Disney Cricut Cartridges at JK Crafts

I LOVE the pants! OMG I have to have one of these. Of course by the time they're back in stock anywhere it'll be Christmas :lol:

I was thinking that they would make a cute frame around pictures!!
Especially the hands!! I'll try that tonight and post!
HEY!!! IF any of you are my Secret Sister - you could just make me a whole bunch of stuff off that cartridge and be done. Cause I would be in heaven :cloud9: with that.
Ok, my mind is made up- I have to have that. Even if it is Christmas when they come in! Although, I talked to my local scrapbook store today and they said that they are expecting them at the end of May.
Absolutely adorable. I love them but I still don't think I can justify it.

I love those borders!! I want mine to get here! Just a couple more days, though!

Diana Lyn, good luck with your surgery!
I love those borders!! I want mine to get here! Just a couple more days, though!

Diana Lyn, good luck with your surgery!

It's still not there.. I figured you would so have it before regular mail!!! :confused3

You would not believe all the stuff you can do.. it's going to make paper piecing easier!! Woo hoo!!! ;)

The borders are adorable.. I can't wait to go through the book again tonight..
off to finish cleaning and moving the kids in the backyard on their chores.. they have 15 minutes to finish what dad asked them to do before our family meeting.. Mommy is going to do the mommy rant tonight!!! :scared1:
Oh, I think I need to have this one! At first, I thought it was mostly just characters, but the other stuff is just too good!!

Oh, and good luck, Diana Lyn, on your surgery! :wizard:
Those borders are so cool!!!!
I'm chomping at the bit tracking my cartridges!!!
They will be here soon, they will be here soon......if I keep saying that maybe they will show up sooner.
I showed DH at dinner tonight.. He was impressed!! He is anxious for me to try a character and a house tomorrow... Little does he know I'll be experimenting all day tomorrow...
Oh man, those pictures are awesome! I just got my cricut the other day, and Dh is going to get me a Disney cartridge for my bday in a month. I can't wait!!! :woohoo:
Well, mine arrived last night. After class, I just had a few minutes to play, but thought I would post a few trials... everything worked like I thought except the license plate with Mickey on top. If anyone figured that out, let me know... (oh - and my dog's name is Scooter - for the bone)... I didn't have time to pull the middle of the letters over, but I hope the pic gives an okay idea. This is the Mickey Font.

I love all of the possibilities. I think I'm going to be very happy with it!

The Font cart looks awesome too.

BooHoo, my birthday isn't until August and I really need plants for the landscape so I can't ask for them for Mother's Day.

Wonder what I have around the house I could sell? Hmmm....
I did some work on my step-niece's computer last night so my SIL will pay me for my time... may be enough to support my habit....


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