The weather ouside is frightful...(Jan Challenge

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I would love to join in on the fun. I have not kept up on my scrapbooking and need to get back to it. I have too many unfinished things on the plate.

I did want to ask though because I'm getting ready to start doing some digital scrapbooking, does those pages also count for the challenge or is there a separate one for those?

I'm in the process of getting my Memory Manager and Storybook stuff moved from my desktop to my laptop and external hard drive so that I can travel with those. I am heading off to a scrapbooking retreat the first weekend of February and I want to work on my first digital Disney book. I started it several months ago but only completed 2 pages so I need to really focus some time on it.

I look forward to meeting you all and getting some pages completed.
I'll join in again this year. I kind of lost momentum towards the end of the year for 2009. I still have 5 Disney trips to scrap and with another to WDW planned for the end of this year, I really want to get the previous trips finished. I'll have a good excuse to buy more supplies then. :)
Hi - I'd like to add mine as well. I have 14 completed and a few more that just need journaling. I'll add those once that is done.

Everyone is doing great! I hope we all stay this motivated. I am so far behind!!
Welcome TammyNC, Platypus67 and Weheartdisney!!:cheer2:
Ive got you listed and hope you all will start playing with us soon!

Ive updated to here ( and I will eventually go back and change AWM to her right number~whatever that is!:goodvibes)
11 pages for me.

Do you hear that choir of angels singing "Hallelujah?" I am finally DONE DONE DONE with Project 365. 100% finished, on the shelf, put away, done! Can you tell I'm a little happy about that?
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