101 days to go! **UPDATED AT 1 days to go!**)

Thak you everyone! The party was great fun, but Evie keeps asking when we are having another one and if Ciderella will be there!

Thanks for the info Michelle!
Thanks for sharing your pictures, Verity, the party looked like so much fun, what a great idea.

Laur's princess:
Verity - I love your DD party idea and will definitely be pinching it whan our time comes - we are 173 days and counting at the present moment! I am also going to pinch your countdown board idea!

The party looked like great fun and Evie really looks like she is having a ball - I hope Mickey and friends didn't eat too much food! Are you going to have a single digit party aswell!

Happy planning!:goodvibes
oh Verity - you had me rolling with the party idea!! :)
What a great idea :goodvibes
I've counted months & i've counted weeks but never counted days....if only i'd known!!!
Great pre trip-report :thumbsup2
your party looked great- I loved the 'guests' sat on the table. We stayed at POFQ and loved it.

have fun with the rest of your planning. I'm excited for you!
so excited for all three of you. Great choice POFQ is such a brilliant place to stay. The days will fly by and you will soon be there.

Have the best time looking forward to your trip.

Thanks to everyone for their lovely comments.

We are now at 89 days!#:banana: #:banana: #:banana: #:banana: #:banana:

And our Disney tickets have come, but they are safely in the hands of my mum for the moment!


My brother came to visit at the weekend.He generally took the michael out of my countdown and DD party (jealousy, methinks! ;) ),however after a day or so decided to redeisgn my board! He did a great job! :banana:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Verity! Time is passing so quickly! It seems only 2 mins since your 99 days party! Are you planning a single digit party?
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:goodvibes :cool1: :thumbsup2

ONLY 73 days to go TODAY !!!
:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

Your party was REALLY so cute !!!!!!!! Loved all those "special guests" !!! and your chocolate :cake: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Have fun DREAMING :cloud9: and PLANNING the little sweet details of your trip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Ciao !! laura :lovestruc
Love the idea of your board - hope you don't mind if I copy it and create one of my own! :thumbsup2


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