Would you go to Toronto right now?

Polly Ann - by "facts" I meant actual numbers of SARS patients in Toronto, not media hype - IMO there is a big difference...


Keep in mind - the term "probable" means squat...probable means showing signs - could be a number of things, :rolleyes:

Look - I have an American friend who I spoke to last night. He was like "you mean all the cases are still connected to the orginal infected family?" I said "yes!" He asked "so, no one in public has gotten it yet?" I said "No!" he said "...are you serious? What a joke...that's not spreading. Leave it to the media cause a panic that sells papers..." I would think that there were more people that would be able to CLEARLY see that!!

America's own CDC was here and said that Toronto was handling it in "exemplimentary fashion"?!? (but they must be wrong too...)

They DO know how SARS is transmitted - man just what IS the US papers telling you guys?!? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by madonna31
They DO know how SARS is transmitted - man just what IS the US papers telling you guys?!? :rolleyes:

Uh... as I stated I was in Toronto last week... back in US this week... it is being reported the same in both countries... it just so happens to be the 1st story up North when our 1st story is the Laci Peterson murder.


I realize you have responses to all of my examples... but I think you "misrepresented" your facts when you stated that none of your schools or business have been affected and that no one has altered their normal routines, as they clearly have.

And let me restate ONE MORE TIME... I WAS IN TORONTO last week and would go back this week if my company wanted to pay for it again. Despite the scare, I wasn't concerned and I was there to attend a Health & Safety show with health care workers attending.

So I agree that there is overreaction in the media... but what's new with that? :rolleyes:
From the article linked above:

"Five weeks after SARS first struck Toronto, health officials are still improvising the best ways to limit its spread."

I think this is misleading. The best way to limit the spread is by quarantining of contacts. Which is what is happening.

"As the disease grows, entire populations of schools and workplaces have been quarantined. Not even the library is safe. Bright pink notices throughout the downtown branch warn: “Important Notice SARS: Do not visit any public places, including the library.” "

This notice doesn't mean don't go to the library. It means don't go to the library if you have SARS.

"Concern is only a cough away. Last month, health officials didn’t even know that SARS existed. Now, they find themselves trying to learn about the disease even as they try to cure it. Fifteen people in Toronto have died from the sickness, while 261 are ill."

The article doesn't mention that all cases can be traced back to direct contacts will sick people.

Do you understand our frustration that the information that some people are getting is incomplete and misleading? It's not your fault, and I don't blame you for being worried if the UN's WHO is telling you not to come here. The problem is that the information is inaccurate. And it makes us upset. That's all.

Pugdog: I said the only routine changes were quaranties of persons who had direct bodily fluid contact with people who had the illness. This means that school and work routines have not changed. I am listening to our medical officer of health live; she asserts that there have been no transmissions at work, at school, on public transit; only social contacts and hospital contacts. I don't see that this has affected routines at work and school.
So I agree that there is overreaction in the media... but what's new with that?

I couldnt agree with you more...a friend of mine and her baby died in a basement fire; she was found by a window trying to escape with her newborn baby in her arms...:(

This was over 5 years ago - to THIS DAY the media claims that the baby is alive!?! Had I not known this woman - I would have been left with no choice but to believe her daughter is now over 5 and fine...:mad:
only social contacts and hospital contacts. I don't see that this has affected routines at work and school.

Call me the dense one, but can someone clarify "social contacts".
"Social contacts" are family that live with you and take care of you when you're sick, and people you socialize with outside of the school or business environment. From the evidence gleaned from cases here, there must be 15 minutes of direct contact, like talking directly to someone, where droplets of saliva go from one person to another, according to our medical officer of health.

There have been no "casual" contacts: work, school, theatres, restaurants, public transit, hotels, walking on the sidewalk, etc., etc., etc.

Hope this helps.
Yeah, it does. Thanks. :D

I think our plans will still be on for NF tomorrow. ;)
Less than a week ago a local bartender was diagnosed with SARS. They are closely watching everyone he waited on since he returned from a trip to Toronto two weeks ago. The incubation period may take up to 10 days.
By the way, Pollyanna, there aren't any cases in Niagara Falls, if it makes you feel any better. :D

Originally posted by POLLY ANN
Yeah, it does. Thanks. :D

I think our plans will still be on for NF tomorrow. ;)

Uh... why would you have ever questioned a trip to NF anyway? It's as far from ON as I am in AL :(
Originally posted by Pugdog007
Uh... why would you have ever questioned a trip to NF anyway? It's as far from ON as I am in AL :(

NF = Niagara Falls
I coughed today in a store while waiting in line(I am in FL), and the woman beside me JUMPED and quickly moved away :rolleyes: ! Just my left over allergy cough:smooth: ! I think there is great fear everywhere.
Gotcha -- I was trying to think of what else NF could be. Makes sense now. :)
Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman blasted the WHO for issuing the Toronto travel advisory. If you get a chance to hear the clip of him speaking, you might want to listen to it. I hate to say it, but he sounds a little like our old friend "Baghdad Bob". :rolleyes:
I hate to say it, but he sounds a little like our old friend "Baghdad Bob".

Although I am not a Mel fan...I can NOT imagine what it feels like to be in his position, where the WHO is SUPPOSE to give 24 hours notice in situations such as this and he (and the rest of Toronto) finds out via the media about it?!? Not to mention that our stupid PM is on vacation in the Caribbean and *refuses to comment*?!?

Humm... what about the Mayor of Chicago who said when asked how he felt about the movie *Chicago* being filmed in Toronto? "We have to stop movies being made in Canada - movie's about our town of Chicago should not be filmed overseas!" :rolleyes:

Point is - ALL politicians make several mistakes...but to compare Mel to Bob being in the position that Toronto is faced with right now IMHO - is not fair at all...
madonna, I was just saying that because he really does sound like him. Almost like he's flat out denying that anything is happening in Toronto. Like it or not, the city does have a SARS problem and the WHO is doing what it feels is necessary to help them get a grip on the situation. This disease is so new and so perplexing, that the only chance they have of figuring it out is to isolate it as much as possible. The more it gets dragged around the world, the further they are from getting to the bottom of it. I think we all want to find a cure or at least a treatment that works, and if everyone would cooperate, maybe that could happen.
I thought that this was worth sharing; to help calm the nerves of Americans intending to visit Toronto in the near future:

The advisory, which urges people around the world to avoid travelling to Toronto if at all possible, was issued Wednesday. It was met in Canada with consternation and outrage by federal, provincial and municipal political figures, as well as the scientific community and the business world.

It seemed likely to set in motion a series of dominoes officials here had hoped would not fall. The British government, for instance, told its citizens to postpone all but essential travel to Canada's largest city.

Interestingly, the United States did not follow suit. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control had issued its own travel alert earlier in the week warning people travelling to Toronto to try to avoid health care facilities - where most of the spread of the disease has occurred - and to be vigilant for the symptoms of SARS on their return home.
Two top stories on the local news last night relevant to this thread:

Three new suspected SARS cases in Mass. The first recently travelled to China, the second recently travelled to Hong Kong and the third recently travelled to Toronto.

14 year old boy shot multiple times including once in the head while riding bicycle. He is in critical condition at Boston City Hospital Intensive Care.


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