5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 4

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I'm having a terrible time finding our thread! I can't get used to the new name. Well, we're incognito now, aren't we?
tinksdad said:
The Wreck of the Mary Deare,

Sounds like a good time to go diving......

Ding Ding Ding!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

And I WASN'T a basket case.....until the limo didn't show up and I was afraid that I had been ripped off! Once there, the champagne took away the cases of baskets!
Dancind said:
Sounds exactly like the way we started, or the way IT started. Because I never started, I stuck to the original plan. Where did it go wrong?

Translation: They bought their own snorkel gear thinking it would be easier than renting. One thing led to another, and soon Kevin and Alicia were scuba diving.
Only Diana remained a snorkeler with just her own small, lightweight, easy to carry around gear! ;)
Doesn't anyone else get new post notification via email? I am soory I just thought everyone did htat, so I did not think there would be a problem with the thread name change. I can change it back, let me know
:flower1: Good morning cruisers! :flower1:

Happy Thursday!
Dancind said:
I'm having a terrible time finding our thread! I can't get used to the new name. Well, we're incognito now, aren't we?

Here's a hint. Just above the posts somewhere is a link that says "thread tools." Click on that and a drop down menu will appear. Click "subscribe to this thread." It will ask if you want email notifications --don't pick that option or you'll get hammered with emails."

Then to find the thread all you do is log on, then click "User CP" in the upper left hand corner. It will take you to your control panel and it will list all of your subscribed threads that have new messages. If this thread isn't in there, it's because there aren't new messages since the last time you logged on. If this is the case there is a link near there that says "show all subscribed threads."

I do this with all threads I'm following until I no longer want to follow them and then there is a link somewhere to delete the subscription.


Upcoming DIS meet. The kids and I are travelling to WV this weekend to visit with Virgil, Frances, and Lauren.

After a couple of days of phone tag, it's all arranged. :)

The paperwork should be final today....the second mortgage I'm taking out on the house to pay for gas! Couldn't believe it when I saw it was $2.49 a gallon yesterday!!!! :earseek:
I do what Karen does and subscribe to the threads I want to follow. I also don't have e-mail notification on. My e-mail box would be full with all the posts from us blabbermouths :cool1:

In fact I recently had to turn off my e-mail notification on pm's. I'd go into e-mail and have to delete 20 e-mails at a time.
Karen - have a great time on your road trip. So Virgil is finally getting his Christmas tree back! Don't forget pictures for the web page.
ohiominnie said:
The paperwork should be final today....the second mortgage I'm taking out on the house to pay for gas! Couldn't believe it when I saw it was $2.49 a gallon yesterday!!!! :earseek:

Karen, in downtown Chicago, it's up to the $3.00 point already..
ohiominnie said:
Here's a hint. Just above the posts somewhere is a link that says "thread tools." Click on that and a drop down menu will appear. Click "subscribe to this thread." It will ask if you want email notifications --don't pick that option or you'll get hammered with emails."

I do the same thing, and set my DIS bookmark the User CP page so that that's my "DIS Home" page when I open the site. It helps to keep me off the CB, too.
chip&dale&fun said:
Well, yes... you would think with all the family gathering that Disney could handle our group a wee bit better...after all we are only 14 (or 10) depending on what type of day KikiKaren is having......I am not giving up on her yet, if the Closing is delayed, but I wish the closing is not delayed...

As of this morning (now you KNOW this could change...) we are now looking at a 9/15 closing, with the possibility of moving it sooner if our buyers get their messed up life straightened out. So... thanks for not giving me up yet... though I don't know that I can stand living packed up for another whole month. (We are halfway packed up right now...)
ohiominnie said:
Here's a hint. Just above the posts somewhere is a link that says "thread tools." Click on that and a drop down menu will appear. Click "subscribe to this thread." It will ask if you want email notifications --don't pick that option or you'll get hammered with emails."


I go one step farther and get the e-mail notifications for our thread. Then I create a rule that it gets removed from the inbox and permently deleted- The e-mail signal goes off (I set it to the ship's horn) I don't have tons of e-mail cluttering my in-box and I know when the thread's been updated. John just laughs, thinking it's useless to subscribe because I"m going to check anyway...
MarkRG said:
Karen, in downtown Chicago, it's up to the $3.00 point already..

yikes! :earseek: I'm heading to Chicago (Wheaton ) over Labor Day - remind me to revert to my teenage habits of returning my dad's car to him almost on empty!!! :rotfl2: We're going to see "Wicked" while I'm there - think it'll be a good idea to take the train...it'll be cheaper!!!

I just filled up on $2.29 in Houston - it's ranging from $2.29-$2.36. (BP's Texas City plant just had leak Tuesday night and another BP plant in the area had a small fire last night- so, watch for gas to go up just on the media hype alone - ...)
Oh ugh! Buy a hybrid :)!

I needed an SUV to haul my dogs...I have a chihuahua and a chihuahua-pug mix. :) hehehe

Anyway I'm at 26.4mpg and climbing. Just got it last week. Better mpg than my old car but certainly no Prius or Civic, but that's ok. I have those BIG dogs to haul, no? :)

Have you ever noticed how slow hybrid drivers go (we have A LOT of hybrids in the DC area)?? Now I know why...it's an obsession to keep the gas engine off.......

Or is that a challenge? Makes driving more fun anyway!
mickeymo said:
yikes! :earseek: I'm heading to Chicago (Wheaton ) over Labor Day - remind me to revert to my teenage habits of returning my dad's car to him almost on empty!!! :rotfl2: We're going to see "Wicked" while I'm there - think it'll be a good idea to take the train...it'll be cheaper!!!

I just filled up on $2.29 in Houston - it's ranging from $2.29-$2.36. (BP's Texas City plant just had leak Tuesday night and another BP plant in the area had a small fire last night- so, watch for gas to go up just on the media hype alone - ...)


Sorry we'll be missing you. We head out of town on the 1st to drive down to Florida for the Member Cruise. We don't get back in town until the 11th. I love taking the train downtown instead of driving so if the schedule works for you do it!
WDWLVR said:

Sorry we'll be missing you. We head out of town on the 1st to drive down to Florida for the Member Cruise. We don't get back in town until the 11th. I love taking the train downtown instead of driving so if the schedule works for you do it!

It's just a quick weekend for my h.s. reunion - leaving John and the kids at home - I'm flying back on the 5th - I rarely drove downtown when we lived there - I always took the train and the el wherever I wanted to go -
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