Wk Of Jan 6 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Kevin, even *I* remember you!!

(short posts, short posts...)

(I'm trying to get familiar with names and siggy pictures!! there wont be any tests Friday at Pop right?)
Kevin--as long as you're not still wearing the same zebra tights, welcome back! :thumbsup2 Good to see you again. How's training been going? Are you coming to the POP on Friday?

You guys are all really sweet! I am so bad with names, but I am so excited about meeting everyone this weekend. Work is going to be absolutely horrible this week, so I'll be stopping in whenever possible to get a WISH fix!

Kevin -- check your PMs!!! Oh, and welcome back! :thumbsup2

Pat - Take good care of yourself, sweetie! Don't worry -- we are going to be having a great time at the party-pace-back-of-the-pack! You can tell me all about your sweet new furbaby! :hug:

Miss you all!!

Oops! Sorry so long, Carrie! ;)
HOLY COW!! You would think I was running I am sooooooo excited for you guys!!

Evidently there is a movie/documentary that is going to be in theatres one night only January 24: Spirit of the Marathon. I don't know if any of you have heard of it, today was the first I saw of it, here is the link to the trailer:

Just thought you guys might want to check it out.


Here is the link to find theatres that it is playing:


Cam: :hug: :hug: :hug: My hero!!!

Kevin: Wow....sooo nice to see you!!! :goodvibes How are you doing? How is training going.

LAST long run...ok...6 miler...before the big race weekend today. I am BOUNCING off the walls :banana: . Had a nice pace today...kept it manageable at around a 9:30 mpm....knees were a little sore but they've been giving me trouble lately with the cold. Aleve = New Best Friend. Other than that I'm feeling ready to go. Have to pack...went to the mall looking for shorts....:laughing: not such a successful trip, considering I am in the Northeast. In January. duh...and yet I was disappointed to not find any shorts (non-running type...park touring type!!). Sooo...old shorts it will be. *sigh*

I hope everyone is feeling well, strong and ready to go. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone at Pop on Friday!!! I know that the scream teams will be VERY helpful on day 2 of the :goofy:. You guys are SOOO awesome to be out there screaming for us. I know seeing Mel and the other wonderful Wishers at BCV last year when I was hobbling to the finish was a big boost. :goodvibes I will thank anyone and everyone in advance for being out there. THANK YOU!!!!! :grouphug:

And don't forget....WE NEED MORE COWBELL!!!!

Oh yeah and....YAY GIANTS!!!!
Carrie, short. OK

Pat, be careful! Egad, I'm needing you this weekend.

Cam, Excellent!

Everyone WE are THE BEST! If I get any more mushy I'll be weepy and I need no more weepy just now.

Nite to everyone. Taking dog out potty then bed. Doc apt in a.m.
Big Vic

Will you be there in time for Wednesday dinner? I'm staying at the Boardwalk, but I'll have a car and can be anywhere, any time. Of course the ESPN Club is a manly place for manly men, who do things in a manly manner. On the 9th there will be no football so I suspect no mobs.

Or would you prefer to delay until later so the other over-that-magic-age men, like WW Dave and Duane can make it so we can all get together?

I'm good with either alternative. What would you, and our age-peer-group (translation: older but still going strong) like to do? Dave? Duane? Just let me know.


We should get in around 3'ish. But, we can wait on the other oldsters, when we'll eat manly food, drink, and scratch ourselves. :lmao:
Angie - thanks for the info on that movie! It is playing near us. I'll have to see if Chad & I can go see it.

We are going to hit the Expo sometime late Thursday afternoon.
I am trying to talk Chad into Jellyrolls for Thursday night. :banana:

We are working on changing Zack's room over from Lion King (he's had that since he was born) to pirate:s.
But I am going to try to sneak out to Target at some point though... :tiptoe:
FLBill – Behave yourself this week. ;)

Do I have to, that seems so boring. I figured Mr. Panda would be here stirring up more trouble though.

Cam - I'm impressed with you have been able to do. I hope the marathon is a little easier this year.

Kevin - Nice to see you again. Make sure the zebra pants are on full display though.

Sandy - Of course there will be a test at Pop. However only Anne will take it because she is the official Wish introducing person (she will also pass with a perfect score). How she remembers everyones name and face from meet to meet is a great talent.

We will be leaving Wednesday afternoon and hopefully arriving 1.5 hours later. Last time we went, a couple of accidents on the interstate held us up for way too long. We hope to have a nice couple of relaxing days before all the activities start up.

Morning all--trying to get going again this morning for another day of work; then for a haircut this afternoon (gotta look cool for the race!)

Kristi--will be looking for you and Chad at the Expo. We're hoping to be there soon after it opens on Thurs.


Okay, for Carrie, kept it short!
The expo opens at 2:00pm Thursday, right?! We are planning on being there as soon as it opens on Thursday to get mine and Michael's race packets. He is so excited. He told me he wished he could just not go to school for the next 3 days and fast forward straight to the race, and this coming from the kid who LOVES school!! To be honest, I can't wait myself. Last year I was so scared, and I truly mean scared. I had no idea of what to expect, it was my first race ever, I mean it was a terrifying experience. This year however, I am so excited I am bouncing off the walls. I can't wait to get there, and get together with everyone!!

Sorry... I know it wasn't exactly a short post.... but I ramble when I get excited!!

For Carrie, I am keeping this short.

Have a great day everyone!


Hey everyone-

This is your week! You've made it! Enjoy, please! I'm cheering from home and I'm sad I won't be there. I'm missing the big day!:upsidedow

I just want to encourage all of you. I've been watching the thread from the sidelines this year and I know you are all ready, even if you feel you're lacking because your 10th run of 16 miles wasn't quite fast enough or done properly or your socks are the wrong color and your ipod isn't charged....;)

You made it! You're on your way! Have FUN and enjoy the weekend, especially your race. :cheer2: Go team!
Okay, okay short and sweet, short and sweet (is that even possible with me?).

Cam--:hug: Love ya, really, truly mean it! You are a hero to me.

Kevin--Zebra butt!!!! Great to see you back!

I may have to borrow someone's extra cowbell, I can't find any at our Targets. I have one more to check. I'll have to tell Stephen to get on here and post his Target cowbell story, it's :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Stay healthy everyone!! See you in 4 days!!!

I'll have to tell Stephen to get on here and post his Target cowbell story, it's :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Well, since you brought it up....

I went to Target yesterday and looked through the seasonal stuff for the cowbells. One of the employees saw me looking and asked if I needed any help finding something. I explained what I was looking for and why, and he said, “Oh, are you from Wyoming?” (Note: Ok, Wyoming is like 1500 miles from here. Not the next state over, not even remotely connected to the Midwest, nor to my knowledge does Wyoming have a reputation for being the butt end of these types of jokes, so I have no idea where he’s going with this. I’m sure this guy must have a point here.) So, kidding around I said, “Yep, I’m from Wyoming. Born and bred. Why do you ask?” He replied, “oh, just because that seems to be something you guys do up there.” :confused3

Hmmm. I have no words.

Well... now at least we all know that people from Wyoming go to Target to look for cow bells!!?? ROFL!! :lmao:
:rolleyes: Did my last LR- 5.5 miles with Emma on her bike and Harry in the stroller. Took about 2 hours (!) with park stops and one quick side trip to drop off a baby present (hey- I finally accomplished my mission of literally "running errands!";) )

Work is going to be horrible this week. I have to go to the big city of Brunswick for court on Wednesday. Normally I'd find that irritating since it's about 60 miles away and I have to be there at 9 a.m., but guess what store is there... yep, "wrap it up Judge, I've got to get more COWBELL!" My thing will only take about 2 minutes- maybe I can ask to go first so I can spend more time looking for COWBELL.:rotfl: My mom's already looked at that Target and there were none, but they could have a new shipment, right?!

How are we going to make it through this week?!

Jen in GA
We have cowbells to share! DD picked up four from the local Target! Also have some green poms.

Can't wait to cheer for everyone.
Hey everyone, I updated the YC/BC scream team thread with a list of who is going to be there. Check it out to make sure it's correct and also if anyone knows how long they will be able to cheer, I'd like to note that as well.


Hi guys!!! I just wanted to wish everyone well!!!! I know we are all getting so excited!!! :banana:

Hope to meet some of you at POP on Friday!!!



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