Would you go to Toronto right now?

I personally would not. It makes good sense to me to heed the advice of experts in the medical field. In a few weeks after the danger of spreading SARS has passed I think a visit is a great idea.
Catsrule - A trip to Toronto for a weekend is well worth it - What a FANTASTIC city! It's my favorite city to visit. Luckily, I'm only 3 hours away!
Actually, no, we would not travel to Toronto right now. Unfortunately, we have two tickets to Mama Mia on Sunday, May 4th at 2pm. 3rd row center orchestra to be exact. My dh does not want to risk getting SARS or bringing it back to our children. So the tickets are up on EBAY, now. If anyone is interested... just search Mama Mia Toronto.

My dh just doesn't think it is worth the risk, right now.

No, I would not visit Toronto or the Orient right now. If there was a major SARS outbreak in Orlando I wouldn't go there either. I have no doubt that SARS will spread everywhere eventually, its just a matter of time, just like West Nile Virus.

Since my DD is immuno-suppressed I try to avoid situations where she might be exposed to illness. Also we have always seemed to come out on the short end of the stick when it comes to odds her whole life. Saying there is a 99% chance she wouldn't catch it to me means there is a 99% chance she'll be in that last 1%. That's just been the history of things with our family.
Saying there is a 99% chance she wouldn't catch it to me means there is a 99% chance she'll be in that last 1%. That's just been the history of things with our family.

It seem that after your post I have forgotten what we were talking about. I hope that your daughter has fought all her life's illnesses already and that she always remains in the percentage against the illnesses.:D
Just wanted to add that of all the cities I've been to in North America (which include San Francisco, Fort Worth, Denver, St. Louis, New York, DC, even Branson MO!), Toronto and Bahston are my favorites.

As for the south, I don't go there to visit their cities. Orlando? No thanks. Atlanta? No thanks again.
Well I guess I won't go to any DIS meets in Orlando since I'm from Toronto and my Mom is a Nurse here. I wouldn't want to scare anyone or ruin their trip :rolleyes: Hey what happened to the French mime who performed in a bubble? Maybe I can use it while I'm there. God forbid I sneeze. ;)

This media coverage is blowing things out of proportion. People have had it, gotten better and gone home. Funny how the media forgets to mention that. The majority of people that died already were sick to begin with. Many elderly people that pass away die of Pneumonia. On paliative units such as alzheimers, etc....their swallowing deteriorates. If they aspirate on food it can cause pneumonia. My dear departed grandmother died this way :(
Although the strain of Sars is different fatalities from pneumonia are more common than you think.
Nope. DH likes to go to Bjays /Yankees games but not this year..
But living so close to toronto(2 hrs) ,, I think it won't be long before SARS comes to us.
Yeah...I use to like going to Blue Jays/Yankee's game as well...but then September 11 happened - and since then I refuse to visit New York, in fear of another attack on the city...:rolleyes:

A few FACTS for our neighbours, that may help you realize that it's not NEARLY as bad here, as the media is making it out to be:

• Canada: 140 ACTUAL SARS cases reported. 16 dead.

• ALL the people who died had a previous chronic illness.

• Average age of those dead? 75

• ALL the people who have died were in DIRECT contact with the original infected family (ie: vomited on)

So far, 117 people have been discharged from hospitals in Ontario....but as mentioned earlier - you NEVER hear about that..."good news" doesnt sell newspapers...:mad:
Nope, would not go(for 2 reasons actually).
And my family gets a flu shot every single year;) .
Good for you Bibbidy!! I trust that you are also a non-smoker!! :D

The economic fallout that Toronto will experience because of the WHO will most definitely be in comparison to New York City in the winter of 2001/02. Many travellers put their fears and media coverage aside and went to NYC to support the city. I hope people will do the same for Toronto.
Yes, I am also a non-smoker.
We plan to let Florida reap the benefits of our $$ right now, just got seasonal passes to WDW. :D I am sure there will be Canadians there also.
Good for you!

Yeah - I just got my AP's renewed - going to be at the Poly in 9 days for 2 weeks!!!!! I can NOT wait!!! Then we are going for week to the BW at Christmas...gotta get good use out of those AP's ya know ;)

Our dollar is gaining on the US..might not be for long - gotta take it while we can! ;)
Originally posted by hpsauce
In China and Hong Kong, I believe that schools and some businesses have had to close for periods of time. They have been advised to wear masks. Neither of those things have happened here. I don't know anyone who has altered their normal routine at all, all schools and workplaces are open. Why should travellers wear masks when we have been told not to?
hp sauce

I was in Toronto last week, and I don't believe this statement is true. If I recall correctly, there was a school just reopening due to quarantine, a hospital was not accepting visitors or new patients, an entire floor (19th to be exact) of a office bldg was quarantined, an entire congregation of a church also... quarantined. Top story every night local news.

Eh? Who's overreacting... really? :rolleyes:
Top story every night local news.

Yeah - that's cause we're not at war...in Toronto - there is nothing else to talk about...:rolleyes:

Have you read the facts, rather then rely just on the media?!? ;)
Originally posted by Pugdog007
I was in Toronto last week, and I don't believe this statement is true. If I recall correctly, there was a school just reopening due to quarantine,

Some school classes or individual students were quarantined because of direct contact with people who had developed SARS. I'm pretty sure that no entire schools were shut down. In China and Hong Kong, ALL schools were closed.

[/B][/QUOTE] a hospital was not accepting visitors or new patients, [/B][/QUOTE]

Many hospitals were quarantined. This is because the people who were sick initially went to hospital and precautions were not taken because China had not advised the world of the illness. There were always hospitals available for emergencies. I think it's hilarious that the travel advisory tells visitors to avoid hospitals. Do people come to Toronto to visit the hospitals? I hope not!

[/B][/QUOTE] an entire floor (19th to be exact) of a office bldg was quarantined, [/B][/QUOTE]

Sorry, never heard about this one. Although many people have been quarantined as a precaution, this is exactly why it is safe to be here. Because everyone in contact with anyone even suspected to have SARS is in quarantine. If they disobey, they are court-ordered to stay home. But I'm 99% sure that no businesses have been closed or "quarantined" here, just individuals. We have not had an outbreak like the apartment building in Hong Kong where contacts were not direct; all our cases can be traced to the first travel case.

[/B][/QUOTE] an entire congregation of a church also... quarantined. [/B][/QUOTE]

This was an isolated incident of people not obeying quarantine, and then spreading the illness to a very very very tight knit religious group that meets daily. No one outside the group was ever in danger.

[/B][/QUOTE] Top story every night local news. [/B][/QUOTE]

Exactly my point. The news here is on top of this, telling us exactly what is safe to do and what is not safe, keeping us informed. The news here was very different from what the WHO is saying. We think they're wrong, because we are so well-informed by our news.

[/B][/QUOTE] Eh? Who's overreacting... really? :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

I think we are reacting properly here, and the WHO is overreacting. But thanks for coming out!

I apologize for being an inexperienced quoter.
Where are you getting your "facts" from, Madonna? Do you have another avenue that we are not privy to besides the media (i.e. tv, newspaper)?

I have plans to go to NF tomorrow, and yes, we are panicking a bit. Just NOT KNOWING how SARS is transmitted is frightening.


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