Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

That's it for tonight kids.
The DIS is probably going to shut down anyway.
A cinnamon bun from Gaston's....

So big! And yummy looking. Didn't try one, but saw several.

I ordered a cheese Danish


I switched the FP to HM instead.
Why not?

There is no plausible or acceptable reason to not.

So yeah... she was a good skipper.
And a good skipper totally
makes or breaks this ride.

I think the Skipper is half of what makes it good. The other things that can make or break it are A) Your location on the boat since the sound systems stink and only the front hears most of the spiel and B) The other guests. If only a few laugh, it's a dud; if most laugh, it's just way more fun and funny.



I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

Shouldn't you've said: "I ride a motorcycle, so I don't worry about cholesterol"?

(You did the hands thing right?
Bonus points if you did.)

Of course, I'm in the (most likely very short-lived) lead.

Steppesister - 135

I'm starting to really hate my guess.

1. Okay, fine. I'm leaving.
What method of transportation did I use?


2. How long is my wait this time?

6 minutes.

3. I am going to a park... sometime.
Where am I going now?
a. My resort.
b. Springs.
c. Another park.
d. Another resort.
e. Other, because there has to be an other.

Another park

4. Which park do I go to next?


5. Extra security? Yes or no?


6. I stand in line. I know. You're shocked.
How long? (it was long)

20 minutes.

7. You know those jerks
who stand right in front of you
after you've staked out a spot?
Who was it?
a. CM
b. Man (guest)
c. Woman (guest)
d. Me


8. Long day? Short?
What time do I get to bed?

This is tricky and bordering on too subjective to be fair.

Long? 10:15

Bonus: Just a little thought, did you see it?
Sure you saw it.
You saw it, right?

Well, you are a pretty amazing photographer. And a pretty amazing storyteller. Are you a pretty amazing Skipper too?
Why does rope drop have to be
so early?
No one says you HAVE to go to every rope drop. Just sayin.

I often wonder if the CMs are a bit nervous
standing in front of a group of anxious
park goers.
"If I just remain calm... they won't trample me."

I veered to the right and proceeded
up the lane towards Spew Cups.
:rotfl: That's a new, but appropriate name for them.

Well, almost everyone.
I went with them.
Besides those four CMs,
there was exactly one Disney
guest walking that path that morning.
:scratchin Wonder who was crazy enough to do that. :thumbsup2

I told the Mom and son to go ahead.
One person ahead of me wasn't going to
change my day, but it might, theirs


(I sure hope you enjoyed that!
Otherwise my efforts were in vain.)

Afterwards, I was really grateful
for her playing along.
What a good sport.

OMG! What is she doing to those little people!

Won't talk huh?
Did I mention how delicious you'd be
served with drawn butter?

Oh? She's right around the corner? Thanks!
(It's remarkable how easily you can turn
a crustacean, isn't it?)

This guy heard the "butter" comment
and was overcompensating.

Ya know, she's a great kidder, she is.
And I'm positive those hands
aren't raised in a totally defensive posture.

The most chill fish on the reef.
Hey! Dude! This is Florida!
If you wanna smoke that stuff,
you have to move to California!

Is it just me?
Or is having a shadow butterfly
land on your hand's shadow
the best thing ever?


That one's for you @Gracefulskinny .
:D Little Miss loved it! Thank you.

(But I had to.
This is the essence of Disney isn't it?)

You shouldn't leave your treasures out like that. They'll last much better if you had some orginizatiation. :thumbsup2

but... "Hi Ho"??? Really?
This is a family park, Disney.

Is Snow White the hi ho????

It would explain so much.

I didn't want anything too big
(I had a lunch ADR after all)
and I knew just what I wanted.
A cinnamon bun from Gaston's....
Because that's the first snack I think of when I want something little.

ooo very nice!

And just an FYI?
They don't have cupcakes
at the Cheshire Café.
If they ever did,
they disappeared.
THey used to sell "cupcake cups" but I am pretty sure I remember them being discontinued.

Holy tiny pastry batman! That has to be one of the smallest cheese danish I've ever seen! :earseek:

A cruise with you as skipper would be one not to miss for sure! :rotfl:

The skipper told me I was sitting
on the battery and she got a charge
out of telling us that.

But she did apologize.
Even she knew that joke
was re-volting.

And a good skipper totally
makes or breaks this ride.


Now this is something I'd never noticed before.
So while the lions are completing
the circle of life at the expense
of that poor zebra...
(dark meat, light meat, dark meat, light meat....)
Look off to the right in the distance...

"OMG! Bernice! What have they done to you???
How will I break this news to Harold?
He'll be devastated!... and available."

Five pole dancers
and a horny animal.

You're still reading?????
Good grief!

What? You were expecting BOG?
You really thought I could get
a noon... Noon! ADR at BOG???
On short notice?!?!?
::yes:: I did in March.

(You did the hands thing right?
Bonus points if you did.)

1. Okay, fine. I'm leaving.
What method of transportation did I use?

2. How long is my wait this time?
2 minutes

3. I am going to a park... sometime.
Where am I going now?
a. My resort.
b. Springs.
c. Another park.
d. Another resort.
e. Other, because there has to be an other.
another parjk

4. Which park do I go to next?

5. Extra security? Yes or no?

6. I stand in line. I know. You're shocked.
How long? (it was long)
20 minutes

7. You know those jerks
who stand right in front of you
after you've staked out a spot?
Who was it?
a. CM
b. Man (guest)
c. Woman (guest)
d. Me

8. Long day? Short?
What time do I get to bed?
Long day. You aren't the slow down and enjoy a resort type.

Bonus: Just a little thought, did you see it?
Sure you saw it.
You saw it, right?
Yes I saw them both. You should really see to that organization thing before you get to your skippering. :thumbsup2
Last weekend my plans were to comment on your TR and then edit and download all my photopass pictures since they were to expire on Thursday the 24th. So who calls Saturday night? My daughter who tells me she is coming home in 3hours to stay the night and then leave Sunday night! So my plans got a little changed.

Once again I don’t know why I have problems with multi-quote, so I write done things I want to mention to you. I of course now have to understand my own notes. I can have decent handwriting when I want to but somethings I write too fast then had no clue what it says. So I will just throw out my random thought and hope you can understand them.

Extra security and the metal detectors ….too bad you can’t just schedule a fastpass for that too. My husband got “picked” twice. I had my purse and he had the camera bag each time, all unzipped to get checked. The second time he was chosen, I offered to take the opened camera bag from him and the security guard looks at me and says, “You can go through too”. Thanks!

We liked the new Soarin because it was new but when we did get a “bad seat” it was very distracting.

Very impressed that you got to HS a little after rope drop. One of our to do list next time is to use the Gateway or use a boat to HS/EP. I agree the pictures without the hat are nice and just “looks’ right now. I can’t believe your TT ride wasn’t even full! We rode it 3 times and every time in the back row. Nice that you got to ride RRC and could get Kay her picks. HS was our first park day and our plan was rope drop RRC (FP was: TT ,Star Tours & TSMM). So we go all the way there and it’s down. Our first ride of the vacation! So we worked our way to our first FP and Star Tours had a 10 min wait, so we got in line and did that first and went right back through with our FP. We liked that somethings changed each time we rode it and was “tilted” twice. Later in the week we went back to HS, and ended up standby for RR, which was our longest wait the whole vacation (an hour). But I know I would have regretted now riding it every time I heard an Aerosmith song. We also had both our names come up on the billboard sign while in line. That was a surprise! Especially since my husband’s nickname showed up because I used it on his MB.

Too bad you had to play TSMM with such a “jerk”. Would you call me one too if I beat you like I did my husband every time we played? That game was so much fun! This was the first trip we ever played it and was hooked. I have to be fair, he beat me every time at Buzz so we each had our bragging moments.

We ate at the50’s Prime Time too. I had the Sampler because I saw yours on a previous TR. I’ll have to make a note about the onion rings. We had a fun waiter and won’t mind going back again. I showed your picture to my husband and then looked at our picture, you guys sat in the same seat!

Nice you got to DS and the Harley store, sorry the chip was a bust. I’m sure going back will be in your plans next time. DS/DD sure is different since last time we were there. I’m sure the locals love it, just not the shopping I’m thinking of when on vacation. So many new eating places. We ate at Raglan Road the day we flew in and when we went back one afternoon, a cocktail and apps at Jock’s Hanger. Just to remind you that if you make a trip to THE Harley-Davidson store (I think they have a museum, maybe tours?) in Milwaukee WI, I’m an hour away, and love going to Milw. (if you remember, EVERY year we go to the State Fair)

Beaches and Cream looks yummy. I have never but may need to learn a way to “plan” a ADR for dessert. Again BW/YC resort visit is on the to do list next time.

So cool you got to dive AGAIN at the Living Seas. Some probably dream of it happening just once. Bummer Gramps and the others couldn’t “shut up” a little. Whoa! On the shark. Maybe he knew you didn’t know who your diving buddy was and was offering to be it! Too bad you didn’t get enough screen time on the video to take home. Glad you had fun playing games with the humans on the other side of the tank

F&W is always fun. One of the reasons we like coming around our anniversary. Looks like you got to sample a few things. We enjoyed the Kalua Pork Slider too. I tried a drink (maybe Ruby would like) It was a Frozen Brown Elephant, as described by the picture I took from the African booth: Frozen Coca-Cola Slushy layered with Amarula Cream Liqueur. Quite tasty!:drinking1

Once again, I got a little (lot) chatty on an old update. I lurk, hold it all in, then explode with lots of thoughts. Will hopefully get caught up today and this time slowly read your next update so I don’t miss anything.
Have a great week:-)
Hi, I'm back from WDW

Welcome back! Did you have fun?

was sick for a while

Sorry to hear that.
Hopefully not while you were at WDW?

life got busy

I totally get that.
It's why I'm behind
on my own TR! :laughing:

and now I'm hopelessly behind in reading the trip report and in the point game. I know I've missed a lot but I'm just jumping in reading your latest update.

Sure! Good luck!

1. Okay, fine. I'm leaving.
What method of transportation did I use?


2. How long is my wait this time?
9 minutes

3. I am going to a park... sometime.
Where am I going now?
a. My resort.
b. Springs.
c. Another park.
d. Another resort.
e. Other, because there has to be an other.

e. Other

4. Which park do I go to next?

5. Extra security? Yes or no?


6. I stand in line. I know. You're shocked.
How long? (it was long)

23 minutes

7. You know those jerks
who stand right in front of you
after you've staked out a spot?
Who was it?
a. CM
b. Man (guest)
c. Woman (guest)
d. Me


8. Long day? Short?
What time do I get to bed?


You were featured at the Jungle Cruise that day.

As long as I'm not the dinner feature.
Headhunters, you know.
We aren't going anywhere and no one is coming to see us. :sad2:

This is known as an intimate meal.
I guarantee you that everyone there
was happy to be with everyone else.

I made a pie

Saw that on FB!

and prepped the all to familiar green bean casserole today. I know most people think it's awful, but my mom won't even let me "ruin" vegetables with butter, so soaking them in Cream of Mushroom soup would be unthinkable. My sisters family wouldn't have a problem with it other than they hate all vegetables including mushrooms, so even if they allowed green beans anything to do with mushrooms would make it unthinkable.

Geez, they don't have to eat it.

They almost didn't let us in their house when we made caprese skewers two years ago.

:sad2: Really? I would be grateful for anything someone brought.

We haven't been back.

Can't say as I blame you.

But since its just the two of us, we can have whatever we like which means green bean casserole for veg and berry pie instead of pumpkin.

We always do. We serve buffet style from the counter between the kitchen and dining room.

I guess with your 400 guests that's probably the best way to do it.
I usually put everything on the table.
But my family parties are much smaller.

So every gets up close and personal during the carving time.

I'm usually carving alone
with maybe my Sister chatting with me.

And... are you speaking French to me? Nice! I should brush up on mine.

Well, yes. I suppose I was!
I guess I figured it was similar to "deja vu"
(haven't we had this conversation before?)
or "croissant".
Hi Pkondz

Hi there Mac!

Great update you sure managed to get a lot done.

Thanks! But did it really seem so?
I felt like if anything, I was doing very little.
Just kinda floating around.

Good interface with Arial.

:laughing: At first I thought you said
"In your face".

Good how you managed to get the pose you wanted.The photo is a classic.


Maybe the bottle at the mermaid section is supposed to represent a measage in a bottle in the water that could be the reson it has not been picked up

Doubt it. Wrong scale.
Plus it doesn't explain the spoon.

1. Bus to springs
2. 10 mins wait time.
3.Springs to replace the lost poker chip
4.Studios to catch the new Star Wars night time show.
5.I am afraid the extra security is here to stay so yes your chosen again.
6.45 mins in line must have been worth the wait.
7. In front of you got to be a Cast Member.
8. Long day In bed for 23:10 hrs


Bonus yes I saw it but had to look again. The lucky travelers on the river cruise were so privlaged to have the great Pkondz as their entertainment for the entire trip. I bet they where in awe of your witty banter as well as the magic tricks.

Those same travelers thought it was
less of a privilege and more of a...
1. Boat
2. 6 minutes
3. B-Spring
4. AK
5. Yes
6. 14 minutes
7. D-ME
8. Long, 11:15


Bonus: yes, yes, yes! Were you swimming with Starfish cause you needed to find gems for your treasury or were you practicing for your amazing jungle performance?

Possibly a little bit of both.

Thank you so much for helping to make my day a little bit brighter!

You're more than welcome!
How are you feeling now?
You're weird! I get up at Disney because it's Disney and there are rides to ride and stuffs to do!

:laughing: Well, I do get up for that.
The alarm is to make sure of it.

I wouldn't wait in no 15 minute line to make a 2nd stab at Soarin'.

I would. But not much more.
I'll FP it instead if possible.

I would like to see it, sans tilt.

It's done downhill. As did the Eiffel. And the Taj. And everything that looks like it's going downhill like it's on meth.

So that's what happened!

Was this with or without the use of elbows?

Totally without!
There's no one over there!

Well, there is that one guy who really wants to get on Barnstormer.

This could actually be me some day.
I've never been on it.

It's a kid's ride, isn't it?

Oh, wait. Nevermind. There is that one guy who really wants to stalk Ariel.

Stalk? Stalk????

Am I not loveable????


This could be problematic.

Good idea!
A pneumatic jack would certainly work.

Oh! You said "problematic" not pneumatic.

Maybe if you just gave her a Dole Whip....

Of course! No woman could resist that!

(notes down to buy Dole Whips in bulk.)

We did! Thanks for that hilarious narrative!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Or Oregon.

Or Washington.

Or Colorado....:smokin:

Or Canada pretty soon... maybe.

Oddly, that ended up being Michaela's most fond memory of the trip; the one she still keeps talking about. Well worth a cruise through the line.

Really! You just never know
what little piece of magic will rub off.

Then you did 100% better than me. I hate all my dark ride shots.

Sorry about that.
But they are (IMHO) really hard shots to get.

Nice one! I love this a lot!


I love when this happens!

It was cute.
I was editing and...
"What's this over here? Oh. A sign......... lol."

Very nicely composed. HDR was a good choice!

HDR in post not in camera.
(About 20 shots with different settings, though.)

Probably my favorite too. Love the castle centered like that!

::yes:: I love when I can find something new (to me anyway)
in a place that's so heavily photographed.
So big! And yummy looking. Didn't try one, but saw several.

Never even seen one IRL. Just on the DIS.
Maybe next time.
Big you say?
Maybe I'll get one and split it over two breakfasts.

Because you don't like cheese Danish?
Or because of that particular turd-like one?

There is no plausible or acceptable reason to not.

Well, I've mentioned before
that I don't normally.
But.... what the heck.

I think the Skipper is half of what makes it good. The other things that can make or break it are A) Your location on the boat since the sound systems stink and only the front hears most of the spiel and B) The other guests. If only a few laugh, it's a dud; if most laugh, it's just way more fun and funny.

I was actually a little surprised by how well I could hear her.
I think another thing that can make or break it is legibility.
If you can hear but not understand what's being said...

And I definitely agree on the boat's occupants
being part of the 'show'.

Shouldn't you've said: "I ride a motorcycle, so I don't worry about cholesterol"?

Actually, I'm probably a lot safer driver on my bike
than in my car.

Food for thought.
Have you ever seen a bike slow down
and speed up for no discernible reason?
He's (or she's!) probably making sure
he's not in a blind spot.

Of course I have zero illusions to think
that I'm going to win a fight between
myself and a truck.

Of course, I'm in the (most likely very short-lived) lead.

Guess you'll just have to wait and see!

I'm starting to really hate my guess.

You can always change anything.
Right up to the posting of the next chapter.

1. Okay, fine. I'm leaving.
What method of transportation did I use?


2. How long is my wait this time?

6 minutes.

3. I am going to a park... sometime.
Where am I going now?
a. My resort.
b. Springs.
c. Another park.
d. Another resort.
e. Other, because there has to be an other.

Another park

4. Which park do I go to next?


5. Extra security? Yes or no?


6. I stand in line. I know. You're shocked.
How long? (it was long)

20 minutes.

7. You know those jerks
who stand right in front of you
after you've staked out a spot?
Who was it?
a. CM
b. Man (guest)
c. Woman (guest)
d. Me


8. Long day? Short?
What time do I get to bed?

This is tricky and bordering on too subjective to be fair.

Long? 10:15


Bonus: Just a little thought, did you see it?
Sure you saw it.
You saw it, right?

Well, you are a pretty amazing photographer. And a pretty amazing storyteller. Are you a pretty amazing Skipper too?

Only one way to find out!
Six a.m.
Time to get up.
Stupid alarm.

Why do those darn alarms wake us up so early???

There was a CM standing by the entrance
and he informed me
that Ariel hadn't quite arrived yet.
I glanced at the time. 7:55am.

She must have slept in

I told the Mom and son to go ahead.
One person ahead of me wasn't going to
change my day, but it might, theirs.

such a nice guy!!

I LOVE this photo!!

Is it just me?
Or is having a shadow butterfly
land on your hand's shadow
the best thing ever?

Yes, yes it is, so not just you

Is Snow White the hi ho????

It would explain so much.

:rotfl2: or High ho? is she from Colorado??

You're still reading?????

I am!

The French Onion Soup
(OMG. Sooo good!)
and the lemon meringue cupcake.
(Not bad!)
I also appreciate the flatware
instead of plastic.

ah ha! its never too hot for French Onion soup. Looks delish

2. Looks good?
It was better.
Soooo good.
But... did I mention Big?
(You did the hands thing right?
Bonus points if you did.)

I actually did!

Okay, fine. I'm leaving.
What method of transportation did I use?

Monorail time!

How long is my wait this time?

3 min

3. I am going to a park... sometime.
Where am I going now?
a. My resort.
b. Springs.
c. Another park.
d. Another resort.
e. Other, because there has to be an other.

another resort

4. Which park do I go to next?


5. Extra security? Yes or no?

nope, they let you through this time

6. I stand in line. I know. You're shocked.
How long? (it was long)

40 min

7. You know those jerks
who stand right in front of you
after you've staked out a spot?
Who was it?
a. CM
b. Man (guest)
c. Woman (guest)
d. Me

You're too nice to do that... ill say c. a woman

8. Long day? Short?
What time do I get to bed?

aren't all Disney days long days? you go to bed at 12:30am

Bonus: Just a little thought, did you see it?
Sure you saw it.
You saw it, right?

Welcome to the Jungle Pkondz
1. bus

2. 5 minutes

3 b. Springs.

4. AK

5. No

6. 18 minutes

7. a. CM

8. medium? ;) hahaha

Bonus: yes, yes I saw it. Almost passed it by, but it caught my eye! You're amazing!!!

Also, My hubby is sad Cheshire Café doesn't have cupcakes anymore. :( They were delicious and would be special kinds for the season, or special events going on.
Hey, let's enjoy the morning and look at some lovely pics from pkondz!


Ah, such lovely Disney pics, and so well done - but wait! Don't let him lull you into pure enjoyment! Keep sharp, Disney soldier! BOLO!!!

:laughing: One never knows
where that dastardly pkondz will hide something!

Ariel, Ariel, Ariel, what does Prince Eric have that pkondz doesn't?

Well hair.
And youth.

And good looks.





... crap.

I'm not sure, but maybe I'll get a chance to ask her one day.

Er, uh... if you do,
best not to mention my name.

'Cause she's shy.
Yeah. That's it.

It has absolutely nothing
to do with a restraining order.

At least you did get in a bit of bonding time with her.

Until she shoved me away,
we were getting along great!

I stood in line for the cinnamon bun, and it was worth every minute!

Now you tell me!
I just figured it was good.
Not line worthy!

(I would estimate that line to be 12 minutes long, based on my previous wait time. Maybe less at that time of the morning.)

So... worth a 12 minute line, huh?

Next time.... next time.

I tried to follow the instructions about the ice cream sandwich. Either it was very large, or I am unable to follow simple directions,

It was very large.

and basically with both my hands covering my face it's hard to see how big anything is.



11 minutes




27 minutes


Long day - 11:15


I did. Eventually. Sigh. But I might be starting to enjoy photo paranoia...

Hmmm... Nope. Either I'm obtuse (probably)
or you're being a bit too vague.
Either way, if you want those bonus points
you're going to have to convince me
that you saw what you saw.
And? Did you guys see it? How was it?

It was cute. Not the best Disney movie ever, but it was entertaining and had some good songs. The little tag after the credits was one of the funniest I have seen tough.

:eek: OMG! You're terrible! :lmao:

That's another one of my middle names!

Ooooohhh... I've heard of that.
I'd love to do that some day.

When you come for the Long Beach Grand Prix we can have dinner there.

We like the Westport.

Indeed you are!
Gonna go for two in a row?

I don't know if I have a shot, but I wouldn't mind some more of those candy bars!

Ah! So there's a schedule?
I wasn't sure if it was 3:00am (my time)
or just anytime late at night/early morning.

It goes down precisely at 1AM my time. Usually I'm not awake then, except on Tuesday nights as I'm wired when I get home from band. And when I'm on the East coast and wake up at 4AM!
No one says you HAVE to go to every rope drop. Just sayin.

I disagree! Everyone says to go to rope drop!

Hey everyone! What's the first rule of Disney???

Everyone: "Rope drop!"


:rotfl: That's a new, but appropriate name for them.

I dunno if it's new. Maybe I stole it, maybe I made it up.
But it sure fits!

:scratchin Wonder who was crazy enough to do that. :thumbsup2

Just some idiot trying to please
his rabid readers.

:laughing: Thanks!

What a good sport.

::yes:: She was. She could've just said
(or her handler could have said) that she
doesn't do that.

:D Little Miss loved it! Thank you.


You shouldn't leave your treasures out like that. They'll last much better if you had some orginizatiation. :thumbsup2

But.... you mean people aren't trustworthy???



Because that's the first snack I think of when I want something little.


Apparently, it's rather... large?

ooo very nice!

Thanks! I'm quite proud of that one.

THey used to sell "cupcake cups" but I am pretty sure I remember them being discontinued.

You remember right.
That Danish... sucked.

Holy tiny pastry batman! That has to be one of the smallest cheese danish I've ever seen! :earseek:

I should make a T-shirt.
I came to Disneyworld and
all I got was this crummy Danish.

A cruise with you as skipper would be one not to miss for sure! :rotfl:

:laughing: Maybe my next career?


2 minutes

another parjk



20 minutes


Long day. You aren't the slow down and enjoy a resort type.

Noted. But if you want those points,
you may want to tell me a time
that I went to bed.

Yes I saw them both. You should really see to that organization thing before you get to your skippering. :thumbsup2

But that's my skippering nest-egg!
I disagree! Everyone says to go to rope drop!

Hey everyone! What's the first rule of Disney???

Everyone: "Rope drop!"

I just might be giving a secret away here but pushing Rope Drop as being awesome is a way that us Night Owls get the parks cleared out for us at night. Rope drop involves over an hour and a half of prep time for maybe an hour of reward. Closing out the park with smart touring strategy gives you 2-4 hours of empty park bliss, uncrowded buses too and from the parks and time to sleep in in the mornings.

But.... you mean people aren't trustworthy???
Sad but true.


Apparently, it's rather... large?
If you call ,bigger than the nearly 3 year old's head, big.

Noted. But if you want those points,
you may want to tell me a time
that I went to bed.
Eep! Oops. 12:45am

But that's my skippering nest-egg!


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