DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

V&A is $300 per person. :scared1:

I still want to try it one day, but we had the worse meal at Citricos. Way overpriced & pretentious.

Never tried Citricos, now it isn't on my have to do soon list. I'm not sure about the $300. You can easily get up there but I believe the 7 course in the main dining room is $185, with additional $65 for the wine pairing. It goes up from there, 10 course menu, the Queen Victoria Room and the Chef's table. There are also things on the menu like Kobe beef, caviar... that are an additional cost. And don't forget the tip.

They used to let you use the Tables in Wonderland card but I don't think you can any more. What you saved there pretty much paid for the cost of the card.

There's no pockets in a shroud, and all that....and I quite like the idea of getting proper Suited and Booted for a meal at Disney. I think CJ sold me on it, he should be writing copy for the promos.

Let the biggies at V&A know, they may give me a job.

t's weird over here we still do mpg, and distances in miles. Everything else is in metric.

Plus you drive on the wrong side on the road. And what is with all the roundabouts? I drove in many places in Europe including Rome, but the idea of driving in the UK scares the hell out of me.

Top O the Mornin Dads! Went to tasting at caterer for DD's wedding last night which was nice. Now we just have to decide on the menu and any upgrades - they may have me on the prime rib carving station...............

Ummmm, prime rib. Guess things are looking better for you on the planning phase.

Morning guys! Trying to stay more active here on the boards. We just had an "active shooter drill" here at work. Sad that we have to do this in the world we live in now.

Just booked a whirlwind week-long business trip. Starts in Jacksonville and ends in New Orleans. In trying to book hotels in New Orleans couldn't figure out why there was very limited availability. Found out, Mardi Gras is the Tuesday after we checkout. So, it may get exciting.

Scary stuff, sad we have to preparer for possibilities like that nowadays. Mardi Gras can be just as scary. A friend used to live in New Orleans and I went one year, what a blast.

I'm gonna use that...

Mine got enough from her mother so she knows she isn't getting much from me.

Happy Wednesday. Another safe trip this morning to campus. I'm keeping track of them now. Looking forward to tennis tonight.

Congratulations on a safe trip. You never know. Good luck at tennis, may you chew up the opponent and spit them out.
Now I'm sitting the hotel thinking I have some work to do but looking for ways not to do it.

Funny, I'm sitting at work thinking I have some work to do but also looking for ways not to do it, i.e. the DIS.

That's what I love about the DIS Dads. We have so much in common!

V&A is $300 per person. :scared1:

Yeah...that's a deal-breaker right there. I'm not a foodie so I'd never really seriously consider it, but even if I were...I'm too much of a cheapskate. I'd keep thinking about how many normal meals I could have for the same price.

Morning gents....


whelp! That's about it!

But now it's afternoon! Progress!

I agree that a splurge once in awhile is a good thing. I have been referencing these types of things as "SKI" trips.......... Spend Kids Inheritance.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Totally stealing that one.

Plus you drive on the wrong side on the road. And what is with all the roundabouts? I drove in many places in Europe including Rome, but the idea of driving in the UK scares the hell out of me.

You've driven through New Jersey. If you can do that, you can drive anywhere.
I agree that a splurge once in awhile is a good thing. I have been referencing these types of things as "SKI" trips.......... Spend Kids Inheritance.
Ed laugh.gif

I definitely need to think about some SKI trips!

Now we just have to decide on the menu and any upgrades - they may have me on the prime rib carving station
I had prime rib at my wedding (the second one, not the first - let's not go there!). If you get a good caterer, prime rib can go over really well.

In trying to book hotels in New Orleans couldn't figure out why there was very limited availability. Found out, Mardi Gras is the Tuesday after we checkout. So, it may get exciting.
Get some beads for me! It should be interesting.

I'm the opposite. I don't want to have to wear a coat to eat dinner. I don't want to even wear pants.
Well, that would make for an interesting meal I guess.

New rumor going around is that Tony's is going to go under a major rehab. Please say it is so. You can start by burning the menu and replacing the kitchen staff with people that know how to cook.

OH please, please, say it's true. Could we finally really get a decent place for Italian food in Magic Kingdom?? We'll see.
Evening Guys,

first day off the conference is complete and there were some pretty good sessions, got to meet a Canadian Olympic Hero and went to the casino after dinner and won $100.

DS and DW had a second storm day after, from what I'm told, a pretty bad ice storm. Hopefully I will be melted off the car by the time I get home tomorrow night.

Hope everyone is doing well.
'Morning all...
It's been a while; though I'd at least drop in to say howdy.

January is a major B**** at work and its' difficult to find time for nearly any diversion.
Hoping things will start to lighten up a mite in the near and then I can get back to using my time unwisely.
New rumor going around is that Tony's is going to go under a major rehab. Please say it is so. You can start by burning the menu and replacing the kitchen staff with people that know how to cook.
It's all you CJ! They should hire you to run the kitchen. Just don't be bringing any of the fake meat stuff the Pirate Princess likes with you.

You've driven through New Jersey. If you can do that, you can drive anywhere.
::yes:: He speaks the truth.
Top O the Morning Dads and a very Happy Friday Eve!

New rumor going around is that Tony's is going to go under a major rehab. Please say it is so. You can start by burning the menu and replacing the kitchen staff with people that know how to cook.
I vote to put put CJ in charge of WDW Dining
Evening chaps from our Nation's Capital, which is a nip-pointing -3.

I vote to put put CJ in charge of WDW Dining
Seconded. Call to order, Mr Chairman. Where is Randall?
That's fantastic!
I'll be honest, I had to look her up to find out what she did. Hubba. Darcy has the look of someone who has PROPER hit the jackpot. And I'm not talking about the ton he won at the casino.
Could we finally really get a decent place for Italian food in Magic Kingdom??
On historic data buddy, that would be no.
Let the biggies at V&A know, they may give me a job.
Cool. I'll talk to Scott Hunnel. Totally hook you up.
You can start by burning the menu and replacing the kitchen staff with people that know how to cook.
I think this may count against you for your job as marketing copy manager of WDW Dining. Unless you actually turned being that bad at cooking into a theme. A bit like Fawlty Towers for restaurants.

Have a great day fellas, may it be an avalanche of Pixie Dust.
Happy Thursday. Heard from the insurance company. My car is totaled and they are sending me a check for $11,000. Time to go car shopping tomorrow. There are 3 used Toyota Camrys on the local car lot that promising.

Never tried Citricos, now it isn't on my have to do soon list. I'm not sure about the $300. You can easily get up there but I believe the 7 course in the main dining room is $185, with additional $65 for the wine pairing. It goes up from there, 10 course menu, the Queen Victoria Room and the Chef's table. There are also things on the menu like Kobe beef, caviar... that are an additional cost. And don't forget the tip.

Yeah, I was talking about the wine pairing without TiW. Maybe less than $300, but close enough.

New rumor going around is that Tony's is going to go under a major rehab. Please say it is so. You can start by burning the menu and replacing the kitchen staff with people that know how to cook.

Yeah, there isn't good restaurants in MK. CRT and Crystal Palace is ok for breakfast, but CP is just typical dinner buffet. We usually just eat at Columbia Harbour House for dinner.

Get some beads for me! It should be interesting.

Please don't post those pictures. We already had nipplegate on Facebook. :lmao:

'Morning all...
It's been a while; though I'd at least drop in to say howdy.

January is a major B**** at work and its' difficult to find time for nearly any diversion.
Hoping things will start to lighten up a mite in the near and then I can get back to using my time unwisely.

:wave: Stats. We will see you once it gets better.

I think this may count against you for your job as marketing copy manager of WDW Dining. Unless you actually turned being that bad at cooking into a theme. A bit like Fawlty Towers for restaurants.


Fawlty Towers. Another great British show. I liked the British Gordon Ramsey Kitchen Nightmare shows better than the American versions.
What happened there?

I think I broke them when we went 3 times in one year. We found great deals that I just couldn't pass up. Now they think we've done it all and they just don't care for Disney. No one to blame except myself... overexposure. lol

We've done a couple, Antigua and Barbados. Antigua has beautiful beaches but many salesmen as all the beaches are public, which is kind of cool as it breaks the day up a bit, because on both islands theres not a ton to see. Barbados is a bit more exclusive, but most of the hotel staff are a bit offish. It's nothing like Disney resorts. I would agree with CJ, except my florida beach would be Anna Maria Island.

Thanks for the ideas and feedback. I may be looking into Florida beaches some more. Will check out Anna Maria Island, too.

No, still have the commute. I picked up a 2nd job. I'm going to retire in another 5-6 years, and this was a great opportunity I couldn't skip.

Bad for commute... good for wallet! Here's to hoping life doesn't drain the extra effort you are putting in!

Sorry to hear about the lack of Disney. I can't give you any recommendations on your request. Any chance you could get a week at Disney followed by a week in US at resort with that stuff?

I've been nudging both women to see if they'll take some Disney bait... but it might as well be liver to them. :eek: They just don't wanna go. BUT... I think I could keep them in Florida for the next trip.

Nice to see you here Don. That's a long stretch with no visit. I'm two years and a few months myself. My family still want to go, but I've had other concerns that have kept me away from any trips. DW and DD are actually going back to WDW in July for a dance school trip but I can't go due to work commitments. It's going to be hard having them there without me, but I know they will enjoy it.

Thanks for the welcome! Wow... that would be tough to see the family heading down there without you. Talk about taking it like a man! Hope you can make it down there again soon!

My only experience is my honeymoon. Went to St. Lucia and stayed at Sandals Grande resort, all inclusive. The resort itself was great, excellent food. The only downside was that it was in a bay that was clustered with other resorts, so the water was always full of boats, sailboats, any kind of watercraft, so not really all that peaceful. There was nothing spectacular about the beach, it was fine, but nothing like the white sand and blue water you see in the magazine pictures - I'm not sure that actually exists. I probably wouldn't do an all inclusive again. It was a nice vacation, but I found myself indulging to excess with food. It was fun, but I don't really need to do that again.

Hmmm... see... there are so many different reviews and experiences people have in the Caribbean. I guess St Lucia area is not for us then. We are second guessing whether or not to go AI. Still researching though. Thanks for the input! Much appreciated!

Sorry about the 3 years, I got DS so I know at least once per year. Got Caribbean experience, mostly on DCL - sure you can't talk them into that? Did do Sandals but 20+ years ago and did Beaches (family Sandals) and all inclusive services were solid. Virgin Islands we hit on DCL last summer for first time and loved it. British Virgin Islands / Tortola is beutiful and you can take 30 minute fairy boats to the smaller islands like Jost Van Dyke to hit different beaches. I would not do Bahamas or Jamaica unless at a really nice all inclusive that you do not plan on leaving.

Well... I've been bringing up cruises and DD is interested, but DW is still leary. I agree with you about Bahamas/Jamaica. I'm trying to steer more away from them. My eyes have been looking more towards DR or US VI... though USVI doesn't seem to have many AI resorts there. Thanks for your advice!
Seconded. Call to order, Mr Chairman. Where is Randall?

Point of order, Mr Chairman.
I move that the motion to appoint CJ to head of WDW Dining be moved to vote without debate.

Happy Thursday. Heard from the insurance company. My car is totaled and they are sending me a check for $11,000. Time to go car shopping tomorrow. There are 3 used Toyota Camrys on the local car lot that promising.

You didn't come out too bad then. Insurance totaled mine after my accident last month and I only got $3000. Ended up in a Nissan Versa Note, bit of a step down after the S-10 but beggars cant be choosers.
I think I broke them when we went 3 times in one year. We found great deals that I just couldn't pass up. Now they think we've done it all and they just don't care for Disney. No one to blame except myself... overexposure. lol

Been there. Took the wife and kids. Rope drop to park close every day. Broke the Mrs. Her happiest day was when she stayed in the resort to do laundry.
Evening everyone! Well, today has been a challenge from start to finish. Got to work, booted up my computer after getting past the BitLocker fiasco, got a message that my computer could not find an OS on the drive. Not sure where it went. I used it last night just fine. Called the UnHelpful Desk who informed me it would have to be taken into our local tech. He said my hard drive was bad and that a new one would be ordered. Hopefully will get my computer back on Monday. UGH!

'Morning all...
It's been a while; though I'd at least drop in to say howdy.


Top O the Morning Dads and a very Happy Friday Eve!

Thursday...my favorite day of the week. It's the day where the weekend is just in sight but Monday is too far away to think about.

Heard from the insurance company. My car is totaled and they are sending me a check for $11,000. Time to go car shopping tomorrow. There are 3 used Toyota Camrys on the local car lot that promising.

Glad that's behind you. Good luck on the car shopping!

I think I broke them when we went 3 times in one year. We found great deals that I just couldn't pass up. Now they think we've done it all and they just don't care for Disney. No one to blame except myself... overexposure. lol

Disney overexposure? Is that even possible. If so, is there a pill for it?


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