DVC studios - fewer amenities

Originally Posted by robinb
I'm sorry if this has been addressed here or on one of the other threads, but what the heck were they doing before in the "stand alone" resorts?!? Nothing? I'm starting to feel a bit queasy now as we NEVER washed our glasses/mugs before using them. We just assumed they were clean.

Think rubber gloves, used cloth, and Windex ;)

Does that make you feel better? At least it isn't 'nothing'! :rotfl: And you obviously built up a healthy immune system...

:laughing: I've only been sick at WDW with a stomach bug once and that was one of the last times I stayed off-site.

No seriously. Does anyone know what the official procedure used to be? I'm assuming that Windex and rubber gloves used to clean the toilet was not what they were supposed to be doing.
I totally agree. It's a combination of things. In many ways, you get what you pay for. You want to pay next to nothing for a service, well, you aren't going to get five star results. People don't put out five star effort for a half a star salary. Most people who are great at what they do will chase higher salaries.

Also, not just in this industry, but in many others, you have a lack of supervision and a lack of any hands on management. At my own place of employment, it isn't unusual to meet management staff who never bother to take a walk around the facility and get to know their staff or find out what needs troubleshooting. I observe this every day on the public transportation that I use. When was the last time a senior management person actually RODE the transportation, or came down to see what goes on at the bus stops and train stations? Most managers don't try to involve themselves in what rank and file staff are involved in. They don't try to involve themselves in the customer experience. The weak link in the chain is when management thinks that their job is more about paperwork than the physical nature of any product.

I believe that more hands-on supervision of housekeeping would yield better results. Things like random walk throughs. And it doesn't have to be adversarial. Just a walk through for supervisors to acquaint themselves with their staff, and a friendly hello. If housekeepers didn't know when a supervisor would show up, they might be a little bit more attentive to their job responsibilities.

The bigger problem is housekeeping.....maybe these people need a raise....maybe they need supervisors walking around....I'm sure it's a little
of both.
DVC/Disney needs to take a proactive stance on the mousekeepers and
find out why the jobs are not being done.
Lots of times they are understaffed....hire more people....and pay them
good salaries.
My question, what do they do at the GF and Polynesian resorts? Surely they don't have dishwashers in each building.

of course they don't and that is the reason I have said all along that DVC does not treat its members as well as Disney treats its Deluxe guests.

This OKW and SSR being left out is hogwash. :headache:
I just need to make one comment...

At VB there are only 36 studios. MAX. These studios are lock-offs and Inn rooms are usually preferred anyway. So if half are used as studios that would only be 18. How many do you think are turned over in a day? 5? It doesn't seem to tough to deliver ~5 sets of mugs from the Inn each day? :confused:

Pure silliness.
of course they don't and that is the reason I have said all along that DVC does not treat its members as well as Disney treats its Deluxe guests.

This OKW and SSR being left out is hogwash. :headache:

I don't have a problem with it on a temporary basis (assuming they will be adding glass washers to SSR & OKW). As long as we can get real glassware on request, at least. I wonder, when we check-in, if we have to wait for our room, if we can request that the glassware be placed then so it will be in the room when it is ready for occupancy?
I don't have a problem with it on a temporary basis (assuming they will be adding glass washers to SSR & OKW). As long as we can get real glassware on request, at least. I wonder, when we check-in, if we have to wait for our room, if we can request that the glassware be placed then so it will be in the room when it is ready for occupancy?

Being able to request glassware at check-in makes a lot of sense to me. We probably won't be able to do that. :rolleyes:
I don't have a problem with it on a temporary basis (assuming they will be adding glass washers to SSR & OKW). As long as we can get real glassware on request, at least. I wonder, when we check-in, if we have to wait for our room, if we can request that the glassware be placed then so it will be in the room when it is ready for occupancy?

What I don't understand though is they have to wash glassware for Olivia's and the Turf Club. What is located at the other resorts that would make them different?
What I don't understand though is they have to wash glassware for Olivia's and the Turf Club. What is located at the other resorts that would make them different?

Perhaps the other resorts have separate glassware washers and don't use the restaurant equipment for cleaning the resort glassware? Restaurant dishwashers run longer cycles than glass washers. Glass washers can do 30 sterilization racks per hour. With real glassware in the regular, non-DVC rooms that are serviced daily, they'd almost have to have a high speed sterilizer.
I have been trying to keep with this thread and what people have heard.

Is the following correct:

DVC resorts that are linked to regular WDW Hotels will have glasses and mugs put back into the studios. Do you have request these?

OKW and SSR will not have the glasses and mugs put back in the studios. Can you request them?

Also what about the dish detergent, do you have to request that also.

I'll be staying at SSR soon and then on to VWL.

Thanks for the clarifications.
I have been trying to keep with this thread and what people have heard.

Is the following correct:

DVC resorts that are linked to regular WDW Hotels will have glasses and mugs put back into the studios. Do you have request these?

OKW and SSR will not have the glasses and mugs put back in the studios. Can you request them?

Also what about the dish detergent, do you have to request that also.

I'll be staying at SSR soon and then on to VWL.

Thanks for the clarifications.

I believe at WLV they will be in the room....at SSR you have to request them.
I do believe they are putting the soap back everywhere.....not 100% on that though.
Maybe we should ask for "real" plates now....

I certainly plan to. These housekeeping exposes have really scared me off of a willingness to use unwrapped disposables.

I am confused why you would think this. Is it because one time you found the dishwasher full of clean dishes? Are you extrapolating that therefore this is standard procedure?

Yeah, I'd probably have assumed that it meant the previous occupants were conscientious about cleanliness. We've loaded the dishwasher with as much as possible and run it just before our departure whenever we've been in one of the larger units.

Maybe they will start letting us get the DDE, like they did for the DDP!

Actually, they have made DDE available to everyone recently. There is a slightly higher charge for non-AP holders and non-Florida residents though. It would be a likely spot for a new "perk" that probably wouldn't cost them much to provide.

Tiger--I'll see if I can track down the name of the dishwashing detergent I'm talking about. My local store stopped carrying it about a year ago so I've actually been using a President's Choice product that, surprisingly, doesn't bother me--it claims to be "for sensitive skin" and "fragrance free", but, ever since I discovered that "unscented" Dove had perfume in it (apparently that's why I've always disliked it despite hearing others recommend it), I've been skeptical of new products.
Tiger--I'll see if I can track down the name of the dishwashing detergent I'm talking about. My local store stopped carrying it about a year ago so I've actually been using a President's Choice product that, surprisingly, doesn't bother me--it claims to be "for sensitive skin" and "fragrance free", but, ever since I discovered that "unscented" Dove had perfume in it (apparently that's why I've always disliked it despite hearing others recommend it), I've been skeptical of new products.

Oh my goodness, that's funny you mention Dove. I purchased their unscented hairspray and I almost died! I couldn't return the bottle to Shoppers as they don't take stuff back, so I emailed Dove and lambasted them about their 'unscented' hairspray and they sent me like $30.00 in coupons. I really only use organic products for everything, but this Dove was new, so my hubby picked it up for me. What a joke! I use Nature Clean, Method or Seventh Generation dishsoap, as well as dishwasher soap and they are all good for my skin. I also have serious chemical allergies, so I am always on the look out for new products. My hubby and I had a big discussion about this thread last night, and we are bringing our Lotus Sanitizer system with us, as well as vinegar and our organic oregano spray and our organic soaps and cleansers. We don't use Clorox wipes due to our allergies. We always sanitize and clean our villas - phones, remotes, handles, etc. as we catch illnesses pretty easily around here (me especially). My hubby wants to also bring our own Corelle dishes to use while in our villa - we always eat out as we have DDE or DP, but we do need to have snacks for our kids at night, or early morning.

This whole thread really didn't provide me any new info, but it just reinforced how important it is for us to continue to clean our villa before we make ourselves at home in it.

I am seeing such a pattern though with all of us bringing our own stuff, as well as cleaning up, which in the long run saves DVC money. Am I right in thinking this?

Thanks, Tiger :)
Unscented means that the manufacturer has formulated the product so that you don't smell anything, usually using fragrances to do it. What you need to look for is a product that is labeled fragrance-free.

As for the topic at hand, I plan to ask for "real" dishes at check-in. I haven't yet eaten in a studio, but we'll be staying in one for 7 nights in April. AFter this thread I doubt I could use anything that I haven't personally washed first, and I can't wash a paper plate.
It will be interesting to see if those who are planning on requesting real plates will get them. Please keep the rest of us posted!
Hi all,

I got a reply from members services tonight and was assured that dish soap and sponge would remain in studios.

I didn't think dishwashers actually sterilized dishes. Isn't there a sign in the kitchen cupboard stating that the items are not sterilized according to foodservice regulations?

Maybe not but take a whiff of that bleach in the dishwasher detergent and that pretty much spells sterilization to me. It might not meet foodservice regulations but chlorine bleach kills just about everything in its path and all the mainstream detergents contain it. I use eco-detergents at home but you can bet I'll go commercial while I'm at DVC. I don't mind my own germs but I don't want anybody elses.
It will be interesting to see if those who are planning on requesting real plates will get them. Please keep the rest of us posted!

Yes...I will also request plates....and I will now wash the plates, mugs and
glasses before I use them....Never did that before.

In fact....I never clean the villa at all.....I don't nitpik but it has always been clean.
I'm probably immune to everything:lmao:
Yes...I will also request plates....and I will now wash the plates, mugs and
glasses before I use them....Never did that before.

In fact....I never clean the villa at all.....I don't nitpik but it has always been clean.
I'm probably immune to everything:lmao:
Yeah, me too. I also used the whirlpool without cleaning it too!


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