Wk Of Jan 6 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WISH Racing Team

Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
araishin Chet FL
bekagain Bekah
bekkiz WA
BiggerTigger Jeff FL
Big Vic Vic FL
blueroses WA
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
CaroleD Carole ON
cdn gal eeyore Leana Alberta
cguill Chuck MO
Chernabog#1Fan FL
ChiFiveO Donna IL
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cindylou Cindy
Cingoutload Dawn GA
CrazySecretRecipe Jennifer FL
CreativeBeth Beth PA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
DaddyBeast Kevin TX
deekaypee ND
Dennyha Denny SC
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnutt Kiena OH
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
DreamBeliever IL
dthogue Tammy PA
Duanerice Duane FL
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
fan_of_small_world Cari NJ
FirstTimertoDiz Lisa PA
FungLu Brett OR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
Goofyin08forErica Erica KY
gsu1988 Ken GA
Hey Mickey Erica NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laurie NY
Hockeymom311 Jen
Honeibee Judy NY
hoosmi Jen GA
ironz TX
jam217 PA
JCTigger Jill MA
jeanneg Jeanne NC
Jen117 Jen WI
Jennasis NC
jims2cool Jim IL
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
kaf7878 Kelly FL
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
KathyRN137 Kathy NJ
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
Kimickey Kim MD
Kim10110 Kim
Kira G Kira PA
klh-or Karla OR
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
Larahb Lara PA
lenshanem Shan
Lexxiefern Becky MA
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Little Miss Mickey Ashley
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
lourodrigis Lou NJ
lustergirl NY
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne FL
MainStMandy Amanda NY
marathonmommy Laura NJ
MarkMichaels Mark IA
maryliz maryliz ON
Meghan74 Meghan
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minigirl Eva
Minnie Suzy
mogulskr Scott NJ
MomofCKJ Allyson
monte Monica CO
Moonie NC
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
MyZoeJane Ali IL
msblrobs Sara NY
nepatsfan73 Bill CT
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
Optimator Mike
outonarun Teri CA
padisneyfan Nancy PA
panthergirl Susan NC
patsfaninpa Jen PA
Paull117 Paul WI
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plgrn Patti and Jenn
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
plutopdx OR
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
princessrunner Lisa ME
Pungodingy Angie NH
rake5 Rachael WA
RedDragon Martha MA
rKyDeX Chester FL
rosy1020 Kristin Japan
RunningLilo Dena FL
runwdw2008 Dona
Sabrina Mouse Sabrina MD
Sandy321 Sandy IL
sap1227 Christy FL
sara74 Sara CT
ScoJo15 Scott GA
scoolover Scott CT
scuba diver Jim FL
SilverE Steve ME
SirBouncealot Andrew IA
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Space Ranger John
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
tiberius Richard
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
Tinks Vicki IL
TNTsParty Tricia FL
TriMom Mary Kathryn TN
twotoohappy Liz MA
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Villains Rock Eva OH
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
westcliffemom Stacey CO
wfloyd Bill FL
windwalker Dave KY
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
Worfiedoodles Maria MA
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
zoegirl Bree NC
Zoesmama03 Melissa AZ
Thunder, thunder, thunderation!
We’re the WISH Team delegation.
When we move with determination
We create a Great! sensation!

Figured it was time for the WISH Team cheer. We're almost there!
Ok, so I just popped and forgot the game was on. DH grew up in Jax...oh my!

I did 4 miles from VWL to FW this morning for a pseudo-LR. We used to stay in the FW cabins a lot...good thing or I would've been totally lost on that run!

Oh for anyone who's asked about the Xmas decorations...when we checked in yesterday they were here. By this morning they were gone!

Need to run...see ya next weekend!
I got on the first page this week!!!

Mel - Hope you have/had a good stay at VWL. We thought about going for the day but other things came up that were a little more important.

Matt - Forgot to say WELCOME BACK. Glad that nothing happened on the last deployment. Look forward to seeing you and your wife at Disney next week.

For those who are as bored as me, if you check out the bib number/corral thread I organized it at the bottom by corral so you can see who you'll be freezing/sweating/panicing with... LESS THAN A WEEK TO GO!
Soooo close. Soooo nervous!! Sooo excited!!! :dance3:

Yesterday was my 6 mile run, my last LR before the big one and I was running away on the TM when my DH came down and asked me why I threw away my Injinji socks. Um, I didn't throw away my socks. Well what about this little (Amphipod) pack? OMG, the dog got the UPS package, shredded it and chewed everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:scared1: I abandoned my run at 4.5 miles :mad: and went out and picked up the other pair of socks from the front yard :mad: found the dog:mad: no I did not kill him but I felt like it:mad: .

Anyway, long story short, my socks and pack are now packed in my bag safely with no holes, thank goodness, and I am no longer mad at the dog. He is only 1 right.....

Safe travels to all heading to WDW soon. I am leaving in 3 days :scared1: and part of me cannot wait and the other part is so nervous!! See you all soon!
Good Morning Teammates: :surfweb:

I'm writing from lovely DC. Nice weather here. I'm staying right downtown (midtown I guess) at the Crowne Plaza "Hamilton" on 14th and K street. I went for my run yesterday afternoon, and did 8.31 miles in 1:40:53 min/12:08 mpm. I have to say I was doing a lot of "sightseeing" of the monuments, but also my left hip is still bothering me. Actually, it's OK when I'm running (although I notice some irritation in there), but when I stop I start limping around. I think I might take the next couple days off (or maybe just some bike cross training). I have meetings all day today and a half day tomorrow anyhow.

Here's my running route from yesterday. I'm bummed that I forgot my camera. I did take photos with my cell phone, but I don't know how to get them off the phone. I wanted to share them.

OK, I started at my hotel and ran down 15th street to the White House. I snapped some pictures of the White House. Ran around the Ellipse to the Washington Monument. Past the Washington Monument to the Jefferson Memorial to East Potomac Park/Haines Point. This was part of the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) course we ran in late October. I ran around Haines Point in the opposite direction that we ran for the MCM.

It was interesting to run around Haines Point yesterday. It seemed so much smaller than it did during the MCM - smaller in every sense. It certainly seemed shorter than it did when it was miles 17-20, and there was not a lot of people around it just seemed peaceful and quiet. Actually running around Haines Point my hip started feeling better - it loosened up and I found my groove. I think it didn't like all the starting and stopping I had been doing earlier. I made it to the point and snapped some photos of "Awakening". I WISH I had my camera, but the photos on my phone are better than nothing. That's such a cool piece of art. It really seems to capture such a spirit, and seems to fit my mood when I'm running a lot. Here's a photo I got from the "googling" it on the internet - for those that haven't seen it.


I ran up the west side of the point to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Park.
The FDR Memorial was a really impressive site. I had never seen it before. Wow, it's really well done. I walked through there and snapped a lot of pictures. After that, I was ready to be done. I was getting a little cold with stopping all sweaty - the wind would start to chill me. Back past the WWII memorial, down Constitution Ave, around the Ellipse, one more shot of the White House, up 15th street to K street, and I'm back at my hotel. I did some stretching in the fitness center of the hotel - no one in there.

Whew, sorry for the long post. I need to get ready for my meeting, but I'll check in again later.
Oh well, at Stephen and I will get some sleep the night before the marathon. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Sorry but I got to root for my Florida teams, Go JAGS. ;)

See all the free time you have now during marathon weekend. So they did you a favor by winning at the last minute.

Good Morning Team

I fell asleep and didn't see the end of the game, did our FL team win?, Now if only the BUCS could pull it off today :confused3

Lily Thanks for the cheer :cheer2: !!!
Mel I can't believe the decorations are down :sad2: We are going to Whispering Canyon Thursday night and I was looking forward to them, oh well.
Matt That bib # organization is awesome. I have a ? though. You put DH in Corral A for 1/2 and I thought cut off is # 24000. He might stress if I tell him he's in A, I'll just let him find out when he gets there.;)
Lisa I'm glad your stuff wasn't ruined and the dog survived. We have dog issues around here right now, I probably would have killed mine :scared:
Dave I enjoyed your post. I used to live in MD and we went to DC all the time but I never got to run there. I told DH I would love to do MCM one year.

Going to run later, DH is going to do his last semi-long run and I am going to join him either at the beginning or the end.

Good morning all,
It's getting real close now! Did my last significant run yesterday of 6 miles. From here on out it is just a 30 min run on Mon, Wed and Thu then I'll do a 20 minute run on Sat.

The temps are scary right now, that cold front better come through. We will be in the low 80's pretty much all of this week. Good for the folks traveling early to Disney. We are not going up until Friday since we spent Christmas week at the parks. Plan on getting my packet Friday afternoon then coming over to POP for THE MEET!

Dave, what a great run. That would be so cool. I've never been to DC but it is on my must do list.

Have a great week everyone and I'll see most of you on Friday.
Well, apparently I had some nervous energy to expend this morning. 6 miles ave. 8:45!:eek: Unfortunately, now I starting to feel a little puny--swollen glands and the like. Hoping it's just the phantom sickness--I'm doping up with Airborne, Ibuprofen, and pseudophedrine. If I still feel bad tomorrow, gonna call up my dr. (who is also a marathoner) and see if he'll call in an antibiotic just to have on hand. I get strep really easily, and that would really suck!
:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

I am starting to freak out! I hope I can eat this week; my stomach already has butterflies! Yikes.

Stephanie - Wowser on that pace! You go girl! Now don't get sick!!

Duane - What a great feeling to get the last "long" run done! Now let's get some cold(er) weather moving down there.

Angie - Glad to know you'll be scream teaming next weekend - I'm going to need all the help I can get!

Bill - That was some game; have to say I was rooting for the Steelers, even though I am a Browns fan.

MSDave - Sounds like a great run! DH and I were talking about how much fun it would be to run in DC.

Lisa - Glad your socks and pack didn't get eaten! Sounds like something the black lab I had would have done. One time she ate all our bills that were stacked on the counter. We actually had to call up everyone and explain that the dog had eaten our bills to get new ones!

Matt - First off, WELCOME HOME! And thanks for doing that; I'll check it out later.

Krista - Sorry about that tough loss. But what a comeback - it was very exciting! (Even though I'm a Browns fan, I have to root for the Steelers since Ben's an MU alum)

Mel - Hope you're having a magical time!

Lily - :cheer2: :cheer2:

Hopefully I'll get a quick run in today between church and soccer tournament. Then tomorrow I'll do 8 and ease on into next week!

Happy training!
I was feeling pretty good this morning until I realized that the marathon is a week from today!! Now my stomach is all queasy and I am kind of shaky. Ugh.

I ran my last run with my team yesterday. We were supposed run 8. One girl just didn't have it in her, so I walked her in the last 2 miles. I made her walk at a 14 minute pace though. I am more concerned about how the members of my little group are going to do in the marathon than I am about myself.

I have resigned myself to the fact that I am probably going to be in a lot of pain the last few miles of the marathon but I am pretty sure I can push through it. I am not so sure about my first timers. They just don't seem to have the mental "getter done" attitude of my WISH teammates. Hopefully, they will surprise me.

For me, The big questions are:
1.) When will it start to hurt?
2.) How bad will the pain be?

Are those lovely thoughts to propel me through the week?! And to think I actually paid A LOT of money to do this!!!

I am too excited to sleep. :goodvibes

Good Morning WISH-ers!

One week from today! I am nervous and excited!

Lily - Thanks for the cheer!

I was at Target this morning and got the last 3 lime green cowbells that they had. Also picked up a couple sets of pom poms!

Can't wait to see everyone again! I'm leaving in 3 days! :cool1:

Good Morning WISHers!

I haven't posted over here in quite awhile, but as the final week has arrived, I wanted to WISH you all a great race (or races) next weekend. I WISH I could be there!
Good morning WISH team! :surfweb:

I had my last LR yesterday (one hour) and I ran too fast. At one point I was on a 10:45 min per mile pace! :scared1: Way too fast for a marathon. But, I gotta say, it was fun to run for "just" an hour. After the huge long runs that almost seemed like cheating. DH, Calcio, leaves on Wed morn and I leave Thurs eve. I am excited to see everyone and even more excited to have this over with!!!

I also have personnel problems at work that have continued over the weekend! Don't these people realize I have much more important things to worry about than their stupid egos!?!!! I gotta focus here!

WWDave and Erica: safe travels and see you on Friday.

Terri: I hadn't thought of bringing pom poms! Great idea. And we can be nervous together. I'm starting to have Kafka-esque dreams.

Cecilia: see note to Terri. Will you be at the POP meet? All of us who are nervous should stand together for moral support. All the old-timers can giggle at us!

Renee: see note to Terri and Cecilia. If I didn't have this stupid problem at work, I would be biting my nails and wearing a path in the carpet. OK, maybe there is something positive about this stupid problem!

Stephanie: here's PD that you do NOT get sick. Please take care of yourself! pixiedust:

This goes to anyone around sick people: WALK AWAY! JUST WALK AWAY! You do NOT need to be around them. Stay healthy!!!

Angie: yup, Jags won. But they didn't look too good.

Mouse Skywalker: great job on the run! Love the photo.

princessrunner: see note to Terri, Cecilia and Renee. Focus on the part that is excited, not that which is nervous. I know, I know, easier said than done!

Matt: welcome back!! Can't wait to see you and Cheryl. I'm 7373 so you can add me to corral D in the red group (marathon).

Lily: thanks for the cheer!

I must say I'm looking forward to not having my weekends consumed by long runs and being a slave to a schedule. On the other hand, a one-hour run seems like I'm cheating! I'm just so happy to be getting away and seeing all of you. Now, everyone stay healthy and injury free!

Have a good day everyone!
:surfweb: Hi, I left a note on the thread yesterday that I was probably going to hit the streets for a run. It went well (finally) and I managed a LR of 9.88 miles. I ran most of it between a 9:30 and 10 minute pace. I ran a distance from home and then through a state park on paved trails. It was beautiful with the streams frozen over with ice. I don't think it actually reached 48 degrees here, more like 39. I felt good and ran 95% of it which is a notable difference from my 60/40 jaunts of late.

Lily - Thanks for the cheer. :banana: :thumbsup2 :cheer2:

I may hit the streets later today for something a little shorter than yesterday. I have a laundry list of things to do here around the house while I am still on break though including putting away Christmas stuff and packing for my Goofy Weekend. :scared1:

Enjoy your day.... share the excitement with someone you love today!


I just wanted to say
to everyone getting ready for next weekend!​

Happy final training, happy packing, happy traveling, happy 5k'ing, happy half-marathoning, happy full-marathoning, happy goofying, and very happy FINISHING!

:cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2:
Thunder, thunder, thunderation!
We’re the WISH Team delegation.
When we move with determination
We create a Great! sensation!

Figured it was time for the WISH Team cheer. We're almost there!

With all the puchases of Cow Bells and pom pons, I guess I'd better memorize the cheer!! :cheer2:

Nerves?? Really???? Well I can say 1 week from today I'll be :cheer2: 'cause I'll be done... :faint: really....

thanks so much for the encouragement that has gotten me this far~ This is just a beginning for me! Truly! Right here, right now I"m going to commit to do another half - I'm thinking the CDC in August!


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