Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

I'll bet you thought I forgot about replies from approximately 3 years ago...

Oh, I don't think you need
to be embarrassed by your behind.

Nope. Scrubs keep it safely concealed.

Still glad?
Wishing you were in Disney yet?

Nope. I have other plans in the works..... And I gotta make the payola to make it happen.

Only half.


Because you're trying to figure
out which half.

This reminds me of a million eon ago when Bill Clinton was asked boxers or briefs.

I really wonder how much of a rule
you are???

I won't ask about which half up there ^^^ and you can keep guessing about this.

I suppose if you're a SW fanatic,
it's Mecca.
But for me?
"Meh. Just another gift shop."

I stayed outside and took pictures elsewhere after 30 seconds inside. The fam ate it up like pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.

Ya gotta get up preeeeetty early
in the morning to beat ol' pkondz.

OR stay up very late. Or all night long. You never sleep, so take your pick.

I'd like to.
But... the funds are low
and I have to find the time.

Story of my life.

Glad that's (mostly?) over.

OH, I wish. Stiiiiiil coughing enough to keep people up.

Seems like a pretty good reason.
But the thought "are you nuts?!?!?"
comes to mind, too.

That's my middle name!

But I forsee great losses of money.

So, not much different than having kids.
So when's the next update??? Huh, huh

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Patience children.

I started editing the next update's photos
last night and hope to get writing
tonight on my midnight shift.

Hopefully it won't be long.
(Both in the time you have to wait
or in the freaking length of the thing.)
I'll bet you thought I forgot about replies from approximately 3 years ago...

Well, I knew you were gone and then busy.
So I wasn't sweating it.

Nope. Scrubs keep it safely concealed.

So, like this?


Nope. I have other plans in the works.....

I know!

And I gotta make the payola to make it happen.

We should all be born independently wealthy.
Just sayin'.

This reminds me of a million eon ago when Bill Clinton was asked boxers or briefs.

And what was Monica's answer?

Oooooohhhh... Nasty.
Give that man a cigar!


I won't ask about which half up there ^^^ and you can keep guessing about this.


I stayed outside and took pictures elsewhere after 30 seconds inside. The fam ate it up like pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.


OR stay up very late. Or all night long. You never sleep, so take your pick.

Well, eventually I do pass out
and you can take advantage of me then.

Wait... that didn't come out right.

Story of my life.

Pretty much everyone's life it seems.
Unless you're name is Bill Gates or something.

OH, I wish. Stiiiiiil coughing enough to keep people up.

Aw. Sorry to hear that.
Get better!

pkondz said:
Seems like a pretty good reason.
But the thought "are you nuts?!?!?"
comes to mind, too.
That's my middle name!

You're middle name is "are"??
That's so weird!

So, not much different than having kids.

No. I didn't say "Insane amounts of cash."
Some nice zingers in there.
I don't buy for even a second that it was live tweeted, but the person or persons that sat down and wrote that out created a right funny bit of commentary on the series.

Sorry, what are you going on about?
Nevermind. Probably not important.
Certainly not.
I've never said anything that another person considered important

:laughing: Great movie.
Although I don't remember that last bit right now.

Guess I'll have to watch it again.
Maybe while sitting around a campfire.
I've always wondered about that scene.
Given the amount of methane concentrated in a confined area and its proximity to an open flame...

Shouldn't there have been an Earth-shattering kaboom?

Some nice zingers in there.
I don't buy for even a second that it was live tweeted, but the person or persons that sat down and wrote that out created a right funny bit of commentary on the series.

Agreed. But it is a fun read.

Certainly not.
I've never said anything that another person considered important

Truer words were never spoken.
Well... there were.

Well, nevermind. What you said wasn't important.

I've always wondered about that scene.
Given the amount of methane concentrated in a confined area and its proximity to an open flame...

Shouldn't there have been an Earth-shattering kaboom?

Gas goes up, not sideways.


Drive In, 1976 (pretty sure about that anyway)
Seen it?
Started to re-read your last update so that I could make comments (probably this weekend though)
Thought I'd quickly get my guesses in
1. You get up at 6:30
2. Wait for bus 7 mins.
3. You go to MK (I have a good feeling I might get points for this one)
4. You look less dangerous and NO extra security
5. Your first ride is to see your second favorite redhead (Ruby is #1 if you know what's best) and ride Little Mermaid
6. Your ADR is at the Plaza
7. You have an ice cream float
8. You don't use your Space mountain FP
9. You use a FP for HM

I am an honest person and no I did not see it. I will say it's because I'm so excited to read your updates, that I read it too fast anxiously wanting to see what you do next.
You did ask when and it wasn't until I had to re-read it. I need to get to the movies to see what new things are being made

Hope you have a great rest of your week.:-)
3 days done, 3 more to go here. In a couple of weeks the real crazy season will begin. The predictions is a 12% increase in parcel volume over last year's.:scared1: :faint:
1. The usual... what time do I get up?

T_Man: I'll go with 6:30 again.
Lady H: BC of dawn

2. How long do I wait for that first bus?

T_Man: 3 Minutes
Lady H: 10 Minutes

3. Which park do I visit?
Hint: It's Magic Kingdom.

T_Man: Well you haven't done Animal Kingdom yet but something tells me I should go with Magic Kingdom, so I'm going with MK.
Lady H: Based on the hint, Lady H said she feels compelled to go with Magic Kingdom.

4. Do I go through the metal detector again?

T_Man: No
Lady H: With your luck, yes. It's Ponzi after all.

5. What's my first ride.
Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little.

T_Man: Pirates of the Caribbean
Lady H: Small World

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR.
And it's in the park! Guesses?

T_Man: Be Our Guest
Lady H: The Plaza

7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
What is it?

T_Man: Gelato Ice Cream Sandwich
Lady H: Regular Ice Cream Sandwich

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.

T_Man: Under the Sea - Journey of the Little Redhead
Lady H: 7DMR

9. What ride do I FP... and use.
Hint: I know what I said. Read it again.

T_Man: Buzz Light Year
Lady H: Peter Pan

Bonus: Did you see it? You did, didn't you?
I mean it was really obvious.
Be vaguely vague in your specificity.

T_Man: It could be one of 2 things. The airlines that's been advertised her quite frequently is the new sponsor of the studios, or the airlines is now expanding into the movies.
Lady H: You said to be vague so Lady H said it was that word, at that place, strung over the entrance on top, clear as day.

And if you tell me when you noticed
I'll throw you a few more points.
Sometimes the obvious ones
are overlooked at first.

Both Lady H and I saw it immediately when we saw the picture. I mean how could you miss it. BAM! Right there.

I'm not doing one.
I'm hiring all my DIS friends
and that's it.

Oh fun! I want to be Cindy. Or Mrs. Potato Head.

Things looked a little off, did they?

Your absence was noted
and lamented.

Awe very sweet of you to say.

Copy and paste on anything other
than a computer (laptop/desktop)
is almost impossible.

Babysitting for cheer season?

Our Londynn is on a competitive cheer team. Quite a sport. They travel almost every weekend, and it's hard to take all 6 of them, , not to mention expensive, so we are elected to stay with 5 rugrats
For the weekend. It wears a person out. I have shared some of the pictures and results on facebook. Quite the team, so we are proud of course. The season culminates in May with their last competition at WDW. Fair warning in case you are planning a trip! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: :rotfl2:
Started to re-read your last update so that I could make comments (probably this weekend though)

I shall await at my lady's pleasure.

Hopefully you'll have another one
to read, too.

Thought I'd quickly get my guesses in
1. You get up at 6:30
2. Wait for bus 7 mins.
3. You go to MK (I have a good feeling I might get points for this one)
4. You look less dangerous and NO extra security
5. Your first ride is to see your second favorite redhead (Ruby is #1 if you know what's best) and ride Little Mermaid
6. Your ADR is at the Plaza
7. You have an ice cream float
8. You don't use your Space mountain FP
9. You use a FP for HM


I am an honest person and no I did not see it. I will say it's because I'm so excited to read your updates, that I read it too fast anxiously wanting to see what you do next.
You did ask when and it wasn't until I had to re-read it. I need to get to the movies to see what new things are being made

You are the only one who's admitted
to not seeing it right away.

I predict Oscar-worthy material
and nothing but.

Hope you have a great rest of your week.:-)

Thanks! You too!, although...

3 days done, 3 more to go here. In a couple of weeks the real crazy season will begin. The predictions is a 12% increase in parcel volume over last year's.:scared1: :faint:

...sounds like you'll be pretty busy.
1. The usual... what time do I get up?

T_Man: I'll go with 6:30 again.
Lady H: BC of dawn

2. How long do I wait for that first bus?

T_Man: 3 Minutes
Lady H: 10 Minutes

3. Which park do I visit?
Hint: It's Magic Kingdom.

T_Man: Well you haven't done Animal Kingdom yet but something tells me I should go with Magic Kingdom, so I'm going with MK.
Lady H: Based on the hint, Lady H said she feels compelled to go with Magic Kingdom.

4. Do I go through the metal detector again?

T_Man: No
Lady H: With your luck, yes. It's Ponzi after all.

5. What's my first ride.
Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little.

T_Man: Pirates of the Caribbean
Lady H: Small World

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR.
And it's in the park! Guesses?

T_Man: Be Our Guest
Lady H: The Plaza

7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
What is it?

T_Man: Gelato Ice Cream Sandwich
Lady H: Regular Ice Cream Sandwich

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.

T_Man: Under the Sea - Journey of the Little Redhead
Lady H: 7DMR

9. What ride do I FP... and use.
Hint: I know what I said. Read it again.

T_Man: Buzz Light Year
Lady H: Peter Pan

Noted X 2.
And.... really Heather? Really?
My first ride is IASW?


T_Man: It could be one of 2 things. The airlines that's been advertised her quite frequently is the new sponsor of the studios, or the airlines is now expanding into the movies.
Lady H: You said to be vague so Lady H said it was that word, at that place, strung over the entrance on top, clear as day.

Expand or stagnate.
Clearly clear is good.

Both Lady H and I saw it immediately when we saw the picture. I mean how could you miss it. BAM! Right there.

And that's just why I asked.
Surely someone wouldn't expect that
and skim right past it?
You are the only one who's admitted
to not seeing it right away.

But I did see it right away! Now all the others, I had to go back and look (usually because my first look at your updates are from my phone), but this one was clear as day on the phone!
Oh fun! I want to be Cindy. Or Mrs. Potato Head.

:laughing: That's quite the contrasting pair.

Our Londynn is on a competitive cheer team. Quite a sport. They travel almost every weekend,

Whoa. That is a lot of competitions!

and it's hard to take all 6 of them, , not to mention expensive, so we are elected to stay with 5 rugrats
For the weekend. It wears a person out.

I bet!

I have shared some of the pictures and results on facebook.

That's weird. I know we're FB friends,
but I don't recall seeing any photos.

Quite the team, so we are proud of course. The season culminates in May with their last competition at WDW. Fair warning in case you are planning a trip! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: :rotfl2:

:laughing: Okay, thanks for the warning!
But I did see it right away! Now all the others, I had to go back and look (usually because my first look at your updates are from my phone), but this one was clear as day on the phone!

I know you did.
I just thought more people would
miss it by just quickly skipping by it.
Me too. And if it was crowded, I'd never get anywhere
for fear of running into someone.
::yes:: I'm dreading potentially having to use one of those things while grocery shopping for Thanksgiving.:drive:

Oh? Do tell!
Let's just say that the horn on the scooters at Target are a little.... lacking. I was joking with DH that I had a horn and I could use it. He then proceeded to say "Fine then go ahead." I was hoping for a nice meep meep or something. What came out was the most pitiful beeping sound ever.

Okay, then just get better...
for our sakes at least.
I don't do good with reverse. Part of that might be the fact that I crack up every time I go to do it and hear the beeping sound for backing up.

Maybe I won't be.
I was thinking of not putting anything in
and then sitting back and waiting to see
what people came up with.
Now that's a bit mean!

I started editing the next update's photos
last night and hope to get writing
tonight on my midnight shift.

Hopefully it won't be long.
(Both in the time you have to wait
or in the freaking length of the thing.)
:surfweb: Happy writing!
Noted X 2.
And.... really Heather? Really?
My first ride is IASW?


Oooh. He's using my real name...That can't be good. It's like when your parents use your first and middle name, you know your in trouble. :scared: It's a good thing you don't know my middle name :o

Yes really! You said to think outside the box...and dig deeper...this was as deep as I could go last night. I mean it is off base but this is you after all. We all know you always have something up your sleeve. o_O Figures I would go with the craziest answer possible :jester:
Where's the next chapter? We're waiting!!!

Sorry, but it's gonna be a bit still.
I spent three hours editing photos
on my midnight shift.
Good news (?) is there's a lot of them.
Bad news is I'm still not done.
Been busy at home lately.

Between birthdays (mom),

concerts (Kay),
awards ceremonies (Elle),
work and life, it's been a tad hectic.

But it will get done eventually.
Especially since it'll only be
a half day this time.


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