2007 Annual Scrapbooking Thread--Our 2007 Total is. . .

WOO HOO!!!! I make to the next level, Crop Champion.

We are the champions my friend,
we'll keep on fighting - til the end.
We are the champions, we are the champions
no time for losers,
cause we are the champions
WOO HOO!!!! I make to the next level, Crop Champion.

We are the champions my friend,
we'll keep on fighting - til the end.
We are the champions, we are the champions
no time for losers,
cause we are the champions

That is AWESOME!! And, may I mention, that is the coolest smilie ever!!
I moved up too! But I've got a feeling I'll be stuck here for a little while - although I have a couple of matchbooks to do - do they count as one page for the whole thing as they're so tiny?
wow we are really a scrap happy bunch. Hmm I wonder if I can challenge myself to make it to the next level this month. That would be alot of pages for me but I have some ready to go that just need to be put together. Its a possiblility but we'll see.
You have yourself listed twice.. You are in the crop champion w/ 255 and you are in the memories maven w/ 255.. are you trying to hold a spot for KAM? :lmao:

See, you do need this mini-vacation from school! :beach:
I haven't been good about posting my totals, but I am at 37 so far for the year. I did 14 in January as noted on the first post in the thread, and 23 since then, but I don't know which months I did them. I am actually all caught up with my 2007 events so far this year. The first part of the year isn't a busy photo opportunity time for our family, but with summer coming it will pick up.
This is truly sad....I went to a 6 hour crop last night and only got 3 pages done!! I spent so much time visiting and shopping that I didn't get done what I had planned. Part of my problem was, I waited to long to plan and pack. :sad2:
Nancy, you're so right! I don't know how I did that! My mini vacation from school was spent running around this weekend, and you can tell my little brain is frazzled!! :)

Kim--I've got you updated in the first post!

Madisonznana--I've done the same thing before at a crop! I know what you mean!! But, you did get 3 pages done!! :thumbsup2
Thanks SIOH for keeping us up to date, and for May's totals, DIS keeps me motivated to scrap. Your GREAT :cool1:



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