Wk Of Jan 6 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Oooo, one more week! I’m so excited my belly button won’t stop puckering and unpuckering.

7 miles this morning. Picked up a running partner towards the end of the run. His name is Crusty. Couldn’t contact his owner(s), and no rabies tag on his collar. So, animal control came over and picked him up. Hope he'll be ok.

Lily – Rah! Rah! :cheer2:

Mel – Hope you’re having fun at the World.

FLBill – Behave yourself this week. ;)

Krista – Sorry for the Steelers.

Lisa – WTG with the 6 miler!

MSDave – Have fun in DC.

Angie – Glad to hear you’re back to running. :thumbsup2

Duane – WTG with the 6 miler!

Stephanie – Hope you feel better.

Renee – Good luck with the 8 miler tomorrow.

Cecilia and Terri – We’re all going to do well. Trust me. :thumbsup2

Cindy – Wa’supp?

Martha – WTG with the one-hour run.

Howard – WTG with the 10 miler!

Fan of small world – Thanks!

We'll see some of you at the family fun run, and the rest at POP and the races!

Hi, everyone!
Lily -- Thanks for the cheer!

Man, I am totally freaked out. :eek: I cannot believe that I signed up to do the full marathon again. What the HECK was I thinking? You'd think my hellish experience last year would have taught me SOMETHING!!!!

Okay, total freak out over. Just had to get that out of my system.

I know why I am doing this. Because I can. Because just a little over 3 years ago I could barely walk up the stairs to our bedroom and Howard had to drop me off at work for a few hours at a time because I couldn't make it the 3 blocks from my parking garage to my building, because I was nearly blacking out so frequently that I couldn't drive anymore.
Here's the excerpt from my WISH journal that reminds me of how grateful I must be and am. Every day I pray "Thank you, God, for my healthy, strong body."

keenercam said:
In February 1995 I was diagnosed with a rare, potentially fatal heart condition which should have been curable, but which 3 surgeries could not resolve. As of 1/2003, I could no longer even go through the motions of working out (treadmill) and often headed to bed by 7:30 or 8:30 at night, totally wiped out.

So, on 1/6/05 my life changed dramatically, and hopefully forever, when a nationally renowned doctor spent nearly 8 hours working on my heart and CURED me! (He had done the 3rd attempted surgery, but had to give up after 7 1/4 hours) I literally feel better than I have in 10 years and have so much energy and motivation. So, I figured now, while the fire is burning hot, I should get myself in gear, get motivated, and get FIT!

That doctor got me on my feet. The WISH team got my feet moving and has kept me moving ever since. So, in our tradition of getting totally mushy before an event :lmao: I want to take the opportunity to thank my teammates and especially my race partner, Rhonda, who has put aside any quest for personal glory in the interests of friendship and love and . . well, anyone who knows her, knows how amazing she is. :hug: :love: :cloud9:

Seriously, though, look around here. People are going out to buy cowbells & pompoms, for goodness sake! :cheer2: I'll bet if you went to any other racing website, you'd find people totally focused on themselves and THEIR quest for personal satisfaction. Here, this TEAM is all about supporting each other with outrageous amounts of enthusiam, love, acceptance of our varying abilities, and endless patience and encouragement.

How BLESSED are we to have each other?

Love you guys, mean it!
Hey all! CAn we keep our posts short this week? My concentration span is gone. :confused3 I know, sad stement form teh former queen of long posts.:guilty:

Dona - I am so excited for you and your family! That is just awesome!

Lauraie - Yes, they will have table fro water on both sides.
Cam: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Howard: WTG on the 10 miles!

Big Vic: hi there! :wave: where ya been, ol' buddy? Did your running partner pace you? I hope they find the owner.

Carrie: :hug: can't wait to see you!

fan_of_small_world: thanks for the cheer!
Hey all! Can we keep our posts short this week? My concentration span is gone. :confused3 I know, sad stement form teh former queen of long posts.:guilty:

Sorry, I get very chatty when I am nervous. :guilty: :lmao: :rolleyes: :guilty:

No, I can't make it to POP since I have my TNT meeting at the same time. I am so bummed. Most of us will be on the plane together from 7 am on you'd think we could have the team meeting then.

I will look for people at the W tent though, but I am probably going to be dragged off to an ice bath soon after I finsh. I gave my baby sister cart blanche to do whatever it takes to get me recovered and ready for the next day.......
Cam :grouphug: Thanks for sharing your miracle with me!! I also read it to dh!! :grouphug: and thanks for that beautiful post - from this newbie, it did bring a tear to my eye - I may be overly emotional with this daunting task before me, but knowing, I really, really am part of a team... its amazing, and I appreciate it!!

carrie :rotfl2: I do suffer from CRS from time to time :rolleyes1 (ie Cant Remember Stuff)

are you ready??

Now that I've written my treatise on western civilization, I'm glad to keep it shorter. I also get really chatty when nervous (ask Martha about our walking tour in the old city of Amsterdam, particularly the area around the Old Church).

I'm ready, both physically and mentally. Again, thank you all for motivating me to do the work this past week to rehab my leg (notice it's a different rehab than entertainers usually face pirate: ). I did an hour today at decent pace with no leg issues.

And particular thanks to my wonderful wife, who knows the amount the pressure and sympathy to apply to me in situations like this. Without her I'd be totally lost.

I arrive Wednesday at noon, and won't pick up Martha until Thursday at 10 pm. Anyone want to get together for a wild and crazy time?

See you Friday

Here, this TEAM is all about supporting each other with outrageous amounts of enthusiam, love, acceptance of our varying abilities, and endless patience and encouragement.

How BLESSED are we to have each other?

Love you guys, mean it!

Double ditto Cam!

This WISH team is awesome and there just aren't words enough to express what you all mean to me -ok as an accountant I am MUCH more comfortable with numbers than words - but my life has truly changed because of WISH.

And I am going to be counting on the team for inspiration to help get me through this FULL. It has been a huge case of LTO around my house this winter. Among other things we have a new puppy in the house and I haven't slept through the night in a couple of weeks!! Then Friday overnight I was taking her outside to potty and I slipped and fell. The best news is that sweet little Holly stayed safely snuggled in my arms and I really only fell one step and landed on my well-cushioned behind. But ouch, my left leg folded up under me and it is a little tender. I just keep reminding myself of the huge issues various WISHers have faced and count myself lucky that it could have been much worse.

I am so looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new team members face to face next weekend. I'm kind of shy in groups, and sometimes don't remember names very well, but being part of WISH is the best!

Looking forward to seeing ya real soon!
Hi everyone. :wave: I've been MIA since (about) Thanksgiving (WTO, LTO). But, now that we're only a week away, I just had to check in and wish you all well.

Good luck! Good luck! Good luck!

I can't wait for it to get here. But, I don't want it to be over. :upsidedow
Cam - :thumbsup2 It's an honor to be your teammate.

Martha - I lurk because I can. ;) My running partner is currently at animal control. Hopefully, they'll be able to get up with his owners. However, I hope they can prove he's had his rabies vaccination and is licensed in the county.

Craig - We'll be there late afternoon on Wednesday. My wild and crazy days are over, but I'm always game for a bite to eat. Let me know.

Pat - Hoping you heal up quickly.

Cam: OMG, I had no idea you had such serious health issues. I know I have only met you once but you seemed like the poster girl for health and vitality....I would never had guessed you grappled with such medical concerns. You have always held a special place in my heart....you were one of the first people to welcome me and you lent Nancy and me those WISH shirts not even knowing us. Now I learn you are a marathoner who was once in poor health and you are even more my heroine! You rock, girl! I am in awe of your accomplishments....can't wait to see you again this week!

Pat: you're another one of my heroines......please take care of yourself....no injuries allowed! Looking forward to spending lots of time (yeah, like 7 hours worth) with you next Sunday.
Cam: Thank you for your post. This team truly is a supportive, inspirational bunch. I'm looking forward to finally meeting many of you in 5 days. :goodvibes
Big Vic

Will you be there in time for Wednesday dinner? I'm staying at the Boardwalk, but I'll have a car and can be anywhere, any time. Of course the ESPN Club is a manly place for manly men, who do things in a manly manner. On the 9th there will be no football so I suspect no mobs.

Or would you prefer to delay until later so the other over-that-magic-age men, like WW Dave and Duane can make it so we can all get together?

I'm good with either alternative. What would you, and our age-peer-group (translation: older but still going strong) like to do? Dave? Duane? Just let me know.

Cam, you rock! I, too, am so privileged to be your teammate!

Guys, it's getting close now! I am not going to be able to concentrate at work this week. Luckily, I'm heading to Cleveland on Tuesday and Wednesday, which will break up the week and make it go faster. Don't know when we're going to pack. I'm thinking I shouldn't let the pregnant lady lift all the heavy suitcases. :confused3

Can't wait to see you guys in 5 days!

Matt - Thanks so much for organizing that!:thumbsup2 Looks like I'll be hanging with you and Cheryl at the full (we met at RFTT).

Cam - :hug: I'm in your corral for the full - look forward to getting to know you better!!

:: Pokes head around corner:::

Can I come back, please?? ;) I've been a bad bad WISHer....

But, if you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, I promise to run well and cheer loudly..... :teeth:

Kevin :earsboy: (For those that remember me.....)
KEVIN! Where have you been? We've missed you! Of course you can come back! Will you be at POP on Friday? Are you still going Goofy? How's FL treating you? Going to try another Segway tour? ;)


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