2008 BAN Wagon Support Group

Okay, I fell off the wagon this weekend - hard. This is exactly the kind of thing I shouldn't be doing. Went to a crop at one LSS on Saturday and they had a paper box full of paper 3 for $1. I bought 75 sheets. :rolleyes2 I felt moderately guilty. But not guilty enough to keep me from visiting another LSS where they were having a sale of 100 sheets for $30. Yes, I got 100. 175 sheets of patterned paper I didn't NEED. :faint: There is no defense, but I will say that I have been using a lot more paper lately because I have been scrapping so much more, so at least my purchases should fit into the cropper hoppers I have for patterned paper. I'll sit out the February 29th challenge as my penance.
nee - maybe I should post this on the enabler thread. I went to the mall looking for a shirt to match a pair of pants I never wear. Walked past the LSS and everything was 40 % off so in I went. I only bought about 25 sheets of patterned paper but I'm thinking of going back today at lunch.

So you fell off for 175 pieces of patterned paper, you said yourself you are using the paper - now climb back on the wagon and start again! I'd offer to help you up but I'm clambering back on with you.
Oh, but it was for paper. Mmm, I love paper. You could ease your guilty concience by sending me some of the yummy paper. :rotfl:

Just make sure you use at least half that paper before the year is out and we won't brand you at the end. ;)
I did really good this weekend i went to the local scrapbook MEGA store and when my bill is always at least $40-$50 and it was $10!!!! I surprised myself and I'm officially handing over my debit card to my BF today. In exchange i get gas filled up on fridays and $50 a week to live on. I think I can do it.M-F isn't my problem Sat and Sun are. Thank god i have a job or I'd be fililing bankruptcy.
Welcome Disney_rider! We are always happy to have new people to support and who need support. We are all in this together. Good job on limiting yourself this weekend!

Spinning - Let me know if you have questions about this. The BAN was kind of my brainchild even though others are doing a much better job than I am of staying on the wagon.

Well, NEE. You did say you've been using up your paper at a fast rate and you have to replace what you've used. The good thing is that you got a good price for what you bought so you're not doing too badly.
Well, I for sure don't want to get branded so I'll have to make it a point to use the paper! Paper is my biggest weakness. All the pretty colors...

Thanks for the understanding. I do feel so guilty that it will be easy motivation to get back to the ban.

vanyel - stay strong! (Although of course 40% off is a great deal :rolleyes2 )
ok I've decided to hand over my Debit card to my BF:sad: so I'm not tempted to spend anything. I'm gonna use my room full of scrapbook stuff, and I'm not going to spend and i'm gonna get my trip paid off ASAP.
And as God as my witness i'll never go hungry again.....ohhh wait wrong scene:rolleyes: sorry I got carried away...hehehe
I am writing this with the free wi-fi at the Denver airport, waiting for the plane.

Good news, we found a place to live!

My confessions, with the "work" done, we went to play. I went to Archiver's for the first time. There are some parts of it I like. They had a good selection of brads, stamps and tools. And I like their clearance section; all the different paper in cropper hopper envelopes with the price on them. I wasn't that impressed with their paper selection though. Some different lines than I have seen at my AZ stores, but a lot of it was foil, glitter, flocked, and other stuff that makes it $1.99 a sheet! I will stick to the clearance section. I did by a few sheets of paper: 4 sheets for a swap, 2 sheets that match the Belle Bookmark I made for the last Disney Surprise swap. I had gotten the paper for that element, free at the Bazzill warehouse sale. But it was just 2x12" strips. So I bought the 2 sheets so I could make some mats for my pages. I also bought 2 sheets of cute ducky paper "just because." Total damage was $4.88.

Today, I went to Hobby Lobby. The AZ Hobby Lobby is like an hour from my house, so I only go when I go to Kat's on a Saturday. Now I will have 2 Hobby Lobby's 15 minutes away! I am SO excited. I spent about $12 buying a button thing for a page for Brooke's book, embellishments and ribbon for the color swap, and one Disney thing that was on clearance. I resisted the 5/$1 paper. I kept telling myself, "no sense buying stuff just to pack it up when I get home."

Most of my damage was done at the Character Warehouse which is in Littleton. On Saturday, we met my real imaginary friend there, and then had dinner. I bought a pin bag and some pins ($62 worth) but since it isn't scrapping stuff, it doesn't count! :rotfl2: I was smart, and gave my friend the bag, so I don't have to move that stuff!
And as God as my witness i'll never go hungry again.....ohhh wait wrong scene:rolleyes: sorry I got carried away...hehehe

I stayed on the wagon remarkably well this weekend. I did end up in AC Moore on Sunday. I had a bunch of coupons, so DH and DS each took a coupon and bought me a roll of adhesive (which is allowable on my BAN). DD and I each also had a coupon (mine was 50% off). I bought two sheets of paper for a grand total of 82 cents and DD bought two sheets of paper for me (with a 40% of coupon) for a grand total of 92 cents. And I used the gift card I got for Christmas. So my OOP expenses for the "non-essentials" was ZERO!!

I probably would have bought more (since I had my gift card and 50% off coupon with me), but nothing was jumping off the shelves at me. In fact, I almost just used the coupon for adhesive, but at the last moment DD found some cute camping themed paper, which I bought two sheets of, and I found a few sheets of Disney paper I wanted.

Hope you all are doing well.........................P
Archivers ROCKS! I love going in there. In fact DH gave me money for Archivers for Valentines.
You're all just gloating now - I need a grumpy smiley all to myself :mad: the only way I've been staying on is not having any stores worth diddly ANYWHERE (so its 99% online purchases), and I've been too busy at work and the kids have hogged the PC at home. Looking forward to my authorised tumble on Friday
Hi guys, just checking in.
I am still on the BAN, I have just been on vacation.
I am really have to stop buying, as I made a new purchase, proudly displayed in my signature (now we have to pay for it!).

I didn't even buy any scrapping stuff there

I am gladly back on the BAN with you guys
:cheer2: On finding a place to live! :cheer2:

When is the offical moving date?

DH is scheduling the truck* tomorrow, but the plan is to have it dropped off on March 18th. Load it Tues/Wed, clean the apartment Wed/Thur/Fri, drive to Albuquerque on Friday the 21st, and drive to Denver and pick up the keys to the new apartment on Sat the 22nd. The truck should be delivered hopefully the next Mon or Tues, so basically ONE MONTH from today we will be settled into the new home with our stuff.

We gave our 30-day notice today, got permission on both ends for the trailer, so now the biggest STRESS is if the weather will cooperate in Colorado. March is supposedly the month with the most nasty, white stuff.

*We are moving using ABF. They drop a 28' trailer, you have 3 days to load it, they pick it up and deliver it to your destination (either drive or by train), and then you have 3 days to unload. They are a freight company, not a moving company, so you are charged by the linear foot not weight. These make it more affordable than using a moving company. My parents filled 3 trailers when they moved to FL, and everything went great.
Hi guys, just checking in.
I am still on the BAN, I have just been on vacation.
I am really have to stop buying, as I made a new purchase, proudly displayed in my signature (now we have to pay for it!).

I didn't even buy any scrapping stuff there

I am gladly back on the BAN with you guys

:cheer2: So, when do we all get to go and play in the new water park they are making for the village?
DH is scheduling the truck* tomorrow, but the plan is to have it dropped off on March 18th. Load it Tues/Wed, clean the apartment Wed/Thur/Fri, drive to Albuquerque on Friday the 21st, and drive to Denver and pick up the keys to the new apartment on Sat the 22nd. The truck should be delivered hopefully the next Mon or Tues, so basically ONE MONTH from today we will be settled into the new home with our stuff.

We gave our 30-day notice today, got permission on both ends for the trailer, so now the biggest STRESS is if the weather will cooperate in Colorado. March is supposedly the month with the most nasty, white stuff.

*We are moving using ABF. They drop a 28' trailer, you have 3 days to load it, they pick it up and deliver it to your destination (either drive or by train), and then you have 3 days to unload. They are a freight company, not a moving company, so you are charged by the linear foot not weight. These make it more affordable than using a moving company. My parents filled 3 trailers when they moved to FL, and everything went great.

Love ABF, DH just picked up the motor for my Moke from them last week. Congrats on finding a place. When do we get to see pics???
HEY!!!!! Who threw brads in the road????? Not only did I trip over them, they are now stuck to me! I spent :rolleyes1 $75.00 on Brads at ACMoore this week.
But I did use 8 of them in CJs!! OK so that doesn't justify the other 188 brads brads I have left, but they were soooo cute.

Can I get a boost up please? And will somebody please brad my butt next to Lisa.
HEY!!!!! Who threw brads in the road????? Not only did I trip over them, they are now stuck to me! I spent :rolleyes1 $75.00 on Brads at ACMoore this week.
But I did use 8 of them in CJs!! OK so that doesn't justify the other 188 brads brads I have left, but they were soooo cute.

Can I get a boost up please? And will somebody please brad my butt next to Lisa.

$75.00?! You're KIDDING!
Aren't you?


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