't
promise it'll be out tonight.

But it's close!
I'm totally beat.
I can't re-read it again.

So I'm posting it, warts and all.

Besides. If there's any mistakes
you'll let me know, right?

Hey Bay-bee

Sorry for the delay in getting
this update up and running.
I could give you all kinds of reasons...
But I'm not going to.
Do you really want to hear
about my boring life at home
or would you rather read about Disney?

Yeah, I thought so too.


Oh, God...

I knew this would happen.
I knew it.

Sometimes the knowing
is the worst you know?

You watch a scary movie
and suddenly the bad guy
jumps out from behind the door!
The thumping sounds you hear
are people keeling over from
heart attacks.

But what's worse is when you see it coming.
You just know this isn't going to end well.
The saw comes closer and closer and closer...



And then it brays its awful cry.

Six a.m.
Time to get up.
Stupid alarm.

Why does rope drop have to be
so early?
Wouldn't a nice eleven or twelve o'clock
be more civilized?
(Oh, and everyone else but me has
to wait until... hmm... three p.m.
before they show up.
Well, my friends can be there too.
And people who pay moi for the privilege.
Seems fair.)

Nevertheless, while the alarm
screamed out its shrill call,
I quickly came awake
(Well, I had to. Did I not mention
the alarm was shrieking?)
and got ready for the day.

Now I gave you all a hint
as to which park I was going to.
Now I know I hinted MK,
but don't forget that I still
hadn't set foot in AK.
And I'd only been in Epcot
for a few early morning minutes.
(Well, yes, later in the day too,
but I ain't standing in no 90 minute line
to make a second stab at Soarin'.)
Hardly enough time to do
any real ride fun.

But I did hint at MK.
And that's where I'm going.
Why? Because I felt like it.
So... pppbbbtttt.

I got myself up and at 'em
and was out of the room
shortly after seven.

I have two routes to the buses.
I can walk along the side of
Melody Hall and join there.
Or I can walk along the back
of the hall and cut through it.
They're pretty much the same
and I alternated depending on my mood.
(I was going to say I went both ways,
but why stoke the flames.)

I strode through Melody Hall
and as the doors parted for
my egress, at 7:04 a.m.,
the Magic Kingdom bus arrived.
Wait time: 0 minutes.
As it should be.

There was only a very small
group of about 5 people waiting.
I hoped this meant an equally
small group at MK this morning.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle
when the five people waiting
didn't genuflect and let me
board first.
I let them live.
I'm going to Disney.
I was in a good mood.
Am I not generous?

Upon arrival, I noticed that
everyone was being herded
through extra security.


No exceptions.
I wondered if they were doing it because
a. It was early and there were fewer guests
so might as well search everyone. Or;
b. Because MNSSHP was on that night,
so more people were expected
so extra vigilance was required.

Actually MNSSHP was one of the reasons
I was here this morning.
If they're going to kick people out,
might as well get in before it's off limits.
I can do other parks in the evening, you know.
But without a ticket, you're not getting in here!

In any case, while everyone had to go
through the metal detectors,
it was fairly fast and painless.

I wasn't the first to arrive,
far from it, but I have my ways.
Just like on my previous solo trip
(and with Kay, as well)
I sashayed over towards the locker
rentals (didn't need one today)
and circled around the crowd.
Soon I was here, at the front of the group.


I often wonder if the CMs are a bit nervous
standing in front of a group of anxious
park goers.
"If I just remain calm... they won't trample me."

Maybe we will... and maybe we won't.
Just step lively, buddy.

Before long, the welcome show began.
I could even see a bit of it.
I know for some people,
this is one of the reasons they do rope drop.
I'm not one of them.
While I don't mind the show,
and will watch it if I'm in the right spot,
it's far from a priority for me.
I'd rather be strategically placed,
ready for the mad dash to funsville.

The show ended and they let us into the park
where we were met by a rope,
stretched across most of Main St.
I say "most" as it doesn't include
the sidewalks.
CMs then walk the rope down Main St.
towards the castle.
People tried to race ahead on the sidewalks
but the CMs kept yelling at them to slow down.

As the rope approached the castle,
I used a tactic that I'd used
successfully previously.
I veered to the right and proceeded
up the lane towards Spew Cups.
But while last time we were allowed
to proceed unimpeded,
this time four CMs walked line abreast
and prevented us from moving too quickly.
As we approached 7DMT, they broke off
towards Storybook Circus
while the crowd veered left to 7DMT.

It was a little weird.
Four CMs... walking along by themselves.
While everyone else ignored them
and headed for 7DMT.

Well, almost everyone.
I went with them.
Besides those four CMs,
there was exactly one Disney
guest walking that path that morning.
And they didn't know I was behind them.
Why would they?
No one would go that way, right???

But I had a date to keep.
If you've read my previous reports,
you know that Ariel has a...
well, a thing for me.
I'm just that loveable.

When we last met, Kay was there
and, for wont of a better term,
she cramped my style.

Here's the photo from that meet:


"Hey, bay-bee. What say we ditch the kid and blow this popsicle stand?"

See? She's obviously infatuated with me.

But this time would be different.
No Kay! Ariel and I could run off together.
I approached the entrance to her grotto.
(I mean, really. How can you not love someone
who has their own grotto, for Pete's sake!)

There was a CM standing by the entrance
and he informed me
that Ariel hadn't quite arrived yet.
I glanced at the time. 7:55am.
Well, I've waited over a year.
I could wait a few minutes longer.
I had a nice time chatting with the CM.
At first I think he was a bit perturbed
by my presence, but when I explained
the purpose of my visit, he understood.
He told me that he liked to wave to the
people on 7DMT as they rode by
to see how many people he could get
to wave back.
At eight a.m., he went inside to check
on Ariel's progress.
He came back out and informed me
that it would be just a few more minutes.
A train load of passengers on 7DMT
roared by and he waved.
"I got two of them." He said.
I laughed. I could think of worse
ways to spend my day.
A mother with a teen showed up next.
It was obvious that the teen
had some developmental issues.
The mom explained that they were
trying to get as many autographs as they could.
The CM excused himself again
and returned at 8:03 saying that Ariel was in.
I told the Mom and son to go ahead.
One person ahead of me wasn't going to
change my day, but it might, theirs.

I waited my turn and soon was
ushered into Ariel's room.

Ah, there she is.
Doesn't she look happy to see me?


I rushed over and asked if she remembered me.
"Ariel it's me! Remember me from last year?"

She did! She said she remembered me!

I was a little ashamed for ever having
doubted her.

I mean, of course she remembered me!
We were going to run off together.

(I hadn't quite worked out the logistics
of that whole "running" thing,
what with her having fins and all.
Maybe I'd get her an ECV or something.
Whatever, we'll figure it out.)

After ascertaining that she did
indeed remember me,
I asked her if she was ready.

"Ready for what?" She coyly asked.
Oh, that little minx!
She knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Why to run off together, of course, my dear."
I exclaimed.
Oh what a wonderful day this was!

Maybe it wasn't quite as wonderful for her.
When I went to sweep her
up into my arms, well...




But not defeated!
I'm sure she was just taken a little off guard.
I mean, running (wheeling, pushed, dragged, whatever)
off on the spur of the moment is tough.
I'm sure if I just give her a little notice,
next time will be different.


How do you get a mermaid
who's supposed to be welcoming
to act otherwise.
(Well, I mean besides the obvious,
act like a complete jerk.
A skill of which I am quite accomplished.)

Step one.
Explain that you write a TR
and it would make the readers happy.
(I sure hope you enjoyed that!
Otherwise my efforts were in vain.)

Step two.
Show her the photo that you took
with her, Kay and I so she knows
you're actually working on a theme here.


Step three. And this is crucial.
Hope for the best.

And I really did hope.
I had no real way of knowing if
she would play along or not.
For all I know, it might've been
against policy to do that.
I was taking a bit of a risk.
I figured, like in most things,
it wouldn't hurt to at least ask.
If she said no, then I'd just pose
for the traditional smile photo.
And if she agreed... well,
you saw what happened.

I'll share this with you too.
Afterwards, I was really grateful
for her playing along.
I thanked her and unbeknownst
to me, the PP photog snapped this:


I'm not normally a character fan,
but this girl went above and beyond.
It was really nice of her
and I appreciated it.

I hope you did too.

end sidebar.


After being spurned by Ariel,
I was gently, but firmly escorted
out of the grotto.

What now?

Wait! I know!
I can see her again!

I marched over to
Under the Sea - Journey of
the Little Mermaid.

Oddly enough, at just a bit after eight,
it was still a walk on.


I boarded my clamshell
and within seconds
I was descending under the sea.


oooooh... bubbles.

Why do I have an urge to pee now?

Okay, let's go find us a hot fish.


"You guys seen a mermaid around?"
"Nope!" Nope!" "No." "Never heard of it." "Nope."

I think they were lying.
Fish lie you know.
Go ahead and see for yourselves.
The next time you're talking with a fish,
ask them anything.
They'll never tell you the truth.

I continued on my quest.

There she is!


OMG! What is she doing to those little people!


I think it was right about there
that she saw me.
You can see it in her eyes.
I know it looks like pure terror,
but I'm sure it's not.

I tried to figure out a way to stop my
stupid clamshell, but it just kept
moving and swept me away.

I figured I'd just keep looking,
maybe I'd spot her again.
I mean, an Ocean can't be that big, can it?


Is that a septopus?



Hey! You! Know where I can find a mermaid?

Won't talk huh?
Did I mention how delicious you'd be
served with drawn butter?

Oh? She's right around the corner? Thanks!
(It's remarkable how easily you can turn
a crustacean, isn't it?)

This guy heard the "butter" comment
and was overcompensating.


"Hi! Look at me! Nothing to eat... see! Nothing to see here!"

Moving on.



Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

Ah! There she is! Ariel! It's me!!


"Oh crap! There's that creeper again!"

Ya know, she's a great kidder, she is.
And I'm positive those hands
aren't raised in a totally defensive posture.


"Ha. Ha. Oh hi! It's you! (Must get out of here!)"


"Maybe if I just don't look at him?
Oh, thank God he's leaving."

Once again, my stupid clamshell
swept me away before
I could sweep her away.


Don't you just hate when you're
trying to poop and someone
in the next stall wants to talk to you?
I feel for Flounder.
I really do.


I try to photograph them
and I catch them with all
their backs to me.


The most chill fish on the reef.
Hey! Dude! This is Florida!
If you wanna smoke that stuff,
you have to move to California!


"Hey dude. Want some help with the fish?"

Yeah! Can you stop this stupid clamshell?


"Sorry dude. There are some things
that even I can't do. You're on your own."


Transforming mermaid's #1 worry?
That the swirling water covers the naughty bits.

It's a fact.

Not to worry.
She found some duds.
And I found her!
She was whispering to some guy.
I have excellent hearing, though.
Let's listen in, shall we?


Ariel "So this creeper keeps following me."
Guy: "Uh, huh, baby. Whatever you say."


Ariel: "Oh crap. He's here again. Don't look he'll see you."
Guy: "You have nice hair."


Ariel: "OMG. Maybe I'd be better off with the creeper."
Guy: "I really like your hair. Is it yours?"
Ariel: "Are you sure you're a prince? It's called inbreeding, right?"
Guy: "Wanna get married?"

Don't do it... Don't do....

Ariel: "Yes!"


Octo-lady: "Nooooo! You idiot! He's a nebbish!
A royal nebbish, yes. But still a nebbish!"


Obviously overjoyed to learn
that the wedding dinner would
not be surf & turf.


And not even Dad, waving his stick,
could prevent Ariel from marrying
nebbish boy no matter where
he threatened to stick it.

A truly tragic ride.
I was kinda glad when it ended.

Sort of how you feel
when you finish reading
one of my updates.

Continued in following post
Last edited:
Continued from previous post

After being rejected by Ariel...


And again.

And again..... :sad2:

It was time to move on,
both mentally and physically.
And I couldn't think of a better
cure for a broken heart
than a little flying.

So off to Neverland!

The ride wait time was posted as 15 minutes.
(That's 15 minutes. Not 150 minutes.)
And that's just exactly what I wanted.
It gave me time to meander through
the queue and take some photos.

And what else is new?
Some turned out. Some didn't.
These are the better ones...


(just an fyi. that's a poster, not the ride.)





Is it just me?
Or is having a shadow butterfly
land on your hand's shadow
the best thing ever?





Almost too soon, I was boarding my ship
in preparation of flight.
I don't know any ride that tops that.
<trundle> <rumble> <bumble> down the track
and then....


You're flying.
Stuff of dreams people.

And I finally managed to get
some shots of London!
The best part of the ride!
(Well, maybe second after
the take off...)


That one's for you @Gracefulskinny .


I know, I know...
It's a bit blurry.
But dang that's a hard shot to get!
Zero lighting and your focus point
is moving around like crazy!
I just about fell out of the boat
trying to get that.


They're shooting at us!!


Well, hello there...
Geez, that junk is still there??? :sad2:


Looks pale. I guess I would too
if I was about to walk the plank.

Shortly after...
<thump!> <rumble> <trundle> <bumble>

Can I go around again??

Great ride.

Time for a change of pace, literally.
Well, BTMRR is out.
Down for refurb.


Guess I'll have to make do
with something else.

Hmmm... 15 minute wait
for 7DMT?
This I can do.

I wandered into the queue.
I tried to make people's day
by scowling at anyone in
the FastPass lane.
You! Yes you! It must be nice
to be rich and able to do that!

Oooh! That one put his nose up
in a total look of superiority!
Mission accomplished.

I'm a good person.
(When I'm not being absolutely horrid.)

Here, have some more photos to look at
while I stand in line.


I sure wish that guy
in the background would've moved.
I thought about photoshopping him out,
but that would've been a big job.
Just not worth it.
I wonder if he's one of those kids' Dad.
Kinda creepy otherwise.

Not like taking a picture of them, of course.

(But I had to.
This is the essence of Disney isn't it?)

Okay, more pics.



Okay, enough of the line
let's get on the ride for cyrin' out loud!




I only noticed the joke
in the above photo
while I was editing.
Not when I took the shot.



I know, I know, the quality ain't that great.
(Especially that last one...)
But... every time I ask them to stop
the train so I can get a decent photo,
they just keep going!

And TBH, I'm a little...
well, I won't say 'shocked',
but I am certainly surprised
at the language you hear on
this ride.

I mean really.
Saying hello to someone is one thing,
but... "Hi Ho"??? Really?
This is a family park, Disney.

Thankfully, we soon exited
the den of iniquity portion of the ride.

Wait.... Maybe they weren't saying hello.
Maybe they making a comment on her stature?

Here I am looking for hi ho's.


I had the camera ready, but....
Never saw one.

The ride came to an end and....
I have time to kill.
I don't really feel like running
to another ride.
I have a FP coming up in a while,
but in the meantime...
I think I'll just wander around
and shoot some photos.



It's funny. That last picture of Snow White's/Dwarves house....

OMG. They're Dwarves! Small!!!!
Everyone must seem tall to them.
So maybe....
Do you think?

Is Snow White the hi ho????

It would explain so much.

Sorry. Got sidetracked there.
Where was I?
That last pic of the house.
It doesn't look like much,
but it was possibly the hardest shot
I took all trip.
(I don't know for sure, but good chance.)
The front was in shadow
and the sky behind it was blown way out.
I finally gave up and shot an HDR photo
(If you don't know what that is, don't worry.)

Moooooving on.




Wheeeee!!!! (part II)

I was starting to feel a bit peckish,
so I personally pecked a passing person.


I mean I was starting to get hungry.
I can't remember when I last ate.
And I'm not going to go back
to the previous day/chapter to check!

But I know I hadn't eaten today yet.
I didn't want anything too big
(I had a lunch ADR after all)
and I knew just what I wanted.
A cinnamon bun from Gaston's....


Are you kidding me????
I am not standing in that line.
Just. No.

That's okay. I had a plan B.

Here, follow along...

We're sashaying, we're sashaying....


Still, sashaying...


Annnd.... We're stopping.

What? Why yes, that last pic
may very well be my favourite
one that I took.

I'd read that some of the best
cupcakes in all of MK were
at the Cheshire Café.

Well, you know why they
call it plan B?



I arrived at the Cheshire Café
with visions of yumminess
dancing through my...
well, probably more my belly
than my head.

And just an FYI?
They don't have cupcakes
at the Cheshire Café.
If they ever did,
they disappeared.
Just like...
Hmmmm.... something.
Can't think of anything
that disappears.

Well, I'm here.
Whadya got?

Not a whole heck of a lot

I ordered a cheese Danish
and a raspberry lemonade slush.
(That was okay.)


So remember kids!
If you're in the mood for
something tasty!...

Go someplace else.
Oh, well.
I'm in Disney.
It's not all bad.

What time is it, anyway?
Time for my FP.
I finished my dull meal
and headed over to...

Continued in following post
Continued from previous post

Sashay, sashay, sashay,
Keep them sore feet movin', raw feet!


(Coolest trees in WDW, right @amberg93 ?)


Weird that I'd pick this,
but remember I had limited
time to pick.
And... what the heck.

Except when I got there
it was a walk on.

I switched the FP to HM instead.
Why not?

Here I am looking particularly
dull and vapid.
So.... my usual expression.


"Now just hold your head stiffly...
that's it. Perfect. Loser!!"

And I was.
I scored very poorly.
This is not my game.
Still, despite my expression,
I had fun.

Okay, let's see what other
mischief I can get into.

Cross the park...


How long a wait is it for JC?


Fifteen minutes?
That's about fifteen more minutes
than I'd normally wait.

Oh, what the heck.


It is a pretty ride, right?


And it was nice that the menu
was posted here.
Saves time later at the restaurant.
The slug looks particularly promising.


As it turned out, I was the last to board.
The skipper told me I was sitting
on the battery and she got a charge
out of telling us that.
I know, I know... :sad2:
But she did apologize.
Even she knew that joke
was re-volting.

So yeah... she was a good skipper.
And a good skipper totally
makes or breaks this ride.

Enjoy pictures of JC
that you've seen 1,000
times before...


Those are boats.


That is an elephant.


Now this is something I'd never noticed before.
So while the lions are completing
the circle of life at the expense
of that poor zebra...
(dark meat, light meat, dark meat, light meat....)
Look off to the right in the distance...

"OMG! Bernice! What have they done to you???
How will I break this news to Harold?
He'll be devastated!... and available."

(It's a known fact that most fem

ale zebras
are called Bernice.
And most males, Harold.
I don't make the rules.
It just is.)


Five pole dancers
and a horny animal.


The front side of water!!!!

Wait. That's not how that joke goes...


Elephants. Plural.

Eventually the head shrinker
came into view.
I tried to get a decent shot,
but sometimes...


You just get distracted by life.

After the ride, I had some time
before my HM FP.

And you know what that means.

We're sashaying, and we're sashaying.


And we're sashaying...


And we're....
Oh for crying out loud!
You get the idea.
Just look at the pictures!





You're still reading?????
Good grief!
I guess I have to keep yapping then.

I eventually
(yes, yes, it seemed like forever)
got to HM.
There didn't seem to be too big a line
but I had a FP.
And I was prepared to use it.

I wandered into the queue.
I tried to make people's day
by putting up my nose
in a look of superiority.
Some people scowled at me.
You! Yes you! It must be nice
to be rich and able to do that!

Mission accomplished.

I soon arrived
(much sooner than those
poor suckers in standby)
at the doors to the mansion.

And now!!
Be prepared for the best
HM photos you have ever seen!!!!

Oh, no. Wait.

I put the camera down
and just enjoyed the ride.

Besides, you saw HM
pictures last update.

I popped into Memento Mori
for a bit, but didn't see
anything that's price
wasn't overly frightening.
Scary boo.

Anyways. It's lunch time.
I had a noon ADR
so it was time to put
the pedal to the metal.

But I still just sashayed, too...



Pinocchio Village Haus!!

What? You were expecting BOG?
You really thought I could get
a noon... Noon! ADR at BOG???
On short notice?!?!?


Well... okay. I did.
But I'd never been in here,
so just popped in to check it out.
Anyway, gotta get my butt over to BOG.

I checked in at the kiosk
and was given a yellow plastic rose.
I rightly assumed it was because
the girl at the kiosk fell madly
in love with me.

Meh. I'm used to it.
(I'm positive Ariel will
come to her senses.)

I walked down the bridge
and was greeted inside.

"Yeah, it's you pkondz.
Just park it somewhere
out of the way and don't
bother us. Don't find us,
we'll find you."

Or something like that.

In any event, I chose a table
in the Rose Room.
That's the room without the
rose losing it's petals.


The place was not packed.
Guess that's why I was able
to get a noon ADR.
Surprised me though.

Within moments, a server
wheeled a cart up to my table
and greeted me with a "Bonjour!"
I immediately replied:
"Salut! ça vas aujourd'hui?"*
And she immediately responded with:
"That's all I got."

I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

I knew going in what I wanted.
And I knew going in that
I wouldn't want a lot.
So I only ordered


The French Onion Soup
(OMG. Sooo good!)
and the lemon meringue cupcake.
(Not bad!)
I also appreciate the flatware
instead of plastic.

Once done, I headed out.
As in out of the park.
I figured with MNSSHP
scheduled for tonight,
I should git,
while the gittin's good.
This place wasn't going
to get any less busy, ya know.

But first.
A slight detour.

I take notes.
Someone says "Try this!"
I write it down.
What I don't do is write
down who said it.

So maybe this was you.
Maybe it wasn't.

But... well I had to try this.

I popped into the Plaza
Ice Cream Parlor
and got me one of
these little beauties.


Two things.
1. BIG! Do me a favour.
Hold your hand up in
front of you.
Palm facing you,
fingers extended.
Now place your other hand
palm to palm in the other.
Rotate your hands so they're
90 degrees to each other.
That's how big this thing was.
(Unless you have unnaturally
small child hands...
then it's bigger.)

2. Looks good?
It was better.
Soooo good.
But... did I mention Big?
(You did the hands thing right?
Bonus points if you did.)

I parked myself at one of
the convenient small tables
that are located no more
than 30 steps apart.

I didn't even come close
to finishing it.
Total fail.
But totally delicious.

I couldn't take it with me
since I wanted to leave
somewhat below the radar
and anyone would be able
to track me by following
the trail of sticky cream
I'd invariably leave behind.
And we can't have that now
can we?

I sashayed off toward the exit
and espied a guest wearing
a costume on his way in.

I liked his costume.
He was wearing a T-shirt that said:
"This is my costume"

Laughing. I walked onwards
and outwards.


My Big Fat Canadian Bonus:
I ride Disney transportation
nineteen times this trip.

What is my total time spent waiting
for Disney Transportation?

Wait times guesses closed.

(Total time to date: 51 minutes)
Gracefulskinny - 60
Thumper_Man - 72
queenbetsey - 78
Mrs T 2009 - 86
jandlinz - 96
DaisyDuck001 - 103
franandaj - 111
Terra Nova guy - 116
afwdwfan - 123
juniorbugman - 124
Mac Brew - 127
Heluvsme - 128
Thumper_Man's Wife - 130
chookie94 - 132
Steppesister - 135
kaileighbug - 137
SnowWhiteOz - 138
irene_dsc - 139
tashers - 144
rndmr2 - 146
fallonkendra - 150
Captain_Oblivious - 153
Chrystmasangel - 158
bankr63 - 165
DonnaBeeGood - 167
cinderkelly - 175
Curiouser&curiouser! - 177
orangecats2 - 180
vrajewski10513 - 182
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 184
chillitsanne - 196
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 234

Answers to previous questions:
1. What time do I get up?
6:00 - 8 points, +/- 15 - 6 points,
+/- 30 - 4 points, +/- 60 - 2 points

2. How long do I wait for that first bus?
0 minutes - 8 points, 1-2 - 2 points, 3-5 - 1 point

3. Which park do I visit?
Magic Kingdom - 2 points

4. Do I go through the metal detector again?
Yup. 4 points

5. What's my first ride.
Under the Sea - 8 points

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR.
BOG - 6 points

7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
Ice cream sandwich - 8 points

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.
Buzz - 6 points

9. What ride do I FP... and use.
HM - 8 points

Did you see it?
Pkondz/Pixar place - 4 points

When did you see it? - 4 points.

afwdwfan - 6:45, 9, MK, no, JC, BOG, MM bar, Space, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 18 points.
fallonkendra - 7:00, 4, MK, yes, UTS, LTT, Sundae, SM, Dumbo, saw it, right away - 25 points.
Terra Nova guy - 6:50, 7, MK, yes, MS vehicle, Plaza, sammie, 7MT, Buzz, saw it, right away - 24 points.
rndmr2 - 7:30, 3, MK, yes, monorail, LTT, sundae, Buzz, SM, saw it, right away - 21 points.
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 6:30, 4, MK, yes, Buzz, Plaza, sammie, UTS, JC, saw it, right away - 27 points.
Captain_Oblivious - 7:00, 4, MK, yes, carriage, BOG, sammie, Buzz, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 37 points.
Curiouser&curiouser! - 7::00, 3, MK, yes, train, Skippers, Dole Whip, HM, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 17 points.
Mac Brew - 6:30, 12, MK, yes, fire engine, BOG, Mickey bar, POTC, HM, saw it - 28 points.
Mrs T 2009 - 6:55, 3, MK, yes, WEDway, Plaza, Mickey pants sundae, Buzz, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 23 points.
cindianne320 - saw it. 4 points.
natebenma - 7:00, 5, MK, yes, monorail, LTT, citrus swirl, Buzz, SM, saw it, right away - 23 points.
Heluvsme - 6:10, 2, MK, yes, JC, Tony's, Mickey Head, SM, Buzz, saw it, right away - 22 points.
Gracefulskinny - 6:30, 1, MK, yes, bus, Plaza, sundae, 7DMT, Buzz, saw it, right away - 20 points.
Steppesister - 6:10, 6, MK, yes, UTS, LTT, sammie, SM, Buzz, saw it, right away - 36 points.
cinderkelly - 6:30, 2, MK, yes, train, Tony's, banana, POTC, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 20 points.
irene_dsc - 6:30, 2, MK, yes, UTS, Tony's, Citrus Swirl, 7DMT, PP, saw it, right away - 28 points.
tashers - 6:30, 4, MK, no, Train, BOG, sammie, Splash, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 29 points.
franandaj - 6:30, 7, MK, yes, UTS, BOG, sammie, SM, PP, saw it, right away - 40 points.
juniorbugman - 6:47, 7, MK, yes, train, LTT, Mickey head, SM, Buzz, saw it, right away - 16 points.
bankr63 - 6:30, 7, MK, no, UTS, Plaza, Mickey bar, PP, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 22 points.
mustinjourney - 6:45, 4, MK, yes, 7DMT, BOG, banana, SM, SM, saw it, right away - 23 points.
queenbetsey - 7:00, 3, MK, no, trolley, LTT, Citrus Swirl, SM, 7DMT, saw it, right away - 13 points.
DonnaBeeGood - 7:01 (close enough), 9, MK, no, COP, Plaza, Mickey bar, 7DMT, HM, saw it, right away - 20 points.
orangecats2 - 6:30, 5, MK, no, UTS, BOG, Mickey bar, SM, PP, saw it, right away - 29 points.
chookie94 - 7:00, 3, MK, yes, UTS, BOG, sammie, SM, HM, saw it, right away - 47 points (high score!)
MAGICFOR2 - 7:00, 11, MK, yes, train, Tony's, gelato, POTC, SM, saw it, right away - 16 points.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 6:30, 7, MK, no, UTS, Plaza, float, SM, HM, saw it, later - 30 points.
Thumper_Man - 6:30, 3, MK, no, POTC, BOG, gelato, UTS, Buzz, saw it, right away - 21 points.
Thumper_Man's Wife - 7:11, 10, MK, yes, IASW, Plaza, sammie, 7DMT, PP, saw it, right away - 22 points.
Chrystmasangel - 6:15, 4.5, MK, yes, spew cups, LTT, Mickey bar, SM, Pooh, saw it, not sure - 21 points.

As usual, if I've made any mistakes,
either above or below, let me know.

Bonus points
Terra Nova guy - 2 points for the horror of it all.
Mrs T 2009 - 1 point for being a sucker.
natebenma - 2 Sirius points. Seriously.
MHSweb79 - 2 points for making me Snicker.
franandaj - 2 points for steering me in the right direction.
Steppesister - 2 points for getting it right on the 3rd try.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 2 points for Honest Abe.
Chrystmasangel - 4 points to help her feel better.

Steppesister - 115 points
orangecats2 - 114 points
franandaj - 106 points
chookie94 - 102 points
fallonkendra - 92 points
cinderkelly - 89 points
irene_dsc - 89 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 88 points
bankr63 - 87 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 86 points
queenbetsey - 86 points
tashers - 84 points
Captain_Oblivious - 83 points
Terra Nova guy - 79 points
Thumper_Man - 73 points
Chrystmasangel - 72 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 70 points
rndmr2 - 70 points
Mac Brew - 69 points
Mrs T 2009 - 68 points
juniorbugman - 65 points
Thumper_Man's Wife - 62 points
jandlinz - 61 points
DonnaBeeGood - 58 points
Gracefulskinny - 58 points
Heluvsme - 58 points
afwdwfan - 57 points
chillitsanne - 57 points
MAGICFOR2 - 44 points
mustinjourney - 41 points
natebenma - 39 points
DaisyDuck001 - 37 points
SnowWhiteOz - 30 points
SoccerDogWithEars - 30 points
vrajewski10513 - 30 points
kaileighbug - 28 points
krnelson65 - 22 points
lisaviolet - 18 points
QueenJen - 10 points
cindianne320 - 4 points
Ladyfish77 - 4 points
MHSweb79 - 3 points
Self_resqing_princz - 2 points

Questions, next round:

1. Okay, fine. I'm leaving.
What method of transportation did I use?

2. How long is my wait this time?

3. I am going to a park... sometime.
Where am I going now?
a. My resort.
b. Springs.
c. Another park.
d. Another resort.
e. Other, because there has to be an other.

4. Which park do I go to next?

5. Extra security? Yes or no?

6. I stand in line. I know. You're shocked.
How long? (it was long)

7. You know those jerks
who stand right in front of you
after you've staked out a spot?
Who was it?
a. CM
b. Man (guest)
c. Woman (guest)
d. Me

8. Long day? Short?
What time do I get to bed?

Bonus: Just a little thought, did you see it?
Sure you saw it.
You saw it, right?

Coming up: There's a trick to it.
And another picture I can't wait to show you.

Last edited:
I'm in second by only one point!!! Outrageous! And it's only because she got two bonus points! How do I get bonus points?
Hm. I think you may have accidentally given me too many points! I was surprised at how many I got, so I tried adding it up, and only found 20, not 28. :confused3

So, um, bonus points for honesty?
Hm. I think you may have accidentally given me too many points! I was surprised at how many I got, so I tried adding it up, and only found 20, not 28. :confused3

So, um, bonus points for honesty?

irene_dsc - 6:30, 2, MK, yes, UTS, Tony's, Citrus Swirl, 7DMT, PP, saw it, right away - 28 points.

4 points for being within 30 minutes of the wake up time.
2 points for being within 2 minutes of the wait time.
2 points for 'guessing' MK.
4 points for guessing yes to the metal detector.
8 points for guessing Under the Sea.
4 points for seeing Pkondz/Pixar place.
4 points for telling me when you saw it.

Did you forget to add in the bonus points for seeing it?
irene_dsc - 6:30, 2, MK, yes, UTS, Tony's, Citrus Swirl, 7DMT, PP, saw it, right away - 28 points.

4 points for being within 30 minutes of the wake up time.
2 points for being within 2 minutes of the wait time.
2 points for 'guessing' MK.
4 points for guessing yes to the metal detector.
8 points for guessing Under the Sea.
4 points for seeing Pkondz/Pixar place.
4 points for telling me when you saw it.

Did you forget to add in the bonus points for seeing it?

Aha. Somehow I didn't remember I guessed Under the Sea, and didn't recognize UTS, lol. Woot - I guessed the 8 point question!


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