"Bon Voyage to The Page Family" Photos and Trip Report Links Added!!!

Originally posted by imgoingtodisney
Andy - what could it possibly be? Did they bring home a souvenier?

LOL! I read this and all I could think of was the DCL commercial where Mom, Dad and little girl went on a DCL cruise and brought home baby brother as a "little souvenir".:eek:
Originally posted by mad4themouse
LOL! I read this and all I could think of was the DCL commercial where Mom, Dad and little girl went on a DCL cruise and brought home baby brother as a "little souvenir".:eek:

That's the first thing that I thought of as well, that's advertising for ya!!!
LOL! I read this and all I could think of was the DCL commercial where Mom, Dad and little girl went on a DCL cruise and brought home baby brother as a "little souvenir".:eek: [/QUOTE]
I lived that comercial!!! My little souvenir will be traveling on his 2nds DCL cruise in Nov.
I am glad the page family had a great trip.I wish they would get home and tell us already.
I'm not surprised they were treated like royalty. DCL is really wonderful that way!

I'm really looking forward to their report. Andy, post a link just in case we miss it please?

Welcome home Page family!
Will do!!! I'm getting ready to leave for a few hours, we have our DD's 13th Birthday Party at our local Community Center this afternoon. Won't be back home until after 5pm.
i thought about you all week so glad you had a great trip and many happy memories . can't wait to read your report.
and btw a very happy birthday to angelina.hope you have a magical time at your party as well:jester: tomi
I cannot wait to hear the report. I have not been following the board so much of late but just reading this post has made me cry. I tried explaining things to my daughter and I couldnt for welling up again. You all seem like such a great group of people here and I know the Page family appreciate your support.

Welcome Home Page Family!:)
We to hope to bring home a little something on our cruise......
like the commercial ...

but welcome home to the Page family
i know they had a great time......
Originally posted by Hygiene99
We to hope to bring home a little something on our cruise......
like the commercial ...

I hope so also, couldn't happen to a nicer couple. Pixie dust to you and Jenn:D

Welcome Back Page family

Hey Andy...I see you put a date on the "birthday" cruise. Is it Eastern or Western?

Hi all...just walked in the door exhausted. We never did run into the Pagehouse family. I searched high and low for them. I prayed so hard for good weather for Nate, and my prayers were answered. We had glorious weather throughout the cruise. I know he must have had such fun. Everyne who has not gone yet, wow, are you in for a treat. Take plenty of film, because there are so many photo opportunities on this ship.
Welcome Home!!

Glad your trip was MAGICal!! Can't wait for your Trip Report!!

Welcome home, Page Family! SO GLad to hear you had a great time!

(I suppose you're going to want to read your mail and do the laundry before posting your trip report?)
Originally posted by Mjasp
Hey Andy...I see you put a date on the "birthday" cruise. Is it Eastern or Western?


If all goes according to schedule, it should be the Eastern route.

Just got home in time to see the Magic pull away on the port cam!!!
O.k.....I hope we are still allowed on here, even after we failed to write from the MAGIC. What can I say, we were just too darn busy. What with massages, spa treatments, bingo, karaoke, 60,70, 80's parties, eating 6 times a day....oh and of course our very personal and private.......TRIP TO THE BRIDGE. Nathan received an invitation to meet Capt. Tom and when Karen (our newest angel) opened the door to the bridge........there stood Mickey with open arms. I am getting the goose bumps all over again. Mickey held Nate and Nathan just couldn't stop smiling at him. (well "her" actually).
So, anyway we are really tired and need to get some sleep tonight so we can post like crazy tomorrow. I just thought I should get on here and catch up a minute and realized that I should also let everyone know...WE ARE NOT BRINGING HOME ANY SOUVENIRS OF THAT NATURE!
Oh and if Dan and Scott read this....you guys are freaks!
(that is a joke that only dan and scott will get, we actually had a really good time with them.)

I also want to say I hate everyone on the Magic right now, especially the people in MY room 7080!

More later.........

Welcome home Page Family! Thanks for letting us know you made it home safe!We are looking forward to ALL the details!We had the pleasure of sailing with Dan and Scott 2 years ago, and will be sailing with them again in 4 weeks!

A Private meeting with MICKEY! WOW!
Welcome home. I'm looking forward to reading your trip report. There were lots of good wishes sailing your way this week!

Take Care. Is your house rocking? I noticed that when we got home from our 4-day cruise.

So sweet of you to post an update when what you really want is to catch up on sleep! I'm smiling to read about your trip to the bridge and Nathan getting held by Mickey :). I'm very glad the CM's thought of that. Looking forward to trip report once you are rested and settled in. Take care.....


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