DIS Digi-Scrappers Challenge #15 (7-23 thru 7-29)

AWESOME!!! Did you make the Epcot part of the title or is that something you downloaded. Its freaking cool!! Left you love at SM. :)

Ditto- Love that!!!
and also, Disney Baby- is that a template?
I have to scrap a page of our family - all in their beach chairs but i need it in a circle because my aunt likes it when we are all gathered at the beach with our chairs in a huge circle..... i was JUST thinking about this today too---- how I wonder if there is a circle template that I could use to make pages of our circle of chairs :)

I'm getting my entry in close to the buzzer! ;) I was using a black background paper on this LO for a long time, but something just didn't seem right. It was too dark. I went into Fran's kit to find an embelishment to use, and instead I stumbled on the perfect paper for this LO. So, thanks Fran! :D

Click for credits

Love the EPCOT title. Did you make it? Please tell?
Thanks guys. :) Yes, I made the title. Epcot's logo is from the Prototype Community font (it has lots of cool Epcot related titles, so go get it if you don't have it already!) Then I used the glossy paint Atomic Cupcake action on it. I had about 10 different things that I did to that title and couldn't decide which to use, so I'm glad you guys like what I ultimately ended up with! ;)

Like Disney paper, I have to come back and respond to everyone individually! Such great LOs!
Angel-Exp624 -- I saw this LO over at Sm and my jaw dropped!! Wow!! Just gorgeous. Amazing photo -- and fantastic extraction. LOVE IT!!

Kswm -- Your title work is amazing. WOW That is incredible. Love your LO!!

DisneyBaby -- That is so so cute!!! that would make a GREAT template. How fun and creative! I love it!!
Hi guys -- I updated post 1 with prize information. Yahoo!! :) A big HUGE THANK YOU to Happy Scrap Girl over at ScrapMatters.com for donating two fantastic alphas!!! WOW!!!




Hello Again!

I love these challenges - I am going to try and keep up and make more timely comments.

DisneyCruiser2008 - Christy - LOVE these layouts!!! I miss the Electrical Parade. One day, we will get to DL and see it again. I love how the pictures look like they are spilled out onto the page. The Fantasmic page is cool too. I have the glitter overlay - but I haven't used it - know I have a great idea :)

Yzerbear19 - beautiful layout - as always! I especially love the title.

Sleepingbean - I love the flower detail as the brads. What a great Birthday!!!

Fran - The layout is great - the fact that you are designing is even better!!!

BriarRose59 - BEAUTIFUL LO - it makes you wish you were watching Wishes!!

Susan0326 - I really like the title!!! I also like how many pics you were able to get in the layout. Glitter frames on black is my favorite!

designerbrittney - Everytime I see one of you layouts - I want to fly to CA! I love how your layouts capture the feeling of the experience.

cruisecrzy - Cute LO! especially the pic of playing under the table.

MakingScrapbooks - the mickey stamp is so cool!I also like the glitter around the title too - or is it sand?

Pooh46 - I love all the elements that you used to make this wonderful layout! Your layout send me shopping on the internet!

18Magic - the Epcot paper looks great with your glitter polaroid frames.

Emerson613 - Great Job! You are doing really well for your second attempt. The embellished one looks good too :) I love the telephone pics too.

Bernie-Ann - I love this layout and this parade! I haven't been to MNSSHP since 2003 and they didn't have all the pirate stuff! If they did, I don't have pics of them. You picked the perfect kit for these pics.

ngneer98- the elements in this layout are perfect! I love how you used the paper shapers too

Angel - Exp624 - love it! definitely one to scraplift ;)

kswm30b - you layouts are always so pretty. The Epcot title is really cool!

Great Job this week!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see what next week brings...
and also, Disney Baby- is that a template?
I have to scrap a page of our family - all in their beach chairs but i need it in a circle because my aunt likes it when we are all gathered at the beach with our chairs in a huge circle..... i was JUST thinking about this today too---- how I wonder if there is a circle template that I could use to make pages of our circle of chairs :)


DisneyBaby -- That is so so cute!!! that would make a GREAT template. How fun and creative! I love it!!

I have a traditional page that I made like this one a few years ago with a square punch and it took me all day - LOL!!

I also saw a template similar a couple of weeks ago (if anyone knows who made it - please let us know) and I sketched it out to remind myself that I wanted to build it for a Lion King layout - circle of life. I didn't write down the designer since it was a PSD file. I usually rebuild most of the templates in SBC+ so that I can use them again without having to recreate it.

I built it in SBC+ but I don't know how to share it since the file is so big. If any SBC+ users want it and someone can tell me how to get it to you - I also have the png of the logo of Spectromagic that I extracted form a pic and glittered to share (pictured below) - but other than e-mailing - I don't know how! I thought about e-mailing it to Labdogs42 so that she could post it on her blog to share.

but here it is.....had a hard time getting it done.


CM Primary Power Palette
Britt-ish Designs Stitched Circles - Staples

This was a great week....I love all the layouts. :thumbsup2
DisneyBaby -- That SpectroMagic LO is amazing... WOW!!!! Is that a fint you used for the title???

Marileeh -- Super cool LO --- I love how you did the full page picture.... WOW!! Striking.
I can't believe I almost missed your challenge DisneyCruiser2008. Here is my entry. Thanks for the motivation.


Papers from Razzle Dazzle Brights by Zoe Pearn
Circles from Dreams do Come True by Britt-ish Designs
I can't believe I almost missed your challenge DisneyCruiser2008. Here is my entry. Thanks for the motivation.


Papers from Razzle Dazzle Brights by Zoe Pearn
Circles from Dreams do Come True by Britt-ish Designs

Hey Jen -- So glad you made it! I know you have been so busy this week! Your LO turned out great. I love how you included a picture of the kids watching the parade... I wish I had a picture like that for mine..... Next time I am going to be sure and take one! Love all the bling! It's been a blingy kind of week around here. Night LOs are so fun!
Okay, I don't know how you can possibly come up with a favorite, these layouts are all supercute!!! I didn't get to this challenge in time, unfortunately, but I really enjoyed seeing everyone else's work. Great job everyone!:cheer2:


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