Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

Grossest thing I was was our waitress at the Rainforest Cafe in the Animal Kingdom pick up a glass on another table that still had the last group's food and dishes on it...and bring the glass over to us.

My daughter had asked for water and we hadn't gotten any yet. She asked again for water, and the waitress said she'd get it right away. If we hadn't been watching her, we might not have realized that she'd brought us someone else's glass. Since it was full and still had ice in it, the waitress must have thought she could just give it to us. My daughter picked it up and sniffed it...and it wasn't even water!! It was some clear flat soda!

We just could not believe that a wait person would bring someone somebody else's leftovers.
This incident falls into the category of unsanitary and needed a report to the manager. Method of avoiding tipping for egregious service: Summon manager and "make an offer" for 2/3 of the check total as opposed to "paying the price". Chances are the manager will counter offer to split the difference which total with a tip equals the original check "sans" tip.
Another funny foreigner story. You know how they say never buy something written in another language as you can't know for sure what it says? (I'm hoping this was the case) The oldest oriental woman was walking aroung WS wearing a big black shirt that said SH** in big bold white letters. My DH and I were shocked!!!
OT: Once I saw a language book for travelers (it happened to be a Chinese English dictionary) with the N-word in it. Apparently the publisher was not knowledgeable of all the proper usage of English.
We were in MGM going to the bathroom and i walked into a full restroom, we had no clue were the nearest restroom would be afterward so we decided to wait... as i waited near a stall the stall next door opened but someone was already waiting on it when all of a sudden the lady who opened the stall shoved the lady out of her way and puked!!! The poor lady who cleans bathrooms got throwup on the side of her pants, OMG it was horrible! I'm so thankful to not have been waiting in that stall... :eek:
How rude and useless! Getting up off the john and instead of turning around and throwing up into the john, opening the door and doing it on the person just outside waitihg her turn and also upon the cleaning lady!
Not gross but I have to comment on this one.
Rant warning.

I have nothing against the action of breastfeeding, it's healthier than formula (if the mother is following the rules), but there are guidelines one must follow.
Not in Florida.

The breastfeeding of a baby is an important and basic act of nurture which must be encouraged in the interests of maternal and child health and family values. A mother may breastfeed her baby in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether or not the nipple of the mother’s breast is covered during or incidental to the breastfeeding.

Fla. Stat. Ann. § 383.015
1993 Fl. ALS 4; 1993 Fla. Laws ch. 4; 1993 Fla. HB 231
I'm enjoying this thread, but I hope there are others that agree with me, if you would like to further discuss breastfeeding, could you please start a new thread for it? :confused3

Now on with the Gross stuff! :thumbsup2
Originally Posted by sarah_n_brian2006
Not gross but I have to comment on this one.
Rant warning.

I have nothing against the action of breastfeeding, it's healthier than formula (if the mother is following the rules), but there are guidelines one must follow.

Not in Florida.

The breastfeeding of a baby is an important and basic act of nurture which must be encouraged in the interests of maternal and child health and family values. A mother may breastfeed her baby in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether or not the nipple of the mother’s breast is covered during or incidental to the breastfeeding.

Just because it's OK for men in certain countries to kill their wives when ever they feel like it, doesn't mean they should actually do it!
DON'T GET WRONG! Settle down, I'm not comparing murder to breastfeeding, what I am saying is that just because it's not against the law doesn't mean it should be done, I think all of us are asking for less exposure, nipples need to be covered regardless of whether the law tells them they have to be or not.
I agree with a couple previous posts. Someone start a breastfeeding thread and be done with it.

Get back to the barfing and urination on this thread!!lol
What an interesting subject. :eek:

This doesn't qualify as totally gross, at least not for me, but I'm sure it did for the person who happened upon it!
It was a few years back, we'd just finished eating and I needed to use the restroom. In the stall next to me was a little girl. I have no idea how old she was because I couldn't see her, but by the sound of her voice I'll say she was at least 7 or 8. Her mom is outside the door yelling at her to hurry up. She says "But mom, I still have to flush." The door whipped open, (you could tell because my side of the stall started shaking) and her mom says, and I swear to God this is true, "We don't have time for that. If they're too cheap to install self flushing toilets that's their problem!"

I can only assume that she at least let the kid pull her pants up. Or her skirt down, whichever the case might have been.
Wow, this thread is a terrific way to start a new diet! Thanks! :)
*still gagging from the belly-button-dippin' bowl*
What an interesting subject. :eek:

This doesn't qualify as totally gross, at least not for me, but I'm sure it did for the person who happened upon it!
It was a few years back, we'd just finished eating and I needed to use the restroom. In the stall next to me was a little girl. I have no idea how old she was because I couldn't see her, but by the sound of her voice I'll say she was at least 7 or 8. Her mom is outside the door yelling at her to hurry up. She says "But mom, I still have to flush." The door whipped open, (you could tell because my side of the stall started shaking) and her mom says, and I swear to God this is true, "We don't have time for that. If they're too cheap to install self flushing toilets that's their problem!"

I can only assume that she at least let the kid pull her pants up. Or her skirt down, whichever the case might have been.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

We know we're no longer in Disney world when we have to flush the toilet ourselves. :lmao:
I agree! My sis breast fed her then 2 month old baby during one of our trips to Disney. She was discrete, she had a baby blanket that she would cover herself with. But there was no way she was hiking all the way to the baby care centers. We found her places that were as secluded as possible, and it worked fine. The hall of presidents is great for breast feeding. But I definately agree that it is not something to be ashamed of or to have to hide. And it is definately not gross!

Thats respectful. What I was talking about was pulling it out (no blanket) for the whole world to get a play by play.

I think it's attitudes like that (covering the 2 year olds mouth and walking away) that give kids a complex about things like breastfeeding. If my niece had done that (which I doubt she would have because she's been around breastfeeding quite a bit) I would simply say, "yes, she's feeding her baby." No need to make it seem like it's something wrong to be doing. And those baby care centers are nice but sometimes people just don't want to have to walk to the other end of the park and/or leave the rest of their family behind. I still don't see what the big deal is. It someone breastfeeds in public they are usually covered up and if not, they are only really exposed for a second. I guess my upbringing is just different than others. We were around our cousins and siblings being breastfed all the time and it wasn't a big deal.

Off topic, you mentioned your husband pointed out that your friend had been breastfeeding. How long have you been married? Your name has the year 2006 in it. That's the year my hubby and I were married.

I covered my mouth as we were in a large gathering, and I did not want to embarrass her anymore (as she was bright red at my niece's yell) by my niece saying anymore. BTW she was breastfed and had a baby bro at home being breast fed. She also has a huge curiousity towards that part and had I not stopped her she would have carried on. I simply pulled her aside and explained we were in public and not to yell about those things. If you had read the beginning half, I was trying to be informative and had commented also how being respectful of the surroundings and covering up (unlike this lady who had the blanket wrapped around the baby and I could see certain parts from 20+ feet away) was ok. There's no fine line. You cover great!!! You don't and chances are you are going to be seen as indecent. No one wants to see the whole enchilada.
For some reason, whenever my son pukes (twice now at Disney resturants), my ex feels compelled to catch it with her hands. The problem is that she is a puker too. When smelling it, she starts to gag and I end up with a really big problem. Instead of letting the plate do the work, she makes the situation worse.
There's no fine line. You cover great!!! You don't and chances are you are going to be seen as indecent.
Reread the law I posted again. There's no chance (at least, not in Florida).

The main reason I'm bringing this up is to let you all know that if you see a woman breastfeeding while "uncovered" and you ask a CM to tell her to cover up, they won't. Furthermore, if you harass a breastfeeding woman at WDW, you might just find yourself sitting in a security office. It's against the law.

As for me personally -- I'm reminded of the whole Superbowl "controversy" where a glimpse of a naked breast sparks outrage -- but a show like CSI where a victim is shown murdered in slow-motion from different angles -- doesn't.

There are plenty of things to get grossed out by at WDW (like Stitch's Stinky Chili-Dog Breath). Breastfeeding babies isn't one of them.
. There's no fine line. You cover great!!! You don't and chances are you are going to be seen as indecent. No one wants to see the whole enchilada.

Hey! My ****s do NOT look like enchiladas! As Terry Hatcher once said; "They're real, and they're SPECTACULAR!":laughing:

Seriously, though, I agree, this is way ot.

I think we should forward this whole thread to the CDC in Atlanta. They'd have a FIELD day with it! Epidemiologists passing out on the floor....
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

We know we're no longer in Disney world when we have to flush the toilet ourselves. :lmao:

My kids had a big fear of the self flushing toilets for a long time, so we really had to hunt for the ones that are still manual flush. The best one that comes to mind are the toilets just to the left of the big hat at MGM. It was either find one of those or have to stand behind your kid and cover the electronic eye while they were sitting on the potty.

Stared at a lot of Disney bathroom ceilings for few years, let me tell ya....
My kids had a big fear of the self flushing toilets for a long time, so we really had to hunt for the ones that are still manual flush. The best one that comes to mind are the toilets just to the left of the big hat at MGM. It was either find one of those or have to stand behind your kid and cover the electronic eye while they were sitting on the potty.

Stared at a lot of Disney bathroom ceilings for few years, let me tell ya....
This may have already been posted here, but...

A lot of kids have a fear of the self-flushing toilets and urinals. Next time you're in WDW, just ask any Custodial CM for a Mickey sticker. Next time your kids have to use the restroom, simply place the sticker over the sensor behind the toilet. Then, after they're done, simply remove the sticker (dropping it into the toilet) and the toilet will flush.

(The Custodial CMs wear the solid white costumes with blue and yellow accents.)
The grossest thing I saw on my trip last week was a grown man who was sitting on one of the benches, reached up through the bottom of his shorts to scratch himself, and he wasn't exactly trying to be discreet about it.

This is classic! I was the grossest thing I have EVER seen at WDW! HILARIOUS!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I have been lucky never to see anything obviously gross at Disney. However, I am always so distracted I just don't notice other people. I do have a gross story though, from my own home town.

So I am with my boss heading back to the office after an on site meeting. We are in a big F350 and higher than the other cars. We stop at a red light. I glance down,over to my right at the car stopped next to us. There is this older woman there, feeling around in her short hair. She plucks out a hair. Now normally I wouldn't be staring at someone like this but i couldn't help myself. She proceeds to examine the hair she plucked out, then puts it in her mouth and EATS IT! She then reaches back up and pulls out another hair.... eats it again!! This went on the whole time we were sitting at the light. Pluck, eat, pluck, eat. I wonder how she had any hair on her head and if she takes hairball formula vitamins. Blech!!


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