Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

I absolutely agree. I think cars, bathrooms, and other private areas are meant for this NOT RESTAURANTS! Jesus, people don't be dumb.

i am almost certain that no one would not eat in a public restroom, so i can't see why anyone (this isnt the first time i've heard that one) should expect an infant to do so. that is gross.

i honestly have never seen someone's breast in public in my life. but i will tell you that even if someone did want to have them just hanging out it is perfectly legal, at least in NY. the law explicitly states that having the breast and/or nipple exposed before, during, or after a feeding does not violate decency laws. some states express that you should make an attempt to be "discreet", but that is fairly vague and subjective.

i have breastfed 3 children everywhere i go. often walking around or shopping with them in a front carrier. no one has ever seen my breasts and, as many others have said, never even knew the child was eating. i dont know if you have really seen people with their breasts all out (although as i said above that is their right to do so) or if you just have issues with breastfeeding and are offended by the idea that someone at the table next to you might be doing "that".

by the way... i did not attempt to start a huge debate over breastfeeding. i just honestly couldnt imagine that people really think feeding a child would qualify as one of the "grossest things seen". sorry to have sent the thread off on a tangent.
Back on the subject of things that are actually gross...

I posted this back a few pages but no one commented. So I was wondering...does anyone else find this bizarre and/or gross??

this happened at our resort (POR.) down at the food court area i went to use the bathroom. there was only one sink to use and a girl, maybe 11 years old, was washing her hands. when she was done, i went over to the sink. she didn't dry her hands which i thought was odd. i was thinking, " the door handle will be all wet."

then, i looked in the mirror and i could see her standing next to the door. she then started to suck all of the water off of each finger at a time. she shoved each one all the way into her mouth and sucked on them. NASTY. when she was done with all 10, she grabbed the door handle and left.

needless to say, i used a paper towel to open the door. ugh.
Well there are many, but the first one that comes to mind is a woman walking around Magic Kingdom wearing a pair of extremely short shorts and a red satin bra. No lie, bra as top in MK. I think she was trying to pass it off as a bikini top, which is still not right IMHO for a kids theme park, but it was absolutely a bra, and I know this for a fact cuz I owned one exactly like it, but wasn't wearing it externally that day!:lmao:
Oh no I was talking about breastfeeding, but it definitely goes the same to diaper changers. Like seriously, can't people go somewhere a little more private. I have no problem with any body parts but I don't want my kids learning about the anatomy of a female upper body so young. It's just a common sense and decency issue for me. I'm a chick and when I eventually have a kid, I'll be courteous enough to go somewhere private... and I don't mean go all the way back to a hotel room, I just ask that you find a corner, or cover yourself. I swear the next time I see someone do that at the dinner table or in a store I'm going to take my shirt off and walk around topless, same thing.

ahhh young and ignorant.. hopefully this will pass.

Maybe next time you would like your food served in a corner or in a bathroom:confused3
Back on the subject of things that are actually gross...

I posted this back a few pages but no one commented. So I was wondering...does anyone else find this bizarre and/or gross??

this happened at our resort (POR.) down at the food court area i went to use the bathroom. there was only one sink to use and a girl, maybe 11 years old, was washing her hands. when she was done, i went over to the sink. she didn't dry her hands which i thought was odd. i was thinking, " the door handle will be all wet."

then, i looked in the mirror and i could see her standing next to the door. she then started to suck all of the water off of each finger at a time. she shoved each one all the way into her mouth and sucked on them. NASTY. when she was done with all 10, she grabbed the door handle and left.

needless to say, i used a paper towel to open the door. ugh.
I didn't think it was gross until you said she just touched the door handle with her wet spitty hands.

At first I thought, well she's 11 and just a kid. Kids do weird things.

But then thinking about touching that slobbery door handle. :scared: I freak out if a door handle is just wet (because I don't know what it's wet with) so that would just freak me out.
I didn't think it was gross until you said she just touched the door handle with her wet spitty hands.

At first I thought, well she's 11 and just a kid. Kids do weird things.

But then thinking about touching that slobbery door handle. :scared: I freak out if a door handle is just wet (because I don't know what it's wet with) so that would just freak me out.

Yuckity yuck yuck!
Back on the subject of things that are actually gross...

I posted this back a few pages but no one commented. So I was wondering...does anyone else find this bizarre and/or gross??

this happened at our resort (POR.) down at the food court area i went to use the bathroom. there was only one sink to use and a girl, maybe 11 years old, was washing her hands. when she was done, i went over to the sink. she didn't dry her hands which i thought was odd. i was thinking, " the door handle will be all wet."

then, i looked in the mirror and i could see her standing next to the door. she then started to suck all of the water off of each finger at a time. she shoved each one all the way into her mouth and sucked on them. NASTY. when she was done with all 10, she grabbed the door handle and left.

needless to say, i used a paper towel to open the door. ugh.

1. Several years ago, my family and I were visiting WDW for the umpteenth time. I was probably 14 or 15 years old, and we were waiting in the parking lot for one of the trams to take us to the park entrance. There was a girl my age (at the time) standing in front of us NEXT TO HER DAD wearing a black Playboy bikini top for a shirt, and the bottom clearly exposed under tiny denim cut-offs. I hoped they wouldn't let her in, but we saw them later around the park, with her still in the same outfit.

2. For my mom's 50th birthday a couple of years ago, we ate dinner at CRT. My mom and I were both in the restroom, and I walked out before she did. On the way out the door, I passed a little girl walking with her grandmother into the restroom. A few seconds later, my mom comes up behind me and says she has to go get a CM because that little girl just threw up all over the bathroom floor. I'm so glad I didn't see it, because I would have been the next one! At least she made it to the bathroom.

3. This didn't happen in Disney, but I used to work in what is basically a toy store at my town's mall. It was Christmas season, so we were FLOODED with customers, and I was working one of the cash registers. We had a huge line running to the back of the store of people waiting to pay, so my coworkers and I were trying to be as efficient as possible. Well this middle-aged couple and their children got up to my register, I rang up their merchandise quickly, and then tried to tell the mom her total. She and her hubby engrossed themselves in a full-on makeout session right in front of their children and all of the rest of the store. Not only was this incredibly gross, but they were holding up the line and people were getting really angry. I must have tried five times to get their attention before the mom finally pulled her lips off of him and was short with me for interrupting. :headache:
ahhh young and ignorant.. hopefully this will pass.

Maybe next time you would like your food served in a corner or in a bathroom:confused3

Or how about eating under a nice toasty blanket when it is 90 degrees out? How many people would sign up for DDP if every table had a blanket tent over it?
I have seen more women, both young and old, dressed inappropriately at WDW than I have seen breastfeeding women who let it all hang out. Most breastfeeding women are very discreet about the whole thing. I have more of a problem with the people who wear the hoochie tops and short shorts, even when they are carrying a few extra pounds. Or the big hairy dudes with the beer guts walking around with no shirt, letting everyone see their moobies(man ****s;) )

I've been around enough kids to the point where even diaper changing in public doesn't even bother me, as long as it's not in a restaurant. Out on one of the park benches wouldn't bother me. I guess because it's a baby, you know? What grosses me out are the grown women who pee all over the toilet seat(if you're a squatter, fine, but at least wipe up your dribbling) or adults who don't flush or wash their hands after going!:mad:
I understand where you are coming from. I have had 4 children, all of whom I breastfed and two of them have been parents also. I'm capible to realize that what you simply meant was for some more privacy, hopefully I am correct on this assumption. I too have seen and been part of those who do it discreetly in public and for those people I praise, but I do agree that there are some people who hang all out at the dinner table which to me also, is just tacky.

I have read all of the seemingly outraged comments but look at it this way, it's an opinion. The bathroom part was a little extreme but a simple blanket covering oneself is definitely called for in my opinion. Plus, in my years of living, I have come to a concencus with those around me that; come on, breast pumps are a good way to not offend anyone and it's the same thing as breastfeeding.

In defense of what IHEARTNY said, she never said it was the grossest thing she has ever seen at WDW, she was just responding to someone else's comment. Seriously people, lighten up. And even at the age of 22, she could be more mature and smarter than all of us, no need to judge. :hippie:
Oh and sorry to get so off subject but, the grossest thing I have seen was at the TTC when I saw urine up against the vending machines. Not too gross which is really OK.
Oh and sorry to get so off subject but, the grossest thing I have seen was at the TTC when I saw urine up against the vending machines. Not too gross which is really OK.

not too gross????? someone intentionally peed in MK and they weren't in the bathroom, that's revolting! :scared: :scared1:
:lmao: Well I meant compared a lot of the other replies. It's defintely really gross, especially because there are tons of bathrooms around so :confused3
Gosh this thread is soooo gross.. :scared:

I got 2 for ya... and to me they are pretty gross!!

1. In 2006, we were in line for some dolewhip and we got our dolewhip and sat down since we were in no rush, across us we saw a woman who gave her toddler some sort of soft serve icecream and the baby ate it fine, later we hear someone saying "Oh man!" and the parents were laughing and the baby spitted (as in threw up/gagged) all the icecream back and it was running down the side of his mouth the mom laughed and with the spoon, scooped up the thrown up icecream and ate it!!! I'm sorry, but i find it gross if it's already been thrown up, i don't care if its your baby, don't scoop up its thrown up icecream and eat it :headache: :scared:!!!!


2. We were in MGM going to the bathroom and i walked into a full restroom, we had no clue were the nearest restroom would be afterward so we decided to wait... as i waited near a stall the stall next door opened but someone was already waiting on it when all of a sudden the lady who opened the stall shoved the lady out of her way and puked!!! The poor lady who cleans bathrooms got throwup on the side of her pants, OMG it was horrible! I'm so thankful to not have been waiting in that stall... :eek:
Back on the subject of things that are actually gross...

I posted this back a few pages but no one commented. So I was wondering...does anyone else find this bizarre and/or gross??

this happened at our resort (POR.) down at the food court area i went to use the bathroom. there was only one sink to use and a girl, maybe 11 years old, was washing her hands. when she was done, i went over to the sink. she didn't dry her hands which i thought was odd. i was thinking, " the door handle will be all wet."

then, i looked in the mirror and i could see her standing next to the door. she then started to suck all of the water off of each finger at a time. she shoved each one all the way into her mouth and sucked on them. NASTY. when she was done with all 10, she grabbed the door handle and left.

needless to say, i used a paper towel to open the door. ugh.

That sounds almost ODC to me, except it's too unclean and gross to be OCD. I think I probably would have asked her what the h*ll she was doing, since I would have been dying to know. :rotfl:
Oh and sorry to get so off subject but, the grossest thing I have seen was at the TTC when I saw urine up against the vending machines. Not too gross which is really OK.

Yah, and as I recall, the vending machines were likely just outside the restroom door.
Grossest thing I was was our waitress at the Rainforest Cafe in the Animal Kingdom pick up a glass on another table that still had the last group's food and dishes on it...and bring the glass over to us.

My daughter had asked for water and we hadn't gotten any yet. She asked again for water, and the waitress said she'd get it right away. If we hadn't been watching her, we might not have realized that she'd brought us someone else's glass. Since it was full and still had ice in it, the waitress must have thought she could just give it to us. My daughter picked it up and sniffed it...and it wasn't even water!! It was some clear flat soda!

We just could not believe that a wait person would bring someone somebody else's leftovers.
What is with all the puke!! omg. I HATE throw up.

I work in a restaurant and it seems like at least once a week we get a family with a young kid that they have to keep running to the bathroom to throw up. Ummm here's an idea..if the kid is obviously sick, why not bring him home?

Once I was cleaning a table and I picked up a plate that had vomit all over it. The parents so kindly covered it with a napkin for me instead of telling me it was there. They had hastily paid their bill and ran off so that should have tipped me off right there @@

As for a Disney story...was probably when I was at POR Riverside. We were sitting outside the food court and I noticed a puddle of puke off to the side. The reason I didn't notice it at first was because people were just walking through it like normal. Uugggghhhh

Dh went and got a CM. We couldn't finish eating there. I can handle stinky baby diaper stories, I can handle people dipping stuff into sauce in their belly buttons but what I cannot puke from other people. I have been vomited on by my own kids and even my dh once and I was fine but when it is someone else...I just can't stand it.


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