DVC studios - fewer amenities

True commercial dishawashers found in restaurants do steralize, but not so sure about regular home units.
Our home unit has a "sanatize" setting. I think it pipes in really hot air/water. If you don't have this setting, I would bet there is no sterilazation. :smokin:


You are correct. In order to sterilize dishware the water temperature has to be sufficiently high enough. Home hot water heaters are not set that high for a variety of reasons, most notably that if they were set high enough to sanitize, they would scald people.

Some of the higher end household dishwashers do have a steralize button, ours does as well. This will make the dishwasher raise the incoming water temperature high enough to sanitize based on some standard set.

The dishwashers in OKW (in the units with kitchens) do not have that feature and as such do not really 'sanitize' dishes. They are clean, certainly, but not sanitized per se.
You are correct. In order to sterilize dishware the water temperature has to be sufficiently high enough. Home hot water heaters are not set that high for a variety of reasons, most notably that if they were set high enough to sanitize, they would scald people.

Some of the higher end household dishwashers do have a steralize button, ours does as well. This will make the dishwasher raise the incoming water temperature high enough to sanitize based on some standard set.

The dishwashers in OKW (in the units with kitchens) do not have that feature and as such do not really 'sanitize' dishes. They are clean, certainly, but not sanitized per se.

Hello all,

This is correct... NSF standards require a minimum temperature of 180 degrees F. for sterilization. Some dishwashers are equipped with "Sanitizing" cycles that will take incoming water (usually in the 120 to 130 degree range ) and heat it using the heater element that normally dries the dishes when the cleaning cycle is completed.

I highly doubt that the Dishwashers existing in the DVC villas are equipped with true sanitizing capabilities, and if they are, I really think DVC/DVD would frown on it's use due to the enormous utility costs that would be incurred.;)

Then "Larry" was misinformed.
No kidding! Have you read the earlier parts of this thread?

For better or worse, The Walt Disney Company is a large organization. Anyone who has worked for a company with more than one location and 20 employees knows that communications breakdowns can and do occur.
I sincerely hope they have the intestinal fortitude and integrity to take responsibility and apologize to those members who were provided with misinformation.

I'm going with Door Number 3--until a week ago, it was considered acceptable practice for Disney housekeepers to hand wash glassware in the units. After considering the health of its guests and the potential for embarrassment inherent to a manual process, the policy has been amended to mandate the use of commercial cleaning equipment.

It's quite simple--the cleaning standards have been increased to a level beyond anything ever previously enforced.
DVC never said they raised their standards, the simply admitted that they are not able to meet the standards that are in place with handwashing. Your statements and choice of door number 3 are based on your assumption that standards were raised. No explanation has been provided as to precisely when it was discovered that DVC glassware failed to meet these standards, and they have not told us how long it has failed to meet these standards.
I find it hard to believe that since they have been handwashing glassware for all of the studios since OKW opened that all of a sudden they are finding that handwashing doesn't work any more. The timing of this change has a lot more to do with the fact Disney didn't want any further embarrassment like what they suffered from the expose at CR by Inside Edition. They put in place some quick (and not very effective) fixes without bothering to notify members about what they were doing.
I continue to be mystified as to how unwrapped disposables left on open shelves solves the sanitation issue. Do we know that housekeeping CMs have clean hands when they place those unwrapped disposables on the shelves? Speaking purely for myself, I have no confidence that they do.

Both SSR and OKW have housekeeping closets in each stand-alone building. Each of them will need to be equipped properly in order to handle the load. The installation may require plumbing and electrical work. There will probably be permit applications involved (we see permits posted to the Orange County Comptroller website for even terribly mundane changes at Walt Disney World.)

Saratoga Springs has over 400 Studio villas. With 4 glasses and 4 mugs to be cleaned with commercial equipment, that's about 3500 items in need of cleaning on peak check-out days.

You can't just go to Sears and pick up a dishwasher to handle that task.
Both SSR and OKW have housekeeping closets in each stand-alone building. Each of them will need to be equipped properly in order to handle the load. The installation may require plumbing and electrical work. There will probably be permit applications involved ...
If either SSR or OKW was the first resort on WDW property, then I would agree that solving the problem would be a massive undertaking requiring a tremendous amount of research...but they have other existing large spread out resorts on property. Transporting glassware between buildings is nothing new at WDW. There is simply no need to reinvent the wheel at the DVC resorts. More about what physical changes to the standalone resorts may or may not be required is below.
The various sections of OKW and SSR are connected by roadways. The permanent fix may not be simple, quick or cheap, but it's not rocket science. Surely they can find a way to move glassware and keep it clean while they move it, whether it's within individual buildings or from a centralized site. Some kind of system of racks that can be encased after washing, which could be transported on vans, with individual items properly protected before they reach a studio could be used - this is my understanding of how the glassware system works at other existing multi building resorts on property.

I'm glad that members had their voices heard and were able to make a difference here. But, in my humble opinion, it's now time to give Disney a little room to live up to its commitments. They aren't going to relent again and agree to ship 4000 glasses to the Turf Club to be run thru a dishwasher.
SSR is the site of the former Disney Institute which had a large full kitchen. It has been stated that the Turf Club closes at 9pm. I see no reason that glassware for the following day could not be cleaned there overnight, at least as a temporary measure - they need to implement a system similar to other multi building resorts (e.g. the Poly, probably CSR, CBR, POR) to deliver the glassware clean.
Using whatever facilities exists now or upgrading them isn't as complicated as starting from scratch. I do understand that OKW facilities are small and the kitchen at Olivia's is small, so perhaps entirely new facilities might be what is required there.
They took the time to figure out the first attempt to deal with this problem - I'm sure they didn't come up with replacing the mugs and glassware overnight...that policy was implemented on or about March 3. Now it's March 20. I'm certain that they started hearing from members on or about March 3, because that is when info about the change was posted here and on other discussion boards. So it has taken them over two weeks to put together a response to complaints about the change to disposables.
I agree it is a good thing they have listened to the membership and have finally responded to provide better information about this issue.

At this point, by their own admission they are still just in the investigation stages...they need to provide a proper fix for the problem which meets the quality standards and sanitation requirements in a reasonable amount of time. They have not provided us with any kind of time estimate as to when they are hoping to have a permanent solution in place at all of the DVC resorts. Obviously this is important to the membership. DVC needs to continue to inform members with regards to progress on this issue, and let us know when they plan to resolve it permanently.
Dealing with sanitation problems by sneaking new policies into place and hoping nobody will notice just does not cut it - and that's how they started this process...this annoucement was only made after the outrage expressed by members who discovered the policy change while they were in their villas posted about it on discussion boards and members contacted DVC to ask questions and make comments about these reports.
Sure, you can call and request glassware and mugs...But why should you have to? This issue is not fixed, although I think DVC realized they had a knee-jerk reaction.

I also agree with the comment of a PP that after all these years, now DVC says it's unhealthy. How many reports of people being sick from dirty dishes have they had? This is ALL about the expose at a NON-DVC resort.

Frankly, I think the housekeepers are going to be running themselves ragged restocking glassware and mugs when people check in and ask for them. Is that effective time management? Not if you ask me.

As guests, there is a level of personal responsibility here. If I want to make sure my dishes are clean, I'll wash them by hand, in the sink, with soap.

Will there be people who won't want to do that? Absolutely and I can guarantee you that I will most likely be one of them. I don't do the white glove inspection when I check in, especially not on dishes. If I pull something out and it looks dirty, I'll wash it.

But for DVC to say I'm incapable of washing my own stuff and they are making that decision for me is just irksome.

An excellent common sense post IMO and of course I agree with every word. When I wrote to Member Satisfaction I also used the term 'knee-jerk' reaction.
We also finally got a response from DVC, 12 days after my first one. While I'm glad that some of the studios are getting their dishes back, I am still not happy that two of my home resorts will still have this policy. One of their "solutions" is to have more environmentally friendly disposables? That means they intend to keep the disposables and just make them more green? That's unacceptable. Just by the dishwashers for all the resorts on get on with it. I will definitely be requesting my mugs and glasses, and I will also have a print out of my email in my suitcase just in case I get a cm who tells me I'm not entitled to them.

I still have a huge problem with how this was all handled and also the lack of respect towards members who had valid complaints. I was promised a response in 5 days and was ignored for 12 days. That's a complete lack of customer service. At the very least, I expected something saying they were still looking into my concern. They ignored us for days! DVC is not a gift, as someone mentioned recently. It's a product I have spent my hard earned money purchasing. I am a customer, not an inconvenience! DVC has lost a lot of credibility in my opinion. I too will be keeping a very close eye on everything they do from now on.

Amen to all you have said here, I will be doing the same as well!

I just hope this whole broohaha has really alerted Disney to what a massive problem their housekeeping has become. It's a symptom of a large problem in the service industry of apathetic staff and ineffective management. The work ethic is failing as is pride in your job. I know these are not well paid or enjoyable jobs..I've worked plenty of them myslef, but you can still have pride in what you do. We have all seen this problem in the industry..be it at a fast food or high end restaurant, a Motel 6 or the Grand Californian (where I didn't get housekeeping at ALL for 2 days). As a former restaurant manager, I can tell you that I believe a part of the problem comes from the corporation demanding lower and lower costs, especially in labor. Even people that have a work ethic can get overtaxed and stressed. You don't think these kinds of jobs are stressful? They most certainly are. However, companies need to REALLY focus on customer satisfaction (instead of it just being a empty mission statement), and look at long term brand development instead of short term profits.
Simple solution....put mugs and glasses and dish detergent back with a disclaimer that they are not sanatized....(who ever thought they were) and wash your own....I would rather do that anyway....
I think the distinction they are making is whether mousekeeping uses a push cart to service your room vs. where a basket of linens is left at your door. That's why at VB the Inn rooms will have glassware and the villas will not since VB is a hybrid of hotel style (Inn rooms) and standalone (villas).

Where a push cart is used, they can load it up with all of the items needed to service the rooms. Where a basket is used, they will have to come up with a way to deliver and store the glassware in the housekeeping storage areas.

Since Kidani is all under one roof rather than lots of individual buildings, it would not be considered a stand alone resort. I expect the rooms there will be serviced with push carts not baskets.
I figured this....and they certainly have enough time to install dishwashers.
I'm sorry if this has been addressed here or on one of the other threads, but what the heck were they doing before in the "stand alone" resorts?!? Nothing? I'm starting to feel a bit queasy now as we NEVER washed our glasses/mugs before using them. We just assumed they were clean.
I hear ya.....I never washed them 1st either:eek:

First off...because at this point they can still make any adjustments they need to to get commercial glass cleaning washers insalled during construction.

Secondly, because Jambo and Kidani already are going to share some basic infrastructure.

Thirdly, because AKV is specifically mentioned as having a "solution" and Kidani is a part of AKV.

Edit: Oh, and I finally got my email response....same as the one listed by most posters....today.
yeah...they will probably install the dishwashers.
My question, what do they do at the GF and Polynesian resorts? Surely they don't have dishwashers in each building.
I've been asking this question for pages....with no answer:confused3
Simple solution....put mugs and glasses and dish detergent back with a disclaimer that they are not sanatized....(who ever thought they were) and wash your own....I would rather do that anyway....

Works for me....

Final Note.....this is not solved....they said they would look into the POSSIBILITY
of putting dishwashers at OKW and SSR....
This should be manditory!!!!...Don't let them just look for more
environmental styrofoam.....Keep writing the letters and make sure
they are serious about OKW and SSR staying "deluxe".
Not really, I can kind of understand it, as Disney does things for "show" and perception. There are a lot of guests that really wouldn't think things through. Travel & "Disney Magic" is all about how guests perceive things, whether that perception is rooted in truth or not doesn't matter. Perhaps they were looking to tell prospective buyers that saw the expose that DVC wouldn't have "that problem." But it just didn't fly with existing members. They truly didn;t expect this kind of reaction. I really can't blame 'em for trying, but I'm happy they are puttng the glassware back, and are maybe buying class cleaners for OKW and SSR. At least we can request it at OKW. :)

I agree completely. I believe it was a knee jerk reaction to both the expose and the reactions that people had to it. I think that their "new" revised policy is much more reasonable to all members. I still think they need to go with sealed disposables, but maybe that will be coming, or not.

Either way, letting the members decide what they want to use is the best of both worlds for Disney. Even as PP's have mentioned, having some disposables for drinks on the go is actually a good idea and will prevent loss of real glassware. Hopefully they will get SSR and OKW figured out and that will be the end of it.

I was personally never in the "this is the downfall of DVC" camp, or believed that it was evidence of a great downturn in services to DVC members. As long as they are still selling and DVC is turning a profit, I don't see Disney downgrading their rooms intentionally. As far as perks, my guide was very specific not to count on those and that they would frequently change. Even the changes to the meal discounts don't overly concern me, it was nice, but not what I got DVC for. Maybe they will start letting us get the DDE, like they did for the DDP!
My bigger worry is that I'm starting to fear that the fox is running the henhouse as far as mousekeeping is concerned. This whole thing may have shown us how little control DVC exercises over cleaning. This was a very big reaction to a housekeeping problem. I think along with the new dishwashers, some supervisors should be added to oversee cleaning to make sure cleaning is complete before these rooms are turned over ......

We are at OKW at this time. We checked in on Sunday and had the Styrofoam cups. We called for mugs and glasses and they were sent over within 10 minutes. Our friends checked in yesterday, the mugs and glasses were in their unit. Housekeeping is very accommodating! The dish soap and sponge were in the units upon check-in.

I agree with everyone else - a knee-jerk reaction from on high that really is not working in practical application.

I do hope DVC will continue to "solve" this problem. But for myself, if I can still call and get the things that I need from housekeeping, I can work with this decision.
and are maybe buying class cleaners for OKW and SSR. :)

BWHAHAHAHA!! Class cleaners, eh? :laughing: :lmao: :rotfl2:
Sorry, I know it was a typo but after our discussion of stand alones being second class citizens this just struck my funny bone. :cool1: We now return you to your regular programming. :wizard:
BWHAHAHAHA!! Class cleaners, eh? :laughing: :lmao: :rotfl2:
Sorry, I know it was a typo but after our discussion of stand alones being second class citizens this just struck my funny bone. :cool1: We now return you to your regular programming. :wizard:

Maybe we lowly studio dwellers need to improve our bathing habits. :lmao:
Well, I am sure that for those of us who stay in studios at OKW and SSR will catch up to the quality of living as the other resort studios have. If, when we stay at OKW and SSR, we keep calling and asking for the cups and glasses, eventually the staff is going to get tired and say, "What the heck!? Lets just put the stuff there to begin with."

Personally, I won't mind a few penny's more for them to purchase a dish sanitizer. It will happen.
Simple solution....put mugs and glasses and dish detergent back with a disclaimer that they are not sanatized....(who ever thought they were) and wash your own....I would rather do that anyway....

Absolutely :thumbsup2
Simple solution....put mugs and glasses and dish detergent back with a disclaimer that they are not sanatized....(who ever thought they were) and wash your own....I would rather do that anyway....

;) Nope, this is too easy a solution, makes too much sense and.....it means DVC would have to admit they made the wrong decision in the first place.
Maybe we lowly studio dwellers need to improve our bathing habits. :lmao:

You know, they don't want us lowly studio dwellers with our poor bathing habits funking up the jacuzzi's in the 1 & 2 BR's!!! :scared:

They better keep us happy and segrated to our studios!
I just hope this whole broohaha has really alerted Disney to what a massive problem their housekeeping has become. It's a symptom of a large problem in the service industry of apathetic staff and ineffective management.

I totally agree. It's a combination of things. In many ways, you get what you pay for. You want to pay next to nothing for a service, well, you aren't going to get five star results. People don't put out five star effort for a half a star salary. Most people who are great at what they do will chase higher salaries.

Also, not just in this industry, but in many others, you have a lack of supervision and a lack of any hands on management. At my own place of employment, it isn't unusual to meet management staff who never bother to take a walk around the facility and get to know their staff or find out what needs troubleshooting. I observe this every day on the public transportation that I use. When was the last time a senior management person actually RODE the transportation, or came down to see what goes on at the bus stops and train stations? Most managers don't try to involve themselves in what rank and file staff are involved in. They don't try to involve themselves in the customer experience. The weak link in the chain is when management thinks that their job is more about paperwork than the physical nature of any product.

I believe that more hands-on supervision of housekeeping would yield better results. Things like random walk throughs. And it doesn't have to be adversarial. Just a walk through for supervisors to acquaint themselves with their staff, and a friendly hello. If housekeepers didn't know when a supervisor would show up, they might be a little bit more attentive to their job responsibilities.


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