All resort non-smoking

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I agree. I have been to many hotels throughout the years, and have always smoked in the rooms, whether they have ashtrays or not. I don't think that a day of occasional smoking has bothered someone staying after me that much. If someone is that allergic, or asthmatic, I would hope that they would take precautions. Those who are allergic to peanuts have to do the same. Right?

What would those precautions be? To bring our own cleaning supplies???
Get real!!
Here's a clue...if they don't have ashtrays, they are non-smoking.
Have a little integrity and don't smoke in the rooms!!
Nothing speaks louder than an artcle in the paper about said company and the fact they installed x companies devices for whatever reason.

I've yet to see an article in the paper touting that Disney uses GE washers & Dryers or Proctor Silex (or whatever) coffee makers. Nor have I seen an article declaring what brand of fire alarms, security radios, etc they use.
Also, a phone call.......1)guests can simply not pick up phone/not listen to voice mail 2) guests can deny they are doing anything wrong (then get upset about being accused falsely) Is disney going to continue to insist it's them if it's not ? People do make mistakes---especially in the heat of the moment 3)guests can pick up the phone and simply ignore warning from front desk CM.

True enough. But I would strongly suspect that in order for Disney to charge anybody for a cleaning fee, there would have to be very strong evidence that someone smoked in the room. Not may have, but definitely did.

I guess we will need to revisit this topic in 6 months or so to see how it has turned out. I'm hoping for the best, but I can't say I honestly know.
I guess we will need to revisit this topic in 6 months or so to see how it has turned out. I'm hoping for the best, but I can't say I honestly know.

Wow....623 messages in, and we find a person who admits that they don't know how the policy will work out!! Guess they didn't get their official DIS crystal ball like everyone else!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
This thread is like a train wreck... I just can't look away... :lmao:

Ok - I don't have enough time in the day to point out the fallacies on both sides of the table, but here's my current thoughts based on the last couple of threads I read:

I guarantee Disney did look into what DVC members wanted, thought about, what other Timeshares and hotels did, etc. Also remember, because some DVC rooms are also sold as hotel blocks we made the decision to follow the path of the hotel in terms of major rules (and this is a major rule). The fact you personally (you in a general term) didn't get a phone call or get to vote doesn't mean Disney gave 0 consideration to DVC members.

Second, are you so certain that had Disney solicited input there would be no smoking ban? I think all we need to do is take a larger look at the country, where smoking bans pass, and we can assume pretty clearly that a ban would have had the majority vote for this type of property. And if it didn't today, it would next year or the next. The ban was coming - there never was a doubt on that.

Third, I agree in principal that the balconies are a bit excessive - but lets consider what some people here have posted. They smoke in the room no matter what - even before the ban. So saying balconies are ok would've just made it harder on Disney. By putting the entire room area off limits (including balconies), there is not doubt that if you smell smoke its a violation of the policy.

Fourth, Those who are saying this is ruining their lives or vacation plans - its not a DVC issue. You can't smoke anywhere on Disney hotels. I have no first hand knowledge, but I'd venture to guess most of the Disney property or near property resort style hotels already have or are seriously considering this style ban. Its going to get very restrictive if you don't reconsider your thoughts.

OK - now that I've gone on and on, I'll post my personal opinion. I'm ok with the ban. Not jumping up and down either way - although now that more and more places are non-smoking it does tend to bother me more when I hit somewhere that allows it (just not used to it anymore I guess). Things change, smoking is no longer considered ok. Its time to move on in my opinion. There's things I'd like to do, but the societal rules don't allow them. And I choose to not be anti-society, anti-rules. What message does that send? This has become a very American attitude. People will aggressively enforce rules they care about, but completely ignore those they don't like. Great message to our kids and fellow humans...

So pray I'm not in the room next to, above, below, or around yours and you choose to smoke. I will report it, I will push until action is taken, and I will make a scene until its remedied to my satisfaction. Not because you smoke - but because you have no consideration for others. I'm sorry a rule was put in place you don't like - but no offense - grow up. There's lots of rules we don't like. If you make the decision that you will forego Disney vacations because you can't smoke in your room - well I guess you are serious about smoking. Please call one of the resale locations and they can help you with your next step.

Well, we put our heads together and came up with a solution. Because that is what we do. :) All this back and forth is a little confusing for me, mainly because what has changed?
1. Disney is getting rid of smoking rooms.
2. Disney is going to presumably fine people for breaking the rule.
3. Smoking is no longer allowed on balconies.

My first thought on reading this new policy? "OMG, people are going to be stinking up the rooms like mad now."

Now, I can appreciate the balcony issue. At BW, you are practically on top of each other. SSR, you are not very far either. I have not stayed in the other resorts yet, so I cannot really comment, but BCV seems the same, I would say that possibly OKW is the only resort where you might be far enough away to not be fumigating your neighbor. I mean, I would think nonsmokers would actually hate this policy, since it ups the chance of getting a smoked in room, since instead of the balcony, people will hide inside and smoke.

And since the smoking rooms themselves are not an issue for n/s..I assume that this is a $$ issue for Disney.

So this is the solution we thought of:
In each resort, make one building, or one separated section of rooms "smoking" HOWEVER, the rooms themselves are N/S (thus eliminating the cleaning costs for Disney). The only place you can smoke in this section of rooms is on the balcony. It would, of course, have to be away from the N/S balconies.

All other rooms and balconies strictly nonsmoking. Fines imposed for smoking in the room or on the balcony, as well as fines for smoking IN the rooms that are smoking optional on the balcony. The balconies could be equipped with those sand filled ashtrays for safety and cleanliness.

Then, noone is smoking indoors. Nonsmokers can enjoy their balconies and the smokers who don't want to make the effort to go downstairs to the designated areas have their balconies if they want, all grouped together.

:) Dh also had an idea for a smoking resort, complete with theming, but I don't know if it would be as funny to you guys as it was to me, so I will spare you. :goodvibes

Great minds think alike:) ,
This thread is like a train wreck... I just can't look away... :lmao:

Ok - I don't have enough time in the day to point out the fallacies on both sides of the table, but here's my current thoughts based on the last couple of threads I read:

I guarantee Disney did look into what DVC members wanted, thought about, what other Timeshares and hotels did, etc. Also remember, because some DVC rooms are also sold as hotel blocks we made the decision to follow the path of the hotel in terms of major rules (and this is a major rule). The fact you personally (you in a general term) didn't get a phone call or get to vote doesn't mean Disney gave 0 consideration to DVC members.

Second, are you so certain that had Disney solicited input there would be no smoking ban? I think all we need to do is take a larger look at the country, where smoking bans pass, and we can assume pretty clearly that a ban would have had the majority vote for this type of property. And if it didn't today, it would next year or the next. The ban was coming - there never was a doubt on that.

Third, I agree in principal that the balconies are a bit excessive - but lets consider what some people here have posted. They smoke in the room no matter what - even before the ban. So saying balconies are ok would've just made it harder on Disney. By putting the entire room area off limits (including balconies), there is not doubt that if you smell smoke its a violation of the policy.

Fourth, Those who are saying this is ruining their lives or vacation plans - its not a DVC issue. You can't smoke anywhere on Disney hotels. I have no first hand knowledge, but I'd venture to guess most of the Disney property or near property resort style hotels already have or are seriously considering this style ban. Its going to get very restrictive if you don't reconsider your thoughts.

OK - now that I've gone on and on, I'll post my personal opinion. I'm ok with the ban. Not jumping up and down either way - although now that more and more places are non-smoking it does tend to bother me more when I hit somewhere that allows it (just not used to it anymore I guess). Things change, smoking is no longer considered ok. Its time to move on in my opinion. There's things I'd like to do, but the societal rules don't allow them. And I choose to not be anti-society, anti-rules. What message does that send? This has become a very American attitude. People will aggressively enforce rules they care about, but completely ignore those they don't like. Great message to our kids and fellow humans...

So pray I'm not in the room next to, above, below, or around yours and you choose to smoke. I will report it, I will push until action is taken, and I will make a scene until its remedied to my satisfaction. Not because you smoke - but because you have no consideration for others. I'm sorry a rule was put in place you don't like - but no offense - grow up. There's lots of rules we don't like. If you make the decision that you will forego Disney vacations because you can't smoke in your room - well I guess you are serious about smoking. Please call one of the resale locations and they can help you with your next step.


P.S. Just to enforce my point... I'd make the same call if it was someone violating a noise rule, or a pet rule, or an alcohol rule (and I work for a beer company...). It really doesn't matter - its not an anti-smoking thing.
As I sit hear reading this debate (which has gone way off course and has become a means of personal attacks rather than discussing the new poilcy which has been put into effect) I can't help but notice that everyone responding has a very strong and (some) logic and reasoning behind their words. But I have to say, debating smoking vs. non-smoking here on the DIS is going to get you nothing but high blood pressure. You (nor I, or anyone here) has a say in this ultimately.

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the comedic aspects of this discussion as well as seeing people here for who they really are, but that is not the intent of this thread, to please my sick sense of humor, the intent is (was) to make people aware of the policy and to pass on the information relating to the policy.

I have but one thing to add - If you want your voice to be heard, contact Guest Communications and/or Member Services
(Feel free to PM for guest communications email address or PO box info as I'm sure the board sponors and mods would prefer I didnt publish that publically)
People will aggressively enforce rules they care about, but completely ignore those they don't like. Great message to our kids and fellow humans...

So pray I'm not in the room next to, above, below, or around yours and you choose to smoke. I will report it, I will push until action is taken, and I will make a scene until its remedied to my satisfaction. Not because you smoke - but because you have no consideration for others.

why am I reminded of this???

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I don't think the smokers who say they will light up anyway are trying to kill asthmatics. They simply are not taking it into consideration. And yes, there is a difference.

There are how many rooms at Disney? And say 200 people check in on any given day that have a bad reaction to old smoke. Not smoke in the air, but smoke smell on the drapes,etc. Because you have to have severe reactive airway disease for just the smell to affect you so badly you need a hospital. And I DO KNOW that it can happen. I have taken care of kids like that. But the odds of that person checking into the room that the person smoked in....well, according to the thread smokers are a small minority, so the chance would be small. KWIM? They aren't smoking in the room thinking "I hope this kills someone next week!"

They should be considerate. But I ask, do all DVC members refuse to bring peanut butter or any products containing peanut butter into the room?? Housekeeping could miss it on the counter and the next family in the room COULD have a severe peanut allergy. It COULD get on their food and send their child into anaphylactic shock.

Most people would never envision that scenario, and therefore, would not think to avoid PB. That does not mean they are uncaring or inconsiderate, it just means that they didn't think of it.

I don't think the people on this thread who say they will still smoke are out to harm anyone intentionally.

The issue is not following the rules. Keep in mind, peanut butter can be cleaned up off a counter. If Housekeeping misses it, it is due to negligence. Smoke gets into the fibers and really can't be cleaned out totally, unless all fibers are replaced.
No, I don't think smokers are intentionally trying to harm those who may stay in the room next. Yes, I do think they are being selfish in thinking the rules do not apply to them and not considering the risks they may be imposing on the next person. Asthma is not the only health issue that doctors warn about to stay away from smoke. And severe reactive airway health disease, sending one to the hospital, is also not the only health reason people should be concerned about. Someone could have health problems that smoke would not send them to the hospital, but it could cause long term issues. My DD has health issues and it is not asthma or a severe reactive airway disease. Her specialist recommends her not be around smoke because of the immediate affects it has on her body - although it would not require taking her to the hospital, and because of the long term affects.

And even if the chances are small, bottom line is why should anyone risk my child's health? Why should anyone feel the rules do not apply to them?

I believe Disney should keep smoking rooms - like I said before, at least I then have a better chance to actually get a nonsmoking room.
why am I reminded of this???

Thats ok - I'm not saying I am or am not without sin. And by the way, we aren't talking about religion, ehtics, morals, or anything other than a person who has a behavior they enjoy/habit/addiction that doesn't want to follow a new rule... :sad2:

I am simply shocked by the people who are stating that they absolutely will not follow this rule, haven't followed it in the past, etc. It strikes me as a very selfish way to go about life. I'm just curious if these same people would sit quietly and not be offended if I decided at 2am to have a dance party in my room - thats all. I don't equate smoking to drinking - I liken it more to noise pollution. The reason I compare it to noise is because it impacts those around you. It requires the person not involved in your activity to either 'deal with it' or move/change their location.

I have but one thing to add - If you want your voice to be heard, contact Guest Communications and/or Member Services
(Feel free to PM for guest communications email address or PO box info as I'm sure the board sponors and mods would prefer I didnt publish that publically)

This is who I was directed to: " Jon Garcia, our Member Satisfaction
Manager, for further review. You may expect to be contacted again ."
So pray I'm not in the room next to, above, below, or around yours and you choose to smoke. I will report it, I will push until action is taken, and I will make a scene until its remedied to my satisfaction. Not because you smoke - but because you have no consideration for others. I'm sorry a rule was put in place you don't like - but no offense - grow up. There's lots of rules we don't like. If you make the decision that you will forego Disney vacations because you can't smoke in your room - well I guess you are serious about smoking. Please call one of the resale locations and they can help you with your next step.


:cool1: :thumbsup2

I'll be right there with you. Complaining and making a scene until its remedied to my satisfaction.

This thread is like a train wreck... I just can't look away... :lmao:

So pray I'm not in the room next to, above, below, or around yours and you choose to smoke. I will report it, I will push until action is taken, and I will make a scene until its remedied to my satisfaction. Not because you smoke - but because you have no consideration for others. I'm sorry a rule was put in place you don't like - but no offense - grow up. There's lots of rules we don't like. If you make the decision that you will forego Disney vacations because you can't smoke in your room - well I guess you are serious about smoking. Please call one of the resale locations and they can help you with your next step.


Until you falsely accuse someone. Then we'll see what happens. You will at that point ruin 2 vacations. Yours and someone elses.
I don't like my right to smoke....well my mom...anyway.....
She always travels with me....TAKEN AWAY IN THE PRIVACY OF MY ROOM.

We have been lucky enough to always get a smoking room....
She dosent smoke much......
BUT....every morning she goes to the bathroom....
and does her business....there is a cigerette involved....
I can GUARANTEE....that habit wont change....
Your mom sounds like my DH's mom who liked to smoke a few cigarettes every day. She came to stay with us for a few weeks. DH told her she couldn't smoke in the house but that he would sit outside with her and keep her company whenever she needed to smoke. Within 24 hours we smelled smoke coming from her room. She explained that yes, she was smoking in the house but that she had opened the window "to let the smoke out". DH explained again that we didn't want her smoking in the house and to our great surprise, she never did it again. So people can surprise you sometimes!

I always buy air fresheners...plug ins....etc...
If i get a fine.....I guess that will have to sell my DVC...
not go on 4-5 trips every year....and find someplace
else to vacation...

My mom only smokes like 2 ciggy's a day in the room....
Try explaining the consequences to her: hefty fines if she smokes in the room, followed by no more Disney vacations where you stay on property. Then let her choose whether smoking in the room is more important than staying on property or not going to Disney at all.

Does anyone know if you smoke in the
bathroom.....does the vent carry it straight to someone else's
room.....or outside.
My experience has been that some of the smoke does go into neighboring bathrooms.

Good luck with your situation. I hope your mother surprises you by being willing to change in order for everyone to continue to have family vacations at Disney.
I agree. I have been to many hotels throughout the years, and have always smoked in the rooms, whether they have ashtrays or not. I don't think that a day of occasional smoking has bothered someone staying after me that much. If someone is that allergic, or asthmatic, I would hope that they would take precautions. Those who are allergic to peanuts have to do the same. Right?

The drastic difference is that those with peanut allergies are the minority in the are the ones who should police themselves since one can't reasonably suspect that someone with a peanut allergy will follow them in the room.

As a smoker, in a non-smoking, or "non-designated" room YOU are the vast minority to the non-smokers who don't want to smell your smoke. YOU are inconvenicing or effecting the majority. It's YOU who should be the one being considerate, because you CAN reasonably suspect that a non-smoker will follow you in that room, right? 82% vs 18%.
Wow....623 messages in, and we find a person who admits that they don't know how the policy will work out!! Guess they didn't get their official DIS crystal ball like everyone else!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ultimately, the success, or lack thereof, of this new policy lies in the enforcement and that's strictly up to Disney. Who can know how aggressively they will pursue this? So I confess, my crystal ball simply says "ask again later" on this question.

YOU are missing MY point entirely!
If you need to stay away from life - then don't go to WDW or leave the chair in a filtered plastic bubble!

Which could just as easily be flipped around, since SMOKERS, not non, are the minority. If your addiction drives things enough to make you want to break the rules in place, stay home.
Your mom sounds like my DH's mom who liked to smoke a few cigarettes every day. She came to stay with us for a few weeks. DH told her she couldn't smoke in the house but that he would sit outside with her and keep her company whenever she needed to smoke. Within 24 hours we smelled smoke coming from her room. She explained that yes, she was smoking in the house but that she had opened the window "to let the smoke out". DH explained again that we didn't want her smoking in the house and to our great surprise, she never did it again. So people can surprise you sometimes!

Try explaining the consequences to her: hefty fines if she smokes in the room, followed by no more Disney vacations where you stay on property. Then let her choose whether smoking in the room is more important than staying on property or not going to Disney at all.

My experience has been that some of the smoke does go into neighboring bathrooms.

Good luck with your situation. I hope your mother surprises you by being willing to change in order for everyone to continue to have family vacations at Disney.

Thanks for your understanding response.....

I doubt I would never go to disney again:scared1:
I'm just annoyed...I'm sure she will follow the rules...

I just wish that they would keep some smoking rooms:confused3
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