*Big Brother 9*

I jst heard what mohamed did with mikeys the other night :eek:
I feel like throwing up now- ive been wretching that is so disgusting
Did anyone see Marios proposal to Lisa today? It was pathetic, BBLB didn't allow enough time on the program so you didn't even get to see her say Yes!.....Still made me feel :sick:
Did anyone see Marios proposal to Lisa today? It was pathetic, BBLB didn't allow enough time on the program so you didn't even get to see her say Yes!.....Still made me feel :sick:

Oh no i missed it, im sure i will survive :lmao:
I missed the proposal but no doubt Nat and I will be watching the highlights show tonight. I caught a bit of the live feed yesterday afternoon and Lisa didn't shut up about the wedding the whole time it was on. I hope she goes this week - there's something quite false about her that I can't put my finger on :confused3
I missed the proposal but no doubt Nat and I will be watching the highlights show tonight. I caught a bit of the live feed yesterday afternoon and Lisa didn't shut up about the wedding the whole time it was on. I hope she goes this week - there's something quite false about her that I can't put my finger on :confused3

Have the sick bags at the ready Joh!

I agree with you about Lisa, I didn't like her at the begining because of Mario but then I thought she was ok for a while but now I think she is just weird! :rotfl2:
I saw it when he proposed to her. After Mario got asked if he was going to have a big wedding??? I think he only proposed so that he can get some sad magazine deal to pay for it:confused3
Bex and Luke were also in Coventry on saturday miling it for all it's worth i don't even think that they are genuine.
My friends nephew works in New Look and he served her last week and she asked him "do you know who i am?" he said no and said that she was Bex from BB I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO BE THERE as he is a typical teenager who really didn't care who she was:rotfl:
My friends nephew works in New Look and he served her last week and she asked him "do you know who i am?" he said no and said that she was Bex from BB I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO BE THERE as he is a typical teenager who really didn't care who she was:rotfl:

I just knew she was going to be the "Do you know who I am?" type. :headache:
I can't believe they voted Mo to be HoH and secured him a place in the final:confused3 I think Lisa should have been given a go. She was cleaning again yesterday, she never gets the credit she deserves, I know shes a bit weird but who isn't, in there?!?!?!
I did think Darnell and Rex were mean to Sara last night - Darnell totally fell into Rex's trap. Rex started picking on her then got Darnell joining in to take all the flak....and poor Mikey is probably sitiing there thinking can you lot get a life, I'm blind for goodness sake!!!
....and this SPOLER from Digital Spy re: tonight's extra show (highlight to read).

Housemates to nominate face to face

Group members will nominate in front of each other tonight, with the two housemates up for eviction playing a game of jeopardy for £50,000.

After the 9pm highlights show, Davina will host a special second show at 11:05pm, where each contestant will have to nominate two people in front of the rest of the group.

The two housemates up for eviction will then compete for a jackpot prize of £50,000.

The £100,000 prize money will remain intact.
I can't believe they voted Mo to be HoH and secured him a place in the final:confused3 I think Lisa should have been given a go. She was cleaning again yesterday, she never gets the credit she deserves, I know shes a bit weird but who isn't, in there?!?!?!
I did think Darnell and Rex were mean to Sara last night - Darnell totally fell into Rex's trap. Rex started picking on her then got Darnell joining in to take all the flak....and poor Mikey is probably sitiing there thinking can you lot get a life, I'm blind for goodness sake!!!

I agree with you Joanne - Lisa should have been HoH and as for Darnell & Rex last night I thought that BB should have stepped in and called them to the diary room they were so rude to her....I love a bit of banter but they were just plain nasty.

Hope your right about tonight - should be fun to watch!
Going to have to Sky+ tonights as I wont be here. Last night I was really uncomfortable watching how Darnell was speaking to Sarah, if I had been Sarah I would have been really really upset.
I do not like Darnell at all, I thought he was really spiteful to Kat as well last night, just after Mo had been made head of house, infact this is one of the only years where I dont really care who go's or wins to be honest, if I had to pick a winner, I would say Lisa or Rachel, both inoffensive.
I think Lisa was genuinly thrilled with Marios proposal and if they can clinch a deal out of it, good luck to them, at least they are a real couple which is more than can be said for the so called "other couples" that get big money and then go their separate ways as soon as they have had their share of fame.:) :)
I like Lisa as well Sue, she's the one person who puts in the most effort !

Lisa's grown on me Nat, over the last few episodes, she's always busy doing something, she can stick up for herself, she's quirky, and very inoffensive, almost like the mad mother of the house without being rude to others, yes thats it, Ive made up my mind...I would like her to win....but Im sure something will happen to make me change my mind by tomorrow:lmao:
Lisa's grown on me Nat, over the last few episodes, she's always busy doing something, she can stick up for herself, she's quirky, and very inoffensive, almost like the mad mother of the house without being rude to others, yes thats it, Ive made up my mind...I would like her to win....but Im sure something will happen to make me change my mind by tomorrow:lmao:

:lmao: I'm like that Sue one minute I like her and the next minute there is something about her that Idislike but can't quite put my finger on....she is weird but I think she is possibly the best of a bad bunch.
Davina's wearing another bin bag tonight - she really seems to be in to recycling. :rolleyes:
I agree, Claire, I think Davina's dress was awful tonight.

I do think Darnell and Rex were both out of order as far as Sarah was concerned. Darnell is seriously messed up, he needs counselling or something.

As far as the Darnell/Kat thing, I think Darnell ws unnecessarily rude to her but then she tried to make out that it was down to her that Mo was voted HoH.

TBH, I really don't care who wins now but if I had to pick a winner, I would go for Rachel. Lisa is driving me up the wall - I wish I could put my finger on what it is I don't like about her but I can't, I just know that she winds me up. I would like to think that Darnell will be one of the people up for eviction this week but I don't think the housemates have got the guts to say things to his face. Will be interesting to see whether they pick the same people as normal (i.e. Lisa picking Rachel and vice versa, Kat picking Lisa, Mikey picking Rex etc.)


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