DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!


Must we discuss my shortcomings publicly?

Bad day at the dentist yesterday

Question. Is there such a thing as a good day at the dentist?

I'd have to go to a non family oriented site to say anything more.


Really like Columbia Harbour House except the one time I had their shrimp. Love the clam chowder.

I love BOG for their French onion soup.

No I had to leave before I told them where to put the Median..

Silver lining. You still have your job!

No? Not silver lining?

It certainly was Norm. The absolute essence of being British in the 70s. Major kudos to John Cleese for keeping it to so few episodes. It kind of guarantees it's status as an all time great over here, not that was really in debate.

::yes:: My Dad (German) just about dies whenever he sees The Germans episode.
Wonder if they rebuilt it after the fire?
Good evening gentlemen! I'm still on the green side of the sod and eaten at least one meal today so I can't complain. I'm incredibly behind on everything work and life related though so not much time to go back too far. I did notice some names from the early threads. Welcome back!

In the heart of meeting season at work and life issues will probably limit my time on here for a bit so I will just say...Congrats as appropriate, prayers as needed, and bacon and dole whips all around!
Car shopping done. Rental returned. It's all over. A 2013 Camry with 35,000 miles. Don't like the color, but it was a lease return with the interior is in great shape. They even still have the foam cap over the spare tire with mini-jack. I paid $13,500 for it, which was more than I wanted, but still a great deal on a low mileage car.


I always liked Liberty Tree Tavern.


LTT served lumpy mashed potatos. C'mon Man!

Norm I think you should skip the Camry and go straight to the BMW.

If you had sent me the extra cash, I would have picked one up. :lmao:

Not a bad deal and hopefully you can get what you want and that it will be a bit of an upgrade from what ya had.

Yes, i was ready for an insurance fight but was pleases with their offer. I'll have to pay some extra, but I get a 3 year newer car with 50,000 less miles for $3K.

So finally finished my annual review, I find it funny that I have to have my "self-evaluation" done before the end of January but I wont find out the results until mid-April... Guess I get to see how much I am getting screwed this year. Only twice has my "raise" equaled inflation, so technically I am making less that I was when I started.
I went to HR last year to get my job description adjusted to match my actual job so they could compare my pay to the local market and they said that I was right at the median after they added in my 401K and Insurance:headache::mad:. They apparently don't understand that while our 401k is great it doesn't pay rent right now.

Sorry Cliff, the fix is in and it's not going to change. CEOs realize they can profit off of employees and taxpayers. They don't have to raise wages or offer decent health care since there is such a large workforce available. Sadly, greed has become too pervasive, and legislation isn't going to fix it.

OK boys, that's it. I'm calling it. Week over. All out.
I'll be in the bar in 10. Mine's a bourbon sour. With egg white. And a cheeky maraschino cherry.

Landshark beer for me with pizza. Have one for me.

Bad day at the dentist yesterday. Finished with a grant this morning and sent it to the powers to be. They will mull it over the weekend and then try to chop it up on Monday. I think I beat Dan to say the bar is open fellas.

Thanks. Sorry to hear about the dentist.

It certainly was Norm. The absolute essence of being British in the 70s. Major kudos to John Cleese for keeping it to so few episodes. It kind of guarantees it's status as an all time great over here, not that was really in debate. Enjoy the car shopping mate.

John Cleese was amazing in every movie, show, or interview I saw.

Which one if us did the DisDad's Maker's bottles? There should be a good party one day when that barrel finishes aging.
Good evening gentlemen! I'm still on the green side of the sod and eaten at least one meal today so I can't complain. I'm incredibly behind on everything work and life related though so not much time to go back too far. I did notice some names from the early threads. Welcome back!

In the heart of meeting season at work and life issues will probably limit my time on here for a bit so I will just say...Congrats as appropriate, prayers as needed, and bacon and dole whips all around!

:wave: Shawn. Good to see you are still with us.
Car shopping done. Rental returned. It's all over. A 2013 Camry with 35,000 miles. Don't like the color, but it was a lease return with the interior is in great shape. They even still have the foam cap over the spare tire with mini-jack. I paid $13,500 for it, which was more than I wanted, but still a great deal on a low mileage car.


Congrats on the wheels. Can't tell for sure. White or silver/grey?
A 2013 Camry with 35,000 miles.
Very nice mate. Wish you well to drive it.
Landshark beer for me with pizza. Have one for me.
Love me a Landshark. Good choice. I'm on a self imposed Pizza ban until March or 185 pounds, whichever comes quicker, so March. 10 pounds to go. Its the only food I really miss when I'm on a health kick.
Finished with a grant this morning and sent it to the powers to be.
Good luck with that mate. Is this going to get tougher with the new Prez? Or does it not change anything? From over here it looks like he's shoeing everything that's not Defence or Commerce.
::yes:: My Dad (German) just about dies whenever he sees The Germans episode.
It's funny, loads of people over here thought that the Germans would be offended, as they didn't realise JC was taking the p*ss out of the Brits, not the Germans.

RIP John Hurt. Fantastic actor.
Have a great day chaps from the London bureau.
Good morning all. Couldn't sleep and up way too early. I get to enjoy the sunrise and tennis this morning, so it's looking better.

On the new job front, the pastor wants everyone to use a church email account, specifically designated for their job title. Thus, when someone leaves the job, the next person could easily pick things up. Obviously, my predecessor had refused to do that. So, I was able to find the account bill and go thru ATT and get the old church email account restored for my position. Anyone guess how many emails there are? If you said 1800, then you would be correct. It looks like they were from various distribution lists over the last 8 years. So far, I"ve been janitor and IT support. Maybe I'll start my job soon. :lmao:

Must we discuss my shortcomings publicly?


That's what she said. :lmao:

Congrats on the wheels. Can't tell for sure. White or silver/grey?

Silver. I saw three on the website. The white one already sold. The black one looked awesome it had 30,000 more miles on it and the interior was rough.

Love me a Landshark. Good choice. I'm on a self imposed Pizza ban until March or 185 pounds, whichever comes quicker, so March. 10 pounds to go. Its the only food I really miss when I'm on a health kick.


I'm dreaming of 185. Maybe in a few more years. Landshark tastes even better when served in draft. There is a Margarita restaurant in City Walk in Universal where you can get it.
Little chilly today (started in the 50's) so after a run to Publix, settled down to watch FLMBB vs. Oklahoma. Nice quiet day. Still some junk to drag out of the house but that is going to wait until later.

Good evening gentlemen! I'm still on the green side of the sod and eaten at least one meal today so I can't complain.

Good to hear you are still on the green side.

Good luck with that mate. Is this going to get tougher with the new Prez? Or does it not change anything? From over here it looks like he's shoeing everything that's not Defence or Commerce.

Everyone is holding their breath. I work mostly with youth organizations and their Govt. funding is probably going to be gutted. Many have lost state and local $$ already. I don't do public funding proposals so it is only going to impact me because more people are going to be applying for private funding, so more competition.

Car shopping done. Rental returned. It's all over. A 2013 Camry with 35,000 miles. Don't like the color, but it was a lease return with the interior is in great shape. They even still have the foam cap over the spare tire with mini-jack. I paid $13,500 for it, which was more than I wanted, but still a great deal on a low mileage car.

Nice ride, glad it worked out for you. Looks like it worked out real well.

Which one if us did the DisDad's Maker's bottles? There should be a good party one day when that barrel finishes aging.

When I visited the distillery, I thought about it and almost pulled the trigger on a private barrel. Don't remember how long they age them but it should probably be getting close to bottling. Did buy a bottle and hand dipped it in the wax. Told the kid that when I croak she can open it and offer a shot to any friends that stop by for a toast.

Now if I could afford the contents of one of these, that would be a party.

Happy Sunday. The Dis Dad Eating Cheetah ran the IMG Half Marathon this morning. Crappy weather today, cold (for us) and rain. She set a new PR of 1:56. Guess she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Me? I am comfy on the couch with a space heater going. I think I won that one.
Happy Sunday. The Dis Dad Eating Cheetah ran the IMG Half Marathon this morning. Crappy weather today, cold (for us) and rain. She set a new PR of 1:56. Guess she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Me? I am comfy on the couch with a space heater going. I think I won that one.
Yep. You win. Think about it. Who made it to the couch first?
Landshark tastes even better when served in draft.
I will search it out. Cheers mate.
Now if I could afford the contents of one of these, that would be a party.
Oh my.
Me? I am comfy on the couch with a space heater going. I think I won that one.
This afternoon I got back from a 10mi run in the rain to see the rest of the family watching the little mermaid under a blanket. I know I lost.

Have a great rest of your Sundays fellas, all the best..
The hardware, easy to guess it is a Miami race from the colors alone.

Yep. You win. Think about it. Who made it to the couch first?

This afternoon I got back from a 10mi run in the rain to see the rest of the family watching the little mermaid under a blanket. I know I lost.

Have a great rest of your Sundays fellas, all the best..

Yep, I won and so did your family Dan.
Hello Dads, hope you're all having a good weekend. For the record, I'm on the couch with the "winners".

Which one if us did the DisDad's Maker's bottles? There should be a good party one day when that barrel finishes aging.
I must confess to never having tried Maker's Mark. Yet another drink idea I have from you guys.

If you said 1800, then you would be correct. It looks like they were from various distribution lists over the last 8 years. So far, I"ve been janitor and IT support. Maybe I'll start my job soon.
And I'm sure you plan on reading every one of them? Good luck on the new job progress.
Happy Monday morning. Ran out of sleep at 5:00 AM so I'm starting my day. I thought about going to the gym, but quickly changed my mind. :sad2:

My new used car has Bluetooth and I linked up my phone. That is really cool. I guess I finally made it to 2013. :lmao:

Little chilly today (started in the 50's) so after a run to Publix, settled down to watch FLMBB vs. Oklahoma. Nice quiet day. Still some junk to drag out of the house but that is going to wait until later.

Everyone is holding their breath. I work mostly with youth organizations and their Govt. funding is probably going to be gutted. Many have lost state and local $$ already. I don't do public funding proposals so it is only going to impact me because more people are going to be applying for private funding, so more competition.

It's in the 30s here with snow. Go back to life of CJ.

As for work, good luck. We have been hit hard with funding cuts to higher education over the past decade. However, we have so many presidents, deans, vice, deputy, assistant, etc making big money. But, to offset budget cuts, we lay off the lowest paid staff, increase insurance premiums 100%, raise tuition on students, and cut non tv money athletic programs. As if anyone really thought they were student athletes.

It's not a sustainable model - all this greed at the top - and I worry about my girls' future when it all ends.

Happy Sunday. The Dis Dad Eating Cheetah ran the IMG Half Marathon this morning. Crappy weather today, cold (for us) and rain. She set a new PR of 1:56. Guess she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Me? I am comfy on the couch with a space heater going. I think I won that one.

Congrats to her.

This afternoon I got back from a 10mi run in the rain to see the rest of the family watching the little mermaid under a blanket. I know I lost.

That explains it. You're one of those crazy runner types. I tend to complain about having to run too much on the tennis court. :lmao:

Hello Dads, hope you're all having a good weekend. For the record, I'm on the couch with the "winners".

I must confess to never having tried Maker's Mark. Yet another drink idea I have from you guys.

And I'm sure you plan on reading every one of them? Good luck on the new job progress.

Sitting on the couch during a race means you are a member of Team Sparrow. Check out page 1 if Randall still has it there.

Makers Mark is a decent bourbon, but not my favorite. They do however let you dip your own bottle in the liquid hot wax at the distillery, which is just really cool. At Christmas, they do a red wax and green wax dip.

As to them emails, they all got deleted until Jan 2017. I hope I don't ever have to run for President and explain those missing emails. :lmao: :sad2:
Top O the Mornin Dads! Nothing major to report from here as it was just a typical weekend.

On this day in Disney history, January 30, 1988 IllumiNations debuted


Happy Sunday. The Dis Dad Eating Cheetah ran the IMG Half Marathon this morning. Crappy weather today, cold (for us) and rain. She set a new PR of 1:56. Guess she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Me? I am comfy on the couch with a space heater going. I think I won that one.
Congrats to PP but you definitely won Dads 1-0
This afternoon I got back from a 10mi run in the rain to see the rest of the family watching the little mermaid under a blanket. I know I lost.

Have a great rest of your Sundays fellas, all the best..
Dads 1-1
Hello Dads, hope you're all having a good weekend. For the record, I'm on the couch with the "winners".
Dads 2-1 for the weekend :drinking1
Yep. You win. Think about it. Who made it to the couch first?
I didn't get to the couch this weekend so I am out of the running.

The hardware, easy to guess it is a Miami race from the colors alone.


As to them emails, they all got deleted until Jan 2017. I hope I don't ever have to run for President and explain those missing emails. :lmao: :sad2:

Just blame it on the last guy; that has worked since the 80's
Evening chaps, hope all is well over the pond and the border stays open so I can get to Disney. Everyone is losing their collective shizzle over here, which is interesting...

I hang my head in shame. Sorry fellas.

That explains it. You're one of those crazy runner types.
Makers Mark is a decent bourbon, but not my favorite.
Guilty. But on the plus side, if the guys keep having DDC in Jan, WDW Marathon may be on the cards at some point. Enjoy the bluetoothed-up motor.
Agreed on the Maker's. It's a good go to Bourbon. It might be my favourite for cocktails.

She set a new PR of 1:56.
That's a pretty nice time. And a pretty cool medal. Did you manage to make it off the sofa buddy?

Have a great afternoon all. May the dole whip machine of life never stop serving in your cup.
Car shopping done. Rental returned. It's all over. A 2013 Camry with 35,000 miles. Don't like the color, but it was a lease return with the interior is in great shape. They even still have the foam cap over the spare tire with mini-jack. I paid $13,500 for it, which was more than I wanted, but still a great deal on a low mileage car.

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Congrats on the new ride! And welcome to bluetooth technology! :thumbsup2

On the new job front, the pastor wants everyone to use a church email account, specifically designated for their job title. Thus, when someone leaves the job, the next person could easily pick things up. Obviously, my predecessor had refused to do that. So, I was able to find the account bill and go thru ATT and get the old church email account restored for my position. Anyone guess how many emails there are? If you said 1800, then you would be correct. It looks like they were from various distribution lists over the last 8 years. So far, I"ve been janitor and IT support. Maybe I'll start my job soon. :lmao:

:lmao::lmao: Sounds like you'll do just fine... keep pressing delete...... :surfweb:
I Just blame it on the last guy; that has worked since the 80's

Great idea. Blame others. :lmao:

Guilty. But on the plus side, if the guys keep having DDC in Jan, WDW Marathon may be on the cards at some point. .

I'd like to run in one of the Disney events one year. I still have a lot of weight to lose before even considering it.

Congrats on the new ride! And welcome to bluetooth technology! :thumbsup2



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