Anyone sailing on 6/21/03 Magic

Promenade Lounge........10:00 P.M.

Hi all,

Our understanding is that we are all suppose to meet opposite the Goofy pool, deck 10, starboard, at castoff. Let me tell you our experiences. Some of us get so involved in what is going on i.e., pushing away from the dock and other things going on, that by the time we make it to the meeting place, most are gone doing other things. We therefore, last cruise, had all adults interested in meeting, meet at the Promenade Lounge at 10:00 the night of sailing. By then, champagne had been drunk, the initial excitement of being on the ship had calmed down, and all the kids had disbursed and meet friends. Late seating was done and everyone was ready for a drink and adult conversation. Last cruise we had about 15-20 people who had agreed to meet earlier, finally caught up with each other. We closed the lounge down that night and had a terrific time.

So, anyone interested, lets meet at:

10:00 P.M., sailing night, Promenade Lounge, and come thirsty. Last cruise we had "last man,woman, standing" !!!!!
Hi Y'all,
I just signed up on these boards so I could talk to you.
Dh just booked our cruise and I am quickly reading these boards and have found some really great tips. Lets see... My name is Holly and I'm from Charlotte, NC. We have a ds (12) and dd (9). We are driving down the day before. I have been on the carnival over 10 years ago. The biggest question I have is what are you all doing on shore? We would love to get more info on the local areas and the best companies and ways to travel around. We like to shop, but while were on vacation we want to do "fun" things. Also, I know the kids will have more fun if they know there will be other kids their age to look foreward to meeting. I feel that were coming into this a little late ( Planning wise ), but am working hard to be prepared. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks Holly
Hey DebbieH,

How about if we leave the "general" meet during sailaway for those that can make it - this way the kids (especially those teens) have a chance to meet up and add the evening meet at the Promenade lounge?

Welcome Holly. I second the recommendation to get the Passporter and check the sites. There appears to be a wide range of what folks are doing based on family make up and interests.

We're kayaking in Key West, snorkeling with stingrays in Grand Cayman, and splitting up in Cozumel. DD & I will ride horseback and DH & DS will snorkel.

Hi all, Debbie meant for the Promanade lounge to be a meeting IN ADDITION TO the sailaway gathering, preferentially but not exclusively, for adults. We look forward to seeing you all. We are doing the Beach thing at Grand Cayman and the Fury Catamarran snorkel and beach party in Cozumel. We had a blast on this excursion last year and could not recommend it more enthusiastically. We also recommend signing up for the rain forest in the spa. Its a terrific way to relax after a hard day of power cruising. We do it for the whole week. Cheers Wes
Sounds like a plan to me! I figure that by that time of the evening my two will have disappeared to their own pursuits...that's one of the reasons I LOVE cruising.

Hi fellow cruisers,

Just sat down to say hello and guess who rang the doorbell?
The brown truck was in my driveway and we received our documents, so now we're doing the happy dance:bounce:
This was a great way to end hubby & my wonderful weekend!

Just got back from a 3 day, no kids, stay at the Poly. Wow, what a beautiful resort. After all this time we've been going to the world and staying at GF, Contemporary, etc., we finally made it to the Poly and are planning our next trip, loved the slide and stayed on the beach the whole time.

Anyways, happy to see ya'll planning our meets, I always mean to do things but never get around to it. We will certainly make both the meets a high priority.

Welcome Holly, my DS 12 will be happy to hear that your DS is his age. He enjoyed the lab 3 yrs ago and hopefully can meet others to feel comfortable going since he's entering that awkward age.
His name is Nick and he loves Disney & soccer.

See ya real soon!!

Hhheeelllooo, anyone out there for June 21st? Anyone else receive their documents? We're exactly 1 month away and should be burning up the boards or everyone is busy shopping for their much needed "Must Have".

Well speaking for our family I can say that we're busy getting our shopping done, as well as finishing up the school year.

Last week was a big week for our high school choir with spring show production week - meaning DS was busy every night with that, and DH and I were there as well nearly every night as backstage folks. This week and next are the end of term for me - I pop into the boards occasionally to give my brain a break from the mountains of grading I am doing. Suspect this is a busy time for many of the families.

But that doesn't mean the cruise isn't out of mind - I SO need a vacation! :p

No docs yet, but we booked air through DCL so I have a call to them on my to do list tomorrow - flights should be assigned 30 days out and would expect docs within about another week to 10 days.

I have not posted lately but still I'm here....I check in from time to time. We're driving down and have not received our documents yet. I've been busy with getting shopping done. I still have a few things to get but almost done. I'm so excited that we're at the 30 day mark!!!:Pinkbounc
We are all arrived yesterday. I was dancing all around! Can't wait to go! I too am finishing up school, grading and trying to survive. Only 7 more school days!:Pinkbounc :bounce:
This is so cool that folks are getting their documents.

jfis1020 - only 7 more school days?! You lucky duck you. I have 6 plus finals and all the festivities of "graduation" week. Kids are finished June 10th. And my DS advised last night that he and his team have to design and build a landscaping element at the high school before the year is over! YIKES! Wish us luck!

Ok folks we're doing the happy dance here...doc dance coming soon.

Spoke with DCL this morning and they confirmed our documents package went out yesterday (5/21) - 3 day select - UPS. I'm glad about the UPS because DH gets so many shipments they deliver the driver knows us well and I hope will leave if no one is there to sign OR take it to the neighbor as we regularly do.

Also confirmed flights. Amy, we are due to land at MCO about 1 pm - so we should be settled into the Hyatt by 2 pm. When are you due in?

The air desk rep (Jack - he sounded so cute!) also said that when we check in to the Hyatt we should tell them we are going to the cruise and they'll give us a letter with all the details on luggage transfers, etc. As we knew we do need to claim our bags from MCO ourselves when we arrive Friday. So DON'T put the DCL tags on them before leaving home! :)

Jack said that Hyatt guests "normally" meet in the lobby about 10:30 for transport to the port. As we know from these boards though the buses start running at 9:30 so maybe we'll try for an earlier bus. I need to get clearer on how the luggage transfer works to figure that out for sure. I'll post a thread on that one.

We're flying Delta but am not worried about schedule changes. The flights we're on connect through Atlanta and are the most stable flights in their schedule - when I spoke with the Delta rep to get our seat assignments she said the planes were already essentially full and are usually that way so it is extremely unlikely that Delta would mess with the schedule. And our regional carrier between Grand Rapids and Atlanta is NOT Song! :smooth: A very good thing.

I was also able to get some carry on clarification from the Delta rep which is straight out of the TSA directives. My question was whether or not I'd be able to take a regular carryon AND my camera bag (dimensions ~ 18 x 24 x 6 inches) and was told absolutely. A carryon meeting carryon dimensions (I think she said 45 total inches) AND a personal item such as a purse, briefcase, computer case, camera bag, diaper bag or similar was allowed. Obviously I can't also carry a purse but I never do anyway. I have a little bag that can be carried as a waist pack or shoulder strapped that slips into my carryon quite nicely that I use instead.

Well if you haven't figured out that I'm excited let's see if a visual will help! :) :) :)

:Pinkbounc :wave: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :tongue: :tongue: :wave: :wave: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Can't wait to receive our docs! Hoping we receive them before Memorial Day.

Hey Deb ~ our flight arrives at 4:30 p.m. (we have one connection). Hope to check in by 5:00 at the latest. We'll be ready for a nice dinner and probably walk around the shopping areas or swim. Is this your first Disney cruise? I am sooooo looking forward to this trip!

See ya'll soon!!!


Have your docs arrived yet? If not they should be there soon.

This is our 3rd cruise, but first 7 day. I'm just getting really excited and am one of those people that likes to have all the detals drop into place. ;)

I really should be grading this afternoon (next week is the last week of term with finals and all that yuck so term projects are piling up on my desk) but simply can not get motivated. Playing on the boards is WAY more fun.

PM me if you want to meet up at the Hyatt.

Hey I posted a new thread . . . but I was wondering if there are any other college students going on this cruise . . . I am a 19 year old junior from Ursinus College . . . I live in Hanover Pa. Anyway I just wanted to if there were other college students . . . ya know to chill at Carlos & Charlies, and of course Senor Frogs . . . we can't go to Common Grounds cause we are too old . . . but there aren't many things we can do because some of us can't get searved on the ship . . . even though we are in international waters . . . but whatever . . . so let me know whats up . . . we are almost there . . . what four weeks now or less?? Talk to you all soon !!!!:)
Because DS actually admitted to browsing what he calls "Mom's dizzy boards" Friday! Apparently there wasn't much going on in his computer class at school so he went on a search.

Said he didn't find anything new...guess that means I've kept him pretty well informed?

Also wanted to bump this up. Hope everyone is having a good/safe holiday weekend!

Hey yall . . . just bumpin us up a little bit here . . . also I was wondering if there is any word on college students on the ship . . . alright . . . talk to you all soon !!
Hey Wes,

I just looked back on our list (page 11) and it looks like the CBAGGS party has a DS 19 in their group. Kari is his younger sister and the one who shows up most regularly on the thread but I suspect she is busy with the end of the school year.

My DD just called me at the office and said "Brown just delivered! Our documents are here!"

Boy oh boy did I need a bright spot in today! This was a good thing. I might even scrape enough energy together to actually dance (I HATE the last week of spring term!)

But for now these little bouncies will have to do it for me!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc



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