A first time planners TRIP REPORT! Sept 2014 Final Update 5.19!

I absolutely love your AK day, so few people, it seems!!! I hope our day is just like that. You accomplished so much, and I love the cute hammock shot-time to just chill out together is so important on a couple's holiday!!!!
I had our schedules pretty planned out for each day and brought a one page map & schedule with to each park, and if I remember correctly, I forgot it today so we were sort of winging it. :upsidedow

I think AK is a great park to just wing it - just walk around and there's always something to see.

Next we went on Primeval Whirl and we were seriously the only ones there so I was happy to get seated in our own little car but right at last minute they placed another couple in ours. Why? I am not really sure...there was seriously no one on the ride! I actually liked it which I wasn't expecting to!

I don't know why they load those cars full when the lines are so short ... but it's a cute ride and I liked it, and I'm glad you did too!

PLEASE check out the guy sitting in front of Joe.... his eyes seriously look like they are about to pop out of his head!!! :bitelip:

That picture is hysterical!

After enjoying our breakfast, we went over to watch the monkeys because they were super active and entertaining! Joe and I had a whole scenario for which monkey was who in the family and what they were saying. It was hilarious. I'm pretty sure we watched them for at least 20 minutes just laughing.

Well, sure, the monkeys can't talk to you, so you have to make up the story!


I love this picture! You can see Epcot and Hollywood Studios.

This time it was so funny because a giraffe was in the middle of the road so we had to wait a bit until he moved on his way.

I love when the animals are in the way ... it's so awesome!

Side note: I can't figure out how to updated my table of contents on this new layout. Could someone help! Thank you :)

At the bottom left of the post there should be a place that says "edit" ... right next to where it says "report."
I think.
Love AK! When my SO and I went in 2012 it was his favorite park; spent most of the day on the trails.

Maybe your lunch companion joined you cause he thought you were Snow White! :goodvibes

Everest twice, safari twice, I'd skip Kali too!!

The picture of your tootsies in the hammock is priceless; you two are adorable.:thumbsup2
Let's see if I can explain this so that it works.

The index link is a few more steps. Click on the post number at the bottom of the update. Copy the URL. Edit your index page to type in the chapter title, then highlight the title, click the little chain link icon (not the chain link icon with the x in it) at the top of the editing box and then paste in the URL that you copied. Then just make sure to save your changes. This all worked for me.

I LOVED your AK day. It looked like you had the whole park to yourself pretty much. I loved the pictures of the giraffes under the trees.

I'm glad you enjoyed Flame Tree (unfortunately, we had a bad experience in October). I can't wait to see where your fancy dinner is (but will have to wait until I get back from my trip).
Hey there! Great update!!! Kathy explained it perfectly for your links!!!
What a fantastic day you had! Animals great food drinks then relaxing at a beach!! plus of course i have to say your pictures are fantastic!

we had had such good weather the whole trip so I wasn't worried about a little rain at this point

WHAT?!?!? Did you read my report?!? rain.. it was EVERYWHERE!!! ha ha ha i can laugh about it now but at the time i was about to build an arc!
I live in Central Illinois in Bloomington. We are about two and a half hours south of Chicago if you live in that area.
Let's see if I can explain this so that it works.

The index link is a few more steps. Click on the post number at the bottom of the update. Copy the URL. Edit your index page to type in the chapter title, then highlight the title, click the little chain link icon (not the chain link icon with the x in it) at the top of the editing box and then paste in the URL that you copied. Then just make sure to save your changes. This all worked for me.

Thanks Kathy for explaining how to add the links to the index. I needed the information for my own TR. I just haven't taken the time to figure it out since the Dis has been upgraded.
I absolutely love your AK day, so few people, it seems!!! I hope our day is just like that. You accomplished so much, and I love the cute hammock shot-time to just chill out together is so important on a couple's holiday!!!!

I hope your day is like that too! I agree, its nice to relax!

I think AK is a great park to just wing it - just walk around and there's always something to see.

I don't know why they load those cars full when the lines are so short ... but it's a cute ride and I liked it, and I'm glad you did too!

That picture is hysterical!

Well, sure, the monkeys can't talk to you, so you have to make up the story!


I love this picture! You can see Epcot and Hollywood Studios.

Ooh ya, you can see both!

I love when the animals are in the way ... it's so awesome!

I know, it makes it so much more real!

At the bottom left of the post there should be a place that says "edit" ... right next to where it says "report."
I think.

Love AK! When my SO and I went in 2012 it was his favorite park; spent most of the day on the trails.

Maybe your lunch companion joined you cause he thought you were Snow White! :goodvibes

Everest twice, safari twice, I'd skip Kali too!!

The picture of your tootsies in the hammock is priceless; you two are adorable.:thumbsup2

Thank you!! I am glad we skipped Kali too because being soaking wet on the bus ride home probably would have been so uncomfortable!

Let's see if I can explain this so that it works.

The index link is a few more steps. Click on the post number at the bottom of the update. Copy the URL. Edit your index page to type in the chapter title, then highlight the title, click the little chain link icon (not the chain link icon with the x in it) at the top of the editing box and then paste in the URL that you copied. Then just make sure to save your changes. This all worked for me.

I LOVED your AK day. It looked like you had the whole park to yourself pretty much. I loved the pictures of the giraffes under the trees.

I'm glad you enjoyed Flame Tree (unfortunately, we had a bad experience in October). I can't wait to see where your fancy dinner is (but will have to wait until I get back from my trip).

Thank you!! I will try it out.

It was really nice how low of crowds we had, I would say in the middle of the day it was a little crowded near Everest.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience in October! :( I haven't decided where we will have lunch this year when we go back.

I hope you have a fantastic trip! I need to check out your reports since I'm so behind!

Hey there! Great update!!! Kathy explained it perfectly for your links!!!
What a fantastic day you had! Animals great food drinks then relaxing at a beach!! plus of course i have to say your pictures are fantastic!

WHAT?!?!? Did you read my report?!? rain.. it was EVERYWHERE!!! ha ha ha i can laugh about it now but at the time i was about to build an arc!

I can't believe you had so much rain! I'm still catching up on your report haha- but weren't we there the same days?!?! This was the only day it rained when we were in a park. On our arrival day (the 8th) it rained a bit in the afternoon too. I'm glad you can laugh about it now though, we are going back in Sept and I'm so nervous about the weather!

I live in Central Illinois in Bloomington. We are about two and a half hours south of Chicago if you live in that area.

Awesome! I know where that is, near ISU :) I used to travel to Peoria for work a lot too. I live North of Chicago in Gurnee, right by Six Flags!
How did you like the key lime mousse at Flame Tree? Last trip of mine, I tried to get some, but they had just closed for the day when I got there. :sad2:
I can't believe you had so much rain! I'm still catching up on your report haha- but weren't we there the same days?!?! This was the only day it rained when we were in a park. On our arrival day (the 8th) it rained a bit in the afternoon too. I'm glad you can laugh about it now though, we are going back in Sept and I'm so nervous about the weather!

Sept 6-14 i think? something like that.. and it RAINED.. and Rained and Rained some more.
the 8th we were stuck in MK on that downpour with Meg in her BEAUTIFUL Belle dress! yeah.. it rained a lot for us.. everyday in Epcot it rained.
How did you like the key lime mousse at Flame Tree? Last trip of mine, I tried to get some, but they had just closed for the day when I got there. :sad2:

I don't really remember liking or not liking it...so I'm guessing it was just ok! I love key lime anything though, if you do too and have a COSTCO near you, they have THE BEST key lime pie there!

Sept 6-14 i think? something like that.. and it RAINED.. and Rained and Rained some more.
the 8th we were stuck in MK on that downpour with Meg in her BEAUTIFUL Belle dress! yeah.. it rained a lot for us.. everyday in Epcot it rained.
That is so bizarre because we were there the 8th-14th and we barely had rain!! It must have been where we were at the different times!
The FANCIEST meal of our lives!!

I'm so excited to write about this night!

When I told my Dad we were going to Disney, he kept asking me about our dining reservations. He was wondering why I didn't have Narcooses, Citricos, California Grill, and Victoria and Alberts on my list. I told him it's because I'm 25 and can't afford them!! Those were always the places we went when we were on our trip (I think we used to have the deluxe dining plan..but it used to be called the Grand Plan) So he told me that since it is Joe's first trip we couldn't NOT go to Victoria and Alberts and I Told him there was no way I would spend that much on a dinner so he surprised me and made reservations for us and told me about it on my birthday! He's the best- I couldn't believe he called them and everything!

So we had a 9PM reservation at Victoria & Albert's. We had packed our dressy clothes & got ready for our big night out.

Joe is a VERY picky eater, sort of like a child, so since I have been to V&A's before I had to make him promise he would try anything they gave us. I said they could give you anything weird and it will taste good, I promise! He agreed he would try everything!

So we were all ready and go to the bus to go to MK and take the boat over to V&A's. We left with PLENTY of time so we could look around the Grand Floridian. I was so excited to be back at the resort since I haven't been there since I was 10 or 11. :love:

On our way to the GF!

Peter Pan on the floor at the GF!

Band Playing near Mezners Lounge

We did a little shopping around the hotel & then went to Mezners Lounge for a drink before our reservation.

I love this picture of Joe! He had a margarita.

I had some type of martini...

We checked in to the restaurant and were seated. We were introduced to our waiter & waitress. When I was younger & came here with my dad each table had a waiter & waitress named "Victoria & Albert". Our waiter and waitress's name tags had their actual names so I asked why they no longer were Victoria & Albert. The waiter told me that people used to call to request certain servers and they never would know their names since everyone was called Victoria or Albert so they started using their real names. I thought that was too funny.

There was a card on our table addressed to both of us from my dad. :goodvibes It was so sweet. The waiter told us the notes in back said they had his CC on file & to go crazy. haha Soo with that...we ordered the wine pairing for each of us & they started to explain the menu & courses.

Each course came with a wine pairing and there was a different bread with each course too. Each course also had multiple options so Joe and I made sure to pick different things so we could try more.

Ok I am about to bombard you with pictures because I honestly don't remember everything we ate because you get so many courses - just know that NOTHING tasted bad, it was seriously ALL SO DELICIOUS!

This one was some type of seafood inside of it, I don't remember it.

This one was tomatoes 3 ways... Joe really enjoyed it.

This was one of my favorites! It was a sesame seed crusted scallop, it was the best scallop I've ever eaten.

Some type of salmon Joe tried I think.

MMMM this was so good too it was a potato gnocchi & truffles dish.

I think this is Joe's main entree which was a KOBE Beef... which is the best steak you could ever try.EVER.

This was mine..which was duck. I don't really remember why I picked duck because I'm not a huge fan of duck(maybe it was the wine LOL ) but even this was good.

This was the course prior to dessert...which was like PRE DESSERT... I got a cheese & fig plate.

Joe got some type of sorbet.

Wine, wine, & more wine. It was def. too much wine..I was never done with one glass by the time another came. They were all delicious though!!

After all of these courses AND wine...I was SO FULL. But we still had to order our last course dessert...

I had a creme brulee and Joe ordered a chocolate souffle- BOTH AMAZING even though we were beyond full.

Funny story- at some point towards the end of the meal I looked at Joe and told him (probably while giggling) that I shouldn't have any more wine and continued to spill what was left of red wine in one of the glasses. :rotfl: I was so embarrassed and didn't want anyone to see (it got on the table clothe only) so I put my napkin over it for the rest of the night. I'm laughing out loud thinking about this.

With Dessert we got this AWESOME coffee pot at our table...it was seriously so good! Its like a vacuum and sucks the water up to the top where the coffee grounds are and then releases the coffee back into the bottom.

At the end of the meal they bring you more candy/chocolates that are made but we had them wrapped up. They also brought me a rose, our menus (which are personalized), and the card from my dad.

It was around 12AM I think when we finished up and they called us a cab to take us home.

Pictures on our way out...

We got in the cab to go back to CBR and I most definitely was sleeping within 5 minutes. :laughing:

When we got home (resort home) we had a minor disaster.... did we fix it? I'll tell you soon!
Wow, best Dad ever. I'd love someone to buy me a V&A dinner. How awesome for you!!!! I can't imagine doing that many wine pairings,definitely would have passed out in the cab too. LOL! Hope it really was only a minor "disastor".
Wow, that was so nice of your dad!!! Was your crème brulee flavored, or plain? Speaking of dessert, thanks for the tip about getting key lime pie at Costco. Maybe next time I go to a potluck I could bring one!
What a lovely treat from your father!!

The dinner looks amazing! I'm glad Joe agreed to try everything, looks like you both enjoyed it.

A disaster?! Uh-oh, hope it wasn't too bad and was rectified swiftly!
so he surprised me and made reservations for us and told me about it on my birthday!

What a fantastic surprise! you do have the best Dad!

On our way to the GF!

LOVE this picture!

Ok I am about to bombard you with pictures because I honestly don't remember everything we ate because you get so many courses - just know that NOTHING tasted bad, it was seriously ALL SO DELICIOUS!

Like anyone would complain about pictures! LOL

top where the coffee grounds are and then releases the coffee back into the bottom.

this is really neat. Have a few in restaurants in Chicago!

So glad you had a wonderful night! sounds romantic (even with spilled wine) and delectable!
I am SO SO SO sorry I was gone for so long!

In December Joe & started searching for houses and ended up putting an offer on a house in January!

About a week after we put an offer on our house (January 10th to be exact) Joe asked me to go on a walk with him & Sophie.

We were walking over the bridge behind our townhouse & Joe asked me to grab Sophie and then all of a sudden he was on his knee!!

We're engaged!! We've been engaged now for a little over 3 months and I still am so estatic. He is for sure my soul mate <3

Anyways, life got in the way as we have been planning our wedding & buying our house! I also got a new job at work so I've been very busy there too.

Yesterday morning Joe woke me up & just asked if I wanted to go to Disney- so at 6AM we started booking our next trip! Why not?! We are going back in September! I will start a PTR once I finally finish this one!

WOW! So many new things for you all at once! CONGRATS! You two are a cute couple. I love this picture of the two of you in the snow!

And your father is the best! What a wonderful surprise! It must have been a very romantic evening!
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I have fallen rather behind so definitely wanted to start by saying congratulations on your engagement!!!



So glad to see you went into the Mexico Pavilion and to La Cava (a.k.a. the Ditch) for your margarita - that is one of my favorite places in all of WDW (though, to be fair, haven't been to the new Trader Sam's yet) and they make great margaritas there. My favorite are the avocado and jalapeno ones.

While perhaps off to a bit of a slow start, you picked up steam and did pretty darn good with your drinking around the world! Glad you got to experience Maelstrom at least once before it got Frozen!

I love just walking around Animal Kingdom as I feel it is so well themed and so many small details to see.

Your afternoon relaxing in the hammock, etc. looked quite enjoyable as well!

Wow, that is such a nice treat from your Dad! We experienced V&A for the first time a couple of trips ago for our 10th wedding anniversary and it was definitely one of the best meals of our lives. It was a lot of food and wine though (granted, we did a bottle of champagne and then the wine pairings) but all was so good. Also, I loved that despite it being such a "fancy" meal, the waiter and waitress were pretty down to earth and easy to talk to - definitely not pretentious or anything
What a sweet gesture by your dad and don't you two look nice. I could never get my husband to dress up on vacation...just not going to happen, and I am fussy like your Joe so the money would be wasted on me. But it looks as if you two had a lovely evening. :)
When I told my Dad we were going to Disney, he kept asking me about our dining reservations. He was wondering why I didn't have Narcooses, Citricos, California Grill, and Victoria and Alberts on my list. I told him it's because I'm 25 and can't afford them!! Those were always the places we went when we were on our trip (I think we used to have the deluxe dining plan..but it used to be called the Grand Plan) So he told me that since it is Joe's first trip we couldn't NOT go to Victoria and Alberts and I Told him there was no way I would spend that much on a dinner so he surprised me and made reservations for us and told me about it on my birthday! He's the best- I couldn't believe he called them and everything!

That is so awesome!! Your dad sounds like the best!

We checked in to the restaurant and were seated. We were introduced to our waiter & waitress. When I was younger & came here with my dad each table had a waiter & waitress named "Victoria & Albert". Our waiter and waitress's name tags had their actual names so I asked why they no longer were Victoria & Albert. The waiter told me that people used to call to request certain servers and they never would know their names since everyone was called Victoria or Albert so they started using their real names. I thought that was too funny.

That is funny ... I guess it's confusing when people call up and want Victoria & Albert ... but don't know which Victoria & Albert they had last time.

There was a card on our table addressed to both of us from my dad. :goodvibes It was so sweet. The waiter told us the notes in back said they had his CC on file & to go crazy. haha Soo with that...we ordered the wine pairing for each of us & they started to explain the menu & courses.

I love that there was a card from your dad ... and that he was okay with you ordering anything you want on his card!

All the food looks amazing!

Funny story- at some point towards the end of the meal I looked at Joe and told him (probably while giggling) that I shouldn't have any more wine and continued to spill what was left of red wine in one of the glasses. :rotfl: I was so embarrassed and didn't want anyone to see (it got on the table clothe only) so I put my napkin over it for the rest of the night. I'm laughing out loud thinking about this.

If spilling the wine and hiding the spill is the worst thing you do after too much wine ... then you're in good shape. There are much worse things you could have done!

I love this picture! You guys look great in your fancy clothes!

A minor disaster? Oh, no! I hope everything was fixed!


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